wrestling / TV Reports

411’s AAA/CMLL Report 7.19.05: Newton’s “Best Of”

July 19, 2005 | Posted by Newton Gimmick

Hola amigos and welcome to another edition of Lucha Libre on 411. This week’s coverage is going to be very abridged, as I don’t have a full recap this week. It turns out that this past weekend I was out doing my usual thing, getting drunk and having a good time. Unfortunately it completely slipped my mind about the Lucha and I didn’t set a tape. That’s pretty odd for me, but I guess for as long as I’ve been doing this to forget it only once isn’t so bad. I didn’t want to send in nothing for you guys this week, so I’ve compiled a very special list of the best 4 matches of the last 6 months on Lucha. So we’re going to keep you up to date and give you some classic stuff to read. If you’re a big fan of my stuff though, don’t worry, as you’ll have plenty of the Professor to read this week. I’m in Thursday for the Movies Section’s Warped News and I’ve got all the wrestling news you can handle this Saturday. Plus I’ll be back right here next week with two hours of the best Lucha Libre in the world, I promise.

And now the top 4 matches of the last six months. We’ve had a lot of great action on both AAA and CMLL in the past 6 months. While these 4 matches may not be the very best wrestling in the world, they were all exciting and a lot of fun to recap. It was not easy to narrow this list down.

AAA 5-17-05
Charly Manson, Mr. Aguila, Juventud Guerrera versus Taka Michinoku, Nosawa, Tigre Emperor

Oddly enough, the Japanese wrestlers are the heels here. Lets see here, we’ve got Juvi who we all know is ultra talented, and perhaps even better then Rey Jr. If he’s NOT better then Rey, he’s right at #2. Rey has slipped since his peak though, and I think Juvi-Juice has gotten better. Then we’ve got Taka, who’s pretty much the best cruiserweight WWF ever had. NOSAWA is talented, but not the greatest wrestler ever. Still he’s a guy who mimics Muta, and does a decent job at it. Charly Manson is talented, and on par with almost anyone in AAA. I mean this match is just CHOCKED FULL of great talent. Tigre Emperor also wrestles as Kotaro Suzuki. That’s Tiger Emperor here in the states, so yea that’s what I’m calling him. Juvi and Tiger Emperor start us out. Though Nosawa doesn’t want to get out of the ring. Juvi offers the prematch handshake, and Tiger Emperor reluctantly accepts. Collar and elbow, into a side headlock by Juvi. Juvi off the ropes with a shoulderblock that takes Tiger down. Tiger gets back up and charges at Juvi, but the Juice leapfrogs over him and monkey flips Tiger. Tiger Emperor sends Juvi into the ropes, but Juventud snaps off a spinning head scissor and Tiger Emperor Lands on HIS FEET! Both men with leg trips into quick pins, and then both men KIP UP and stare one another down. Nice opening sequence there. Juvi tags out to Charly Manson. Charly WAY over with the crowd. Tiger Emperor tags to Nosawa, and then fans HATE Nosawa. Probably that ICP association. Nosawa attacks from behind, but ends up on the wrong end of a dropkick and then a TOPE SUICIDA! Taka sneaks into the ring while the other two lay outside, and Taka does a funny dance, but Mr. Aguila is behind him! Taka almost gets snake eyes in the corner, but he flips out at the last second and causes Aguila to ram himself face first into the top turnbuckle. Aguila charges at Taka, and tries to take him down with a leg sweep but Taka jumps to the top rope and MOONSAULT over Aguila to dodge the legsweep. Nice! Aguila with chops into his ropewalk springboard powerslam. That gets a 2 count, but Nosawa breaks it up and they double team Mr.Aguila. Camel clutch by Nosawa and Taka dropkicks Aguila in the face. Tag out to Tiger Emperor, and he works over the knee Mr. Aguila. Tiger Emperor with the patented Tiger Mask knee offense. Anyone know if he’s a Tiger Mask tribute, rip-off, what? Tiger Emperor works the arm for a bit, and tags out to Nosawa. Nosawa works the arm a bit, and then he works the leg and knee that Tiger Emperor warmed up. Tag to Taka, and he tries to pick up where Tiger Emperor left off, but Aguila fights back. Chops to Taka, Taka with the Roddy Piper eye poke! MUY RUDO! Tiger Emperor is tagged back in and he continues to work over Aguila’s knee with patented offense. Tiger Emperor off the ropes with a TWISTING 360 SPLASH! He did that running off the rope, NOT jumping from the top. VERY impressive. That gets a 2 count, but Aguila will not go down that easy. Lita will however. Tiger Emperor with a front facelock, and he brings Aguila into the corner, where all three Japs beat on him. Taka & Nosawa try a double clothesline but Aguila BACK FLIPS over them and hits a clothesline on both of them! Aguila rolls to the corner, and tags Juvi, who comes in with a springboard flying cross body block that takes down both NOSAWA AND TAKA! Charly Manson with a springboard dropkick on Nosawa! Tiger Emperor runs in, but Manson picks him up in position for a DOOMSDAY DEVICE….Juvi and Aguila go up to, and BOTH come off with a springboard clothesline for TRIPLE TEAM DOOMSDAY DEVICE! That’s a first for me. Mr.Aguila is still selling the knee too, kudos to that. Tiger Emperor eats a knee in the corner, and then gets CROTCHED against the steel post. Charly with a dropkick to Tiger Emperor’s head while he’s crotched on the steel post. Ouch! Nosawa in, and he gets a Harley Race knee to the head. Two count off that, and Charly dropkicks Nosawa in the face. Tag out to Aguila, and Nosawa and Aguila exchange pins until Nosawa landa Tajiri kick to Mr. Aguila’s head. Nosawa tags out to Tiger Emperor, who comes in with a springboard backelbow, that misses, and then gets snapmared INTO the knee of Aguila, and SOMEHOW BOUNCES OFF AND LANDS ON HIS FEET! Tiger Emperor you impress me sir. That was wicked cool. Tiger Emperor with a kick to the stomach and then hoists Mr. Aguila up….TIGER DRIVER! TIGA DRIVAAAAAAAA! Two count, but Juvi breaks it up with a basement dropkick. Tiger Emperor tries a headscissor, but Aguila turns it into a facebuster. Backdrop faceplant on Tiger Emperor. Taka and Nosawa try to get involved, but Juvi and Charly Manson run across the ring and knock them off the apron JUVI AND CHARLY with dueling PLANCHAS ONTO TAKA AND NOSAWA! The Japanese fans are chanting, MEXICO. Man that’s just confusing. Aguila struggles to his feet in the ring, and tries to get the fans into it. Tiger Emperor gets inverted powerbombed. Taka breaks up a pin attempt, but Juvi comes in and Tiger Emperor and Juvi battle. Tiger Emperor with a inverted DDT on Juvi! Tiger Emperor puts Juvi on the top turnbuckle. They fight atop it. Tiger Emperor ends up crotched on the ropes, and Juvi frankensteiners him off to the outside. Then as Tiger Emperor stands up outside the ring, Juvi is inside the ring on his back. Somehow defying the laws of gravity and physics Juvi shoots backwards still belly first on the mat, outside the ring, wraps his legs around Tiger Emperor, turns straight and pulls off one the sweetest ranas I’ve ever seen. THAT WAS INSANE! SHADES OF NO ONE, CAUSE NO ONE BUT JUVI CAN PULL SWEET STUFF LIKE THAT OUTTA NOWHERE! In the ring, Taka runs in place, and then hits hit patented plancha. Taka throws Juvi in the ring, and tries a top rope clothesline, but Juvi dropkicks him. Taka is up first and tries to German suplex Juvi, but the Juice lands on his feet. Juvi tries to German Taka, but Michinoku ALSO lands on his feet. Exchange of chops! Its a battle of the Michinoki-Driver versus the Juvi-Driver! Juvi gets the best of the chops, then a spinning back chop. Juvi with a spin kick. Taka down to a knee….JUVI WITH THE SHINING WIZARD! He Shined his Wizard BY GAWD! ONE, TWO….KICKOUT AT THE LAST SECOND! Juvi tries to hit the driver on Taka, but Taka blocks and turns it into inside cradle. ONE, TWO…KICKOUT BY THE JUICE! Juvi grabs ahold of Taka again, and this time PLANTS HIM WITH THE JUVI DRIVER! One, two, Nosawa breaks up the pin. Both men groggy, and Taka gets to the corner and pulls himself up off the ropes. Juvi tags Charly Manson in, and Charly comes in charges at Taka. Taka dodges a avalanche in the corner, and nails a back kick on Manson. Another back kick, followed up by a SUPERKICK! Taka is whipping ass and taking names. Michinoku gets the tag to Nosawa. Nosawa charges at Charly, but Charly hits a facebuster. Charly grabs Nosawa for a German suplex, but Nosawa nails him with the Ric Flair back kick lowblow 92′! Nosawa grabs ahold of Charly, and signals for Taka to come in. Taka comes in and tries to hit a superkick, but Charly moves out of the way and TAKA SUPERKICKS NOSAWA! In comes Mr. Aguila with a sweet spinning back kick to Taka! Juvi runs across the ring and flying forearms Tiger Emperor off the apron. Charly Manson locks Nosawa’s legs into some contortion, then spins, flips down and turns it into the most insane variation of the figure four leglock I’ve ever seen. I’ll call it a reverse figure four leglock, but the way he did it, and how he spun into it, looked BRUTAL. Nosawa almost instantly submits, and it looked like his damn legs got broke off. Imagine any cool variation you’ve ever seen of the figure 4, then imagine it 10 times more painful, and you’ll have Manson’s reverse figure four leglock. Wicked ending, to a AWESOME fucking bout.

Winners: Charly Manson, Mr. Aguila and Juventud Guerrera!

CMLL 6-28-05
Torneo Cibernetico:
This is sort of a tournament/survivor series match. There are two groups, and they battled until everyone is eliminated. With no real rhyme or reason behind the tags.

Group A: Felino, Virus, Tigre Blanco, Nitro, Dr. X

Group B: Averno, Mephisto, Maximo, Tigre Metalico, La Mascara

We’re on, and Dr. X starts out with Nitro they do a bit of arm drags, and as Nitro gets the advantage Dr. X tags out. Mephisto gets in, and we get a tag to Tigre Blanco. That brings in Averno. This is basically one guy comin in doing some moves, tag into another guy. We end up with Virus and Maximo. Virus is like Super Crazy-lite, and Maximo is like one of AAA’s Exoticos, only not quite as gay. Maximo shakes his groove thing and Tigre Metalico tries to take him down, but Maximo shoulderblocks him and chops him. Tigre comes back with a monkeyflip, but it doesn’t last for long as Maximo irish whips him, Tigre reverses and dos a handstand in the turnbuckle corners, SHADES OF ULTIMO DRAGON, into a double kick to the head. He scoops Maximo up and hits a Falcon Arrow suplex for the win. Maximo has been eliminated. Outside the ring Virus does a armdrag off the apron to Mephisto, and back inside the ring Averno is unloading with dropkicks to Felino. They keep exchanging and escaping and applying camel clutches in a neat spot. Eventually tags to Tigre Blanco and Tigre Metalico as both TIGRES FACE OFF! Tigre Blanco charges and they unload with reverse knife edge chops to one another. Tigre dropkicks Tigre Blanco in the shins. Gut buster from Metalico, but it doesn’t quite put Tigre Blanco away. More viscious chops, and Tigre Blanco misses a flip dive and eats a Western Lariat! Tigre Blanco tries a spin around DDT, but instead turns it into a small package. That gets 3 and Tigre Metalico is eliminated. Dr. X comes in pissed off, and does a brutal powerbomb to Felino. He charges at Tigre Blanco again, but Tigre Blanco fights him off. Not for long as Dr. X does a inverted powerbomb, and locks on a submission the La Campana and Tigre Blanco is eliminated. Nitro comes in and puts Dr. X in a rocking horse and he submits. Many varations of the La Campana here. Mascara comes in and he gets put into that same hold. He’s eliminated. Mephisto and Virus battle it out, but Mephisto tags to Averno. Averno with a huge arm drag, but then Virus takes him down with a reverse jump hurricarana, that gets a close two count. Tigre Blanco gives Virus some advice, but it must not be very good, cause he walks right into a powerbomb, followed into a double underhook facejam. SLAPJACK SUCKA! Averno and Nitro are going at it back and fourth. Avenro with a nice legscissor. Both men go off the ropes but collide midring. Mephisto and Felino then rush in and pin them both together. Felino gets a big clothesline on Mephisto, and dropkicks the knees of Mephisto. Mephisto struggles, and gets kicked and then Felino applies a reverse figure four on Mephisto. Mephisto tries to hold out, but eventually must give up. Felino wins the tournament thing.

Winner: Felino!

AAA 4-18-05
La Hechicera, La Chola, & Princessa Sujei (Captain) versus Faby Apache, Lady Apache (Captain) & Princessa Blanca

Before the start of the bell, Princessa Sujei is all “bring it on bitch” to the Apaches, while La Hechicera is all “Mmm cookies!” looking into the crowd for the concession stands. We’re still in the six sided ring for those keeping score.

Seriously Hechicera is a big lady. Not that its a bad thing. Fat women have a place in women’s wrestling too. Hell Aja Kong is one of the best, and she ain’t petite. The faces all have belts, but I don’t reckon any are on the line since they look like singles titles. Princessa Blanca will start off with Hechicera. Blacna with a standing switch, but Hechicera pulls the leg, and lays atop Blanca pressing her weight advantage early on. Blanca uses inertia to roll Hechicera over, but Hechicera gets a snap mare. PRINCESS BLANCA LANDS ON HER FEET! Hechicera is in shock. A quick check of my nifty translator informs me that La Hechicera stands for “The Wizard” so I’m guessing maybe she’s supposed to be a witch. A fat witch at that. Another leg takedown by Hechicera, and she pulls Blanca up for a inverted powerbomb, but Blanca turns it into a arm drag that sends Hechicera out of the ring. Hechicera jumps over the railing, presumably to grab a hot dog from a fan. Tag to Faby Apache inside the ring. La Chola in for the rudos. She grabs at Faby, who snatches a side headlock. La Chola pushes her into the ropes to break and sends her off the ropes Faby with a barge. Chop by Faby. La Chola goes for a clothesline but gets DDTed instead. La Chola gets dropkicked out the ring, while Faby fakes a plancha onto her. La Chola goes running to dodge the phantom plancha. HA! Tag to Lady Apache, and she does a impressive forward flip into the ring. Hechicera gets back into the ring, and locks up with Apache. Hechicera losing the power struggle. Princessa Sujei comes in from behind and kicks Lady Apache but as soon as she leaves the ring, Apache retains her control on top of the power struggle. La Chola tries to sneak in to give Hechicera the advantage again, but Lady Apache sees her and feeds her a superkick. Princessa Sujei tries to get in, but Lady Apache does a flip with Hechicera’s arm and does a flying legscissor/armdrag combo to take both girls down. She celebrates prematurely and gets grabbed by the hair from behind by Chola. The rudos charge, but Apache gets free and Princessa Sujei and Fattie tackle Chole and knock their own partner down. Flawless sequence there. Lady Apache hip tosses Princessa Sujei out of the ring. Hechicera gets a arm drag. La Chola comes at Lady Apache, but Apache backdrops her. Hechicera tries to stand up and grab Apache but Lady Apache catches her with a superkick, and Hechicera loses her balance and SITS on Chola! She’s squished like Natural Disasters ring rat. Hechicera tries to revive Chole by fanning her with her skirt. Chola rolls out of the ring, and Apache tags out to Princessa Blanca. Blacna comes at Hechicera but gets caught with a reverse knife edge chop. Hechicera with a elbow to the head. Hechicera sends Blanca to the rope, but Chola is on the ropes trying to catch a breath and Princessa Blanca does Trish’s handstand headscissor and sends Chola into Hechicera. The rudos try a double clothesline, but Blanca ducks only to hit a double big boot! Blanca goes down. Hechicera & Chola try another double clothesline, and Princessa Blanca does the coolest reversal I’ve EVER seen for that. Doing a complete flip around their arms like a gymnast on a pole. They try that again, and she does it AGAIN only this time channeling Tajiri she springs into the ropes and does a double armdrag, sending Hechicera & Chola out of the ring. Princessa Blanca looks to be doing a headfirst baseball slide, but instead catches Hechicera on the way out and does a tornado DDT on the floor! DAMN! Someone give this girl a contract! WWE, TNA I’m looking at YOU! Blanca goes back into the ring tocatch her breath, and Princessa Sujei is PO’ed at her partners incompetence. Its like Cobra Commander after Tomaz and Zamot screw up one of his flawless plans. Princessa Sujei with a dropkick, and then stomps a mudhole in Blanca and walks it dry. Then rewets that mudhole, and stomps it dry again. Princessa Sujei with a hair peel. Senton by Princessa Sujei! Chop! Princessa Sujei is in firm control and has turned this match around for her team. Princessa Sujei irish whips her fellow Princess, and then Hechicera runs in with a big corner squash! Then as Princessa Blanca stumbles out of the corner, Chola hits the Jericho face buster. Basement dropkick by Princessa Sujei! Lady Apache gets tagged in but immediately gets caught up in the rudos triple team. Princessa Sujei slams her off the top rope while Hechicera bounces off the rope…..wait for it….747! SHADES OF THE ONE MAN GANG! Faby Apache tries to run in to help her team but Princessa Sujei kicks her in her larger then normal keister! And again Princessa Sujei kicks the back of the thigh! Faby screams in pain, and I feel sorry for her. The rudos triple team Faby Apache, and Princessa Sujei does a Michinoku Driver on her. Faby is hurt, and she rolls out of the ring. She’s just too damn cute and I really feel bad for her when she sells. Princessa Sujei is now left in the ring one on one, with Princessa Blanca. But it was a trap, here comes Chola with chops from behind. Princessa Sujei & Chola double suplex on Blanca. In comes Lady Apache again, but Princessa Sujei catches her with the thigh kicks. Chola & Princessa Sujei double team Lady Apache and go for a double suplex to her, but she TURNS IT INTO A DOUBLE DDT! Faby Apache comes in to help out, and does a split leg dropkick taking Chola and Princessa Sujei out of the ring! Dropkick to Hechicera! Tecnicos triple team to the big lady, and she’s down! Princessa Sujei comes in but she catches a double team rocking chair, into a double torture rack, into a double team DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Then Faby Apache gives her stiff kicks to the ass! Paybacks a bitch, bitch! Princessa Sujei scoots out of the ring. Chola comes in, and Blanca and Lady Apache grab her up. Faby Apache off the top rope….MISSILE DROPKICK! While Lady & Blanca held her in the air! Wicked! The rudos take a breather to regroup and then Princessa Sujei comes in. Lady Apache dropkicks her, and puts her into a spinning rack. Princessa Sujei turns it into a quick pin…..1 ….2 Princessa Blanca comes in and breaks it up. Princessa Sujei CLOBBERS Blanca with a lariat. Elbow drop by Princessa Sujei. ….1 …2 ….KICKOUT! Princessa Sujei sends her into the ropes, but Blanca with the sunset flip, Princessa Sujei rolls out of it…STIFF KICK TO THE HEAD! Princessa Sujei is a wrestling machine! Princessa Sujei pins her with one foot to the chest, and that gets 2. Princessa Sujei getting cocky now, and she goes for a rana, but BLANCA POWERBOMBS HER! ….1 …..2 …..3…NO Hechicera breaks it up at the last second! What a match! La Hechicera sends her to the ropes, but she gets dropkicked down. Senton by Blanca. …1 ….2 La Hechicera kicks out and she pulls Blanca up into a brutal powerbomb of her own. That outta do it. 1…2….Faby Apache in with the breakup. La Hechicera and Faby go to the ropes, Hechicera backdrops her, and goes for a sit down, but Faby matrix moves out of it and dropkicks La Hechicera in the back before she can even sit down. DDT to La Hechicera! Chola breaks up a pin and Chola sends Apache to the ropes, reversal and Apache with a SITOUT POWERBOMB! ….1 …..2 ……KICKOUT by Chola! Chola sends Faby to the turnbuckle, but Faby leaps to the middle rope. Chola comes up from behind and grabs her in the electric chair drop position. Princessa Sujei tries to cross body her from there, but Faby turns it to a forward roll and Princessa Sujei eats canvas. Faby has Chola pinned, ..1 …2 …kickout! Blanca tries to planca onto Princessa Sujei but misses. Hechicera tries to senton onto Blanca, but she misses. She rolls out of the ring, and Lady Apacha planchas outside of the ring onto the big woman! As Lady Apache stands up, Tiffany runs from the back and NAILS her with a steel chair shot. La Chola and Hechicera double team Blanca on the outside. Inside the ring Princessa Sujei and Faby Apache exhange blows, Faby goes for the powerbomb but Princessa Sujei gets out and lands on her feet. Faby goes for a clothesline, but Princessa Sujei ducks it. Facejam by Princessa Sujei takes Faby Apache down. Tiffany and Lady Apache brawl on the outside. Princessa Sujei is styling and profiling, but doesn’t see Faby with the backslide! She bridges it into a zany pin. …1 ….2 ……Princessa Sujei kicks out at 2.9999999! Faby Apache to the top rope but misses a missile dropkick on Sujei! Princessa Sujei with a sit down powerbomb. She picks Apache up and nails another Michinoku driver. ….1 ……2 ……3! Princessa Sujei DID IT!

Winners of fall #1: La Hechicera, La Chola, & Princessa Sujei

La Hechicera, La Chola continue to beat on Princessa Blanca outside. They roll Blanca in and Sujei dropkicks Blanca while she’s down. La Hechicera, La Chola, & Princessa Sujei all beat on Blanca. Hechicera up to the middle rope….BIG 747 from the MIDDLE ROPE! Stick a fork in her, she’s done! …1 ….2 ….3!

Winners: La Hechicera, La Chola, & Princessa Sujei!

CMLL 7-12-07
Shocker versus Dr. Wagner Jr.

Handshake before the bell, and both men go to their separate corners awaiting the ref to start the match. Shocker also has weird face paint on. Collar and elbow lockup and Dr. Wagner wins and pushes Shocker to the turnbuckle. Clean break, and Dr. Wagner styles and profiles. We get clips of who these men beat to get here. Shocker with a quick takedown on Dr. Wagner. Shocker floats over into a headlock, then rolls Dr. Wagner into a pin. He only gets a 1 count, as Dr. Wagner will not be beaten so easily. Side headlock by Dr. Wagner but Shocker sends him to the ropes, and Dr. Wagner hits a HUGE shoulderblock that causes Shocker to 360! Dr. Wagner misses a elbow drop, and Shocker drops 2 into the kidneys of Dr. Wagner which draws some boos from the crowd. Dr. Wagner grabs Shocker, flips him over and locks in a face buster submission hold. Dr. Wagner twists it and is kicking Shocker in the neck, and Shocker has no choice but to submit!

Winner of Fall #1: Dr. Wagner

Its time for the second fall, and Dr. Wagner is feeling good. Shocker knows he’s got to make a comeback and quick. The second round ring card girl is HOT to trot. Dr. Wagner with a arm wringer and he twists it back into the same submission that caused Shocker to submit! Shocker manages to get his foot on the bottom rope, and barely saves himself in this match. Dr. Wagner clotheslines Shocker in the corner. Another corner lariat, and a bulldog by Dr. Wagner! Shocker kicks out at 2! Shocker is hurting here, and Dr. Wagner is getting just a little full of himself. Kenmonito is on the apron jumping up and down trying to get Shocker to get back into it. Shocker ducks a clothesline and nails two arm drags followed by a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Dr. Wagner tries to escape, but Shocker turns on a inverted Scorpion deathlock, that starts to fall apart. Shocker modifies it to a half crab, and Dr. Wagner gives up.

Winner of Fall #2: Shocker

This final fall must decide who is the Copa Junior tourney winner. Shocker and Dr. Wagner begin exchanging chops. Shocker with a big left hook, but misses a big boot and Dr. Wagner turns it into a dragon screw legwhip as Kenmonito watches on. Dr. Wagner dropkicks Shocker to the entrance ramp. Dr. Wagner with a big forearm and suplexes Shocker back into the ring. Wait no, Dr. Wagner gets reversed and Shocker suplexes Dr. Wagner from the apron onto the hard steel entrance ramp. BRUTAL! Shocker tries a clothesline, but Dr. Wagner tries to backflip him over the ropes, Shocker holds it and arm drags Dr. Wagner out of the ring. Shocker into the ring and lightning quick out of the ring with a BEAUTIFUL flip dive to Dr. Wagner! Shocker gets in the ring, but doesn’t get a moment to celebrate as Dr. Wagner lariats him down with authority. Dr. Wagner goes for another but Shocker dropkicks him down, and climbs to the top rope. FLYING ELBOW SMASH! SHADES OF MACHO MAN RANDY SAVAGE! ….1 …..2 That gets a 2 count, but Dr. Wagner kicks out. Shocker climbs up to the top rope for another, but Dr. Wagner cuts him off and nails a European uppercut to him on the top rope. Dr. Wagner with a superplex from the top. …1 …2 ….KICKOUT by Shocker! Both men are sweating heavily as this epic contest for the finals continues. Dr. Wagner with a double underhook into a sitout powerbomb. Beautiful butterfly powerbomb not seen since the hey-day of Scott Steiner. Dr. Wagner puts the boots to a hurting Shocker, while Kenmonito gets the crowd behind Shocker. Dr. Wagner picks Shocker up for a Ultimo Dragon-style running powerbomb, but at the last second Shocker hurricaranas out of it! Shocker back to his feet, as Dr. Wagner stumbles to his. SPEAR BY SHOCKER! ….1 ……2 ….KICKOUT AT THE LAST SECOND! What a matchup between these two lucha veterans. Shocker is wondering what it will take. The fans are split between Shocker and Dr. Wagner chants. Shocker with a big chop, but he misses a charge and Dr. Wagner gets a rollup. …1 …2 Shocker gets his hand on the bottom rope. Both men are wore out. HUGE slap to the back by Dr. Wagner. Dr. Wagner goes for a roll up, but Shocker rolls through and nails a big boot! Shocker goes for a figure four but Dr. Wagner kicks him right i the face. Out that’d make Tajiri cringe. Dr. Wagner applies a Mexican surfboard to the legs of Shocker, then rolls back into a perfect Mexican surfboard. Shocker shows great strength and escapes. Stomping Dr. Wagner and locking in a STF to Dr. Wagner! Dr. Wagner is in the middle of the ring, nowhere to go as Shocker wrenches it in. Dr. Wagner crawls towards the ropes, but Shocker won’t let him reach them. Dr. Wagner crawls some more, and GETS THE ROPE! Shocker breaks the hold and Dr. Wagner nails a short arm clothesline. PIN! …1 …2 …shoulder up by Shocker. Dr. Wagner nails a German suplex release. Both men are weary to their feet. Dr. Wagner goes for a scoop slam, but Shocker gets out of it and nails a MICHINOKU DRIVER! Dr. Wagner is seeing stars as Shocker goes for the figure four leglock again, but Dr. Wagner has the presence of mind to grab him and gets the small package. …1 …2 ……kickout at 2 1/2! Shocker blocks a clothesline and rolls through it with a twisting roll up. …1 ….2 ….3! Shocker beats Dr. Wagner! What a matchup. A hot chick, some officials and Kenmonito are in the ring for Shocker as he is presented the Copa Junior trophy. Dr. Wagner and Shocker shake hands and hug.


That’s just some of the action you’ll see here in the Lucha Libre report. If this is your first time then tune in next week when I’ll have 2 brand new hours of the hottest Lucha Libre action. If this isn’t your first time, then I’ll see you in 7!


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