HBO Max is putting an end to Pennyworth, cancelling the Batman prequel series after three seasons...
Topic: Pennyworth
The Batman prequel series Pennyworth is heading to HBO Max, with the show set to become an HBO Max Original...
The DC Comics-inspired Pennyworth will be back for a second go-around...
Ben Aldridge plays Thomas Wayne on Pennyworth, which premieres tonight on Epix, and he'd like to carry the character through...
Polly Walker is joining Epix' Batman prequel series Pennyworth, according to Deadline...
Jason Flemyng is set to star as the villain in Pennyworth, Epix’s upcoming Batman prequel spinoff...
She will be Bet Sykes...
Coming Soon reports that Ryan Fletcher and Hainsley Lloyd Bennett have joined the cast of Epix’s new series Pennyworth, joining...
Epix has given a ten-episode series order to a new Batman prequel series from Gotham showrunner Bruno Heller centered on...