wrestling / TV Reports
Acero’s AEW Dynamite Review 11.22.23

Here comes the boom.
It’s Wednesday, you know what that means…
WE start with the information on the tournament and move quickly to the first match!
Jay Lethal vs Swerve Strickland
Lockup and the crowd is very PRO-Swerve. Swerve rolls out of the corner, head scissors Lethal to the outside. Swerve hops to the apron, Jay is waiting for him and hits a right hand. Jay enters the ring and hits a suicide dive. He sends Swerve into the ring. Swerve whips, Jay hits a short clothesline. Whip is stopped by both men, Swerve trips off another run, hits the apron, dropkicks from the outside to the legs. Uppercut from Swerve. Swerve locks up the leg, drives a knee into the knee of Jay. Swerve flexes on them. He chops then stands and drops a knee onto the knee. Jay tries to attack the mid section, locks up from behind, Swerve stands and twists the arm, then whipas and misses a right, another, Jay tries for a backslide, but works the arm instead, flinging Swerve across the ring. Lethal elbows the back of Swerve’s arm, hitting the shoulder. Swerve kicks, Lethal with another elbow. Swerve punches the thigh. Swerve fakes a chop then chops low. Lethal tries to lock up from behind, but Swerve blocks with a boot. They trade fists, Swerve sends jay into the ropes chest first and Swerve with a German! Swerve hops up and Jay catches him with a shoulder breaker.
We are BACK and both men are on the top rope. Swerve drops Jay with ease then kicks the hammy a couple times. He hits some rights and lefts, snapmare to Jay, rolls through, Flatliner, grabs the arm and pulls Jay into a brainbuster then a pin for 1.2…NO!!! Swerve tries for a Figure Four, but Jay locks in a cradle for 1..2.NO!!! Swerve with the fireman’s, Jay rakes the eyes, locks up Swerve and hits an inverted suplex. Jey to the top rope. Big dive with an elbow drop and a cover for 1.2…NO!!! Jay grabs Swerve by the head, hits the ropes, Swerve tries to hip toss, but Jay hits his own, dropkicks and Swerve dodges it. He goes for a Stretch Muffler and sits on the back of Jay. Jay gets to the ropes. Swer e spins Jay, pulls him into the center, grabs the legs, Jay turns this into a pin, 1..2..NO!!! Lethal with a crossface. Jay escapes and hit a HUGE kick! Lethal Inje—no!
Swerve kicks the back of the knee! He runs and whips a kick to Jay’s head! Swerve to the top rope. Swerve dives with the stomp! Cover! 1…2……3!!!
Winner: Swerve Strickland
That boy Swerve is nice with it. Lethal did some work, here, too. A solid opener and a great intro to the tournament that Swerve seems destined to win.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 13:52
Backstage, Renee is with Hook, Orange Cassidy, and Katsuyori Shibata. Orange has an announcement, but here is Wheeler Yuta to talk some shit. He calls Hook a Young Boy and tells Shibata he’s taking his title back soon.
Orange says he still has something to say, but Renee says we are out of time.
MJF’s music hits and he is out, but he’s not alone! Adam Cole on crutches is here. MJF is using a sick cane to help him walk.
MJF says his voice may seem hoarse, but it’s because last night, he was chugging a lot of brewskies. He wants to get deep with some of the ladies in the crowd, and he’s not talking about their pizza.
He gives Switchblade some love, saying he learned quickly that Jay is one of the best pro wrestlers in the world, but no one is on his level. He is the youngest of all time, most title defenses of all time, longest reigning, and a bit too humble of a guy. Hasn’t he earned the right to toot his own horn a bit? He is the greatest champion of all time. He is MJF and he is better than us and we know it. He says none of this is possible without his brochacho for life – Adam Cole.
Cole is seated, and wonders who is ready for story time with Adam Cole, baybay. He means this, it’s great to be back in Chicago. It’s also great that he and MJF are still tag team champs. He is not close to being able to walk or wrestle, but we have his word – he will work his ass off to get back here doing what he loves to do. He will come back at 100% and be the best Cole he’s ever been. He is really worried about MJF tho. He wishes for nothing more than to be here by MJF’s side. It feels like the whole world is gunning for MJF. Wardlow is wanting to rip him apart, and this Devil guy
MJF says don’t worry about him. To the man behind his mask, MJF will find him and the hell he sends him to will feel like heaven.
The lights go out.
Here’s The Devil to laugh in a morphed voice.
The screen flickers back and we get Samoa Joe coming out with a smirk. He says this is a time for celebration, not the faces of worry that they have on. MJF is still champion. Earlier in the night, MJF went out with Joe and started off the night right for the price of a title shot. So he came out here to make sure honorable men honor their deals.
MJF tells Joe to take some steps back because his breath smells. MJF has thought about the deal, and he has a reasonable and mature response: “Blow me.”
Joe goes on the attack, but Cole yells for Joe to stop and let him talk to MJF. He tells MJF he cant do that, that answer is what the old MJF would say. Cole’s best friend is a man of his word. He gets it, Joe is a killer. This crowd doesn’t love MJF because he’s a jerk, they love that when he says something will happen, it happens. He promised Joe a shot, so be a man of his word.
MJF says he wouldn’t be the first ROH legend he beat here in Chicago…twice. So how bout Joe vs MJF here and now?
Joe says absolutely not. Let’s discuss what will happen. MJF will bitch and complain that he wasn’t 100%, boo hoo. No, he wants the best version of MJF. He wants MJF by World’s End. MJF wants to get this straight; he wants to wrestle MJF in Jersey? Joe says this is correct. MJF says he’s on.
They shake on it.
MJF wants to explain something. Wrestling MJF in Long Island is about as bright as copping head from an alligator, but based on the way Joe is looking these days, he’d imagine Joe doesn’t have many options.
Joe is great at picking fights, too. All this worry about The Devil, MJF can worry no longer. He is now Joe’s property, and when it comes to Joe’s property, people don’t touch his property, so he’ll be right behind him and make sure MJF makes it to Nassau 100%, then he’s going to beat him mercilessly in front of his friends, family, and everyone he knows.
OC has a Thanksgiving surprise, and lets us know what it is just before his match.
We check the tron, and it’s….
Hook, Orange Cassidy, and Katsuyori Shibata vs Jake Hager, Matt Menard, and Angelo Parker
Matt Menard takes advantage of Danhausen’s entrance and corners Hook! Hook is able to make short work of Matt with an over the hip toss. Another one for Parker who comes in. Parker gets sent outside and Hager comes in to attack Hook, then Shibata and OC. Parker holds onto Hook, Menard drops an elbow on him, tag to Hager who comes in to hit a Hager Bomb. Cover for 1..2.NO!!!
We are back to Hook hitting a T-Bone on Parker. Tag to Menard, tag to OC. He runs the ropes, spins with a DDT to Matt. Kipup and OC turns to run into the clutches of Hager’s arms. He slams OC down hard. Hager grabs the head and lifts up but OC hits a Stundog! Tag to Shibata. Big chop to Hager. Hager with a right to the head, Shibata fires back. They trade blows but Shibata with forearms. Big Boot from Hager, another but Shibata dodges it, holds the ropes, big kick to Hager, uppercut to Parker, to Menard, knee lift from Hager, into the corner, Hager misses a splash. Right hand chop punch chop combo form Shibata. Running kick to Menard off the apron, then he runs with a dropkick to Hager! We get a three on one beatdown. Hager tags in Parker, and they stuff Shibata under Hager, looking for a powerbomb, but Danhausen hops on the apron and…
He has Hager’s purple hat!!! Hager runs out of the ring, Danhausen puts the hat on. HE CURSES HAGER! OC with a suicide dive onto Hager. OC rolls in, poses, rolls back out, tag to Hook, Parker and Menard in the ring.
Shibata and Hook lock in Redrum and a Sleeper to both! They switch men and Hook has Parker now, OC with the Orange Punch to Hager on the apron! Parker taps!
Winners: Hook, Orange Cassidy, and Katsuyori Shibata
Well that was just a lot of fun.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 8:09
Backstage, Renee is with Adam Cole. She wants to wish him a speedy recovery. He cant wait to start his pychial therapy. He’s proud of MJF for accepting the match.
Here is Roderick Strong and The Kingdom. He is wondering where Cole was Friday.
Cole yells at him to shut up. Get over it, they are no longer best friends. Back off and leave him alone.
Christian Cage is here with his homies. He tells the crowd to keep it down. Everyone knows a true champion is gracious in victory and humble in defeat. This past Saturday, it didn’t go their way. He can stand here and tells us with all sincerity that he did not lose that match. Nick Wayne did not lose that match. But Luchasaurus did. This is unacceptable. How does he get rid of this stench of loser, and it hit him. Both of their lives have benefitted since being associated with Cage, and they are both their children, so he’d like to recreate them both in his image.
He tells Lucha to take a knee. Lucha is hesitant till Cage calls him a moron and screams for him to take a knee. Cage says the name Luchasaurus will forever be associated with being a loser. Cage has come up with a name of strength, a name of toughness, that has served him well. He is Cage’s Finisher, and this Saturday, he will have a chance to deserve this because he will be known, from here on out, as Killswitch.
Cage says Nick’s name, and Nick drops to a knee immediately. Cage tells him to never get on his knees for another person. Nick is different, special. The son he’s always wanted and now has, his golden boy. Nick is Christian. He loves Nick. Nick will forever be known as “The Prodigy”Nick Wayne.
Here comes Nick’s momma. She enters the ring and talks to her son off the mic. Cage is wondering why she is here. Cage asks her what she is doing here, she is a terrible mother. Maybe she loves Nick but that isn’t enough. She made 40k a year being a waitress, she cant provide for him. Cage is a legend, a champion. It’s a good thing her husband is dead, because Nick would have left his father anyway because his father was never as good of a wrestler as Cage was. Buddy was not near the man or father that Cage is. So do him a favor, get the hell out of his ring. Go punch her card for her shift at Denny’s and get out.
Lucha has apparently heard enough. He stands in between Cage and Nick’s mom. Cage tells him to get on his knees again. Lucha shakes his head no, Cage yells at him to get on his knees now. Cage with a slap! Lucha is fuming. The crowd chants for Luchasaurus. Cage yells to get on his knees or he’ll show the world his idiotic face.
Cage shoves Lucha, Lucha runs into Wayne’s mom, and she collapses. Nick stands, looking conflicted. Cage tries to tell Nick to leave. He does, and looks under the apron. He finds a chair and pulls it out. Nick slides the chair into the ring. Nick grabs another one and slides it in. Cage sets up his mom onto the chair and looks to hit the Conchairto, but stops hands the chair to Lucha. He tells Lucha to do it, do it now. Be the Killswitch.
Lucha looks over to Nick’s mom, grabs the chair, struggles with the decision
And here comes Edge! Took his ass long enough!
He entesr the ring. Spear to Nick! Big kick to Lucha! Cage slides in to grab his belt and Copeland has the chair. Lucha grabs Cage out of the ring. Copeland sees Nick and hits him with another spear. Impaler to Nick!
Adam sets up Nick for a Conchairto as Cage screams that this is his child. Nick’s mom sits in the corner crying. Copeland with a Conchairto to Nick!
Matt Menard is pissed! He wants to know what’s going on. Hager wants to know what Danhausen was doing with the hat. Anna Jay yells that this is about her. She just wants to wrestle. She’s tired of losing, the in-fighting, she is tired of them. She doesn’t know if they’re helping her or hurting her. She will help herself and hurt someone.
Parker gets a phone call, and it’s Ruby Soho. Anna wonders whose corner he will be in tonight.
Rush vs Switchblade Jay White
Some back and forth to start, with Rush dropping Jay and hitting a big punt kick. Chop to the chest. Whip to the corner and a big splash. Another whip and splash then a dropkick to the back of the head. Jay misses a clothesline on the outside and Rush hits a chop. Rush sends Jay flying into the barricade then into another one. He drags Jay a bit before tossing him into a third. Rush drags Jay by the hair towards the ring and whips him into the barricade again. Ref is at 7 by now. Rush rolls in to break it then grabs some rope from under the ring. The ref tells Rush he’ll be DQd right now if he doesn’t get in the ring. Rush with a big chop to Jay.
Back in the ring, Rush hits a chop. Jay spins him into the corner and hits a chop, but Rush does the same. Jay again. Rush chops out of the corner. Jay kicks out of his corner. Right hands to the dome. Chops to Rush. Rush grabs the arm and hits some of his own. They are loud as FUCK. Rush trips Jay up and steps on his chest then hits the corner and looks to dropkick, but fakes it and just kicks Jay in the face. Rush with a pose.
We are back and Rush is hitting some triple suplexes, but stops on the third. Elbow from Rush and he hits that third one. Cover for 1..2.NO!!! Rush to the top rope. He dives for a senton, but Jay rolls out the way! Jay grabs the left arm, locks the head, lifts up for a brainbuster, hits it! Cover! 1…2…..NO!!! Jay with stomps in the corner. Chop! Another! They go back and forth, and Jay is actually getting some cheers. Jay with a thumb to the eye! High knee from Rush! Jay atches Rush off the run and hits a Uranage! Cover for 1..2….NO!!! Jay lifts, but Rush hits a chop. Jay with a chop! Rush with another of his own. GOOD LORD. They go back and forth a bit but Rush ends up getting three in a row, kick from Jay, another kick. Hits the ropes, Rush follows, big chop, another chop, Jay tries, blocked, kick from Jay, hits the ropes, GERMAN from Rush! Kick, Dragon Screw from Jay! Chop to Rush! Another! Antoher! Another! Jay runs and gets a belly to belly into the corner!
Rush up first. Jay up in the crner. Rush runs, HUGE ELBOW STRIKE! Jay is down in the corner. Rush hits the corner, bounces off of it, rushes and Jay is up to lock up and try for Blade Runner!
Rush shoves Jay away, almost hits the ref, ref is cowering. LOW BLOW FROM JAY! Blade Runner! Cover! 1..2….3!!!!
Winner: Jay White
Good lord, they beat each others’ asses. Chop city right here. This was incredibly enjoyable, and this tournament so far is two for two!
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 13:58
RJ City and Renee are at the top of the stage. They are here to present the Women’s Championship.
“And the AEW Women’s World Championship goes to…
Timeless Toni Storm”
Toni is in the crowd, the screen goes black and white, and Toni is just shocked, shocked I say, as she walks up the ramp to g get her title. Excalibur hilariously commentates.
Mariah May presents Toni with the title. Toni grabs some reading glasses for a speech. She claims to not have had anything prepared.
Crowd: “Speech!”
She wants to first thank Mr. Anthony Khan. Lol. They try to play her off, but she is not done. She thanks a few others, and says she also thanks the little Toni Storms out there. This is her spot, you will not take it or make it, so stay in school. Maybe get a trade.
She then cues the standing ovation.
Skye Blue is here to interrupt.
She stares Toni down and walks down the ramp for her upcoming match.
Skye Blue vs Anna Jay vs Ruby Soho
Skye tries to attack both girls but Jay rolls her out the way and Ruby rolls her up for 1..2..NO!!! Ruby smiles at Parker and turns intotwo superkicks. Blue rolls up Anna for a 1..2.N O!!! Jay rolls her up after some kik attempts. Jay hits the ropes, Sky with a tackle, hits the ropes, flips over Jay, under, locks the waist, Jay with a high kick. Whip to Blue, Ruby rolls into the ring, hits a back elbow with Jay. Blue turns into a side headlock. Ruby hits a Saito Suplex off the hold. Ruby grabs the head, sits Skye in the corner and stomps. Right hands to Skye. Skye dodges a kick, headbutt to Ruby, Skye shoots Ruby to the apron ad high kicks her off of it. Skye to the apron, she gives a right hand to Jay. Parker holds the leg of Blue and Jay kicks her off the apron. Jay grabs Skye and sends her into the ring then pulls her across the ringpost.
We are BACK And Jay is getting a cover on Ruby. 1..2..NO!!! jay with another cover, this time to Skye for 1..2.NO!!! Skye punches Jay, Ruby, again, back and forth, Skye punch Jay, then send Ruby into her arms and hit a clothesline. Skye stands tall in the ring as both other girls run out the ring. Sky e slides, Ruby side steps and sends Skye into the barricade. Big kick to Jay! Parker is here to smirk at Ruby. Saraya grabs Ruby, her and Menard get into it then tell their respective partners to get into the game.Anna Jay with a HUGE boot! She sends Ruby into the ring.
Skye to the top rope. She dives onto both with a crossbody! Sky grabs Anna, hits the ropes, flips onto the back, tries for Code Blue, but Anna counters and drops Skye on her face. Cover for 1..2NO!! Ruby stops her! Sends Jay out of the ring. Matt Menard holds onto Ruby’s boot so Saraya goes to yell at him. Skye with a knee to Ruby in the ring, another, Ruby on the apron, big kick sends Ruby into the arms of Parker! Big boot from Jay to Skye Blue! She yells at Parker as Saraya grabs Ruby by the hair and pulls her off of Angelo.
Skye counters a Queen Slayer and hits a big kick. Skye with a fireamn’s. Skye with a cutter. Ruby is busy arguing with Saraya. Cover from Skye. 1..2…..3!!!
Winner: Skye Blue
Skye continues her little push and continue to grow. I don’t know what’s going on with Ruby and Saraya, and I’m not too sure I care.
Total Rating: **1/2
Match Time: 8:47
Backstage, Wardlow is doing curls with some shelving for no reason. Renee wonders what he is waiting for. Wardlow says the world doesn’t revolve around MJF. The downfall of The Devil will happen on his time.
In comes AR Fox saying he sees what Wardlow is doing. Wardlow doesn’t want his advice and headbutts him down.
Jon Moxley vs Mark Briscoe
We start with both men just going crazy with punches and chops. Briscoe corners Jon with cohops but Jon spins him into the corner and hits some of his own. Jon mounts with some punches then bites the skull. Whip from Jon, Briscoe holds on, sends jon outside, hits the ropes, and dives through the ropes with a kick! Mark to the apron, and rolls with a blockbuster off the apron!!! Mark to the top rope, dives off for some Froggy, but Jon hits a right, now Mark, and Jon. They trade more rights then Jon corners Mark and hits some elbows. Big kick sends Mark off the apron with a boot!
We are back after a very short break and Mark Briscoe is bleeding. Lol. He hits a back elbow then an over head kick to Jon. Jon jumps over, stab to the nek. More rope work and Mark hits an elbow strike. Jon tries for the big lariat, but Mark drops him and covers for 1..2.NO!!! Moxley with a chokehold from behind. He turns it into an arm bar. Mark rolls into the hold, Jon tries to hold on. Ropebreak from Mark and Jon releases at 4. Jon with a right hand! He underhooks on the top rope, but Mark releases and gives him a huge slap, then bites the face of Jon. He shoves Jon off the apron, Mark dives, Kick from Jon! Paradigm Shift! Dropkick from Mark! Both men down! Mark drops Jon then heads to the top rope! Froggy Bow! Cover! 1..2….NO!!! Jon kicks out of the corner, Mark drops him, double underhooks for the Driller, but Jon escapes! Huge lariat! DEATH RIDER!!!! COVER!!! 1..2…..NO!!! Sleeper from Jon! Mark pushes off the ropes and pins for 1..2.NO!!! Half and half from Jon! Mark is uP!!! They trade blows! Back and forth!
Kick from Jon. Mark dives with a right. Knee off the ropes from Jon! STOMP TO MARK!!!! LAWD! DEATH RIDER! 1……2….3!!!
Winner: Jon Moxley
Different than the first two matches and with reason. Bad assery personified, Jon is. Briscoe more than held his own.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 11:25
End Show