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Acero’s AEW Dynamite Review 10.18.23

Hey all! Missed ya! Guess who is going to Vegas for the birthday this weekend? That’s right, your favorite of all time, ME!!!! I wish I could tell you I’d be thinking about ya, but…well, ya know, alcohol.
It’s Wednesday, you know what that means…
Penta and Jay White meet outside the ring for some action before the bell even rings! They get in the ring eventually, and….
Penta with a backstabber out of the corner and a pin for 1..2.NO!!! Jay to the outside. Penta hits the ropes, but Colten Gunn grabs the boot. Jay back in, Penta rolls him up for 1..2NO!!! Kick from Penta, he locks the head, but Jay rolls to the corner. He kicks out of it, Penta misses a splash, Jay grabs the head and hits a DDT! Jay with shoulders in the corner. DDT and a cover for 1..2..NO!! They get crornered, Penta tries for a monkey flip, but Jay turns him around and sends Penta off the corner with a right hand. The Gunns and Juice mock Penta. Jay grabs him on the outside and drops him stomach first on the apron. Jay rolls Penta into the ring and covers. 1..2..NO!!! Boot to the face and Penta then proceeds to tie up the mask of Penta onto the ropes. It isn’t done well. Bryce unties it. Jay stomps. Jay hits a knee, another, another. He underhooks and suplexes Penta into the bottom buckle. Cover for 1…2..NO!!!
We are back and Penta hits a slingblade! Another! Jay to the outside. Penta hits the ropes and dives over with a flip onto Jay! Penta sends Jay back into the ring. He follows, crawling towards Jay. Jay is up. Penta allows it. Chop from Jay. Penta removes his glove with mad love from the crowd, tosses it to Alex, then chops the nipples off the chest of Jay. OTRA cheer from the crowd. Jay hits his own, but Penta eats it. Another hard chop. Jay wants the shirt of Penta to be removed. Penta is down. He removes his shirt and Jay chops him! They chop back and forth a bit till Jay hits the ropes, Penta catches him, spins ihm mid air and slams him down with a interesting powerslam DDT like move. It was sicker than I can describe. Penta goes for Fear Factor, but Jay escapes and hits a Uranage. Jay with a brainbuster! Cover! 1..2….NO!!!! Jay lifts Penta up in a sleeper, Penta escapes, Jay hits a dragon screw, SLEEPER SUPLEX! Jay grabs the head, lifts up Penta for Blade Runner, Penta counters, Made In Japan!!!!!!! Pin! 1…2……NO!!!!
Penta calls for Fear Factor. Austin gets on the apron. Ref stops him, Juice with a surprise left hand and Penta is out cold. Cover from Jay for 1..2…3!!!
Winner: Jay White
A much needed win for Jay against someone who wont really be hurt by a loss. The loss was never in question, considering we had Juice and The Gunns, but it might have been ok this time to see Jay get a clean win. Wrestling wise, this was a match that was all second half, with nothing of the first half really mattering one way or the other. Still, both guys are great.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 13:11
Jay White has a mic. He says MJF isn’t here, but you know who is? J-A-Y.He is a true elite champion. He’s stil waiting for MJF’s answer. Of course, MJF probably cant find anyone who wants to team up with him. Jay will lead by example.
Juice Robinson has a spoiler alert. Tonight, in the main event, Juice will win the Dynamite Dozen Douchebag Battle Royal, baby. After he tosses 11 people over the top rope, he is going to win the ring and pawn it. He promises he’s getting another gold tooth.
Renee is backstage with MJF!
He is all smiles. Truly, he could have ran out there like every single dumb good guy. Lucky for him, he is not a good guy, he’s a scumbag. He is on later, and he’s not going to waste an entrance pop on them. He was just at a Con, and he saw a lot of people that look just like Jay, pretending to be champions.
As for Cole, he is about to speak, but here comes The Acclaimed. They offer the services for the 8 man tag. MJF closes Max’s scissors, so Max tells MJF that he’s entering the main event, and when he beats everyone else, he’ll face MJF and win and MJF will have to put a ring on it.
Hikaru Shida vs Emi Sakura
The girls give each other some shoulder tackles, then Emi asks for a chop off. She hits Shida, but Shida hits a forearm. Chop, elbow, chop, elbow, back and forth. Both girls scream in Japanese. I don’t know this for a fact, but I find it to be a safe assumption. Emi corners Shida and chops her up all macine gun like. Emi tries for a crossbody, but Shida knees her! They roll around the ring with some almost pins.This turns into a cover from Shida for 1..2.NO!!! Shida corners Emi then hits some rights. Shida hops off the top rope but Emi side steps and hits her own dropkick to the face.
We are back and Shida hits a huge missile dropkick to Emi! Cover! 1..2.NO!!! Tries for a suplex but Emi blocks. Double underhook from Emi, Shida blocks, Sunset Flip from Emi! 1..2..NO!!! Shida tries for a roll through and gets a 1..2.NO!!! Emi with a Tiger Driver. Pin for 1..2..NO!!!! Yeesh, that was a lil iffy. Emi to the top rope. MOONSAULT! But Shida rolls out the way! Kitana! COVER! 1….NO!! EMI KICKS OUT AT 1!!!!! Big lariat. Cradle! 1…2…..NO!!!! Backbreaker from Shida.
Emi with a tilt a whirl! But Shida locks in the arm bar!!!! Shida with a right hand! Falcon Arrow! Cover! 1..2….NO!!! Shida with a HUGE KITANA!!!! COVER!!!! 1…2…3!!!!
Winner: Hikaru Shida
There was a lot of hard-hitting shit here, but most of it was a little disjointed. I can excuse it for being just a match of ass kickery, but I just know these two can put together something a little more crisp.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 8:50
We switch gears to Adam Copeland who is doing a sitdown with Renee. She says things have not been smooth for Adam.
He says he is a bit confused. He doesn’t know what’s happened. The whole idea in coming here was to end his career with Christian Cage. He sounded on board with that until it got real. He learned that Cage never really wanted that. He thought about it this week, and he thinks he kind of gets it. They met in 6th grade, and remembers Cage was the new kid. He wouldn’t come into the school. So they sent Adam out to talk him in, and they had a shared love of wrestling. They become best friends and go through life. They once had an essay contest, and the winner gets a free lesson at a wrestling school. May the best man win. Adam wrote in. Christian didn’t.
One year later, Adam was giving Cage the confidence to train. A little more, Adam got the dream gig, and for 6 months, he told everyone he could about Christian. Adam truly believes Christian is the most underrated wrestler of all time. Forever, it’s always been Adam and Jay, or E and C, but that’s not his fault. Cage has let that fester.
Cage claims Adam had a rocket strapped to his back, but that minimizes what Adam had to do to get here. A part of him feels like Cage would not be where he is if it weren’t for him, and he doesn’t want to think that way, but the proof is there.
Renee asks about this jealousy, and why is Adam surprised?
Adam says why at this stage are they still doing this? They are the godfathers of each other’s kids. He never meant to take the spotlight away, he odesnt want the TNT title, he knows Cage will crash to the ground.
Renee then asks if that’s not what he wants, what does Adam want?
Renee says he will not fight Cage. He doesn’t know what this means for him. One thing he does know is that Nick and Lucha will leave him high and dry, and when Cage hits the ground, Adam will be the one to pick him up.
Wardlow vs Ryan Nemeth
Ryan tries to attack before the bell, but Wardlow just powerbombs the life out of Ryan and the ref calls it.
Winner: Wardlow
Total Rating: NR
Match Time: One sneeze
Schiavone wants a word with Wardlow. He wonders what Wardlow is doing back here.
Wardlow lifts his wrist, and the tape reads MJF.
Backstage, Renee is with Kenny Omega. She wonders how Omega feels about the match coming up.
Kenny calls his record putrid. Fletcher has reminded Kenny who he is. He is the litmus test. This week, it’ll be Kenny, then the Don Callis family, then after that, maybe we’ll see the Kenny Omega of old targeting the World Title.
Here comes MJF who calls Kenny “The Measuring Stick.” MJF has always been a fan. He wants to shake Kenny’s hand.
They do.
MJF pulls Kenny in, whispers in his ear, “Thirteen Days, bitch.”
Time for more Cole and Strong shenanigans.
Adam Cole gives Roderick Strong some coffee, but he hates it hot, and flips out. Cole says he’s leaving, but Strong pulls out an old ROH memory of them making PB&Js and we get a slowed down video of the making of the sandwich.
Strong tries it, but there is crust, and he’s bothered. Cole says he is done with this. He hasn’t spoken to MJF for weeks. He’s done with this.
Cole leaves as Strong screams for Adam.
We are left with Strong, who says he nows what he’s gotta do to get his best friend back – be nice to MJF.
Schiavone is in the middle of the ring, and he has zero pleasure in introducing the next guest – Don Callis. He is not alone. Powerhouse Hobbs and Konosuke Takeshita are with him.
Don has something to say. He says Jericho has never been man-handled like he was last week. Last week, Hobbs broke Jericho in half.
Hobbs says February 22, 1998 was supposed to be the greatest day of Hobb’s life. He had the chance to meet his hero, Chris Jericho. His grandmother, the woman that raised him, Big Momma, got him front row tickets and Jericho walked passed that old lady, told her to shut up, told Hobbs to sit his ass down. 25 years of frustration. He swore that the day he got to look Jericho in his eye, he was going to hut him over and over again. Jericho was lifeless so he picked his ass up and gave him a spinebuster, an another, and another. He loved it.
Callis says Hobbs has been told by people he loves all his life to bottle up the hate and anger. Will has a new family, and this family wants him to be what he is, and Will is a killing machine. They are not done with Jericho. The family is on a roll. They are undefeated in four months…except for one match where Sammy was hurt by Jericho. Don had to get a scab worker, a man named Kyle Fletcher, and that kid let them down. He screwed the family.
Here comes Kyle Fletcher to step straight to Don. Hobbs gets in between them. Don wants to hear what he’s got to say.
Fletcher snatches the mic. He tells Don that he did this match as a favor, after Will called him saying Don was begging for it. Maybe he was the weakest link that night, but tonight he has a chance at Omega. He will prove to everyone, especially Don, that he doesn’t need help to beat Kenny.
Don says he likes the confidence.
Kyle Fletcher vs Kenny Omega
Kyle attacks but Kenny is able to fight him off. Some chops slow Kyle down. Whip, reversed, and Kyle hits a back elbow. Kyle locks up for a suplex, but Kenny hits one instead. Nice. Kyle rolls outside. Kenny flies over the top rope onto Kyle. Kenny sends Kyle into the ring. He follows. Kyle with a right, Kenny blocks. Fletcher flies with a kick, sending Kenny off the apron to the floor. Kyle heads outside and sends Kenny over the barricade. Kyle locks the head up and drags Kenny back ringside. He sends Kenny into the ring. Kenny holds the hop. Kyle whips Kenny out of the corner. Kenny hops over Kyle out of the corner, and hits a quick rana. Kyle to the outside. Kenny hits the ropes, Kyle grabs the boot then hits a huge chop. Kenny hits his own. Kyle with another. Kenny with another, another. He gets Kyle backed up into the barricade. Kenny sits Kyle down in a chair and hits a few more chops. Kenny runs….DROP TOE HOLD INTO THE CHAIR!!
We are back and Kenny is getting his face kicked in by Fletcher! Brainbustaaaaaa!!! Cover from Fletcher! 1….2…NO!!! Kyle locks the hips. Kenny drops his hips. Fletcher darts Omega into the buckles! Michinoku Driver!!!! Pin for 1..2…NO!!!! Kyle kickin Kenny’s ass! Kyle calls for the end, huge kick to the back of the head. He gets a Hammer Lock, pulls Kenny op, Kenny drops behind, big knee to the back of the head!!! POISONRANA! Locks up. Powerbomb from Kenny, spin, and a huge knee to the face! Cover! 1…2…NO!!!! V-TRIGGER!!! Kenny sets up for the One-Winged, but Kyle slips off the back and locks in a Dragon Sleeper!!!! Kenny flips out of it into a pin for 1..2.NO!!!
Kyle with tilt a whirl, Kenny lands behind him, spins, block from Kyle, SNAPDRAGON!!!! Kick from Fletcher!! Both hit the ropes! Duck under, V-TRIGGER!!!!! One-Winged Angel! Cover! 1..2…3!!!
Winner: Kenny Omega
Kenny is so damned good.
Total Rating: ***3/4
Match Time: 12:58
WE come back to Lance Archer literally kicking his opponent down the ramp while he’s being introduced. His opponent enters the ring, suicide dives, gets caught, and Archer chokeslams him on the apron. The dude’s name is Barrett Brown, I guess. The bell rings, and Archer hits another slam in the ring. Back elbow into the corner. Another one. Archer finishes him because everybody dies.
Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana have a video package announcing his music video release this Friday. Swerve wonders why he isn’t excited. Why? Because he should be TNT Champion AND celebrating the video. One reason why he isn’t. Hangman .He told him. It wasn’t personal. Swerve vs The Spot. Now, it’s personal. Page doesn’t want to go to war with someone that gives less than a damn than Page. Just remember this, it’s not always you that pays for your actions.
Tony announces the presence of Sting.
Sting gives us a Woo. He wants to reflect a little bit with all of us. He reflects on traveling up and down the road with legends like Luger, Bagwell, the Steiners. They would look at the generations ahead of them, guys like Dusty Rhodes, the most charismatic human being of his life. Hogan – who gets some boos – but Hogan transcended wrestling, and Sting learned something from him. Then there is Flair. Thank you Ric, for all the moments, the Clash, what a moment. The Bash in 90, thanks again.
They would wonder what makes these guys come back decade after decade, what more do they have to prove, and Sting understands why they hung on. The smell of the arena, the love with the guys, the travel around the globe, the roar of the crowd. So that word…that makes him, well before he gets there..
He knows what some are thinking – Sting retired once already. But that retirement in 2015 didn’t sit right with him. There was one very key moment in his speech – the only thing for sure about him is nothing is for sure. This brings him to the word: Retirement.
He wants to address it Live.
His first match with AEW was Revolution 2021. His last match…will be Revolution 2024. There is one key thing we need to know. The only thing for sure about Sting is his retirement is for sure.
Up Next, more Toni Storm!!
Sit back, relax, chin up, and tits out!
We’re with Jim Ross now, along with Nick Wayne and his momma.
JR warns Nick that have friends in wrestling are rare. As for Momma Wayne, what was she thinking when the turn happened? She was shocked. She still cant make sense of it. She doesn’t understand. Darby has been like a brother.
Nick sits there the entire time like this is an intervention.
His mom brings up Cage and the things he has sad about his father and to her. She doesn’t recognize him right now.
Nick cuts her off. He is over this all. It’s time for him to prove himself and to prove why he is here. This is no act, and he has found a new father figure – a better father figure than dad ever was.
Here comes Christian Cage to put his hand on the shoulder and ask Nick if he is ready to come home.
Nick’s mom grabs him, he says she was a terrible mother, she smacks him.
Christian: “Don’t abuse him like that.”
Nick says she is dead to him. Cage tells her she should have picked up the phone.
She chases them out of the room as the door closes, and we hear an attack going down on the other side. We head to that side, and it’s Darby Allin attacking Nick Wayne with Cage laid out on the ground.
We head to the ring, and Darby comes flying out with Nick in hand. Darby attacks but here comes Lucha and Cage! They attack until Sting comes down! He shoves Nick, and heads to the ring to try and lock Cage in the Scorpion Deathlock, but there’s Lucha to save Cage.
Backstage, Renee is with The Best Friends and Kris Statlander.
Kris says her title is about great professional wrestling, so she wants to give a shot to Willow Nightingale.
We switch gears to Orange Cassidy who will face the winner of a matcho n Rampage. OC says there’s this thing people say, Chuck helps him, he didn’t fully understand it until he lost the title. He knew he cared, but he didn’t know how much. Now that he has it, he’ll continue to do what he has always done and defend it. When he looks at it, there’s unfinished business, and this Saturday, he’s got something to prove.
MJF is here for commentary. YAY!
Dynamite Dozen Douchebag Battle Royal
It’s a battle royal, y’all. Just sit back and enjoy till the final four.
At one point, MJF walks down to the ring and offers Dustin some money, presumably to kick Juice in the nuts.
MJF tries to explain his relationship with Max Castor and their late night training sessions.
We eventually end up with Daniel Garcia, Juice Robinson, and Max Castor. Garcia attacks Juice, and Max sends him flying! Garcia is eliminated. Juice is on the apron. Max hits a few right hands. MJF is not happy about either prospect. Max with some more rights, he clips the right hand, the left hand, right hand to the jaw. Max superkicks the chest, Jice still holds on. Max hits the ropes, Juice hits a shoulder. Juice grabs the hair, hooks the head, goes for a suplex, but Max holds on. Juice pulls Max to the bottom rope, over the top one, to the apron. Both men on the apron. Right from Max. Another. Another. Another. Juice grabs the head, rakes the eyes, Max drops to his knees. Juice to the top rope. He locks max’s head and pulls him up. To the top rope! Both men standing! Max shoves Juice and he is on his back in the ring! MIC DROP!!!!!
JAY WHITE ATTACKS MJF!!! MJF is pissed! He fights Jay at the top of t he ramp. MJF takes his belt off. He then grabs Jay and mounts, hitting rights. MJF grabs his title back! He holds it up high! He turns to Jay, lines up Jay, JAY WITH A LOW BLOW!!!!
Max is watching on in the ring while Juice grabs his fake ring. Max grabs Juice, Juice with a hard lef hand. He lifts the KOd Max and eliminates him.
Winner: Juice Robinson
Well you knew it was coming.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 14:33
End Show
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