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AEW News: The Hardys Have a ‘Painful Twist of Fate’ Planned for Rampage, Video Highlights for 200th Dynamite

August 3, 2023 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
AEW Rampage Trios Match The Hardys Keith lee Image Credit: AEW

As noted, AEW announced that The Hardys will team up with Keith Lee on tomorrow night’s Rampage to face The Butcher, The Blade, and Kip Sabian. Matt and Jeff Hardy cut a promo on tomorrow’s six-man tag team matchup, which you can see below. Matt Hardy says they are going to deliver a “painful Twist of Fate” for The Butcher, Blade, and Sabian:

– AEW released the following video highlights for last night’s 200th episode of Dynamite: