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Acero’s WWE Raw Review 8.12.24

Keep Refreshing For The Latest WWE Raw Results
Where the hell is Houston’s Restaurant? Thank goodness Michael Ornelas’s has nothing else to do and can inform us with his Fine Dining Podcast!
Y’all, it’s hot!
A nice recap of the dissolution of The Judgment Day.
We are LIVE and Rhea Ripley is here!
After a warm welcome, Rhea says she has had a lot of time to think about what happened at Summerslam. She has relived it every day since and felt every emotion possible. She felt embarrassed, heartbroken, but right now she is just feeling pissed the hell off. She addresses Dominik directly, saying he stabbed her in the back. Thing is, it just wasn’t deep enough. As for Liv, she cannot run forever.
Liv Morgan laughs somewhere in the background, and after some scanning, we see her and Dominik Mysterio in the crowd. Liv says hello as Rhea holds the ropes to welcome them into the ring. Liv says Dom has some things to get off his chest.
Dom tries to speak, but he gets shat on by the crowd. Rhea says don’t worry, she loves this, but she wants to hear him out. She loves hearing excuses. He says he finally got a girl that gives him tendies, lets him play video games, lets him be him. She also did something Rhea could never do – finally helped him beat his deadbeat dad.
Rhea says she’ll say something Dom has never heard – she is proud of him. Proud of all he’s accomplished the past few years. Watching him grow into the man he is is one of her biggest accomplishments. He finally did something for himself and won gold. They accomplished so much. The thing is, when it comes to Rey, Rhea really just wanted him to beat him on his own – to have no excuses.
He is making his own decisions, that’s great, but it will be the last one he makes.
Liv starts talking, saying there is only one thing she said that is true, and it’s that Dom is a man and he is all Liv’s. Rhea has nothing. Look at her. No family. No Dom. No title.The division is hers. Everything Rhea loved.
Rhea tells her that she is coming for it all, and nothing will stop her. It’s nice that Liv loves the sound of her own voice because they now always know where they are.
Liv is like huh?
Damien Priest shows up behind them!!!! Priest beats Dom’s ass all the way into the concessions area while Rhea makes her way up the steps and attacks Liv. Priest takes Dom down the steps towards the ring, chasing him down the steps. Right hand from Priest! Dom is in the ring, he tries to run out, hits Priest with a right hand. Priest with a GOOZLE!!!! But Carlito is here to attack! Priest sends him outside! Priest stands tall!
Damien Priest vs Carlito
Priest corners Carlito and hits a back elbow then whips him into the corner again. Priest calls for a GOOZLE, but Carlito rolls out of the ring. Priest follows and circles the ring until Carlito slides bak into the ring. Preist grabs him and puls him out them hits a right and sends him bck in. Kick to the gut. Razor’s Edge attempt but Carlito lands on his feet. DDT to Priest. Cover for 1…..NO! Elbows to the head, kicks to the back of Carlito. Whip from Carlito, kick from Carlito to the chest. Priest dodges a right, boxes the ears, kick to Carlito, right hand. Priest sets up for. Rock Bottom type move, then hits a Flatliner! Cover! 1..2..NO!!! Priest to the top rope. Headbutt from Priest to the incoming Carlito. Right hand. Carlito hits the ropes and Priest is crotched. Carlito climbs. Locks the head. Superplex to Priest!
We are back and Carlito kicks Priest then hits a high knee. Carlito kicks aain, locks the head, spins for a neckbreaker. Cover for 1..2..NO!! Carlito hits a right hand. Another. Priest eats it like a beast. Right hand. Another right hand.
Priest hops up and hits Carlito with a back elbow. Priest drops the straps. Priest with a chokeslam! Over! 1..2…3!!!
Winner: Damien Priest
Run of the mill match that was more of a means to an end than anything great.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 9:27
After the match. The Judgment Day runs in to attack. But Rhea comes down to help and everyone runs, leaving JD McDonagh to eat a chokeslam!
Priest and Rhea hug. Dominik is shown hopping on the top rope. He flies! PRIEST WITH A GOOZLE!!!!! He shoots Dom over to Rhea, Rhea looks for Rip Tide but it’s Liv who makes the save from the apron!!!!
We head backstage with Otis, Akira, and Maxxine. In comes Ivy Nile who wants to tlak to Maxxine. Ivy say she thinks Maxxine should stay backstage because tempers are flaring. She can talk to gable and maybe Maxxine can join them. Maxxine says no, she is staying with her family. Ivy says she thought Maxxine would say that, and leaves.
Bo Dallas with a video promo, talking about last week being incredibly emotional. It is where the all started. The Wyatt Sicks had their debut where it all began. He was there. Something is happening now. Something big. The work is not done. The work must continue. Other doors shall be opened. “My life for you,” he repeats, louder each time.
After the recap of Odyssey Jones, we go live where Xavier Woods wants to talk to Kofi Kingston about tonight. Kofi is excited, saying they are going to be ringside for Jones’ match! Woods, hesitantly agrees to be there, too.
Odyssey Jones vs
A marvelously beautiful squash match. And I hate them.
Winner: Odyssey Jones
Total Rating: NR
Match Time: Less than 3
As they all celebate, out comes The Final Testament.
Karrion Cross says it’s obvious that they are trying to replace Big E with Jones. Xavier Woods grabs the mic and says he’s tired of this, week after week, so let’s just get to it – which two men will face him and Kofi next week?
Kofi Kingston grabs the mic, says no, let’s make it a six man. Cross accepts and Kofi calls them “The Final Testicle.”
Backstage, Pearce is on the phone. In comes Drew McIntyre with a hello. Pearce says Punk isn’t here due to travel issues. Drew doesn’t care. He is wondering why Orton has a title shot. Oh, he was screwed a few months ago? Orton was waiting for the right moment, and he’s going to strike on his turf? He’s been screwed over and over. Drew says he will take care of this. Pearce says whoa, hold on. Drew says trust him. He is one of the veterans around here. Drew will be on his best behavior.
Gable is NOT here tonight, due to him being at the Olympics. He did cut a little promo from Paris, though. He is there to recruit, but he realized he’s gotta get back home. He has unfinished business with The Wyatt Sicks.
Texas Tornado Tag Team Match
Alpha Academy vs American Made
All four men in the ring. Otis spots Julius and shoots him out of the ring then goes on the attack, hitting Brutus with a back suplex. Akira with a dive onto Julius, but he catches Akira, and sends him flying with a belly to belly. Otis watches on, Brutus attacks him, but Otis fights back. Here comes Julius to hit a chop block, then they corner Otis together. Kneesand right hands to Otis. Kick from Brutus. Kick from Julius. Whip out the corner and Otis hits the corner hard. Julius mounts Otis and hits some right hands. Brutus kicks him in the chest. Akira slowly crawls toward the apron. He hops to the top rope as Otis shoves the bothers. Crossbody from Akira onto both brohers. Otis and Akira plan, Otis lifts Akira and swings him into the brothers. Otis shoots Akira with a gorilla press and sends him flying onto the bothers.
We are BACK and The Creeds are tearing up the announce table for some action. Otis is laid out till Julius goes over to lift him up. Brutus comes by to help, sending Otis towards the table. Akira flies off the apron, but Julius catches him and powerbombs him onto the barricade! Julius sends him into the ring and covers for 1..2..NO!!! Akira up, Brutus in, Akira with a double DDT to both men! Otis is back up! He enters the ring! The Creeds turns and Otis hits them with a double shoulder tackle. Back elbow to Julius, splash to Brutus, Otis with a club to the back, then a splash in the corner. Julius flies, Otis catches him and hits the World’s Strongest Slam! Otis hits the ropes! Caterpillar! Cover! 1…2..NO!!! Brutus breaks it up! Otis blocks a right, pulls Brutus into a clothesline. Fireman’s. Julius with a high knee. Brutus with a standing moonsault. Shooting Star from Julius. Cover for 1..2NO!! Akira stops it! Brutus attacks the back, drops an axe to the back. Julius lifts Akira, Brutus to the top rope, Akira is sat on his shoulders. Rana from Akira! Big kick to Julius, another! Both men out of the ring. Akira hits the ropes! Suicide dive nearly misses! Akira sends Julius into the ring. Akira to the top rope! Brutus stops him! Otis is up! Julius sits OTIS ON HIS SHOULDERS!!! But Otis grabs Brutus and hits a superplex onto Brutus while Julius slams him down, and Akira with the exclamation point, flying onto Julius!!! Otis and Akira celebate.
IVY NILE COMES FROM OUT OF NOWHERE TO ATTACK MAXXINE!! She slams Maxxine onto the announce table! Ivy lifts Maxxine, says she chose this, and chokes her out. Otis finally notices Ivy locking in the Dragon Sleeper. Otis tries to leave the ring.
Julius hits a knee, Akira with a waistlock, but Brutus is there to roll him up. Julius sits on the pin and we get a 1..2…3!!!
Winners: American Made
Hell of a lot of fun here!
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 12:00
We get an empty arena interview with Pete Dunne and Jackie Redmond.
Pete is quick to explain that he was never under Sheamus’ wing. He never elevated him. Pete elevated Sheamus. Sheamus went on a run of a life time with him. What did this get him? A terrible nickname and a front row seat to The Shemaus Show. If they were really under his ring, what happened to Ridge? Where is he?
Jackie brings up “Butch,” and Pete says don’t say that name. He never wants to hear that again. He is not Butch, he is the Bruiserweight. He’s an 18 year vet, and if he’s gotta shut Sheamus up to never hear that name again, that’s what he’ll do.
After a recap of Bronson Reed murdering Seth dead, the man himself is with Adam Pearce. Pearce tells him he’s lucky he was only fined. Bronson Reed explains himself then tells pearce to go find him an opponent tonight, or he will go and fine his next victim.
Damage CTRL talks about being the future and current dominant force in the history of the WWE. Tonight, they will take another step towards the titles. Sane wants to make it simple; what Shayna, Zoey, and Sonya did to Dakota will be tenfold back onto them. They are going to take away Shayna and Zoey’s dreams.
We go to Sonya Deville, Shayna Baszler, and Zoey Stark who call themselves the “Pure Fusion Collective?” They say Damage CTRL is done and over. Sonya tells them to sit down, show some respect, and get ready. Shayna says they should already be champions. She made Jade tap. After tonight, they are the most dominant force.
Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre are here for the next match.
Damage CTRL vs The Pure Fusion Collective
Shayna and Zoey are the team against Sane and Sky. Sky starts and works Shayna a bit, then tags in Sane. Shayna tries ot fight both of them off, but they take turns fuckin her up. Dropkick from both sends Shayna into the corner. Sane rushes with a sliding forearm. Sane to the top rope, flies, right hand to the chest. Cover for 1..2.NO!!! Shayna rolls outside. Sane hops out and gets sent into the ring. Baszler to the apron, right hand, tag to Zoey. Backbreaker from Sane and Zoey hits a clothesline.
WE back and Baszler has Sane set up for a suplex, but Sane turns it into a DDT! Tag to Zoey! Tago t Iyo! Right, another, dropkick from Sky! She whips, kick from Iyo off the apron, Shayna in, gets hung up, Iyo with a dropkick off the springboard to both! Iyo is up! Zoey seated in the corner, Iyo runs for a double knee! Cover! 1.2…NO!!! Tag to Shayna who runs in with a knee. Cover for 1…2..NO!!! Sane in to stop it. Zoey runs in, Sane sends her ot the apron, thn dives through. Zoey hold the ropes and Sane tumbles outside. Tag to Zoey. She misses a right, Iyo double underhooks and drives the back onto the knee! Iyo to the top rope! Sonya to the apron! Distracts! Shayna shoves Iyo off. Sane with a backfist to Baszler. Zoey kicks her away, and Iyo hits a dropkick to Zoey! Zoey shoves Iyo onto Fyre! Zoey tries for a Superkick, but Iyo moves and the kick hits Alba!
Sane sends Zoey into the ring. Iyo with an Over the Moonsault! Cover! 1.2….NO!!!! ISLA DAWN STOPS THE PIN AND CAUSES THE DQ!!!
Good shit from the ladies!
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 8:34
Isla and Alba attack! They stand tall.
R-Truth is backstage with The Miz. He says he wanted to make it up to The Miz and got him a title match against Bron Breaker. We see the screen and it’s not Breakker, it’s Bronson Reed. Miz freaks out. Here comes Randy Orton to point out that Bron was the guy that killed Seth. He hypes Miz up, and Miz says he’s go this and leaves. Truth asks Orton if he thinks Miz has a chance, and Orton just walks away.
Randy Orton is here to talk to us. 20 years ago, he became the champion for the first time. He became the youngest champ in history 20 year ago. He says at The Bash, history will repeat itself when he becomes a 15 times World Heavyweight Champion.
Gunther is quick to interrupt. He is out lookin dapper with his title.
Orton wants us to take a picture of this moment because the title is coming home to him soon. Gunther agrees, we should take a picture. Orton is one of the greatest, and he will lose at The Bash. Gunther wants to be honest, Orton should be THE greatest of all time. The most natural and physically gifted talent this industry has ever seen. Unlimited potential, and he wasted it. Gunther calls this a new era, the era of The Ring General. In his era, there is no room for wasted potential. IN the future of his era, Orton will not play a role anymore.
Orton stops him, says he never claimed to be perfect. He is the most unpredictable WWE superstar of all time. He is not cursed, he’s gifted. He has done it his way the entire time, and he will always do it his way, the American way. He has 5 kids, a hot ass smokeshow of a wife, and the cherry on top is that he is a 14 – soon to be 15 time WWE World Champion. So, again, he appreciates Gunther’s opinion, bu he thinks he’s done pretty damned good for himself.
Gunther predicts that he will give Orton the beating of a lifetime. Because of this, Orton will never be champion again. If you wonder why he is so sure, let’s be honest – when it really matters, Orton always screws it up. It must come naturally, because his grandfather was a screw up, his father was a screw up, and Orton is the biggest screw up of them all.
This seems to tiger Orton, as he drops the mic and seethes at the mouth.
Drew McIntyre’s music hits and out he comes.
Gunther is distracted for a split second, and Orton hits him with an RKO OUTTA NOWHERE!!!
Drew removes his shirt, looking to possibly attack, but it’s CM Punk to attack from the crowd!!!!!! GLASGOW KISS TO PUNK!!! Drew removes his belt, looks to whip Punk! Punk dodges it and grabs the belt. He whips Drew across te back, another to the gut. Into the ring and Punk hits him in the chest then slaps him with the belt a few more times, chasing him out of he ring then into the crowd with some belt shots.
CM Punk is walking backstage looking for Drew. He sees Gunther walk by pissed off. He is stopped by Cathy, who says she was on the same flight as Punk so there was no travel issues. Punk says it was a lie, he wanted to get his hands on Drew. The bracelet, the names on the bracelet are what matters. He can keep the bracelet, but Drew is not allowed to speak his wife’s name, his dog’s name, without the repurcussions. This will not stop till he gets his hands on Drew. He’ll call Punk a hypocrite, but this is a man who says he hates his guts but wants to stay attached, yet runs from a fight. Punk is glad he is here, and he thinks he just figured out a way to make everyone happy…
The Miz vs Bronson Reed
Miz tries to start first with some kicks and rope work that results in him running into a brick wall that is Bronson Reed. Elbow drope from Reed. He hits the ropes and just rolls onto and through him.
We come back and Miz is flying off the apron onto Reed. Reed rolls into the ring, Miz hops to the apron, hangs up Reed, slides unde Reed into the ring and hits the ropes, Reed misses a right, tries for a slam, but Miz turns it into a DDT! Cover! 1….NO!!! Miz sends Reed to the corner, hits a clothesline!
Springboard into a crossbody, but Reed catches and sends him to the shoulders! DVD!! Reed to the top rope, and the crowd is fucking HYPED! TSUNAMI!!! COVER!!! 1..2..3!!!
Winner: Bronson Reed
That beatdown last week did WONDERS for Reed, because the crowd was fucking HYPED for that Tsunami!
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 6:35
Reed looks to hit another Tsunami! But Truth gets in the ring to move Miz and he gets hit with it! Reed with another one to R-Truth!!!! ANOTHER ONE!!!! Pearce and Agents are out to stop him but he hits ANOTHER one to Truth! They think they stop him, but Reed just hits the other corner and hits another Tsunami! Lol.
Pearce threatens to suspend Reed. Reed leaves the ring.
Sami Zayn is preparing himself backstage. In comes Jey Uso to hype him up. Sami says Bron is not easy to beat. Jey says he’s going to beat him, then they’re going after Judgment Day to get the tag team titles. YEET?
2 out of 3 Falls Match for the Intercontinental Championship
Sami Zayn vs Bronson Reed
Bron corner Sami with some shoulders. Sami fights back with right hands. They hit the ropes, Sami hops over, then sends Bron outside. Sami flies over the top rope onto Bron!
We come back and Sami tries for a fall but only gets a 2 count. Bron drops Sami, then grabs his face and yells tht Sami will not be taking this from him. Sami pulls himself up. Bron whips him, then bends over but Sami kicks the chest, then an elbow, misses a right, Bron hits the ropes, Asmi hops up, and Bron caches him with a powerslam! Cover 1….2..NO!!!Sami runs the ropes, DDT off the corner to Bron! Cover! 1.2..NO!!! Sami hops off the bottom rope, Bron catches him. GERMAN!!! Bron corners Sami with a clothesline. Another! Tries for a 3rd, but SAMI WITH A HELLUVA KICK!!! COVER! 1..2…3!!!!
Winner of Fall 1: Sami Zayn!
Sami hypes himself up. Bron is outside trying to recover. Sami leaves the ring to grab him, chops Bron, whips to the barricade, reversed, Sami hops off the barricade wit a moonsault, Bron caches him and lawn darts him into the timekeper’s area! We follow Bron with that angle, and it looked sick.
We are BACK From another break and Bron hits a sick Frankensteiner! Cover! 1.2…NO!!!! Pat calls it a Breakensteiner! Gorilla press! SPEAR! Straps down! He’s not done! He hits the ropes, again, another spear!!! COVER! 1..2…3!!!!
Winner of Fall 2: Bron Breaker!
Bron tries for a lazy cover, but Sami turns it into a crucifix pin! 1..2.NO!! Bron with a right hand! Drops Sami. Sami rolls out of the ring near the table. Bron grabs him by the head and sends him face first into the table. Bron breaks the count then stands on the apron. He dives with a clothesline onto the table! Sami is laid out on the table. Bron makes the ref count. Ref gets to 9 and Sami slides in! Bron is shocked! Sami with a sunset flip poweromb out of the corner! Into a pin! 1..2..NO!!! Bron tries for a spear! Sami hops over! Rollup! 1..2..NO!!! High knee from Bron! Hits the ropes, agai—BIG KICK FROM SAMI!!! He falls into a pin! 1..2…N!O!!!
Sami drags Bron into position. Sami to the top rope. Bron rolls onto his stomach then stands. Runs up the corner! Headbutt from Sami! He flies. SPEAR!!!!! Cover! 1.2…3!!!
Winner: Bron Breakker
Ok, that ending was just a tad bit laughable. I don’t recall any move that Sami does that would look like that, with him just flying into a prone position for no good reason. Everything before that was good , and we continue to make Bron look great.
Total Rating: ***3/4
Match Time: 17:28
End Show