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Big Cass’ WWE Release Reportedly Due to Drinking, Attitude Issues

June 19, 2018 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Big Cass WWE CaZXL

– Two new reports state that Big Cass’ WWE release on Tuesday stemmed from issues with public intoxication and having attitude issues. Pro Wrestling Sheet and Sports Illustrated have news on what led to the Smackdown’s star’s firing, which was announced by the company on Tuesday. The reports claim that Cass’ heat from May over going directly against Vince McMahon’s orders regarding his segment with a little person stand-in for Daniel Bryan were the beginning of a downward spiral for him.

According to the reports, Cass was drinking during the European tour that kicked off a week after the incident and had attitude issues. Cass was allegedly intoxicated in public, which is a big reason for his firing. In addition, there were several minor incidents that happened which turned out to be the final nails in his coffin as a WWE star.

The one incident that PWS has confirmed with multiple sources happened on the WWE bus that was driving talent around. Cass went to use the bathroom on the bus, which had a broken lock. Cass did not realize the lock was broken and thought he was being pranked. After being stuck in the bathroom for too long, Cass (who the site describes in the moment as “claustrophobic/angry”) broke down the door, which meant that people had to use the bathroom on the bus without a door afterward.

The multiple incidents happening in such a short time appear to have been the impetus for McMahon to call a meeting on Tuesday at the Smackdown taping and fire Cass.

article topics :

Big Cass, WWE, Jeremy Thomas