wrestling / TV Reports
411’s TNA Victory Road Report 07.16.06
Pre-Show Stuff
– Jeremy Borash and Christy Hemme went over the card for the PPV.
– A video feature for the four way match aired, followed by comments on the match from Mike Tenay and Don West.
– A video feature of Sting aired.
Johnny Devine w/ Alex Shelley vs. Shark Boy
The two went back and forth to start, reversing holds. Both men ended up on the floor shortly after Shark Boy bit Devine’s ear. Back in the ring, Shark Boy hit a spring slingshot that got a two count. Devine then took control, pounding away on Shark Boy in the corner followed by a guillotine legdrop and cross armbreaker. Shark Boy fought back and hit a dropkick for two. Shark Boy failed at nailing the Dead Sea Drop but did manage to rollup Devine, however Shelley distracted the ref from making the count. As Shark Boy went after Shelly, Devine nailed a brainbuster for the win.
Winner: Johnny Devine
– A video feature of Samoa Joe aired.
– A video feature of Christian Cage aired.
– A video feature for the NWA Tag Team Titles six man mixed tag match aired.
– Jeremy Borash interviewed Rhino who said he did what he did on Impact this past week because his heart told him to do it. He sent out an open extreme challenge and Jim Cornette answered, making a match for tonight between Rhino and Monty Brown. Rhino vowed to tear out Brown’s heart and gore him if he gets in his way.
– A video feature of Jeff Jarrett aired.
– The PPV portion of the show began.
– A video feature for the four way match aired.
The Naturals w/ Shane Douglas vs. The Diamonds in the Rough w/ Simon Diamond
Shane Douglas got on the mic prior to the match to hype up the new Naturals, saying they are ready for war tonight. Might not be the best time to mention the word war. Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas sported new gear and a new look with shorter hair. Stevens and David Young started the match which was pretty fast paced. The Naturals took early control prior to the action moving to the floor where Young nailed a moonsault onto the Naturals. The Diamonds took full control back in the ring for a few minutes before the Naturals fought back. They won the match with Stevens picking up Elix Skipper into the powerbomb position followed by Douglas dropkicking him from the top rope.
Winner: The Naturals
– After the match, Shane Douglas came out and yelled at the Naturals despite their win. The announcers sold this as Shane trying to ensure that the Naturals don’t get cocky after one win.
– Tenay and West previewed the rest of the show.
– Backstage, Jeremy Borash interviewed Christian Cage who said that a lot of people want to know what happened to the “old Christian Cage.” He said the old Christian was on vacation but that he’s back now. He vowed to win the match tonight and win back the NWA Title next month because that’s how he rolls.
– A video of Rhino aired.
Rhino vs. Monty Brown
The two started to brawl outside the ring during Rhino’s entrance. They continued to brawl around the ringside area and back into the ring with Brown dominating until he missed a Pounce attempt and accidently hit the ref. Rhino took control, hitting an over the top rope slingshot to the floor. Back in the ring, Brown regained control and started trying to revive the ref. Rhino regained control, hitting a belly to belly suplex and attempting to follow it up with a gore which Brown dodged, leading to the ref getting knocked out again. The match again escalated to an outside the ring brawl as the two fought through the crowd. TNA security got involved, trying to break the two up, only to have some of them get knocked out. The match was announced as a double DQ.
Winner: Double DQ
– Jeremy Borash interviewed LAX. Konnan called Ron Killings a sellout and made comparisons to illegal immigrants, saying that LAX was taking back what they deserve by being on PPV. He said some things in Spanish and told the people who don’t know Spanish to learn because they are taking over.
– A video feature for LAX aired.
Homicide & Hernandez w/ Konnan vs. Sonjay Dutt & Ron Killings
LAX attacked Dutt and Killings before the bell. Both sides exchanged several high impact moves from in the ring to the floor including a flip senton from Homicide and a dive from Killings. Control of the match went back and forth as both teams maintained a pretty quick pace. Killings and Dutt grabbed control towards the end until Homicide hit an Ace Crusher on Killings but only scored a two count. Killings rebounded by nailing an elbow to Homicide’s face. Killings went up the ropes but was caught by Homicide who attempted a suplex, only to have it reversed into a faceplant by Killings. Killings went for the pin but had it broken up by Hernandex. The action spilled to the floor with Dutt going to the top rope to attempt a high risk move only to be slapjacked by Konnan. Hernandez then came in and nailed an insane powerbomb type move on Dutt for the win.
Winners: Homicide & Hernandez
– Jeremy Borash interviewed Scott Steiner who said that his job since coming to TNA has been to take out Sting, and that job will continue tonight. He vowed to win the match tonight and when asked about possibly facing Jeff Jarrett next month, Steiner said he didn’t care who he had to face, that he’d win the NWA Title.
– Team Canada came out with Mike Tenay saying this would be the final time they would appear together. Scott D’Amore said that this would be the last time they would be together and blamed Jim Cornette. He added that Cornette better be careful because he just might get what he wishes for. As the crowd chanted “Na, Na, Na, Na, Hey, Hey, Hey, Goodbye,” D’Amore said that this would be the start of something great. D’Amore told Bobby Roode that he was the “glue” of Team Canada and that he is now wrestling’s hottest free agent and that he would eventually win the NWA Title. He then told Petey Williams that nobody had ever touched him as much as Williams, going as far as to call him “my son.” D’Amore then told A-1 that he was never let down by him and when the crowd chanted “He can’t wrestle,” D’Amore said “He can sure kick your asses.” D’Amore then spoke about Eric Young, saying that everything that has happened is his fault. He talked about discovering Young and said now he can’t stand him. He ordered Young to give him the Team Canada jacket and pants, which he did. Young told D’Amore that he needed him to save him, but D’Amore said he couldn’t because Team Canada was finished. D’Amore said he still has a soft spot for Young, so he warned him that sooner or later he was going to be fired by TNA. Young stood in the ring for a bit before grabbing the mic and asking the fans if they wanted him to get fired. The fans yelled no. He asked the fans if they wanted to help him and be his friends. They said yes. He said that the “Don’t Fire Eric” plan was set. He then jumped into the crowd and celebrated.
– TNA announced that Bound for Glory would take place October 22nd in Detroit.
– Jeremy Borash interviewed Senshi who said that his mystery opponent is someone from the past and that he plans to send him back there. He then taunted his opponent, telling him to come get the X-Division Title.
Senshi vs. Frankie Kazarian for the X-Division Title
Kazarian had a slightly different look with shorter hair. They locked up to start and then circled each other. Senshi hit a strange armbreaker through the ropes followed by kicks that grounded Kazarian. Kazarian would grab brief control a few times, only to lose it after taunting Senshi. Senshi got steady control of the match with a driving elbow, followed by a body scissors and kicks. Kazarian got back to his feet and fought back, nailing a back elbow off the ropes and nailed a hard kick for a two count. Senshi fought back by taking him down and scoring a double stomp followed by a series of kicks and the Kawada Kicks to Kazarian’s face. Kazarian was driven into the corner but managed to get an opening and hit a DDT off the rop rope for another two count. Senshi followed up with a dropkick followed by the double stomp off the top rope for the win.
Winner: Senshi
– Jeremy Borash interviewed Larry Zbyszko who said he wasn’t worried about the hair vs. hair match. Slick Johnson came and said that he has good news and really good news, the good news being that Zbyszko didn’t have to do the match and nobody would think less of him, the really good news being that he will be the ref for the match tonight.
– A video feature for the Raven/Zbyszko program aired.
Raven vs. Larry Zbyszko in a Hair vs. Hair Match
Raven came down from the stands and Zbyszko charged him right away, only to be tripped by ref Slick Johnson. Zbyszko managed to get control with a kick and choke. He locked on a spinning toehold and worked away on Raven’s leg. Raven fought up Zbyszko but in a defensive way, knocking him back into Johnson who fell. Zbyszko went for a piledriver but Raven hit the Evenflow DDT. With Johnson knocked out, Zbyszko was able to stay alive and hit a lowblow. He got Raven in a small package for a nearfall but Raven ended up nailing another DDT for the win.
Winner: Raven
– After the match, a barber chair was set up but Zbyszko walked off. He ended up being dragged back by security and Raven taped him to the chair. Raven then shaved Zbyszko’s head as he screamed. Slick Johnson then brought a mirror to show Larry what he looked like.
– Jeremy Borash interviewed Kevin Nash, Alex Shelley, and Johnny Devine. Nash mocked the X-Division and Devine said that tonight was his directorial debut and that Nash would be on the cover of the next X-Division DVD.
Kevin Nash & Alex Shelley vs. Chris Sabin & Jay Lethal
Early action went back and forth between Shelley and Sabin. Upon his entrance in the match, Nash quickly grabbed control with a knee to Jay Lethal followed by a backbreaker. Shelley then held Lethal for Nash who went for a knee, only to have Lethal move and the knee hit Shelley. Lethal tagged in Sabin who took out Nash and put Shelley in the tree of woe. Sabin then hit the Hesitation Dropkick off of Nash’s back onto Shelley. Lethal followed that up with a diving headbutt. They landed a few nearfalls on Shelley but couldn’t get the win. Sabin’s attempt at the Cradleshock led Shelley to rake his eyes and pull him down. Sabin then managed to kick up and hit a series of moves for the pin.
Winners: Chris Sabin & Jay Lethal
– After the match, Kevin Nash looked shocked. Sabin and Lethal then went after Nash which got Shelley and Devine involved. The three on two odds brought out Jerry Lynn with a chair to a big pop. He threw his employee badge down and challenged Nash and company.
– Jeremy Borash interviewed Team 3D, starting with Brother Ray who vowed violence tonight and that somebody would go through a table.
– A video feature for the six man tag aired.
Team 3D vs. The James Gang & Abyss in a No DQ Match
Devon and BG started out the match with Devon taking early control. BG managed to tag in Abyss, followed by Brother Runt demanding to and being tagged in. Abyss tried to overpower Runt who fought back but was eventually manhandled by Abyss. Runt tagged in Brother Ray who exchanged punches with Abyss. Ray took control, taking time out to mock BG James’ dance. This gave Abyss an opening and he nailed a chokeslam. Runt ran in to get some of Abyss but ended up being tossed into the front row of the crowd which carried Runt and created a bodysurf type deal. The match really got chaotic as Abyss beat down Runt outside and Ray and Devon and The James Gang fought with weapons inside the ring. Everybody brawled all over the place for several minutes. Brother Runt fought back against Abyss by nailing him with a chair followed by a double stomp off the stage to the floor. Weapons such as a Singapore cane and staple guns got involved. Ray stapled a sign that read “ECW Fears TNA” to Abyss’ lip. Team 3D got total control but the James Gang battled back as the crowd chanted for the tables. The James Gang fought back and went for the table, trying to put Runt through but he got away. Abyss got nailed with a trashcan for a two count. Team 3D went for the 3D but James Kip hit Ray with a cane shot. Runt tried to Acid Drop Abyss through the table but ended up being caught and Black Hole Slammed through the table which didn’t break. Abyss then scored the pin.
Winners: The James Gang & Abyss
– Jeremy Borash interviewed America’s Most Wanted and Gail Kim. AMW talked about how they have won the NWA Tag Titles six times and when Borash asked Kim about Sirelda, Storm yelled that it wasn’t any of his business.
– A video feature for the Tag Team Titles picture aired.
AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, & Sirelda vs. America’s Most Wanted & Gail Kim for the NWA Tag Team Titles
Harris and Daniels started the match out. Sirelda came in and locked up with Harris before Gail Kim attacked her. At this point, the match broke out into a brawl. They did a spot where AMW looked like they were doubleteaming Gail Kim, and not in the wrestling sense. Daniels and Styles took control until Harris fought back and provided the opening Kim needed to hit a lowblow on Styles. Styles still fought back, nailing a corner clothesline on Harris who followed that up with a spinebuster on Styles. Kim then tagged in and put Styles into a submission move. Kim tagged in Storm. Styles tried to regain control but Harris got involved, leading to Storm nailing a DDT on Styles. He went for the win but Daniels broke it up. Styles finally got back in control with a DDT. Daniels came in and double clotheslined AMW followed by a Death Valley Driver, but Kim quickly raked his eyes as he went for the Angel’s Wings. Sirelda tried to take Kim out but Harris ended up pulling Sirelda back by her hair and then hit a lariat on her. Styles and Daniels managed to grab control of the match with a series of moves before Harris and Kim went for the Death Sentence and then went for the Hart Attack on Daniels which was broken up by Styles. After the two sides swapped control a bit, Storm attempted to knock Styles out with a beer bottle but nearly hit Harris who wasn’t pleased and took the bottle away. Styles then slammed Storm into Harris but ended up being rolled up by Storm, kicking out at two. Harris went for a chair shot against Styles but missed and hit Storm, giving Styles the opening for the pin.
Winners: AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, & Sirelda
Christian Cage vs. Sting vs. Samoa Joe vs. Scott Steiner in a #1 Contender’s Match
Early action saw Sting and Samoe Joe go at it with Sting hitting an early Stinger Splash, only to get caught on his attempt to nail another. Steiner and Cage battled on the floor while Sting went to work on Joe’s knee. He managed to get the Scorpion Deathlock on Joe but Steiner broke it up and hit an overhead suplex on Sting. Cage cleared the ring of Steiner by clotheslining him over the top rope. Cage and Joe then went at it for awhile as Sting and Steiner fought on the floor. Sting and Steiner got back in the ring where Sting missed the Stinger Splash. Joe and Cage then brawled outside and into the crowd. A crew member who was revealed to be Jeff Jarrett squirted what appeared to be gasoline in Sting’s eyes, leading to Sting acting like he was blind and being taken from the match. Cage and Joe got back to the ring and they and Steiner went at it. Steiner chopped away at Joe after slamming Cage into the ring steps. Backstage, Terry Taylor and security chased after Jeff Jarrett. In the ring, Cage came back in and speared Joe for a two count. Cage took control for awhile until Steiner and he went to the floor and brawled. Joe then nailed both of them with a running dive through the ropes to the outside. After hitting an STO, Joe pulled a table out and set it up. He and Steiner began fighting on the ring apron with Steiner eventually winning out and setting Joe up on the table before nailing him with an elbow through the table. Joe started bleeding slightly from his forehead. Steiner then turned his attentions to Cage inside the ring by powerslamming him. Steiner went to attempt a Samoan Drop off the ropes but Cage lost his balance and they both ended up falling. Joe worked his way back in the match with all three men, leading to Joe falling out of the ring. A few moments later, Cage hit a big splash on Steiner and went for the pin but Sting pulled him off and threw him to the outside. He then pinned Steiner for the win.
Winner: Sting
– After the match, Sting and Cage exchanged tense words but Cage eventually offered Sting his hand and Sting shook it. The two then hugged. Cage left the ring and cheered Sting on with the crowd.
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