wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWE Smackdown Report 04.25.08
We kick the show off tonight with Edge and the Family in the ring. Edge talks about the big fight feeling tonight as Vicky Guerrero has set up Batista vs. Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Championship tonight. Vicky then also adds to the match by making it a No Disqualification Match. Edge goes on to say how Batista and Undertaker can do anything to each other and that the only thing more exciting than tonight is Backlash as he will regain the World Heavyweight Championship and Chavo Guerrero will regain the ECW Championship. This brings out CM Punk. Edge rubs Punk’s King of the Ring loss in Punk’s face and the Family makes fun of him. Punk tells them he has a briefcase so they can call him Mr. Money in the Bank. Punk says winning Money in the Bank is a better way to get to the top than sleeping with the boss. Is that towards Edge or Triple H? Anyway, Edge asks why Punk is even out there and Punk informs him that Punk could cash in his briefcase tonight or Backlash. Edge warns him not to cash it in on him at Backlash but Punk isn’t worried since Taker or Batista is going to walk out of Backlash with the title. Punk also believes he could beat Edge anyway. Edge threatens Punk with a match tonight and Punk says he wouldn’t want anything else then to beat Edge tonight. Vicky makes the match and Edge says Punk is going to be bankrupt after tonight.
Match #1: WWE Tag Team Champion Miz (ECW) w/ WWE Tag Team Champion John Morrison vs. Shannon Moore w/Jimmy Wang Yang
Miz gets a headlock takedown to start the match and then a shoulder block. Moore fights back by countering an Irish whip in the corner by jumping over Miz and hitting an arm drag. Miz gets to his feet and gets a few forearm shots but Moore gets a flipping armbar on Miz and then hits a hurricanrana. Moore goes to the top rope but Miz whips him off the top and gets a two count. Miz locks in a modified camel clutch but Miz escapes it. Miz stays on top and tried a suplex but Moore counters with a roll up. Miz gets right up and nails a big clothesline. Miz hits a side Russian leg sweep (he’s not even Russian!) and gets a two count. Miz locks in headlock but Miz elbows out and hits a back body drop. Miz charges after Moore but Moore moves and Miz eats the ring ropes. Moore gets a few kicks to the leg but Miz nails a power slam out of nowhere for two. Miz goes for the Reality Check but Moore counters it into a backslide for the victory! ** Pretty good match up although on the short side. Morrison was pretty good on commentary and I laughed at him and Coachman putting down Mike Adamle. Morrison- “Congrats Coach. You are no longer the least informed commentator in WWE. That prize goes to Mike Adamle.” Coach “Oh, I don’t know if that’s a complement or an insult.” I wish these two teams had a match at Backlash.
Winner: Shannon Moore via pin fall
We come back with highlights of the Presidential Candidates and their messages on RAW.
Match #2: Cherry w/Michelle McCool vs. Natalya w/Victoria
Nattie gets a waist lock takedown and then a snap suplex. Elbow drop by Nattie followd by a headlock. Cherry gets to her feet and backs Nattie into the corner but Cherry gets met with a club to the back of the head. Nattie slams Cherry down for a two count. Nattie slaps Cherry and she gets pissed and lays a few big slaps to Nattie. Cherry pounds away at Nattie until Nattie catches a kick and slams her down. Nattie concentrates on the leg now and locks in a modified version of the Sharpshooter. More of a Haas of Pain submission actually. Nattie breaks the hold, slams Cherry to the mat, and reapplies the submission. Nattie breaks it and tied Cherry’s leg into the ropes and stretches it. Nattie chargers at her but eats turnbuckle! Cherry goes for a roll up and gets a two count. Cherry gets a bulldog but Nattie counters a monkey flip and slams Cherry down. Nattie locks in the Sharpshooter and Cherry taps out. ** Not a bad match at all and both women showed some skills. Nattie looked like a total bad ass while Cherry still looked strong for her comeback attempts. Great debut match for Natalya.
Winner: Natalya
Michael Cole is in the ring and be introduces Matt Hardy. Cole shows footage of MVP taking out Hardy before Survivor Series. Cole brings up all their competitions and now Hardy will finally get another match for the United States Championship. Cole asks him how his knee was going into this match and Hardy says that his knee has never been better. He is back and he is the biggest threat to MVP’s United States Championship. This brings out MVP. MVP gets rid of Cole and asks why Matt has to distort the facts. MVP says he tried to be friends and partners with Hardy. He takes credit for Hardy being an eight time tag team champion. Hardy accuses MVP for hiding behind those tag team championships. MVP denies trying to screw Hardy. MVP accuses Hardy of being jealous that it was MVP who carried him and that made people even care about him. MVP says Hardy is jealous of his fame, fortune, and his US Championship. He is also more jealous that MVP has done more in a year and a half than Hardy has done in nine years. Hardy says there is no jealousy in his eyes, it is confidence. Hardy says he will prove that he is better than MVP at Backlash. MVP says he was hoping they could move past this and they could be friends. MVP takes off the United States Championship and holds it in the air. Hardy looks at it giving MVP the chance to kick him in the knee and blindside him with the championship.
Match #3: CM Punk (ECW) vs. Edge
They lock up to begin the match until Edge breaks with the ropes. Punk shoves Edge down after some trash talking by Edge. Edge gets up and locks in a wrist lock. Punk counters it into a wrist lock of his own. Edge takes Punk down and Punk counters with a pinning situation for a one count. Punk drives the knee into Edge shoulder a few times and locks in an armbar. Edge gets out of the hold but Punk remains on attack on the arm. Punk gets another wrist lock but Edge drives him into the corner. Edge gets the Irish whip and a running knee to the gut of Punk. Edge gets a few kicks and hammers away on Punk in the corner. Punk runs off the ropes and gets a roll up for two out of nowhere. Punk goes back to working on the arm with several kicks to the shoulder. Punk gets an armbar and Edge tried to body slam him but Punk doesn’t release the shoulder. Edge gets out of the hold and stops Punk as he tried to go to the top rope. Edge and Punk exchange blows in the top rope and they both fall off as Edge lands in the ring as Punk lands on the outside as we go to commercial.
We’re back with Edge in control of the match. Edge locks in a body scissors and wears down Punk. Eventually, Punk escapes the holds and hits a catapult on Edge. Punk goes for the running knee but Edge moves out of the way and slams Punk off the turnbuckle. Edge whips Punk off the ropes and they both go for a cross body. They both get up and Edge goes for a big boot but Punk catches the leg and hits a few big kicks to the head. Springboard crossbody by Punk followed by an enzaguri! Punk goes for Go To Sleep but Edge counters into a sunset flip for two. Punk nails the running knee and bulldog combo in the corner to Edge ofr two. Punk is frustrated and goes for another kick but Edge turns him around and nails the Edge-O-Matic for two. Edge charges at Punk but eats turnbuckle. Punk nails the springboard flying forearm for a two count! Punk signals for Go To Sleep but Edge lands on his feet and nails the Edgeucution but Punk kicks out! Edge goes for the Spear but Punk catches him and nails the Go To Sleep! They were in the corner however and Edge ends up falling out of the ring. Punk rolls Edge back in the ring . Zack Ryder runs out and distracts Punk. Punk still looking at Ryder goes back to the ring and when he turns for Edge, Edge is running at him and he hits the Spear for the win! **3/4 Great match by these two guys and I would love to see them clash in a PPV environment for a World Championship
Winner: Edge via pin fall
Match #4: Marty Garner vs. Vladimir Kozlov
Vlad slams Marty down and gets a big kick. He headbuts Marty and nails a hip toss into a headlock. Marty is able to get a few shots in but Vlad slams his skull into the gut of Marty and then nails a big kick. Over head suplex by Vladimir and another kick. Vladimir ends it with a reverse DDT. SQUASH. Another week, another Vladimir jobber beat down.
Winner: Vladimir Kozlov via pin fall
We get a video package of Undertaker’s Gogoplata that still has no name in WWE.
We get a rundown of the Backlash card and it was announced that if Batista won the World Championship tonight, his match with HBK is off at Backlash and he will face Edge.
In the back, Batista tells Vicky he knows she booked tonight’s main event was just to weaken both of them for Edge at Backlash. Batista tells her that he will win the title tonight and beat the Hell out of Edge at Backlash.
Match #5: Batista vs. WWE World Heavyweight Champion Undertaker for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in a No Disqualification Match
They lock up and Taker gets a headlock. Batista shoves him off but Taker gets a shoulder block. Lock up again and Batista gets a headlock. Taker whips him off and Batista answers back with a shoulder block. Undertaker gets a wrist lock and go for Old School but Batista gets to the ropes and pounds Taker in the corner. Splash to Taker but Taker hits a few jabs. Undertaker works on the arm and gets some shoulder blocks on the shoulder followed by a leg drop. Taker hits an Irish whip on Batista to the corner but Batista fires back with a spear. As soon as they land to the mat though, Taker goes for the Gogoplata! Taker can’t get it locked and Batista slips out of the ring as we go to commercial.
We’re back and Taker whips Batista into the steel steps. Taker hangs Batista off the apron and bits a boot and a leg drop. Taker now in the ring, goes for Old School, but Taker trips him on the ropes. Batista goes for a superplex but Taker knocks him down. Batista chargers but Taker boots him and nails Old School. Taker runs off the ropes and Batista catches him in a Spinebuster! Batista gets a two count. Batista goes for a Batista Bomb but Taker hits a back body drop. Goozle to Batista but Batista blocks the chokeslam. Taker misses a clothesline and Batista picks him up and nails a body slam for two. Batista goes for a Spear but Taker nails the big boot and then a Chokeslam for two! Taker calls for the Tombstone Piledriver but Batista gets up and nails the spear for two! Batista mounts taker in the corner and punches him until Taker grabs him and nails the Last Ride! 1….2….NO! Batista kicked out at two. Taker goes to the outside and rolls the ring steps in the ring. He goes for the Tombstone Piledriver on the steps but Taker lands on his feet and hits the Spinebuster on the steel steps to Taker! Batista goes for the Batista Bomb but Shawn Michaels comes from the crowd and hits Batista with Sweet Chin Music! HBK leaves through the crowd. Taker gets Batista up and hits the Tombstone Piledriver for the win! ***1/2 Really good TV main event, especially two days before a PPV. Give this match another ten minutes and a cleaner finish and this would have been a classic.
Last Week’s Points:
MVP wins via pin fall (2 Points)
Hornswoggle wins via pin fall (2 Points)
Chavo Guerrero wins via pin fall (2 Points)
Big Show wins via disqualification (1 Point)
Cherry wins via pin fall (2 Points)
Vladimir Kozlov wins via pin fall (2 Points)
Batista draws in main event (1.5 Points)
Undertaker draws in main event (1.5 Points)
This Week’s Points:
Shannon Moore wins via pin fall: 2 Points
Natalya wins via pin fall: 2 Points
Edge wins via pin fall: 2 Points
Vladimir Kozlov via pin fall: 2 Points
Undertaker wins main event via pin fall in a gimmick match to retain a championship: 5 Points
Good show tonight with a nice last push towards Backlash and some decent matches. In the 2008 Smackdown Wrestler of the Year Contest, Undertaker takes a huge lead after a big win over Batista. Edge cracks the top three with his win over CM Punk, Vladimir Kozlov continues his rise towards the top, and Natalya makes her debut on the list.
1. WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Undertaker (28)
2.Batista (17.5)
3. Edge (14)
4. ECW Champion: Kane (ECW) (13)
4. Rey Mysterio (13)
6. Festus (12)
7. Finlay (10)
8. WWE United States Champion: MVP (9.5)
9. CM Punk (ECW) (9)
9. Jimmy Wang Yang (9)
11. Curt Hawkins (8.5)
11. Zack Ryder (8.5)
13. Big Show (8)
13. Chuck Palumbo (8)
13. Vladimir Kozlov (8)
16. WWE Tag Team Champion: John Morrison (ECW) (7.5)
17. Chavo Guerrero (ECW) (7)
17. Jesse (7)
17. Shannon Moore (7)
20. WWE Tag Team Champion: Miz (ECW) (6.5)
21. Great Khali (6)
22. Michelle McCool (5.5)
23. Victoria (5)
24. Mark Henry (4.5)
25. Big Daddy V (ECW) (4)
25. Cherry (4)
25. Hornswoggle (4)
25. Matt Hardy (4)
29. Shelton Benjamin (ECW) (3)
30. Jaime Noble (2.5)
31. Chris Jericho (RAW) (2)
31. Kofi Kingston (ECW) (2)
31. Natayla (2)
34. Kenny Dykstra (1)
34. Ric Flair (1)
36. Balls Mahoney (ECW) (.5)
36. Layla (ECW) (.5)
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