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Click Here to Join 411’s LIVE Impact Wrestling Coverage

October 5, 2017 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Impact Wrestling Anthem Media

Keep Refreshing For The Latest Results
I will be doing the coverage in my regular review style; final ratings and extra thoughts will be in the final version of the review. Have a good time chatting, and thanks for joining 411 for your live coverage needs.

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

Csonka: Potential 2017 GFW Hall of Fame Candidates.
Csonka Ranks The Impact Knockouts Roster.
Csonka Looks at Jim Cornette’s Impact Departure & More Roster Changes.

– In memoriam of Lance Russell.

– We stand with Vegas.

– We get highlights from last week’s show.

Eli Drake Talks: Eli Drake and Chris Adonis make their way to the ring. Drake says tonight is a celebration because he drove done Victory Road right through Slamtown, turning that ghetto into a parking lot and built a Eli’s Cakes. Johnny Impact won’t be here because he beat him single-handedly. The world title is not going anywhere, even with Jim Cornette doing everything to take the title from him, but he beat Cornette’s golden boy, went to Mexico and next week goes to Japan. His reign won’t end anytime soon, and no one has a chance to beat him. But since he’s going to Japan, he has the night off tonight. He calls out all the ladies between 18-36, size 2 with double Ds, can meet him at the hotel. Drake has Adonis booked in a match tonight, but doesn’t know who it is, but is confident that Adonis will win. Garza Jr arrives.

Garza Jr. vs. Chris Adonis: Adonis is in his jeans and the match begins. Garza controls early, but Adonis cuts him off and starts working the arm. Adonis grounds the action, maintaining focus on the arm. Garza fires back with kicks, and then RANAs Adonis to the floor. The plancha follows. Garza misses a second plancha and Adonis sidesteps him and we take a break. Post break, Adonis is still in control. Garza fires up but runs into a clothesline, and Adonis covers for 2. The leg drop follows, and Adonis follows with knees to the back. A suplex follows and Adonis covers for 2. Adonis keeps working the heat, keeping Garza grounded and working the back. Garza fights to his feet, escapes but runs into a spinebuster. We see Johnny Impact arriving as Adonis looks for the Adonis lock, but Garza escapes and fires up and hits a missile dropkick as Drake leaves commentary. Garza covers for2 and then misses the asai moonsault. Johnny Impact arrives and attacks Adonis for the DQ. Chris Adonis defeated Garza Jr. @ 11:50 via DQ

– We get a big brawl, and Cornette arrives and books Garza vs. Impact for next week. And that match is a #1 contender’s match, with the title match taking place at Bound for Glory. Impact and Garza brawl and have to be separated.

– We get highlights of Moose’s recent issues with Lashley and ATT.

– We get clips of oVe winning the tag titles last week.

Tag Team Champions oVe vs. Jon Bolen & Trey Miguel: Miguel into begin with Jake. They work back and forth, Jake hits a high cross and Jake takes control, sending Miguel and Bolen to the floor. He follows with a dive and Dave hits a moonsault to the floor. Bolen cuts off Jake, but Jake hits knee strikes and tags in Dave. They work over Bolen, and take out Miguel. They toss Bolen to the floor, and the high low follows on Miguel for the win. Champions oVe defeated Jon Bolen & Trey Miguel @ 3:37 via pin

– We get highlights of the Impact vs. AAA feud.

Sienna Talks: Sienna, along with KM, make their way to the ring. She says Bound for Glory is approaching but doesn’t have a match yet. She’s beaten the whole division and will fight men if she has to. Sienna then says she knows that they will be inducting her into the hall of fame. She says KM has to induct her, and teases retiring as champion unlike Gail Kim. Kim now arrives, and says she worked long and hard for the division and won’t allow Sienna to disrespect her or the division. Kim wants her rematch at BFG. Taryn Terrell now arrives. Taryn says that she was the longest reigning champion in knockouts history. That’s longer than both Sienna & Kim. Tayrn then reminds Kim that she’s never beat her. Allie now arrives. It’s wear your bra to work day for Taryn & Allie. Allie says that she’s Allie. Glad you know your name. She’s been working hard and she wants a title shot too. Karen Jarrett now arrives and says Sienna is not going into the hall of fame. Also, Sienna will defend the title at BFG against Kim, Taryn, and Allie.

– We get a video package with Grado doing autograph signings, with Joe Park pocketing most of the cash.

Andrew Everett, Caleb Konley, & Trevor Lee vs. Sonjay Dutt, Petey Williams, & Matt Sydal: Konley and Dutt into begin. They work some fun back and forth, Dutt hits a RANA and it breaks down. The heels take control, but the faces run them together and follow with dropkicks and dives. Post break (around 5-minutes long after 2-minutes of action), and Dutt is working over Konley. Williams tags in, puts Konley into the tree of WHOA, stomps on his balls as Sydal hits a dropkick. Sydal tags in, he and Dutt hit standing moonsaults for 2. Sydal lays in chops to Konley, tags in Dutt. He and Williams work quick tags, the faces keep control over Konley, Everett gets in a cheap shot to cut off Dutt, Lee works him over and then rolls him back in. Lee tags in, stomping on Dutt and taking the heat. Everett tags in, hits a dropkick and covers for 2. The heels work quick tags, isolating Dutt in their corner and covering for near falls. Dutt manages to battle back, Lee cuts him off but Dutt hits a tornado DDT and tags in Williams, he hits a code breaker on Lee, Russian leg sweep on Konley and covers for 2. Lee accidentally moonsaults onto Everett as Williams moved out of the way. Sydal flies in with meteora, but Everett then cuts him off. Everett up top, it breaks down, and Sydal hits RANA and shooting star press for the win. Sonjay Dutt, Petey Williams, & Matt Sydal defeated Andrew Everett, Caleb Konley, & Trevor Lee @ 14:31 via pin

– Post match, Dutt challenges Lee for BFG. Williams & Sydal dispute this and both want the title match. The X-Division is slowly taking shape as we head for BFG.

– Sonjay Dutt, Petey Williams, & Matt Sydal argue backstage, but Cornette will have none of this bullshit and bails.

– Lauren Van Mess arrives on a scooter and makes out with a random fan.

– Moose hunted down Lashley and went to ATT (American Top team) to get revenge. Moose, who is a stupid man, shoves Dan Lambert and steps into the cage, where he gets his ass beat. ATT drags him out of the building like a sack of trash.

EC3 & James Storm vs. Texano & Fantasma: Texano attacks before the bell, working over Storm. Storm fires up, slams Tenaxo down and is reluctant to make the tag, allowing Texano to rake the eyes and cut him off. Storm fights back and makes the tag, they stare each other down and Texano attacks and tags in Fantasma. EC3 cuts him off, lays in chops and fakes the tag to Storm. Storm then blind tags in, but Texano hits a cheap shot, allowing team AAA to take control and cover Storm for 2. Texano grounds Storm, but Storm manages to fight back and tag EC3 in. EC3 runs wild, kicking Texano’s ass and then sending Fantasma to the floor. The TKO on Texano gets 2. EC3 has controls until Fantasma runs in with the big boot, and Texano covers for 2. Texano hits a back elbow and tags in Fantasma. The dropkick follows, and Storm makes the save. Fantasma lays in chops, working over EC3 in the corner. EC3 starts to fight back with chops but Texano cuts him off, allowing Fantasma to cover for 2. EC3 hits a desperation lariat as Pagano arrives. He distracts Storm allowing Fantasma to hit a running knee strike on EC3. Post break (around 4-minutes) as TexanohasEC3 grounded, maintaining the heat. Pagano chokes out EC3 as Texano hits a dropkick and tags in Fantasma. He beats down EC3 in the corner, EC3 pulled to the floor, allowing Texano and Pagano to attack. Texano back in, hits slams and Fantasma then misses a top rope splash. EC3 hits a cutter, and Storm gets the hot tag. He runs wild on Fantasma, hits an enziguri and then takes out Fantasma and Texano, covering for 2. Pagano distracts Storm, Team AAA work double teams and Fantasma covers for 2 as EC3 was knocked to the floor. Fantasma up top, Storm runs Texano into him and heads up top. Texano cuts him off, EC3 in and we get a tower of doom. Everyone is down. Pagano pulls EC3 to the floor and posts him. Storm tries to fight, Fantasma accidentally hits Texano with the suicide dive. Storm works over Fantasma, suplexes him in but Pagano grabs his leg allowing Fantasma to pick up the win. Texano & Fantasma defeated EC3 & James Storm @ 20:00 via pin

– At the LAX clubhouse, Konnan says its all good. They want a 5150 street fight at BFG. They all seem happy with this. All but Ki, who just shakes his head.

article topics :

Impact, Impact Wrestling, Larry Csonka