Deadline reports that the 2019 comedy directed by Josh Duhamel, Buddy Games, is now being adapted into a reality competition...
Topic: WWE Studios
wrestlingWWE Studios Film Buddy Games Turning Into Reality Competition Show at CBS
wrestlingFreddie Prinze Jr. on How Vince McMahon Reacted to Being ‘Hustled’ by WWE Films Writer
Freddie Prinze Jr. speaks...
wrestlingWWE Studios Head Exits in Layoffs, Details on All-Hands Meeting
More details are emerging from the deep layoffs in WWE over the week, which reportedly have included the head of...
wrestlingWWE Studios Also Endure Heavy Cuts
In addition to WWE's layoffs among its multimedia and advanced media divisions today, WWE Studios suffered a hefty amount of...
wrestlingWWE Studios Head on How Fans Will Hold them Accountable for Documentary Projects
Susan Levison speaks...
movies/TVParamount Delays WWE Studios’ Rumble Again to February 2022
It's due in February now...
wrestlingWWE Studios' The Buddy Game Featuring Sheamus Releasing Next Week
The latest film from WWE Studios, The Buddy Game, features Sheamus and releases next week...
wrestlingMiz Says He’s Created a New Game Show With WWE Studios, Reveals Inspirations For Show
The Miz is working on a new game show with WWE Studios, and revealed the news in an appearance on...
wrestlingWWE Studios Panel Slated for Tomorrow at Advertising Week
A special WWE panel...
wrestlingThe Miz & Maryse Working on New Show With WWE Studios
A new TV show...