wrestling / TV Reports
Acero’s WWE Raw Review 11.6.23

It’s Monday…you know what that means
After a lengthy Crown Jewel recap, we hit the pyro and RAW starts with a fervor.
We start the show with a highlighter yellow Seth Rollins, still holding onto the title. He neds to thank two people: first, Drew McIntyre. Drew took him to the limit, they beat the hell out of each other. Drew was a man of his word; he was not with Judgment Day, and at Crown Jewel, The Judgment Day did not get involved in their match.
After the match, Priest tried to cash in and this brings him to the second person, and he’d like to thank him in person, so come on out and join th party.
Here comes Sami Zayn and his miraculous man-bun.
Seth makes mention of the briefcase, and says Pearce must have made him give it back. Sami confirms that. Seth wants to cut to the chase. He, maybe, could have handled Priest on his own after his match, but also maybe could not have. SO he wants to thank Sami and since Saturday, he’s been thinking of how he can repay Sami.
Sami says he is glad he helped Seth, and appreciate the appreciation, but it’s not why he did what he did. He has been dealing with The Judgment Day and dealing with them talk about running RAW, and that’s almost true. They have every title except for one – that title around Seth’s waist. If Priest gets the title, they are no longer dealing with The Judgment Day, we are dealing with The Bloodline 2.0 and he will not let that happen. AS long as there is a breath of air in his body, he will fight them to make sure that they do not run this show.
Seth says ok Sami. This is what he’s always loved – he stands up for what Sami thinks is right. The odds don’t matter. Seth digs the conviction. Here’s the thing. Sometimes, people like Sami don’t get what they deserve. JD doesn’t run RAW, Seth runs RAW. As long as he’s champion, that briefcase is not the only way to get a shot at his title. The reason he knew Pearce give the briefcase back, is because after Sami left his office, Seth went in there. He went in there to tell Pearce that he wants to give Sami a title shot, and all he’s gotta do is say when.
Sami is shocked, tugging on his beard as he contemplates his choices. He tells Seth he caught Sami off guard. He’s learned the hard way how hard it is to get a title shot. IF he wins the title, WHEN he wins the title, because one day he will, he wants to beat a champion that is not compromised. No disrespect to Seth, but we all know that Seth is not at 100%.
Seth removes his shades, tells Sami to cut the crap. Is Sami 100%? They go back a long time, they’ve both been doing this for decades. Guys like them are never 100% but that doesn’t stop them from giving 100%. So he says again, Sami Zayn, there is a title shot with his name on it, just say when.
Sami cant think of a better place or time than right here tonight.
They shake on it.
The New Day vs The Judgment Day
Kofi and Finn to start. Kofi is able to drop Finn with a dropkick then a snapmare before Woods tags himself in. New Day trade moves, kick, clothesline, splash, elbow. Cover for 1..2NO!! Whip to Finn. Finn ducks under, tag from Priest, in comes Kofi who sends Finn and Priest to the outside. The New Day hit the ropes and dive over onto Finn and Priest! Woods attacks Priest from behind, clubbing the back while Kofi stands on the apron. Woods flies off the apron with an axe handle onto Priest. Finn is up, finally, and heads to his corner. Woods chops Priest then hops to the apron again and flies with a kick.
They are back in the ring now, and Woods has Priest hurting in the corner. He chops, hits aa right hand to the face. Whip form Priest into the corner. Kick out of it for Woods. Honor Roll and a cover for 1..2NO!!
Back from the break, and Kofi has Priest pinned for 1..2.NO!!! Kofi kicks Finn off the apron then goes for the Boom Drop to Priest in the center of the ring. Kofi tries for Trouble in Paradise, but Priest hits a right hand. A clothesline drops Kofi. Priest grabs Kofi, tag from Finn, Priest tries to finish Kofi but Kofi slips off, crotches Finn, Priest hits him in the corner. Woods tags. Kofi sends Priest into a boot. Kofi grabs Fonn, hits a superplex! Elbow drop from Woods! Elbow Drop! Cover! 1..2….NO!!!! Priest is in to stop it. He lifts Kofi and they tumble to the outsid. Kofi lands on the apron, flies, gets caught, Flatliner from Priest, Woods punches Priest off the apron. Rollup from Finn! 1..2…NO!!! Superkick from Wood! Rollup for 1..2….>NO!!!!
Balor kicks Woods, Priest kicks him in the face!! Slingblade by Balor! Tag to Priest! GOOZLE! Tag from Finn! South of Heaven! Coup De Grace! Cover! 1…2….3!!!
Winner: The Judgment Day
A fun enough opener with the tag team champs getting a needed win. They did a lot to make me think The New Day would get the win, especially since it was non-title.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 8:54
Earlier Tonight, Jackie runs up on Drew McIntyre entering the arena in his SUV. She asks him what’s next. He breathes heavy, then gets back in his car and drives away. Lol.
Shinsuke Nakamura is here and he’s ready for action.
Shinsuke Nakamura vs Akira Tozawa
Shinsuke with a kick! He locks up Akira from behind, Akira flies over his head, lands on his feet, goads Shin into a kick, another, a slick German into a bridge for 1..NO! Shin rolls out, Akira hits the ropes then a suicide dive! He sends Shin into the ring, follows, heads to the top rope. Shin kicks him, then hits a running high knee to the gut. Shin to the top rope, Akira with a high kick, Shin rolls to the apron. Chop from Akira, another chop, Akira to the top. Rana attempt but Shin holds onto Akira and stands, only for Akira to hit it anyway! Cover! 1..2…NO!!! Akira grabs the left leg and drags shin to the corner .Akira to the top rope. Gable coaches on. Akira calls for the Gable point, flies off with a senton, but Shin has the knees up!!! Shin with the Kinshas—NO!!!
Akira with a rollup for 1..2.NO!!! A standing rana into a pin for 1..2.NO!!! Shin kicks the face. KINSHASHA!!!!
Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura
Akira can go! But we already knew that. Inoffesnive and quick.
Total Rating: NR
Match Time: 2:29
After the match, Otis enters the ring. He rips off his shirt, challenging Shinsuke. Shin waves him off and leaves the ring.
Natalya gets a video package highlighting her Guinness World Record. She claims she carries the weight of her family’s name, and she does it well.
There will be a Battle Royal to see who faces Rhea Ripley at Survivor Series. I see. They’re probably building up select women with little video packages. Ok, I can dig it.
Pearce gets a video talking about the upcoming Number One Contender’s Match and the participants in it.
Number One Contendership Match for the Intercontinental Championship
Ricochet vs Bronson Reed vs Ivar vs The Miz
We get a quick divide with the hosses and the non-hosses, clearing the ring save for Ricochet and Ivar. Miz slides in and Ivar tries to sti on him, but Miz slides out of the way. Ricochet springboards Reed off the apron. Sit out by Ivar onto Ricochet. Ricochet on the top rope, Reed bounces him off of it, Ric with a head scissors, sending Ivar out of the ring. Ric and Miz are left alone now. Ric bounces into a Sku—NO!! ROlup for 1..2..NO!! Miz reverses, holds the tights, 1…2..NO!!! Miz tries for a big boot, Ricochet moves, they collide in the center of the ring. Both men down.
Miz slides through the ropes to knock down Iar. Miz slides out, Reed piunches him with a right, Ricochet flies over the top rope, the big men catch him and toss him into The Miz with ease. Ivar and Ree are left standing, staring each other down hard. They, instead, pancake Miz and Ricochet respectively. They then collide with crossbodies!
WE come back and Reed has Ricochet in his arms. He smashes hi against Miz in the corner. Here comes Ivar to hit a back elbow. Icar to the top rope. He turns, here comes Reed to punch him, though! Reed climbs. Both big men are up top. Miz and Ricochet look up at them. They head over and help Reed with the big Superplex to Ivar.
The Miz is on the apron, he hits a kick to Reed, then a lyting crossbody. Ivar is up, Miz hits him with a DDT!!! Crowd is hyped for it! Miz rushes the corner where Ricochet is, and Ric kicks him. Miz grabs his head and hits a modified Codebreaker! DDT TO RICOCHET! COVER! 1..2…..NO!!! Miz calls for the finish, crowd firmly behind him. Skull Cru—NO!! Arm drag from Ricochet. RECOIL! In comes Ivar! Cover from Ric. 1..2..NO!!! IVAR WITH A SPLASH! Ivar locks up from behind, Ric hits a back elbow, another, right hand. Hits the ropes. Ducks under, tries for a flip at the same time, Ivar hits a cartwheel. They collide a bit, but Ivar hits a clothesline! Reed in, kick from Iar, he hits the ropes, springboards off the 2nd rope, hits a clothesline to Reed. Cover! 1..2…NO!!! Ivar sees the seated Miz in the corner and runs to hit a Bronco Buster without the Bronco. Ricochet sends Ivar to the outside. Firemans to Miz, Miz elbows down, locks the head, elbow from Ricochet. Miz kicks off the run, Ricochet with a high kick to the side of the head. They both kick, both men down.
Reed and Ivar pull themselves up onto the apron from either side of. The ring. They then climb the corners, staring at each other. They go eye to eye.
Ivar with a moonsault! Reed tries for a Tsunami! The Miz moves! Ivar covers Ricochet! Miz covers Reed! The ref counts! 1..2….3!!!!
Winner: The Miz
Shitty ending aside, this was perfectly ok. They tried a lot of cool spots, most of them worked, but not all. I assume this gives Ivar a gripe, and possible a one-on-one match before Gunther, but I could have done without it.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 13:48
After the match, Ivar attacks the celebrating Miz. He hits him over and over with right hands then heads to the top rope and hits a moonsault onto The Miz.
Backstage, The Alpha Academy help Akira with his confidence. Otis says he has Shinsuke next week. Chad Gable tells him to focus on NXt tomorrow. They will be there to support him. Akira dances away.
Here comes Maxxine. She is in the Battle Royal, and says we may be looking at the next champion. Gable gives her a note, saying to stick to people her own size.
Earlier Today, The Creed Brother sign their contracts to join RAW. Pearce makes a joke at the expense of Smackdown.
IN comes #DIY. They love what Creed Bros did in NXT. They’ve been looking forward to this. Now that they’re here, they could possibly make this happen. Pearce ays yes. This’ll be the first time ever, so let’s do it.
#DIY vs The Creed Brothers
Ciampa and Julius to start. Ciampa with a go behind, Julius reverses, gets a takedown and releases. Both men up, Creed with a go-behind. Another takedown. Ciampa tries to stomp, misses, Julius with a hard right. Tag from Gargano. Chop from Ciampa. Jawbreaker and a clothesline from Tommaso before he leaves. Front face headlock from Gargano. Julius deadlifts Gargano into a suplex. Tag from Brutus. DIY sends both men outside, then dives over the top rope, but gets caught! DIY slinks behind them, double elbows from Creed bros, to the apron, try for moonsaults, DIY moves, Creeds land on their feet. Brutus to the apron, running knee from Tommaso, Gargano flies and Julius stupffs him! Brutus climbs to the apron. BRUTUS BALL TO TOMMASO!
We come back to some double team action against The Creeds. Gargano stacks up Brutus for a pin. Gets a 1..2..NO!!! Brutus shoves Gargano, who hops into the arms of Brutus. He gets a firemans, Gargano floats off onto the apron, hits a shoulder, flies and lands on the shoulders again. Brutus marches over to his brother, who tags in. Samoan Drop. Standing shooting star from Julius. Standing moonsault from Brutus. Cover for 1..2.NO!!! Ciampa stops the pin! Brutus sends Tommaso out of the ring. He heads to the apron. Ciampa pulls him off as Julius gets Gargano onto his shoulders. Gargano is able to send him flying. Tag to Ciampa. Running knee. He grabs Brutus. Willow’s Bell to Brutus! Double underhook to Julius! FAIRY TALE ENDING! COVER! 1..2…NO!!!! Tag to Gargano. Brutus pulls Ciama out of the ring! Into the barricade!
LUDWIG KAISER IS HERE TO KICK GARGANO! Ref doesn’t see! Julius gets Gargano onto his shoulders. BRUTUS BALL! COVER! 1..2….3!!!
Winners: The Creed Brothers
Another good showing from The Creed Brothers, and some storyline momentum, too. Do we detect a sick ass tag team division blossoming?
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 9:39
Jey Uso meets up with Sami to talk about tonight. He deserves this shot. Go out and show them who Sami is. The New Champ. Sami appreciates it.
Jey says him and Cody got a rematch for the tag titles. Maybe by next week, it’ll be both of them with titles. Good luck.
Becky Lynch gets some mic time saying Rhea vs Becky is the most anticipated match, and count her in.
Nia Jax is behind her. She wants to tell Becky that not one woman will toss her over the ropes, which means she will win, which means she’ll be the happiest she’s been since she broke Becky’s face.
Becky says after that happened, she went on to main event Mania, and Nia went on to get fired. Good to have you back.
Byron Saxton is backstage to interrupt the Women’s Tag Team Champions. They’ll both be in the battle royal. She makes mention of all th other women, and two of them come up. Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark tell Green that she will tear apart the first person she sees. Green tells Piper to get em, bestie, but Piper says it’s every woman for themselves.
As Becky makes her entrance for the Batle Royal, Xia Li attacks her from behind. Big kick to Becky, and she is out. Pearce runs down to tell Li that she is not allowed in the match anymore, and kicks her to the back.
After a commercial break, we see Becky in the back with a trainer, who says she needs further evaluation.
Battle Royal for Women’s Championship Title Shot
Nikki Cross stands in the center of the ring in a catatonic state. All the girls wresle around her. Nia and Raquel go face to face, with Nikki in between them. They grab Nikki, and toss her over the top. Nikki puts up no fight. She falls to the outside and stands, still staring at nothing, zoned out.
Typical Battle Royal stuff goes on for a bit till the final four are left: Ivy Nile, Shayna Baszler, Zoey Stark, and Raquel Rodriguez.
Ivy is on the apron. Nia just walks up to her and pulls her by the leg, eliminating her with ease.
Zoey and Shayna end up eliminating Raquel together then go at it on the apron. Shayna tries to suplex from the apron. Zoey holds on. She elbows back, Shayna with the clutch. Leg scissors added!
Zoey is fading! She loosens the grip. Shayna releases because she doesn’t want to be eliminated too! Superkick from Zoey! Another! A third! DDT from Zoey!
Winner: Zoey Stark
Boy was that long…
Total Rating: *
Match Time: 16:03
Rhea Ripley tells Jackie she’ll handle Zoey come Survivor Series. Here she comes to tell Rhea she was close to beating her at Crown Jewel. Rhea reminds her that she won.
WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match
Sami Zayn vs Seth Rollins
LOCKUP!!! Sami drops down in the waist lock. Seth works the left arm, Sami escapes, gets his own wrist lock. Crowd is pro-Sami. Seth backs him into the corner. Sami locks the leg and the ref breaks them up. Sami tries for the leg, Seth does, too. They lockup again, Seth works the arm, turns with a hammer lock. Seth tries to escape with a side headlock. Drop toe hold and a front face lock from Seth. Sami stands in the hold, they tangle up on the ropes. Sami breaks the hold, then gives Seth a little love tap to remind Seth what he can do.
They circle the ring. Go behind from Sami. Side headlock, Seth hops over, hits the. Ropes, ducks under, spins Sami, Sami tries for.e Blue Thunder Bomb but cant quite get it, Seth hits the ropes, Sami holds the ropes and Seth flies outside. Sami flies, holds onto the ropes and bounces back onto his feet. Seth runs in and they go face to face.
After a break, both men are outside of the ring. Seth walks over to Sami and hits a chop. Sami fires bck, another, whip and Sami moonsaults off the barricade. Sami rolls Seth into the ring and goes in with some more chops. Sami corners Seth and hits some more chops. Seth reverses. They go at it with high energy. Seth eats a clothesline. Sami lifts Seth, spins the arm, whips, Seth kicks the gut, another kick, a spinning right. Sami is down. He rolls to the outside. Seth hits the ropes and dives! Sami runs into the ring off the dive and dives over the top rope to give Seth a taste of his own medicine. Sami rolls Seth into the ring. Seth is standing. Slingblade. Sami up in the corner. Seth stands, shows some struggle. Helluva Kick attempt, but Seth is out the way! Springboard Swanton bomb! Springboard Moonsault! DAMN! Pin for 1..2…NO!!! We end up on the apron, with Sami trying for a Blue Thunder Bomb on the apron! Set escapes, locks the arms for a Pedigree, but Sami with a back body drop onto the apron!!!!
Back from another break and Seth is trying for a buckle bomb. He hits it! Tries for The Stomp! But Sami with a Blue Thunder Bomb! Pin for 1..2…NO!!!! Sami slaps himself into shape, grabs th head of Seth. He lifts Seth up, Seth with a rolling right. EXPLODER FROM SAMI INTO THE CORNER!!!! Sami calls for it! He runs!!!! SUPERKICK FROM SETH! PEDIGREE! COVER! 1….2…NO!!!!! Seth stands tall as Sami struggles to get his head up. Seth tries for The Stomp again! Sami grabs the legs!
He goes for a Liontamer! He almost has it! HE STEPS OVER!!! Seth crawls to the ropes! He nears them! Sami drags him to the center, Seth rolls Sami up!!! 1…2…3!!!
Winner: Seth Rollins
Great main event! I don’t like the loss, as I think Sami could have taken a relatively clean or more succinct one, and I’ve never been a roll-up win type of guy. But damn it was a great ride.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 20:24
After the match, Seth extends his hand. Sami takes it and they shake. Sami holds Seth’s hand up high.
Sami leaves the ring. Seth is alone, with his hand in the air. Sami turns and at that moment, The Judgment Day runs down to attack! Seth sees this and hits a suicide dive! We got Finn, Priest, JD, and Dom all attacking Sami and Seth!
Here comes Jey Uso to help his homies! He goes straight for Dom and hits a Superkick! One for JD! SPEAR to Finn! Priest with a huge kick to Jey. JD is up to stomp out Jey but here comes…
He attacks Priest on the outside, then rolls him into the ring for the attack.
Here comes all the refs, trying to break the fight up. They don’t do too well, as Cody ends up with Dom on the announce table. Cody is dropping rights to the back. Security tries to stop Cody from killing Dom. They pull them off the table and everyone is separated.
Peearce is in the ring. He has the mic. He is tired of it. Every night, every week. They wanna play games? They wanna play games….
Pearce says they’ll play games, in Chicago, at Survivor Series, in WAR GAMES!
Well, it’s no Regal, but he tried.
After the announcement, they go at it some more, with everyone kickin ass.
Cody ends up in the ring alone. He flies off the top rope onto a bunch of people to pop the crowd.
End Show