wrestling / TV Reports
Acero’s WWE RAW Review 4.10.23

WELCOME TO RAW! We are live, and the announce booth informs us that some of the wrestlers have had some travel issues, but the show must go on. They run down some of the card as Rey Mysterio makes his way down to the ring.
Mysterio is out in an LWO shirt, and he welcomes us to RAW. He says he’s had a lot of ups and downs. Last week should have been a dream come true, going into the HOF. But Rey was disappointed. He had to face his own son.
Out comes Dominik Mysterio to tell his dad to keep his name out Rey’s mouth. Rey never cared about him. He’s better off with Judgment Day.
Rey tells him JD is just using Dom. Dom says Rey is the only one doing that. Rey is selfish. Nothing else matters unless Rey Mysterio gets what he wants, just like Bad Bunny.
Hell of a transition.
Rey uses Bad Bunny like he used Dom.
We then go to Mania where Bad Bunny ripped the chain away from, causing the win for Rey. Last Monday, Bad Bunny was there to help again, and this time received a chokeslam from Damien Priest.
Dom hopes Bad Bunny learned his lesson and sticks his nose elsewhere. Rey says he spoke to Bunny last night, and he said he’ll be back. Dom and Judgment Day will regret putting their hands on him. Dom calls these empty words from a dead beat dad. Rey tells Dom he talks a big game, when will he man up and take care of things on his own? Isnt that what Mania was all about?
Rey offers a rematch now. Dom doesn’t want to fight his own father, but he knows who will…
Here comes Finn Balor. Damn that boy don’t get no rest.
Rey Mysterio vs Finn Balor
Utterly impressed that Finn is even willing to have a match right now.
He shoulders Rey into the corner a few times, then mounts and hits some punches to the head. Finn holds his hands in the air, Rey pulls his feet out from underneath. Rey mounts again, and drives down with some punches. Rey works the arm, Finn revereses, kicks, sunset flip, Rey rolls through and hits a dropkick. Back elbow from Rey. Rey wit a rana. Whip to Finn, reverse, Rey wheelbarrows, Finn captures him and drives an elbow into the chest. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Finn stomps Rey, using the ropes, grabs the head and rolls him under them then stomps again. Finn stomps till the ref stops him. Finn grabs the head, lifts Rey, chop to Rey. Whip to Rey, Finn elbows him. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Finn drives an elbow to the shoulder then gets a chinlock in. Side headlock. Elbows from Rey to break the hold but Finn slings Rey down by the head. Finn sits on Rey’s head while on the ropes. Snapmare and Finn hits a some forearms to the back of the head. A cravat from behind. Rey stands up out of it. Turns into the hold. Elbows. Whip to Finn, reversed, kick from Rey. Rana to Finn! Baseball slide to Finn! Rey hits the ropes! He slides through the bottom and hits a splash!
We are BACK and both men are down. Rey is up first, bounces off the ropes with a seated senton, then a crossbody! Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Finn with the kick, it goes a little low. Whip to the ropes, Rey slides under, dropkick to the knee. Rey tries for a 619, but Finn turns and hits a clothesline! Finn in the corner, he rushes and hits a dropkick into the corner. Finn to the top rope. Rey is up! Right hand to Finn. Another right. Rey hops to the top, headbutts for Finn! Rana sends Finn to the mat! Cover for 1..2..NO!!!! Kick to the back of Balor! 619!!! FROG SPL—NO! KNEES UP!!! Rollup for a 1..2..NO!!!! Rey kicks out! Rey flies from the corner, Finn lifts him up and over, and Rey hits the buckle face first. Finn chokes Rey up on the 2nd rope.
Dom on the apron. He’s got a steel chain! Finn distracts the ref! Rey clocks Dom! Finn flies, but Rey side steps and he ends up outside. Rey hits the ropes. Suicide dive to Dom and Fin!!! Rey sends Finn into the table a few times then back into the ring.
Rey climbs the ropes, but here’s Dom, and this time the punch with the chain lands! Rey is out! Finn grabs Rey, pulls him into the ring and heads to the top rope. Finn with the finish! Coup De Grace! Cover! 1..2..3.!!!!
Winner: Finn Balor
This was main event caliber, even without the shock of Finn willing to do work so soon after his injuries. They had time, but nothing felt like they were wasting time for the sake of it. A really good opener.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 14:00
We head backstage where The Alpha Academy are being asked about their match with The Usos. In comes Maxxine to call Gable a gremlin. In the background, there are screams for help.
WE head stage right and see Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez are standing over a prone Lita, who is holding her neck in pain and agony. In come Adam Pearce and agents to check on Lita. Liv and Raquel claim they found her like this. Lita thrives in pain, and here comes Becky Lynch and Trish Stratus to wonder what’s going on and whether or not Liv and Raquel are involved.
We come back to RAW to get a recap of Brock Lesnar tricking, turning on, and destroying Cody Rhodes.
Corey Graves makes a quick mention that Brock may be upset at his “place on the card” of Wrestlemania? Lol. Ok…
We head backstage where Byron Saxton stands by with Becky Lynch. She is holding both titles, scowling as Byron asks if she knows who did this.
Becky says she doesn’t know, but she will slap their head off. She promised a tag match tonight, so that’s what we’re going to get. She was willing to do it on her own, but someone has a great idea…and in comes Trish Stratus. This match happens…now.
WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match
Becky Lynch and Trish Stratus vs Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez
Raquel and Becky to start. Becky accuses her opponent with some shoves, so Raquel lifts her up for a slam. Becky lands on her fet, tries for a whip, RR stops her, whips her to the corner. Becky. Flies off the 2nd ropes, but gets caught, lands to her feet, and RR shoves her to the corner. Shoulder and a tag to Liv. Whip to Liv into the corner, Liv whips Raquel into a splash. Enziguri to Becky. Cover for 1..2..NO!!!! Becky with the cradle. 1..2..NO!!! Liv gets a pin. Becky rolsl out, huge kick to Liv’s chin. She rushes the corner, misses a splash, Liv runs with an enziguri. Dropkick to the back of the head. Liv hits the corner, then stomps on the back of Becky. Jawbreaker from Becky, a few uppercuts. Tag to Trish, as she wants in. Trish misses a right, but drops an axe on Liv as she pulls a Matrix bridge. Whip to the corner, Liv hits Becky, then Trish. Tag from Becky. Trish with the head scissors, sending Liv into the center. Becky flies with a leg drop to Liv. Cover for 1..2..NO!!
Back to RAW and Becky flies with a dropkick off the top to Raquel. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! RR kicks out and rolls to the apron. Raquel pulls herself up, Becky grabs the head, hangs her up, brings Becky over to the corner. Raquel grabs the head and pulls Becky up by it. Becky tries ot fight out of it, hits some right hands, but Rodriguez fights back. Headbutts from Becky. Over and over and over. Becy falls to the mat, tag to Lita. Lita and Becky climb the ropes. Raquel shoots Becky off, Trish tries to hold on, goes for a rana, but Raquel holds on! Trish hits some rights! Head scissors off the top! Cover from Trish! 1..2…NO!! Tag to Becky. They send Raquel to the apron, Becky ties her up on the middle ropes. Leg drop from Becky AND a facebuster from Trish. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Becky with rights in the middle of the ring, but Raquel hits a back breaker, backs into a tag to Liv, another back breaker, shoots her into Liv’s clutches, a DDT from Liv! Cover for 1.2…NO!!! Another cover for 1..2..NO!!!! A third gets 1..2..NO!!!
Becky tries for the Disarmer, but Liv turns it into a pin for 1..2.NO!!! becky sends Liv into the buckle. Tag to Trish. They sit Liv up on top then get a tag to Becky. They both lock Liv’s head, trying for a superplex. They take a while to set this up. Here comes Raquel for the big corner spot. All four women down. Becky has Liv down in the corner. She climbs to the top, here comes Raquel to stop her. Becky holds the head, Trish is there to beat down on her. Punch from Raquel, she grabs Becky and drops Becky ONTO Liv with a leg drop, but it is very very soft. Kind of a sloppy spot. Cover on Liv for 1..2..NO!!!! Becky stands, she’s waiting for Liv. She grabs her, tries for a Mnahandle, Liv rolls her up for 1..2NO!!! Disarmer from Becky!! Raquel in with a big boot ot the face! Trish follows, Stratusfaction to Raquel! They both roll out of the ring. Becky grabs Liv, Liv with knees to the face, ObLIV-NO!!! Roll through from Becky, Manhandle Slam! Cover! 1..2..NO!!!! Raquel Rodriguez pulls Becky out of the ring. Right hands, boot from Becky.
Tag to Trish. Becky flies onto Raquel outside.Chick Kick attempt, but Liv ducks and rolls Trish up for 1….2……3!!!
Winners: Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez
Gotta admit there was a whole hell of a lot of sloppiness, and Trish was only a small part of it. Commentary tried its hardest to cover it up, claiming a lack of chemistry, but some of it was rough. You COULD claim that it was due to what happened next, but even that seems like sort of a cop out.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 15:13
Becky head into the ring, holds Trish’s hand up high. They talk a bit about it, Becky seems to tell her it’s ok. Trish appears to apologize. Becky hugs her, turns, and TRISH ATTACKS!!!! CHICK KICK TO BECKY! She hops onto Becky and says something I cant really hear, but the turn we call knew was going to happen happened, and I am intrigued.
Backstage, Cathy Kelly is hot and in shock. She introduces Paul Heyman who is asked about Brock’s actions. Heyman says yes, he can provide insight. That’s all. What about tonight and Solo? Owens is not just a problem, he has a problem. Sami is not here. Matt Riddle is not here. My ass. Sami and Matt opted to take the later flight. He does this while mocking both, hilariously. Owens is not as smart as them. Owens comes in with zero allies and fewer friends AND one-leg. Solo is here. Heyman is here. The Usos are here. What kind of people would take advantage of Kevin Owens in such a vulnerable state? “We The Ones.”
Byron is waiting backstage for Trish. He wants answers. Here she comes. Trish Stratus, with a stone cold face, walks by him with nary an answer.
We are reminded about the WWE Draft. Bigger than ever! Will change the game! *smirk*
Backstage, Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky are waiting outside of Adam Pearce’s office. Apparently, Bayley has been in there for too long.
Out comes Bayley who says she was just in there trying to get them a title shot. All he wanted to talk about was the draft, and also let her know that tonight it’ll be Bayley v Piper Niven v Michin for a shot at Bianca for the title. Once she wins this title, it’ll give her leverage to get a title shot for them.
Iyo says something in Japanese, and Dakota translates it as, “What about us?”
Bayley offers to speak to Pearce about one of them two taking her place in the triple theat.
Bobby Lashley makes his way to the ring.
Bronson Reed vs Bobby Lashley
Lashley starts off hot, cornering Reed and hitting kick and punch combos. Ref backs him up and Reed corners Lashley, then hits a forearms/headbutt combo. Whip to the corner, Lashley comes out the corne with a clothesline. Flatliner! Lashley ot the apron, they fight back and forth with right hands. Laslhey clubs Reed across the chest. Reed hits the mid section. He grabs Lashley’s head and they continue to go at it with the ropes in between them. Lashley sends Reed into the corner head first but Reed kicks Lashley upon entry! Huge hit sends Lashley to the floor outside. Reed to the apron. He flies off with a tackle, shooting Lashley back on his back. Reed rolls back into the ring.
WE come back to about 2 seconds of action, then a PIP “Renfield” trailer. I hate when they do that.
Back to the action, Reed has Lashley cornered with a bunch of right hands. Whip to the corner, Reed misses a splash. Lashley hits the ropes and flies into the corner with a splash, hits the ropes and goes for another one, this time a spear. Lashley wit ha neckbreaker, but Reed shoves him away. Lashley comes back, locks the head, gets the neckbreaker! He lifts Reed up!!!! SUPLEX TO REED!! Lashley is lookin beastly here. He tries for The Hurt Lock. He lifts up, and Reed falls back onto Lashley! Cover for 1..2.NO!!! Reed to the top rope. Lashley stops him. Reed rakes the eyes. THESZ PRESS OFF THE 2ND ROPE ONTO LASHLEY!!! Lashley up, hits the ropes, knee from Reed. Hits the ropes. SPINEBUSTER FROM LASHLEY!!! Crowd is hyped as fuck! Lashley is ready to end it. HURT LOCK IS LOCKED IN!!!!! Reed rolls through the ropes and Lashley falls to the outside! Reed up. Clothesline from Lashley!!! Lashley lifts Reed to his shoulders.
Reed falls back, sends Lashley into the barricade, then into the ringpost. The ref hits 10, and the match ends in a count out! The crowd boos like wild.
Winner: NO Contest
This was lovely. Ten minutes of big meaty men slapping meat, and it was incredibly entertaining. The crowd was FIRMLY behind Lashley, and he didn’t slouch one bit here to both look amazing and make Reed look just as good. In awe at how good this was, cuz it had no right to be.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 10:48
Both men lock eyes. They go at it and the crowd loves it! Lashley beats down on Reed, Reed returns the favor. We get about a dozen refs to break this up. Agents come down. They hold Reed back. Lashley gives in, then shoves them aside and attacks again!
Cody Rhodes makes his entrance. He wonders what we want to talk about. He typically has a singular focus. From Seth to his pec to the Royal Rumble to finishing the story. Last week made it a bit cloudy, so lets navigate this fog together. At Mania, under the brightest lights, he lost. He asks we blame no one but him. He did not calculate the lengths Roman would be willing to go. He lost and he’s sorry. He heard two things after that match. His dear friend Matt said being in the main event is a win, right? Do wins and losses even matter at his age? Absolutely. The only people that say wins and losses don’t matter are Hall of Famers and people who have finished their stories. The other thing he heard wasn’t meant for his ears, but heard Heyman said, if Cody was ever to challenge for the title ever again, he’s gotta earn it. Earn it? HE IS IT!
Now, they’re tale has a whole new wrinkle. Know what’s more embarrassing than losing a title match a foot away from a rubber chicken? Offering up your innocence to the beast and he repays it in destruction. Someone tell him why Brock did what he did. He heard someone say Brock was unhappy with his spot on Mania. He gets it, almost. His theory is that Brock is uncertain about Cody. Why would Brock wait until his back was turned, tho. If you’re Brock, you see a predator in the mirror. He is a hall of famer in both worlds, UFC and WWE. As a rookie, he saw The Rock as a victim. We are lunch to Brock Lesnar. He saw John Cena, Couture, The Undertaker, and thought victim. Is that what Brock thinks when he looks at Cody? Victim? So go ahead, he’ll be as honest as he can. If the question is posed, “Are you scared of Brock Lesnar.” The answer is yes. He’d be crazy not to be. But he still wants to fight Brock Lesnar. He is so scared of Brock that when Brock blinks, Cody will strike. He will leave no stone unturned, when Brock looks in the mirror the next time, he doesn’t see predator, he sees prey for the first time in his life. He sees a victim, Cody’s victim. It can be anywhere, any time, any place, but he knows Brock isn’t here. So how bout face to face, one-on-one, at Wrestlemania Backlash.
We are back and The Usos are ready for action.
The Alpha Academy vs The Usos
Jey and Otis to start. LOCKUP! Hard shove to Jey into the corner. Otis gives a shouttout to Maxxine. Side step from Jey, lock up from behind. Otis is too heavy. He starts jiggling for some reason, and break the hold then flexes hard. Gable telsl him to chill. Otis sends Jey into the ropes, sunset flip, but Otis doesn’t budge, again. Otis struts towards the ropes, then starts grinding over the face of Jey. Jey slides under, he aint havin it. He hops to the shoulders. Tag to Gable. Gable in with a cravat. Otis hits the ropes and smashes Jey. Jey corners Gable, tag to Jimmy. Right hand to Gable. Chop to Gable. Another. Another. Uppercut to Gable. Jimmy sits Gable on the top rope, hits a right, but Gable grabs the arm and locks in an armbar around the ropes! He lets go at 4 and heads to the top rope. He dives. Clothesline! Cover! 1…NO!! Gable sends Jimmy to the corner, mounts, right hands. Gable shoots the leg of Jimmy, then smacks the back of the head of Jimmy for a bit. Right forearms to Jimmy. A few more. Whip. Jey with a blind tag. Backbreaker to Gable, and Key drops a fist ot the throat. Superkicks to Otis.
We return to Jimmy getting a tag. Big slam to Jey but Jimmy flie into the arms of Otis and he hits a slam on Jimmy, too! Cover! 1..2…NO!!! Otis with a splash in the corner to Jimmy. Otis calls for the caterpillar! He hits the elbow drop. Tag to Gable. Otis sits Jimmy onto the shoulderes. Gable with a clothesline from the top rope to the back of the head! Cover for 1..2.NO!! Superkick from Jy! Otis rushes to him and goes over the to prope. Jey hits the ropes, suicide dive to Oti, but no Otis stuffs him! Here comes Jimmy to just bulldoze himself into Otis. Double SUperkic kto Otis sends him over the table! GABLE ON THE TOP ROPE! MOONSAULT TO BOTH USOS!! He sends Jimmy into the rin! Gale to the top! FLYING HEADBUTT!!! Cover! 1…2….NO!!!!
Gable locks up for Chaos Theory, Uso rolls out, Gable picks the ankle, Jimmy sends Gable flying. Tag from Jey, ROLLING GER-NO!!!! Hey stops it! SUPERKICKS!!! To the ropes! 1D!!!!!! Cover! 1….2….3!!!!!
Winners: The Usos
Solid, solid match. The final few minutes were beautiful. The Usos cant miss, and Gable is no slouch. Otis gets mad love for being so loved, too. The wrestling tonight is ON POINT!
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 12:46
Iyo Sky comes out with her lady friends. She gets the shot tonight!
Michin vs Iyo Sky vs Piper Niven
Piper makes Iyo flinch then goes after Michin. SMichin tries for a Sunset Flip, but Piper no sells and lifts her up, spink kick from Michin, a sloppy kick from the floor. Iyo is on the top rope. Michin tries to body slam Piper like a fool. Piper reverses, Iyo flies and dropkicks Piper to the outside. She hits the ropes, arm drag from Michin, another, a flapjack to Iyo. Michin lifts Iyo, right hand, a chop, whip is reversed, and Michin suicide dives onto Piper outside. Iyo on the apron, moonsault to both ladies! Iyo celebrates. Bayley gives a bit of an apprehensive applause.
We come back to a high kick from Michin to Iyo. A dragon suplex to Iyo sends her flying. Iyo grabs the hair, whips Iyo to the corner, Piper catches her and slams her down HARD! Michin hops over Iyo, hits a dropkick to Piper, then lands in a splash and a pin to Iyo for 1..2.NO!!! Piper drops an elbow, but Michin moves and it hits Iyo! Cover for 1.2..NO!!! Pop Rocks from Michin to Piper for 1..2..NO!!! Michin hits Eat Defeat! Michin covers for 1..2..NO!!!
Moonsault from Iyo onto both girls!!! Cover for 1..2…3!!!
Winner: Iyo Sky
Not bad, not bad. Michin is ALMOST there,but a bit of a rough start for her. Still, this was the Iyo show
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 7:58
Dakota Sky rolls into the ring and celebrates with Iyo while Bayley watches ringside with a smile.
Byron walks up on Kevin Owens apologizes for interrupting, but Owens says no he’s not sorry. Lol.
Owens sees where this is going. Is it wise for him to go face Solo tonight? Kevin is not known as a wise person. He leads with his emotions. Tonight, his heart tells him he needs to beat the hell out of Solo. Maybe he shouldn’t compete, but all he wants is some revenge. It’s ok, he’s Kevin Owens. He fights.
Solo Sikoa (w/ The Usos) vs Kevin Owens
We start with the fisticuffs! Kick to the knee slows KO down immediately. Another kick, chop from KO, rights to the head. Kick to the side of the knee yet again. Right hand from Solo in the corner. He drags Ko out the corner and stomps the knee. Solo lays the boot on th rope and stands on the ankle. Solo stomps the leg again. Solo with a right. Another to the head. KO fights back with a right, a chop, a right, e hits the ropes, back elbow from Solo. Solo kicks Owens out. KO wit a right to Jey Uso, but Solo is there to hit his own. Whip to KO, reversal, KO sends Solo into the steps!
Back into the ring, and Solo hits a hip attack in the corner.
We are back and KO has Solo on the top rope! He drives an elbow to the head of Solo! Splash! Cover! 1…2…NO!!!! KO kicks! Knee hurt. Stun—NO!!! SAMOAN DROP! Solo to the top rope! Kev hits the ropes! Solo drops to his nuts! Kick from Owens, uppercut! He climbs! Solo tries to fight back. Right hand to the forehead! Back elbow! Right from Solo. Elbow from Owens! Owens wit the beatdown! They both go at it! Headbutts to Solo!! Owens locks the head! Headbut from Solo sends KO to the mat. Owens grabs Solo and sends him flying off the top with a slam! KO to the top rope!
Jey on the apron! Jimmy grabs KO! Right to Jimmy! Solo is up! KO hanfs him up! Superkick to Jey! KO to the top rope! He hobbles up. He flies! SWANTON TO SOLO!!! Cover for 1..2….NO!!!! KO shoots Solo to the ropes, kick from Solo, pop iup POWERBOMB TO SOLO WIT THE USTED KNEE!!! He tries for a Stunner! Jimmy to the apron!
Jey clocks KO! Superlkick from SoLO!!!! Samoan Spike!!!! Cover for 1..2..3!!!
Winner: Solo Sikoa
A great main event for a really tight-knit show. KO sold the leg well and Solo attacking it just makes sense.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 13:21
We head backstage to see Sami Zayn and Matt Riddle running into the arena! They hightail it to the ring! Sami’s music hits and here they come! They meet The Usos at the bottom of the ramp!!!
Sami and Matt enter the ring, they send Solo to the outside. Riddle attacks the entering Jey! Sami with an EXPLODER! In comes Jimmy! Spin and KO hits a Stunner! Sami hits the corner. Hze runs for a Helluva Kick but Solo pulls Jey out of the way!
Riddle, Zayn, and Owens stand in the ring while The Usos make their way to the back.
Solo keeps trying to make it back to the ring to fight, but his brothers aint havin it.
End Show