wrestling / TV Reports

411’s AAA/CMLL Report 8.09.05

August 9, 2005 | Posted by Newton Gimmick

Welcome to another edition of Lucha Libre. I want to thank those who had questions last week as I had several new readers asking me about various aspects of Lucha. If you have a question, feel free to drop me a line and I’ll fill you in. There is a reason they call me the Professor.

Anyway this week we’ve only got 1 hour of Lucha. It appears that Football took precedence over the Lucha. Whatever the case we’ve got a good show for you. Two hot trios matches, some hot Lucha skanks and SUPER PORKY!


CMLL is on the air!

We start off with that little segment where they show moves. I’m only interested because they show Ultimo Dragon, and I’ve yet to see one Dragon match the entire time I’ve been recapping Lucha. Its a damn shame! Anyway lots of cool moves are shown including last week’s wicked flipping moonsault thing that Mephisto did to Mistico. Then we cut to the hot Lucha Skanks, and it’s match TIME!

Brazo De Plata, Negro Casas, Mascara Magica versus Cien Caras, Mascara Ano 2000, and Apollo Dantes

Negro is out first and he’s sporting new tights, in the style of Taka Michinoku. Super Porky (Brazo De Plata) is out next and he does a long dance with a hot Lucha skank. Its pretty sickening though, with him putting a coat between his legs and grinding against his crotch. Last but not least for the tecnicos we have Mascara Magica who is wearing some old Sharkboy tights.

Their opponents is 2/3 of the Grandpa Squad, Cien & Masracara Ano, and some bald dude named Apollo Dantes who I’m sure we’ve seen before but he doesn’t stick out much in my mind. He reminds me of Loco Max. We also get a good shot of Super Porky’s Lucha Skank’s ass on the way out.

The two Mascaras, Ano and Magica start us off. You know the drill, take downs, chops and headlocks. Nothing special, but Magica does hit a tomahawk chop, SHADES OF TATANKA and then hits a top rope cross body block. Ano bails, and Magica tags in Negro Casas. Negro unloads the POWER OF JAPAN! A few stiff chops, but Cien Caras is all lets down a slow ground game. Cien takes him down with a leg lock, and then does a front headlock which leads into a nice vertical suplex. Cien used that same move on Moses when he wrestled him at the beginning of time. He tries a turnbuckle charge, but Negro moves and then dropkicks the knee and Cien gets out of the ring. In comes Super porky and he barges down Apollo Dantes. I remember where I seen Dantes before, in some shitty comedy match with Porky. Anyway Porky does a nifty back body drop that sends Dantes over the top rope. Nice bump. Magica and Ano come back in and go at it, and Magica knocks him out of the ring and does a suicde dive onto him. With Ano down, Negro Casas gets a Japanese-style leg roll into a pin, and Super Poky does a butt bop for dual pins on the heels.

Winner of Fall #1: Brazo De Plata, Negro Casas, Mascara Magica

If 2/3 of the Grandpa Squad jobs to these guys but not Vampiro, I’m going to be pissed. Super Porky must only be able to wrestle certain guys. Like only certain dudes will sell his bullshit offense or something. Anyway Ano and Negro exchange hard shots, and Negro wins that pretty handily. Negro then gets a fairy-go-round in the corner, but Ano comes back with a Murder Backdrop. Then Ano and Cien both come in and double team Magica. Apollo Dantes comes in and they sling shot Magica into a DVD from Apollo Dantes. They triple team him into some sort of submission, and then begin a triple team beatdown on Super Porky. Dantes from the top rope with a flying splash onto Porky, and that will do it.

Winner of Fall #2: Cien Caras, Mascara Ano 2000, and Apollo Dantes

Well that was quick and uneventful. Third fall starts with Porky getting another beatdown, and then Negro Casas comes in to help out but he gets beat down too. He eats three clotheslines in the corner, and then a big boot from Ano. Apollo Dantes puts him in a half STF, while the others slap him. Dantes puts on a Camel Clutch, and the Grandpa Squad starts beating on Magica. Dantes with a Sharpshooter now on Negor. Porky comes in and they beat him into a corner. They try irish whipping Porky into Negro, but he pulls Apollo into the way and Porky splashes him. Another splash for Apollo. Magica attacks the Grandpa Squad, while Negro beats on anyone who gets in his way. The Grandpas and Negro-Magica fight it out in the ring, and despite the fact that Ano and Cien are WORE out and can barely stand they somehow pin both the tecnicos. I hate those old bastards.

Winners: Cien Caras, Mascara Ano 2000, and Apollo Dantes

Before we get to our main event, does anyone know what was up with Mr. Incredible a few weeks back? I mean any explanation on that? I don’t expect characters from movies to walk out and me get no explanation.

Verdict: The wrestling was fine, but if no one wants to bump for Porky why even have him in there? Aside from that, why must the Grandpa Squad ALWAYS win. Burying young talent for thesr bastards is getting very old.

Rey Bucanero is backstage and he fires Ultimo Guerrero up about getting some revenge on Mistico for the way Mistico cheated like a bitch to win last week.

Dr. Wagner Jr., Mistico, and Dos Caras Jr. versus Ultimo Guerrero, Rey Bucanero, and Hector Garza

This should be good. Dos Caras checks out Dr. Wagner’s chick on his way out. That’s funny. Rey and Ultimo try to get the jump on the tecnicos, but they get tossed. Rey and Doc Wagner start out and Rey unloads with some stiff chops but Wagner takes him down with a pair of lariats. Hector Garza’s moustache is MUY rudo this week. Wagner with a lariat and then faceslam combo. Dos Caras comes in and he’s met with Hector Garza. Hector hurts his pec on a shove, and then gets kicked in the leg. He returns the leg kick, but Dos Caras works his leg over. Hector finally takes him down and kicks Caras in the ribs. Garza is so smooth. Roll through and Hector hits the ropes, but Caras gets a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Rey runs in to help out, but he gets a hip toss for his troubles. Hector uses this brief moment to CLOBBER Caras in the back of the head with a arm, but Caras comes back and dropkicks him. Then Caras monkey flips Rey into the ropes for a stun gun! Impressive. Ultimo and Mistico come in and Mistico has Ultimo’s number. Arm drag to the outside, CORKSCREW PLANCHA! In that madness Doctor Wagner and Dos Caras flip into the ring and pin the other rudos.

Winner of Fall #1: Dr. Wagner Jr., Mistico, and Dos Caras Jr!

So far so good. On the replay it shows that it was one pi, and one submission. Whatever. Dr. Wagner is unloading with chops on Rey and the fans chant along with him. We get to Cinco and then Wagner does a turnbuckle tornado DDT, where he runs up the turnbuckle. Remember when Billy Kidman could do that with a bulldog? Dos Caras comes in and clears the ring with some moves. Rey Bucanero and Dr.Wagner get back in and battle it out and Br.Wagner is about to be inverted powerbombed, and somehow he tucks his head and Bucanero dropped him RIGHT on his neck. He looks legit hurt. That leads to a pin though. Garza then submits Dos Caras with a rocking chair. If that move Bucanero did to Wagner was a work, someone should use that as their finisher, it looked wicked. Though I can only assume it was a botched spot.

Winner of Fall #2: Ultimo Guerrero, Rey Bucanero, and Hector Garza!

Wagner is outside resting up, and I guess he’ll be okay but he certainly is feeling the effects. Ultimo takes out Mistico and then Caras and Garza get back in and Garza hits a nice back elbow, but runs into a powerslam. Garza stops Dos Caras momentum and hits a missile dropkick. He then takes Caras outside and hits a variation of his Con Hilo moonsault. This guy is SO good. Wagner is back in the ring, and albeit groggy he runs off the apron for a flip dive to Rey Bucanero. This leaves Misitco and Ultimo in the ring together, and Ultio takes Mistico down and traps him between his knee and his elbow. Then Ultimo unloads, Elbow, Knee, Elbow, Knee, Elbow, Knee, Elbow, Knee, Elbow, Knee, and Mistico taps out. But Ultimo is PISSED about last week and unloads some more Elbow, Knee, Elbow, Knee, Elbow, Knee, and the ref reverses the decision and DQs Ultimo. BULLSHIT!

Winners: Dr. Wagner Jr., Mistico, and Dos Caras Jr!

After the match Ultimo is still doing that cool move to Mistico and Dr. Wagner breaks it up. Wagner rips at the mask of Ultimo and beats him up. He then grabs a mic and clearly challenges him.

Verdict: A great match, and the strong story between Mistico and Ultimo Guerrero continues. But again, Ultimo OWNS Mistico in this feud. He’s slaughtered Mistico every time, and tonight he made Ultimo his bitch again this week. They have got to find a way for Ultimo to lose other then getting himself DQed.

Final Thoughts: I actually liked this one hour format of CMLL. We got continuation of last week’s storylines, a couple of solid bouts and angle development. I can’t complain. I’ll see you next week where I can assume we’ll be back to a our 2 hour format, but I wouldn’t complain if it was ony a hour again. So long as the hour was as well done as this one.


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Newton Gimmick

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