wrestling / TV Reports

411’s AAA/CMLL Report 8.03.05

August 3, 2005 | Posted by Newton Gimmick

Welcome to Lucha on 411. I’m sorry this is a tad late, but it’s been one of those kind of weeks. I still want to give Lucha a good amount of my time, so sometimes thisreport takes a hit in the time it gets up, so I can try to provide you with a better product. You know the drill. Today we’ve got retribution from last week’s Mistico/Ultimo Guerrero confrontation, and plenty more so lets bang a gong and get it on!


CMLL is on the air!

Nitro, Hooligan and Loco Max versus Virus, Tony Rivera and Texano Jr

Nitro eats a arm drag to start things off and then both guys exchange the old arm hook flip. Tony looks like a rookie, so maybe this is a test of new guys? Texano is in and he’s trying his best to be Latin Lover but the fans aren’t buying it. Hooligan ain’t either as he takes him down, but Texano comes back with a arm bar into a crucifix pin. Loco Max comes in to unload, but gets taken down by Virus. Texano and Tony with dualing suicide dives to the rudos and Nitro goes a roll up, but Virus turns it into the Rings of Saturn and Nitro submits.

Winner of Fall #1: Virus, Tony Rivera and Texano Jr

Second fall starts and Loco Max is taking a beating early on. Hooligan gets schooled by Texano, and I am starting to like Tex Jr. Still he dropkicks Hooligan out of the ring and Nitro attacks him from behind. Nitro and Hooligan begin a double team on Texano and hit a double big boot. They drag Tony in and all three rudos beat on him. The rudos do some generic beatdown offense and get the pins on the tecnicos.

Winner of Fall #2: Nitro, Hooligan and Loco Max

I can only assume this is to establish some new guys on the roster, but it’s not the most exciting match in the world. Anyway the rudos are double teaming Tony at the start of this fall. They all do Stinger splashes to Texano Jr. Hooligan bites him! Virus tries to do some offense, but he gets triple teamed. You know the drill, 3 men can always beat up 1. Tony does a missile drop kick to Hooligan. Hooligan gets a arm whip. Then he gets backdropped and pounded on. Tony accidently hits Texano Jr, but they don’t really get into it. Max does a pescado to Texano Jr., and in the ring all three rudos are beating up on Tony again. Loco Max is hyped up. Suddenly Nitro low blowed Virus in front of the ref and is DQ’d.

WINNER: Virus, Tony Rivera and Texano Jr!

Wait, what was the point of that?

Verdict: I dunno why? This was a short match, but nothing special. The idea was to get the rookie tecnicos over I think, but they didn’t do much and Loco Max is better served elsewhere. Largely a bunch of crap.

We’re back, and we get several views of the Lucha skanks coming to the ring with the wrestlers. For those of you horny perverts at home, I liked the girl in the blue. Vampiro is in the crowd in a suit. He speaks English, but not here. I guess he wants to watch the show. The fact that he ditched CMLL for AAA doesn’t say much for the respect he “has” for the promotion.

Satanico, Black Warrior, & Negro Casas vs Rey Bucanero, Averno, & Mephisto

Black Warrior wears a kilt to the ring. Anyone know why? He comes out to that Shaggy “Sexy ladies from Florida” song, but that doesn’t really explain anything. Negro Casa has a hottie in tow. Negro Casas and Mephisto start us off, which is probably a good thing. They do some basic mat wrestling, and Negro continues to try and wrestle Japanese style. A nice cross arm breaker by Casas, and he hits a big time head scissor. Mephisto with a leg drag. Vampiro watches on, although he looks really bored. Hey that makes two of us! Somewhere in there Rey gets tagged in, and he’s wearing a old Hardy Boyz Brood shirt. Remember when the Hardy Boyz were part of the Brood? Right after they ditched Dok Hendrix as their manager. Man what a wierd time that was. Still cooler then Matt Hardy the “shooter”. Satanico is in and he gets a arm bar. This first fall is NEVER important in CMLL. Averno comes in and so does Black Warrior. Averno wins the first couple of exchanges but Black Warrior does a little dance, and hits a odd looking German Suplex. Now he hits a backslide, and that gets a 3 count!

Winners of Fall #1: Satanico, Black Warrior, & Negro Casas

Satanico is in and he gets the better of Averno, and then Rey Bucanero. Satanico is about 1000, so I could see why he could whip two of the best guys on the other team. Negro comes in and he beats up Mephisto, and then gets a tilt-a-whirl DDT on Averno. When he tries it on Averno, Averno just throws him off. They tie Casas to the tree of woe and all 3 stomp him.Triple dropkick to the face of Casas. All 3 power bomb Black Warrior, twice, and pin him.

Winners of Fall #2: Rey Bucanero, Averno, & Mephisto

Vampiro doesn’t seem impressed but he claps anyways. Things break into a big wild brawl. Casas does his running kick in the corner to Mephisto. Satanico is kicking all three rudos asses, but finally the numbers make him get beat down a bit. Black Warrior and Negro come in for backup, and Satanico goes back to holding the young guys down. Negro and Averno square off exchanging chops. Negro should really do some American stuff, he seems really talented. Casas is knocked down, but Black Warrior does a vaulting flip press over the ropes to Averno. Satanico gets rolled up by Mephisto and put in the ziplock. He submits.

WINNERS: Rey Bucanero, Averno, & Mephisto!

The rudos celebrate. That wasn’t that bad I guess.

Verdict: Decent match. Nothing amazing and given more time it could have been great, but as is it’s worth a solid ** 1/2 if I did that sort of thing.

Just caught this newsbyte…

– As reported earlier, Dusty Rhodes had a meeting scheduled with Stephanie McMahon today. It appears as if WWE is interested in bringing him into the creative team as well as having him be involved with the Hall of Fame, their Legends program, and promoting the upcoming Four Horsemen and Starrcade DVDs.
I love Dusty, and I enjoyed seeing him in TNA. I don’t think there is anything wrong with the E trying to use him in some capacity, BUT bringing him into the booking team? Did they not see the damage he did to TNA. Then again Dusty never booked a girl with a mole face, Eddie being Rey’s kids dad OR the Diva Search….I guess Dusty would be a improvment!

Shocker, Atlantis, & Blue Panther versus Hijo Del Perro Aguayo, Hector Garza, & Tarzan Boy

This should be good. The fact that Panther & Atlantis nevr gave those other guys a title shot baffles me. Lotta hotties at ringside for those who keep up with that sort of thing. Shocker messes up Hector’s hair before the match. Shocker is STILL wearing that wicked face makeup, and he needs to bring that State-side PRONTO! Shocker wants Garza, but Garza implements the stall of doom. The Stall and chase takes another 20 minutes. Ugh, damn Lucha stalls. Tarzan and Panther finally lock up, and there is a joke in there SOMEWHERE, but heaven knows I won’t find it. Power struggle, and nothing else. This match could use some Tatanka. Everyone runs in and its a peir six brawl! Garza sneak attacks Shocker and beats him down. Choking him on the ropes. Pierroth beats on Blue Panther outside and grabs up someones luggage, no idea why they have luggage but anyway and beats on Panther. More brawling around ringside. Hector and Tarzan suplex Atlantis together. Taskmaster double stomp from the top rope by Perro Aguayo and that will do it.

Winners of Fall #1: Hijo Del Perro Aguayo, Hector Garza, & Tarzan Boy

Alright ladies and gentlemen we’re back for the second fall. All three rudos beat on Shocker, but he makes a comeback. Vampiro is shown leaving ringside. The other Tecnicos rush into the ring and the wild brawl continues. Shocker is taking Hector into the fans. Atlantis slams Tarzan on the concrete. Shocker beats Hector up into the cheap seats. Perro wants some and Shocker wraps him around a steel post for his troubles. The tecnicos are on top of the world for a while, but Garza changes that and beats on Shocker one on one. Garza avoids a top rope monkey flip, but Shocker pulls him face first onto the apron. OUCH! Panther and Atlantis run in for a pair of cheap pins and submissions and that ties things up.

Winners of Fall #2: Shocker, Atlantis, & Blue Panther

Funny segment sees Garza seek solice in the lap of a pretty lady ringside and it causes Shocker to stop beating on him. Panther does a sunset flip to Tarzan for a near fall, then Panther topes him. Tilt a while backbreaker but Atlantis to Perro. He rans Perro and gets a 2 count, but Perro kicks out with a surprised look on his face. Perro gets the Jericho springboard dropkick and then hits a running whoopie cushion off the apron. Shocker with a slow rana on Garza, but Garza fights out of it. Knee to the face by Hector. And a nice inverted powerbomb. Hector does a catapult on Shocker and rolls through it into a campana on Shocker and submits him. Hector Garza is the fucking man!

WINNERS: Hijo Del Perro Aguayo, Hector Garza, & Tarzan Boy !

Ultimo Guerrero and Mistico are interviewed about their main event one on one match. Some girl has a Kenmonito doll rignside as well. I want one. If anyone knows how to get one, email me.

Verdict: Great match. Shocker and Garza are amazing, and Panther and Atlantis bring a awesome old school Lucha feeling. Perro and Tarzan can hold their own, and it makes for a awesome trios match, even with the stalling.

Mistico versus Ultimo Guerrero

This is built off these two guys brutal confrontaton last week in a trios match. Read last weeks report for more details. As Mistico is coming down the ramps all pissed off, Ultimo jumps him. Lariat on the steel ramp. Ultimo picks him up, PRESS SLAM on the steel ramp. Then he picks him up, SPINNING PRESS SLAM INTO THE RING! Ultimo is unleashing hell on Mistico. Ultimo begins ripping at his mask, then hurls him out of the ring. Ultimo jaws with the fans and then hits ANOTHER press slam, this time dropping Mistico face first onto the apron. He tosses a limp Mistico back into the ring, and jaws with the fans some more. He picks Mistico up by the seat of his pants and slams him face first into the ring. Mistico is getting beat like a bitch. Chop by Ultimo. Mistico can barely move, but then he does a cool flip away from Ultimo and does a headscissor that sends Ultimo out of the ring. Then he runs and Mistico does a flip dive over the ropes, and Ultimo just side steps it, and Mistico eats concrete HARD! The ref asks Mistico if he wants to continue and Mistico says no! HE JUST GAVE UP VIA GETTING HIS ASS HANDED TO HIM! That’s a first. Ultimo doesn’t care and begins beating him up some more. The ref reverses the decision….BULL SHIT! BULL SHIT!

Winner of Fall #1: Ultimo and then Mistico cause the referee is gay.

Doctors are checking on Mistico cause he clearly has had his ass handed to him. I mean, he gave up and no move was applied to him. Ultimo’s brutal moonsaut backdrop was insane too. Ultimo repeatedly kicks Mistico in the face, but Mistico makes a comeback with a arm drag and series of dropkicks. Mistico begins ripping at the face of Ultimo. Ultimo fights back and misses a lariat but tosses Mistico to the canvas. Mistico gets a twisting arm drag then Mistico from the top rope to the outside! DIVING ARM DRAG! Mistico and Ultimo brawl it out on the outside. Intense match here. Mistico ranas Ultimo in the ring for 2, but Ultimo kicks out. Camera shows a big couple of scratches running down Ultimo’s back. Mistico chops Ultimo some. Ultimo tries a splash, but misses. Mistico kicks him into the corner and takes him up for a top rope rana, but Ultimo hold him….TOP ROPE DIVING POWERBOMB BY ULTIMO! Mistico is dead and Ultimo pins him. 1, 2….Ultimo pulls him up. Ultimo drags Mistico to the corner….ANOTHER DIVING POWERBOMB FROM THE TOP ROPE! Mistico is dead, but Ultimo tears his knee on the second powerbomb, and is screaming in pain. A doctor comes down to the ring to check on Ultimo, as Mistico sees his opponent is hurt. Mistico unloads on Ultimo with kicks and he tries to take Ultimo for a big slam but Ultimo on ONE LEG picks Mistico up for a running powerslam, but in the process hits the ref with Mistico’s limp feet. Ultimo goes to check on the ref and Mistico rips off Ultimo’s mask, making Ultimo clutch his face and Mistico rolls him up on the bad knee for a 3 count.

WINNER: Mistico!

Doctors attend to Ultimo as Mistico celebrates. That’s our show!

Verdict: Great match. Yet I feel the need to tell you how much Ultimo was robbed. He’s the heel in this match, and his just plain kicked Mistico’s ass. He won the first fall so hands down, and then got DQed cause he did one move after the bell? That’s bizarre. Then Ultimo recovers from Mistico’s big comeback and slaughters Mistico some more. Ultimo attacks him when he’s got a “legit” injury and then Ultimo STILL fights back and looks to win, and Mistico cheats behind the ref’s back to win. Mistico was the face, and he showed just how desperate he was to beat Ultimo. I mean it was a good story, but a odd one. Ultimo OWNED Mistico during this entire bout.

Final Thoughts: Good show. A couple of really good matches, a little filler but nothing bad. No Grandpa Squad, which is a plus and a engaging main event. Thumbs up from me. See you next week!


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Newton Gimmick

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