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UPDATED: More On QT Marshall Leaving AEW, Chances Of WWE Move

November 28, 2023 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
AEW Dark QT Marshall Image Credit: AEW

UPDATED: A new report has some additional information on QT Marshall’s exit from AEW. As noted earlier, Marshall was said to be frustrated with things in AEW including wanting to be more active as an on-air wrestler. Haus of Wrestling has a new report documenting how some of that frustration played out.

The report notes that Marshall’s influence in AEW began to fade quickly once Cody Rhodes departed AEW. While he was still liked by many in the company, it was noted that others who were closer to those in power got a chance to work alongside Tony Khan. This was around the time Marshall began pushing more to work as an on-air wrestler rather than a backstage coach, and the two issues led many backstage in AEW and WWE to have not been surprised that Marshall exited the company.

The site also spoke to some close to Marshall who said that his references to AEW’s “new direction” in his announcement is a belief that AEW is moving in a direction closer to NJPW where matches are the focus more than storytelling as Khan likes that style more.

Marshall is said to now want to focus on “having fun, wrestling, and improving as a performer,” in the site’s words. Many believe that Marshall’s friendship with Rhodes could position him as a coaching role in WWE, though he is reportedly mostly interested in wrestling as he has his own school with Rhodes where he can train talent. He doesn’t believe WWE will allow him to wrestle and coach, though he would be open to it if there was an option.

All that said, those on the WWE side have said they are doubtful that WWE would be interested in bringing Marshall on as a performer. Marshall was said to be hesitant to take some moves when he last worked for WWE due to neck issues, and while his creativity is considered a plus, it was noted how many good people WWE already has in backstage roles.

ORIGINAL: As previously reported, AEW wrestler and backstage worker QT Marshall announced that he’s departing the company and will have fulfilled all of his obligations in the company by the end of the year. More details were reported on Marshall’s exit on today’s Wrestling Observer Radio.

According to Meltzer, some in AEW have known for weeks that Marshall was going to be leaving, and some have also known it’s been going to happen for months. Additionally, Meltzer notes that QT has expressed his frustrations for things that have happened behind-the-scenes in AEW.

One point of frustration for QT is that he wanted to be more active as an on-air wrestler. Meltzer stated, “QT wants to be a wrestling star, and it wasn’t going to happen in AEW.” Also, Marshall has reportedly expressed this frustration to others within AEW that he wasn’t positioned to be a wrestling star.

Additionally, Meltzer noted that no one he spoke to had a bad word to say about Marshall, who is well-liked behind the scenes, and he added, “Most were sympathetic towards him.” Many talents were supportive privately of QT as well.

QT is close friends with WWE Superstar Cody Rhodes, and he also helps run The Nightmare Factory school. Whether or not Marshall makes a push to go to WWE to be with Cody remains to be seen. Meltzer reported that Marshall also has a home in AAA if he wants it.

article topics :

AEW, QT Marshall, Jeffrey Harris