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Ciocco’s AEW Dynamite Review 10.2.24

October 2, 2024 | Posted by Ryan Ciocco
AEW Dynamite Bryan Danielson 10-2-24 Image Credit: AEW
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Ciocco’s AEW Dynamite Review 10.2.24  

So, funny thing happened…

As many people know, I have been mentioning everywhere that I was set to go to Dynamite 5 tonight, however, some real-life things happened, I sold my ticket to another SICKO, and so here we are good news/bad news. Bad news, I’m not going to the show, but good news is that we’ll all be together here for the fifth anniversary!

So, looks like we finally got our news about the AEW and WBD deal being officially done. Again, good news and bad news situation, as the company will be bringing content (including their PPV shows) to Max. Bad news is that it looks like Rampage is going to be discontinued and, while I am a bit upset by this, I can understand why. There’s also the great mystery of the company pushing “Shockwave” to other stations, namely to Fox. You may recall that they lost a certain show on Friday Night to USA, so they might be looking for new wrestling content.

Other than that, hi, hello, and good evening, fellow SICKOS! We’re close to the start of the show, so you all show up and show out in the comments section!


We are LIVE tonight from the Petersen Events Center in Pittsburgh, PA, and as usual, our commentators are the lovely trio of Excalibur, Nigel McGuiness, and Tony Schiavone!

Cold open with The BCC. PAC talks about choosing sides, Claudio says he is still the same guy, so is Mox. Marina speaks in Moldovan, I presume. Moxley says he is going to get the belt from Danielson one way or another, and there will be casualties. There will be a gift from the universe, to die a warrior’s death, and he’ll be buried in the backyards gracefully and peacefully. He’s sending Daddy home for good.


And we’re wasting NO time sending out the match that everyone wants to see (which one, you ask lol).

Before the match, we see Kyle Fletcher and Will Ospreay. Kyle is hyping up Will, but here is Don Callis to wish him luck and he claims they have to get to the airport. Konosuke Takeshita hangs around and looks at Will as Kyle and Don leave.

Foreshadowing, maybe?

AEW International Title Match: Will Ospreay (C) vs. Ricochet
The bell rings and we have a standoff. HOLY SHIT chants from the crowd, followed by THIS IS AWESOME chants. Early exchange between the men, a jackknife pin is countered into a backslide. Ricochet shoulders Will, he kips up, Ricochet with a cartwheel springboard. Ricochet tiaras attempt, Will lands on his feet, they both springboard and POSE


A-E-DUB chant from the fans now, Pittsburgh is into this. Will slaps Ricochet, he responds with a forearm. Ospreay leaps into the waiting arms of Ricochet and he hits a backbreaker. Tope Suicida from Ricochet onto Will against the barricade. Will counters Ricochet on the barricade, but RICOCHET WITH A HURRICANRANA OFF THE BARRICADE! HOLY SHIT CHANT FROM THE CROWD! Back in the ring, stalling senton from Ricochet to Will. Dueling chants for both men now. Ospreay off the ropes, springboard back elbow! Will on the apron now, riling up the crowd. Will with the springboard into a big forearm and that’s a two count. Ospreay as OLE chant now. Ospreay looks for the Oscutter no, they exchange missed kicks. HUGE clothesline by Ricochet. And another, a pin for two! Both men jump off of each other, trade shots, SPANISH FLY by Ospreay, cover for a two! Ospreay looking for the Oscutter again, but another counter by Ricochet. Ricochet on the apron, pump kick blocked, chop by Will. Ospreay looking for Stormbreaker on the apron, no, fireman’s carry countered. Ospreay again for the OSCUTTER AND HITS IT! BOTH MEN HIT THE FLOOR! YEEOW! IT’S TIME FOR PIP BREAK!

-Random PIP thoughts:
-Collision Cowboys, Yeehaw.
-Joker looks good, fight me!
-Don’t use Sinex Saline, because then you smell all the horrors of life!
-I will not go to Walmart to get Super Beats, sorry.
-Also, sorry, that Pimento looks gross.
-Theraworks, works! And I guess it doesn’t smell?
-Is it just me, or has Progressive had about as many different characters as Geico?
-I could totally see me sliding down a snowy hill for Cheez its lol.

And we’re back, with Will on the top rope, and Ricochet joins him. Both men are standing, TOP ROPE HURRICANRANA BUT WILL LANDS ON HIS FEET! RICOCHET STEALS THE OSCUTTER OUT OF SPITE FOR A TWO COUNT! Ricochet kicks Will in the side of the head, to the top, Will moves, Hidden Bland attempt, caught, backslide bomb, STALLING PILEDRIVER FOR A TWO COUNT! FOGHT FOREVER chants.

(Well yeah, but I don’t see what the video game has to do with this).

Ricochet starts the Northern Lights locomotion; it’s countered into a Stunner. WILL WITH THE STYLES CLASH, JUST A TWO COUNT! OSCUTTER FINALLY CONNECTS, BUT RICOCHET WON’T STAY DOWN! Will’s elbow pad is off, looking for Hidden Blade, Ricochet ducks, DOUBLE ARM LARIAT! Ricochet to the top, SHOOTING STAR PRESS!! 1…2…NOOOOOOOOO! Ricochet with the stomp, looking for Vertigo, countered into a reverse hurricananra! That’s counted by Will! HIDDEN BLADE! BOTH MEN’S SHOULDERS ARE DOWN AND RICK KNOX COUNTS THEM BOTH TO THREE. Knox tells Justin Roberts that both men were counted down and this is a draw! No bloody way! Both men want the match to be restarted.

Justin Roberts channeling his inner Anonymous Raw GM, saying Tony Khan said the match will continue!

Well then…back at it.

Both men trade forearms in the middle of the ring. Both men hit roundhouse kicks, HIDDEN BLADE! WAIT, HERE’S TAKESHITA TO ATTACK OSPREAY!
WINNER: Will Ospreay VIA DQ
Time: 17:47
Thoughts: Fantastic showing between two amazing talents that was ruined once by a false finish and then the obvious interference by Takeshita. For what we had, though, it was amazing.
Rating: ****1/2

Post match, Takeshita takes out Ospreay, and takes out Ricochet too. He grabs the International Title and stands over the fallen men.

OMG, Mercedes Mone is still a thing? WOW! Obnoxious hang there on the BURGH part, yikes. Kamille and Renee are here too. Mercedes has put together a package of Dynamite’s best moments and… it’s all Mone.


Mone keeps talking, and here is MVP. He wants her to take his business card, and Mone takes it and looks at it.

TV Time with Chris Jericho is on the other side of the commercial break. We also get a Dynamite moment, with Jericho and Ishii fighting.

We come back to a Dynamite moment, with The Gunns winning the AEW Tag Team Titles. That leads to a backstage interview with the Gunns, but here is Hangman Adam Page to attack both men with a chair!

We’re in the ring with Big Bill! It’s not about the destination, but it’s about who we become as people along the way. Over the past 1,823 days we have all become better people, and it’s all thanks to Chris Jericho! Here comes Jericho along with the Bad Apple Bryan Keith.


Congratulations to five years AND a new TV deal! There wouldn’t be either without Chris Jericho tho, and we should thank him.


It’s also the 34th anniversary of Jericho’s in-ring debut, and to think he went from there to Philadelphia…

Chris: Oh, sorry, Pittsburgh.

Over the past few weeks, Jericho has had an epiphany. He main evented in Mexico and defeated Mark Briscoe, so it’s a new era. The Ocho is gone, bring on the Nueve! Jericho challenges Briscoe to a ROH Title match at WrestleDream.

Here comes Briscoe and the Conglomeration to the ring. Briscoe on the mic, tells his boys to stand down, so everyone leaves. Mark’s dad brought them up to be men, to not make excuses. Big Bill put Briscoe through a table, and Jericho rolled his limp ass over on him. But it was legal, and Jericho got the win in New York City. Being a man is calling it like it is, and on his 34th anniversary, Briscoe says Jericho is one of the best wrestlers on the planet. Briscoe would love to put that notch in his belt. It’s funny that the Word of the Day is consequential…

But Jericho cuts him off. He says Mark can’t beat him, but maybe Jay could have. But Mark will never be as good as Jay was.

That, rightfully, gets Jericho hit with a punch. Briscoe tells Jericho to get his brother’s name out of his mouth. At WrestleDream, he will get a whopping. Mark accepts the challenge.

We go to a segment with Darby Allin. On the bus, three guys spit on Darby, he eventually confronted them, and everyone on the bus broke up the fight. Weeks ago, when Moxley said he wasn’t ready to be the face of the company, he was reminded of the three guys on the bus. You live by the sword, you die by the sword, and Allin is losing faith in himself. All he can do it fight. He will be at Tacoma Dome for WrestleDream. He is issuing an open challenge. He has nothing left to lose, as be punches a demolished Jeep.

Here comes Hangman Page to the stage, fresh off his ambush of the Gunn Brothers.

“Hangman” Adam Page vs. Juice Robinson
Page meets Robinson at the top of the ramp as they brawl. Juice has the strap and whips Page. Robinson to the floor, but Page hits him in the gut. He beats Robinson into the crowd and the strap into the stands. Page rearranges the guard rail and grabs a table and sets it up against the rial. Kick to the gut of Juice, but Robinson reverses the piledriver with a backdrop. Both men trade punches up the steps and further into the crowd. Back down the steps, and Juice with a headbutt and he smacks Page with a Hangman sign. Both men back at ringside finally and the match begins proper.

(Also, apparently Taz was attacked in the parking lot earlier today and was sent home to New York City).

Page stomps Robinson down into the corner to stop his momentum. Now seems like a good time for PIP.

PIP thoughts:
-Prime Day is coming up, Walmart has their week, Target has sale days. Competition!
-Putting frosting on Raisin Bran is one way to make it interesting.
-St. Jude commercials will always break my heart. 💔 Sincerely, fuck cancer.
-No costume will beat the split Reese’s and Kit Kat outfit.

And we’re back, as Page goes to the top rope, but Robinson back to his feet. He chops out the feet of Page, SUPERPLEX FROM THE TOP! The match resets, and Page with running forearms. Juice punches, he counters the Irish Whip with a clothesline. More Juice punches, “HAPPY FIVE YEARS, BITCH”. Robinson goes for the cannonball, but Page moves, and he crashes. Page on the attack outside, whip into the barricade and dropped face first on the apron. Page charges, but Robinson with a Spinebuster on the apron. Cannonball for real on the outside on Page through the barricade! Robinson returns Page to the ring; he goes up top. The crossbody is rolled through by Page into a Fallaway Slam into the bottom turnbuckle.

Nigel: That’s only a face that a mother could love.
Tony: It’s like Bruiser Brody and Macho Man Randy Savage.

Page up top with Robinson, looking for Deadeye, Juice fights out, POWERBOMB FROM THE CORNER! That gets Juice a two count as he is looking for the Juice is Loose. Countered, Page has Referee Aubrey Edwards, LOW BLOW to Juice, to the apron and back in with the Buckshot Lariat and that’s all she wrote!
WINNER: “Hangman” Adam Page
Time: 10:03 (when it got into the ring)
Thoughts: A fun brawl for what it was. Some people will complain that Robinson got too much offense in, and Page needed to dominate, but it was the end result we needed.
Rating: ***1/4

Post match, Page takes his belt off and wraps it around the neck of Robinson. He’s about to hang Juice, but the music of Switchblade Jay White hits, and he attacks Hangman from behind! Page makes his escape as White checks on Robinson and then follows Page into the crowd! They revisit the table set up against the guardrail. SPEAR THROUGH THE TABLE ON PAGE BY WHITE!

To the back we go with Renee, as she is waiting for The Scapegoat Jack Perry. As if on cue he shows up in the Scapegoat Bus, but Katsuyori Shibata is here to challenge him for the TNT Title at WrestleDream. Perry says he’ll think about it, but when Shibata turns around, Perry hits him from behind with the TNT Title. Perry lifts his head and says he accepts.

Dynamite Moment: 10/2/2019, as Moxley debuted and attacked Kenny Omega! This leads us to commercial break.

Dynamite Moment from 12/15/2021, when Danielson and Page fought to the 60-minute time limit draw. That segues us to Danielson backstage. This is AEW’s World Title, not his. They broke the system, and this is where the best wrestle. That’s why he challenged Okada; they have split both matches so far, and Okada broke his arm. Not only is Danielson’s Title on the line, but so his is career. AEW, this one is for you!

Here comes Doctor Britt Baker D…M… D through the crowd, with the Terrible Towel in tow to play it up for the hometown crowd! We get another Dynamite moment, the Lights Out match with Baker against Rosa on 3/17/22.

Dr. Britt Baker vs. The Professor Serena Deeb
Before we begin, I have to say I find it weird that the heel/face tunnels have not been obliged by tonight for some odd reason.

Anyway, the bell rings and we’re under way. Nigel notes that Baker is 4-0 in the city of Pittsburgh. Both ladies trade holds early on, with Deeb taking Baker to the mat. Back up, and Baker takes Deeb over with a Fireman’s Carry. She looks for the Lockjaw early, but Deen to the ropes. The Glamour Mariah May is ringside for this one! Deeb does circles around Baker, but Baker takes Deeb to the mat. She has a double underhook, Deeb trips Baker and locks on the single leg crab. Baker makes it to the ropes as Deeb taunts the fans. Deeb with a headlock, off the ropes with a shoulder tackle. Back up, some reversals, and Baker with a neck breaker. DMD chant starts up as Deeb delivers a chop block to Baker, and that’ll take us to PIP.

PIP Thoughts:
-Apparently, Amon-Ra St. Brown is a Professor?
-Shingles doesn’t care, but you can’t get the shot until your 50 unless you have complications and can get it before then. That really helped me when I had shingles at 34.
-Floor and Decor is still a thing??
-Oh, I forgot, Wayfair is getting in on the whole sales arm race this month.
-Raining cats and dogs? Get Gorilla glue and tape!

And we return, as both women trade in the middle of the ring. Baker sidesteps another Deeb chop block, Baker with a ripcord forearm. Fisherman Neck breaker is countered by Deeb, but Baker counters with a sling blade. Fisherman neck breaker by Baker, covers, that’s a two count. Baker has the glove out, but Deeb traps Baker in the corner and hits the Dragon Screw leg whip in the ropes. A powerbomb on Baker gets Deeb a two count. Deeb looking for the Stretch Muffler, Baker rolls up Deeb for a two count. Ripcord Lariat countered, German Suplex by Deeb. Baker back up with a thrust kick, but Deeb eats it and drops Baker. Detox countered by Baker for the Air Raid Crash! Deeb with a crucifix pin but Baker counters, looking for the Lockjaw. Deeb to her feet, she gets kicked to the corner by Baker. Deeb now on the apron, Deeb up top, Baker cuts her off. They both are on top, AVALANCHE AIR RAID CRASH BY BAKER! BUT THAT’S JUST A TWO COUNT! Deeb tries to sneak in a roll up, but Baker counters into the Lockjaw and Deeb gives up!
WINNER: Dr. Britt Baker
Time: 11:38
Thoughts: A good, solid match between two talented women, and of course, another hometown win for Baker, pushing that record to 5-0.
Rating: ***

Baker’s celebration is short lived, as Deeb attacks from behind. But here comes Queen Aminata to attack Deeb. They brawl on the mat as Deeb escapes the ring. Aminata checks on Baker as she helps her to her feet and they celebrate.

Dynamite moment from 1/17/24, as HOOK and Samoa Joe fight. This leads us to Renee and HOOK backstage. Renee asks if he has any information on Taz. HOOK says he will find who did this, and he is coming for them.

To the back with Christian Cage. Pittsburgh, sit down and shut up! He is the face of TBS now and forever, He is the Patriarch, he is the next AEW Champion, he is our Father Figure, and he will have it all, hook, line, and sinker.


We’re back with a Dynamite Moment from 9/22/21 between Omega and Danielson. To the back, with Renee and Mariah May. May cuts off Renee, she mocks Willow Nightingale for all her title shots that she losses. Here is Nightingale to confront May. May pie faces Willow, so she slaps May back. Here comes staff and Christopher Daniels to break up the fight.

To the ring, and OH MY GOD, IS THAT PRIVATE PARTY?? Huh, and they have new music, too!

Private Party vs. The Iron Savages
Bronson and Quen to start, but it breaks down with everyone in the ring, as both Private Party low bridge Boulder to the floor. Stokley Hathaway applauds Private Party in the back. The gin and Juice and that’s it!
WINNER: Private Party
Time: 1:05
Thoughts: A quick and emphatic win for Private Party, nothing more, nothing less.
Rating: N/R

Post match promo, Isiah on the mic, they meant it when they said, new year, new champions. They don’t care if Quen’s hand is hurt, they want the tag team titles. They beat the Young Bucks once, and they can do it again. They challenge the Young Bucks right here and right now!

The music hits, and the Bucks are here. They have an idea for tonight, why don’t the Bucks put the titles on the line right here right now?

The Bucks walk down to the ring…

But wait, they have limited dates and aren’t going to waste it on a crappy place like Pittsburgh.

Perry is here, he attacks Private Party from behind, and the Bucks join in. Here comes Shibata to the ring as the Bucks leave the ring, and Perry backs off as well.

Daniels is here now with a mic. He has an idea, this Friday on Rampage, Private Party and Shibata team up to face The Young Bucks and Jack Perry!

Dynamite moment from 4/3/24, with the contract signing between Swerve Strickland and Samoa Joe.

We’re off to Renee, who has MVP. He has an announcement to make on the fifth anniversary of Dynamite, but wait, Prince Nana is here to confront him. People in AEW forgot that Nana use to wrestle, and he’ll lace up the boots again. Shelton Benjamin is here! Apparently, he is the President of the Complaint Department! He takes Nana’s coffee cup and drinks from it. LOL!

Dynamite Moment with the intro of Mr. Brodie Lee. Never forgotten. 🖤💜

Our main event is on the other side of the commercial break!

Dynamite moment from 7/17/24 between Ospreay and MJF for the International Title. That puts our main event on track.

AEW World and Continental Title Match: Bryan Danielson vs. Kazuchika Okada
The Continental Title is only on the line for the first 20 minutes of the match.
Both titles are presented, the bell rings, and the fans are into it. HOLY SHIT chant for this rubber match between the men in the ring. They stare each other down, and then back away to the corners. They come together and circle, both men lockup and dance around the ring. To the corner, Okada takes a headlock, Danielson reverses, and he gives a clean break. Another circle, test of strength, as the fans are about 7030 for Danielson. Okada takes down Danielson, but Bryan counters with short arm scissors. Back up, Okada loads up the dropkick, but Danielson hooks the ropes. Okada back up, Rainmaker is ducked, and we head to PIP!

PIP thoughts:
-So, I can’t take Olay and get better skin in 14 days? Only for women! BOO!
-The guy in the Meommi commercial looks like Drake.
-Lexus? Buy a Toyota instead! You’ll save money for the same parts!
-NHL on TNT, I’m ready for it!
-I know ‘Tis the Season, but I don’t care for these political ads. It’s amazing to me how they can lie on purpose and be just fine with it.

And we’re back, as Okada squares up to Danielson in the middle of the ring. He takes Danielson back to the corner, he feigns a clean break, but he batters Danielson with forearms. Now on the apron, and Danielson with forearms of his own. Danielson drop kick through the ropes, he tries again, but Okada back in and hits a flapjack.

(We are getting serious overtime tonight! Viva the new WBD deal!)

Okada drives Danielson face first into the top turnbuckle, follows that up with a back elbow. And another. Whip across the ring, Okada with a leaping back elbow. Okada taunts the crowd with YES chants. Danielson fights back with forearms, off the ropes, Okada catches him, but Danielson escapes to the apron. Okada up top to cut off Danielson. Bryan fights him off, Danielson with the diving headbutt but no one is home. Okada laughs as he grabs a top wrist lock. Danielson to his feet and fights out, off the ropes, but Okada with a kick and a DDT, cover for a two count. Okada stalks Danielson and attempts the Tombstone, but Danielson fights it. Okada gouges the eyes, and whips Danielson. It’s reserved, as Danielson charges the corner, but Okada sidesteps and dropkicks Danielson over the top rope and to the floor. Okada on the outside, he whips Danielson into the barricade. He takes him to the other barricade. Okada breaks the count by rolling in the ring, back out, and he boots Danielson over the barricade and into the crowd. Okada back over the barricade, but Danielson now whips Okada into the barricade. He does it in the other direction. He rolls Okada into the ring, to the top rope, dropkick! Okada back outside, Danielson flies with a tope suicida and takes out Okada. Danielson rolls Okada back into the ring, goes up top, and hits another dropkick. Okada to his knees, here comes the YES kicks. The final one misses, Okada with the roll up for a two, Danielson switches to the Labell Lock. Okada rolls through, as both men get back to their feet and trade uppercuts. Danielson slaps Okada and whips him to the corner, but here comes Okada with a standing dropkick. A scoop slam, Okada up top, he hits the elbow drop. Okada with the MIDDLE FINGER POSE! Okada looking for the Rainmaker, no, Danielson locks in the Triangle Choke! Danielson switches to the Labell Lock.

Justin Roberts: 19 minutes have gone by!

Okada fights to avoid tapping out, but Danielson hooks the arm with his legs. Okada finally reaches the ropes. Back up, BUSIKU KNEE! But Okada rolls out of the way to the floor!

Justin Roberts: 20 minutes have passed!

Okada thinks he is safe on the floor, but Danielson with a tope over the top and to the floor. Danielson charges Okada, but he catches Dragon and hits him with the Tombstone on the floor! We have another PIP break!

PIP Thoughts:
-Something about shoes
-Something about online classes
-Something about Leaf Filter (to be fair, it is Fall)
-Theraworx Works!
-Law and Order SVU will never end, will it?
-Yes, we know, St. Brown is a Meatmatician.

We’re back, with THIS IS AWESOME chants as both men are down. Back up, and we go corner to corner as both men return fire. Danielson goes behind Okada, he hits a German Suplex, Okada rolls through, Danielson runs into a dropkick. Danielson counters a kick, lands kicks of his own to the chest and arm of Okada. Dwon to the mat, Danielson is stomping down Okada. Danielson to the corner, YES chants, goes for the knee, COUNTER INTO THE RAINMAKER!! Okada can’t capitalize as both men are spent. Both men are to their knees and face to face, they trade forearms. YES! NO! YES! NO! YES! NO! Back to their feet, and the strikes continue. Danielson back down to a knee, as Okada shoves Bryan. Big slap by Okada that works to fire up Danielson. He’s back up and he fires away with forearms and a rolling elbow. Danielson rolls through the German Suplex, but Okada with a BUSIKU KNEE OF HIS OWN! DANIELSON WITH A RAINMAKER FOR A TWO COUNT! THIEVES! Danielson with the hammer and anvil elbows, Okada fights out of it and hits a DVD! Okada with a short arm lariat, but here comes the BCC to ring side. Okada continues the clotheslines and looks for RAINMAKER, BUT DANIELSON COUNTERS IT INTO A BACKSLIDE FOR THE PIN!!!!
WINNER: Bryan Danielson
Time: 31:43
Thoughts: The early going of this match was predictable, as Okada was playing defense to keep his title from being on the line for the first 20 minutes. Still a fantastic match with good pace, flow, and counters and wrestling between two stars in the business.
Rating: ****

Okada hits a Rainmaker after the match and then flips off the BCC at ringside as he takes his title and leaves the ring. The BCC enters the ring, Moxley on the mic. Everything Moxley does is what he has to and not what he wants to. Here is Wheeler Yuta with a hammer to save Danielson! PAC and Claudio get out, but Moxley is back in the ring as he comes face to face with Jon. Danielson attacks Moxley, as PAC and Claudio are back in to fight with Yuta and Danielson. The BCC escape to the floor as Yuta gets a mic. He can make his own decisions and fight his own fights. Speaking of, next week on Title Tuesday, if they want to get to Bryan, they’ll have to go through him. Danielson on the mic, him and Yuta against Claudio and PAC.

(Well, I mean, it’s not a title match, but okay).

And with that, we are done for tonight!

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
When it was announced that Ricochet and Ospreay were throwing down for Dynamite 5, you probably didn't think it could be much better than that. But it did get better, with Danielson and Okada in a 30+ match in the main event. We also got some continued development from other arcs and angles, and overall, the show struck a particular balance between promos, future build, and the in-ring action. For the opening and closing matches alone this gets a great score, but the other stuff mattered, too.

article topics :

AEW Dynamite, Ryan Ciocco