wrestling / TV Reports
411’s Deep South Wrestling Report 04.14.07
-We get clips of the last episode.
-Urban Assault will get a title shot against the Gymini.
“Crazy Dave” Heath vs. Robert Anthony
David Heath has been back in Deep South as the plan was to bring him back as Gangrel with Kevin Thorn. Well, he was fat and injury prone so he got released. I mean, he is still at least 30lbs to heavy at this point. But anyway, he had been attacking guys after the match and getting disqualified, so now he is crazy Dave. What the fuck was wrong with Gangrel? Robert Anthony debuted last week and got killed by Vladimir “Don’t call me Oleg” Kozlov. Also I have determined that we are in December sometime as people are wearing Santa hats and there is an advertisement for a big January show. Tremendous.
Heath is all wild with his shots and missing. A nice RANA by Anthony and then a dropkick. He then follows up with a back suplex for 2. Anthony almost misses a dropkick but back flips and then eats a clothesline, it looked cool as hell though. Heath just clotheslines him repeatedly in the corner, and then chokes him out. Leg drop by heath and a cover for 2. Sleeper now, Anthony gets a jawbreaker and escapes. Heath gets a clothesline and levels him, cover for 2. Anthony gets a boot to Heath, split legged moonsault connects for 2. They exchange rights, Anthony leaps to the top but Heath catches him and KILLS him with the Impailer DDT. Jesus he is dead. Heath locks in a dragon sleeper and that’s all.
Heath won’t break the hold, and Ryan O’Reilly hits the ring and tosses Heath. O’Reilly is the troubleshooter around here.
Winner: David Heath @ 4:50 via submission
-TT Bar time, the guest is Brooke Adams. They make tit jokes and apparently she isn’t a valet anymore. She wants to make it to the top. She debuts in the ring tonight. Her ass is tremendous.
-Rebecca interviews Koji Kinston. He’s from Jamaica. He has a unique training style, 100 kicks to banana trees and such. His opponent tonight is a great competitor. He is like a tree though, and I will kick him down. “BO BO BO~!”
Koji Kingston vs. Keith “Sampson” Walker
Haven’t seen Koji in a while. Lock up and Koji is tossed down. Kicks by Koji now, he plays the quick game. Walker is a Harley Race trainee, former Arena Football player and has been wrestling in Japan apparently. Headlock by Koji, can’t take him down and finally walks the ropes and gets him down. Forearms by Walker, off the ropes and a big side back breaker by Walker. He clubs away on the back of Koji. Koji with rights back, Irish whip and Koji hits hard and is down. Stalling suplex by Walker connects. Walker is a jacked dude, I’ll give him that. A bear hug by Walker now. Overhead belly to belly by Walker, cover for 2. A big clothesline levels Koji, cover for 2 again. Walker chokes him out now. He lays the boots to him, goes for a suplex and Koji knees out and rights to Walker. A nice dropkick connects. Another. Flying forearm by Koji gets 2. Corner clothesline by Koji and then the dancing leg drop. Koji sets and gets the Cool Running’s, spinning front kick and that is al.
Winner: Koji Kingston @ 6:45 via pin
-DSW GM Krissy Vaine makes her way to the announce table.
-Rebecca interviews Angel. Williams doesn’t care about Brooke and promises she will not have a good debut. She mocks Vaine and Brooke makes her way out.
“The Queen Diva” Angel Williams vs. Brooke Adams
Lock up and a go behind by Brooke, and Williams gets the ropes. Knees by Williams and then leg kicks. Williams slams her to the corner, and then lays the boots to Brooke. She chokes her out with the boot and eventually breaks. Boots to the head by Williams and a cover for 2, as she pulled her up. A slam by Williams, sits on her for 2. More kicks by Williams and then chokes her out again. Rights by Williams, and then a big slap. Flatliner by Williams and that is all.
Winner: Angel Williams @ 2:50 via pin
-Vaine is in her office with her assistant Luscious. She’s mad at her, and says Luscious needs to do her job better. Rebecca is there now and asks about Angle Williams’ match. Vaine says Williams is delusional. Damn she has a nice rack. Vaine says most people are jealous of her. Rebecca says she isn’t and Vaine tells her to leave.
#1 Contender’s Match: The Majors (Bret and Brian) w/The Freakin Deacon vs. High Impact (Mike Taylor and Tony Santorelli) w/Tracy Taylor
Mike and Bret begin things. Lock up and they stalemate. Vaine is back on commentary, lock up and Mike with an arm drag. Santorelli tags in and works the arm of Bret. Bret reverses things and tags Brian. Lock up and a go behind, Brian gets the arm bar and takes Santorelli down. Tag to Bret, sunset flip and Santorelli reverses things for a roll up and 2. Mike tags in, works the arm. Takedown and gets a kimura on Brian. Brian to his feet, arm drags and the arm bar on Mike. Mike reverses things, tags Santorelli and drops down with knees on the arm of Bran. Mike gets a roll up for 2. Back to the arm bar takedown, Brian takes him to the corner, tag to Bret and he goes after the arm of Mike. Mike escapes, front facelock and a tag to Santorelli. Snap mare on Bret, and back to the arm. Bret escapes, arm bar takedown. Jesus…this is torture. 2nd rope knee drop by Bret on Santorelli and a cover for 2. Santorelli escapes, off the ropes and they collide. Tag to Mike and then to Brian. Cross body for 2 on Mike. Hip toss by Mike, backdrop follows and a cover for 2. Some counters and a dropkick by Brian. Clothesline and a bulldog on Mike, cover for 2. Tag to Bret and a double team suplex on Mike gets 2. Tag to Santorelli, off the ropes and then get the double team knee, spinning kick combo for a close 2. Knees by Santorelli, Brian sneaks in and gets a sunset flip for 2. Nice leg lariat by Mike and a cover for 2. Spinebuster by Brian and a cover for 2. Tag to Bret and to Mike. Mike gets a roll up, reversal and then another. They keep countering and the time limit expires.
Winners: TIME LIMIT DRAW @ 10:00
DSW TAG TITLE MATCH: Urban Assault (Siaki and Perez) w/AFA vs. The Gymini © (Jesse and Jake) w/Angel Williams and Bill DeMott
Jake and Siaki to begin. They start throwing rights, a takedown and off the ropes with Jake leveling Siaki. Tag to Jesse, double suplex connects for 2. Rights by Jesse, a slam and then a tag to Jake who gets an elbow drop for 2. Irish whip and Siaki hits hard, but gets an elbow up at the charging Jake. Irish whip and a tag to Perez. They double-team Jake, but he fires back and gets a boot to Perez. Off the ropes, HUGE spine buster by Perez for 2. Tag to Siaki, rights to Jake and he chokes him out. A snap suplex by Siaki and then a cover for 2. Tag to Perez, they lays the boots to Jake and then a slam by Perez. Elbow drop and then a knee drop to Jake. Perez tries a suplex, small package by Jake for 2. Perez lays the boots to Jake, and now the fishhook on Jake. Perez drags him to the corner, tags Siaki and he lays the boots to him. Jake back with rights, eye rake by Siaki and then they lock up, Jake battles for a tag…rights by Siaki and then boots. Off the ropes and a dual clothesline and BOTH men are down. Tag to Jesse and to Perez. Slams for all by Jesse. Clotheslines and G RILLA is at ringside now. Russian leg sweep by Jesse for 2. RILLA attacks AFA and SLAMS him on the floor! Cross trainer on Perez and RILLA takes out Siaki, that is all.
Winners: The Gymini @ 6:25 via pin
THE 411: A down show here as compared to a lot of the other shows. The wrestling wasn’t all that good, but I appreciate the focus on the tag teams. RILLA got his revenge and that should keep playing out in the next episodes.
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