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Csonka’s ROH Honor United: Doncaster 2018 Review

May 27, 2018 | Posted by Larry Csonka
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Csonka’s ROH Honor United: Doncaster 2018 Review  

Csonka’s ROH Honor United: Doncaster 2018 Review

– Toru Yano & Kenny King defeated The Addiction @ 9:00 via pin [**]
ROH TV Title Match: Champion Silas Young vs. Douglas Williams @ 12:05 via pin [**¾]
– Shane Taylor, Punishment Martinez, & Bully Ray defeated Dalton Castle & The Boys @ 9:03 via pin [*]
– Jay Lethal defeated Matt Taven @ 13:45 via pin [***]
ROH Women of Honor Title Match: Champion Sumie Sakai defeated Chardonnay @ 8:20 via pin [***]
– Cody defeated Scorpio Sky @ 13:07 via pin [***]
– Hiroshi Tanahashi defeated Adam Page @ 11:30 via pin [***]
– The Young Bucks defeated The Briscoes, The Kingdom, and EVIL & SANADA @ 19:55 via pin [***½]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– My preview for the show is at this link.

– My review of night one in Edinburgh is here.

– My review of night two in London is here.

– Ian Riccabonni & BJ Whitmer are on commentary.

Daniels & Kazarian vs. Toru Yano & Kenny King: What a random fucking match. Tenille Dashwood is the special referee, I have no clue as to why, but she’s a welcomed sight. Yano and Daniels to begin. They do nothing of note so King & Kaz tag in. They work some back and forth and King takes control. King then avoids the charge and Dashwood ends up hip tossing both Kaz & Daniels. Daniels then yells out, “Damn that Lance Storm!” King then gets a roll up for 2. He tags in Yano, and Yano does Yano things. Daniels cuts off Yano, allowing Kaz to attack and take control. The Addiction isolates Yano, working quick tags and double teams. The cover gets 2 as King makes the save. Yano counters the moonsault and tags in King. He runs wild on Daniels, and then Kaz. Spinebusters follow. Yano tags backing as King hits a tornillo to the floor. Yano cuts off the buckle as King & Dashwood take selfies with fans. Daniels blocks the low blow, but King & Yano get low blows anyway and get the double roll ups for the win. Toru Yano & Kenny King defeated The Addiction @ 9:00 via pin [**] This was an ok, lighthearted, comedy tag to open things.

ROH TV Title Match: Champion Silas Young vs. Douglas Williams: Williams immediately looks to outwrestle Young and gets a quick cradle for 2. Young powders, yells at the fans, and heads back in. Williams then grounds things and cradles Young again for 2. Young now cuts him off with strikes, but Williams continues to outwrestle him. He grounds the action and starts to work the arm. The back elbow and high cross follows for 2. Young stuns Williams off the ropes, but Williams fires away with uppercuts before Young dumps him to the floor. Young follows for some floor brawling, and then rolls him back in and covers for 2. Young continues to lay in strikes, but Williams cuts him off for a moment until Young hits a clothesline for 2. Young looks to ground things, they trade strikes and Williams hits an overhead belly to belly. Young fires up and talks shit, and they trade strikes again. The spinning back elbow follows by Williams, and then hits the top rope uppercut for 2. Williams then school boys him for 2. The belly to back suplex follows for 2. Williams heads back up top, but Young avoids; Williams then hits the XPLODER for 2. Williams up top and gets crotched. Young rolls him up with the ropes for 2. Williams then gets a roll up for 2. Young cuts him off with the backbreaker/lariat combo. Young uses the ref and a low blow to counter chaos theory and hits misery for the win. Champion Silas Young vs. Douglas Williams @ 12:05 via pin [**¾] This was a pretty good and cleanly worked match, but was completely lacking any drama around a possible title change.

Shane Taylor, Punishment Martinez, & Bully Ray vs. Dalton Castle & The Boys: Oh great, Bully cuts a promo. Martinez & Taylor attack and then hold off the boys and Bully lays out Castle with chain shots. I guess Castle is so banged up that they realized after last night’s shit match with EVIL that Castle wrestling here was a bad idea. This is now a handicap match. Bully continues to talk, but I just don’t care. They finally start things off as Taylor starts laying in chops on one of the boys. Tons of stalling here as Martinez then tags in. He looks like he gives absolutely no fucks about this match. Martinez starts to beat down the boy as Bully keeps yelling shit from the apron. He tags in and lays in chops. The boy fires up, but Bully starts tossing both boys around and tags Martinez back in. The heels all end up running into each other, and Dalton Castle returns and re-joins the match. He tags in and limps wild and takes Taylor & Martinez to the floor. He then starts tossing the boys over the ropes and to the floor onto the heels. Bully accidentally takes out Martinez, Castle hits clotheslines on Taylor & Martinez. The boys hit top rope splashes but Bully pulls out the ref. Castle & Bully brawl to the back, Martinez chokeslams a boy, Taylor hits the splash off the ropes and they win. Shane Taylor, Punishment Martinez, & Bully Ray defeated Dalton Castle & The Boys @ 9:03 via pin [*] The Bully bullshit continues, Castle is too hurt to work, the Boys continue to lose, and Taylor & Martinez got nothing out of this. Moving on.

Matt Taven vs. Jay Lethal: They stall and do nothing for two-minutes. They finally trade strikes and chops, Lethal lights him up and follows with a backdrop. He lays in jabs, but Taven fires back with chops. Lethal fires back, more chops and then dumps Taven to the floor. Back in and Lethal keeps control, covering for 2. Taven fights off the figure four, but Lethal then connects with the back breaker for 2. The hot shot follows by Taven and follows with mounted strikes. Taven hits a big spin kick and that gets 2. Taven now takes Lethal to the floor, follows, and we get some floor brawling. Lethal now rolls him back in and Taven hits a suplex for 2. He tries to ground things, Lethal fires up and dumps Taven to the floor. Lethal hits the suicide dive, rolls Taven back in and the lethal combination follows for 2. Lethal up top, Taven cuts him off and hits a superplex. Taven had slipped off the ropes for a second, the crowd chanted “Botchamania,” and Taven yelled back “Fuck you Maffew.” It was the highlight of the match. Taven hits just the tip for 2. They trade strikes, lighting each other up, and Lethal hits the cutter. The lethal injection is countered into a roll up for 2. Lethal now hits lethal injection and finishes Taven with the top rope elbow drop. Jay Lethal defeated Matt Taven @ 13:45 via pin [***] This was a good back and forth match between two guys that know each other well. Lethal’s current angle is that he’s on a quest to defeat everyone who defeated him in the recent year or so to get back to the ROH World Title, his road to glory. They heavily hyped Lethal vs. KUSHIDA (the last on his list) for Best in the World. I’m good with that.

ROH Women of Honor Title Match: Champion Sumie Sakai vs. Chardonnay: Chardonnay mocks Sakai’s size, so Sakai attacks and works her over in the corner with kicks and knees. Sakai traps Chardonnay in the ring skirt and then spanks her ass. Back in and Sakai hits the dropkick for 2. Chardonnay cuts her off, slamming her down by the hair. Chardonnay dumps Sakai to the floor and slams her to the barricade. Sakai fires up with Mongolian chops, but misses a high cross off of the barricade. Back in and Chardonnay locks in a crab. Sakai makes the ropes after an emotionless fight spot. Chardonnay now chokes out Sakai, but Sakai fires up with chops and forearm strikes. The running knee strike gets 2. The fisherman’s neck breaker follows for 2. Chardonnay fights back, but Sakai hits the Saito suplex for 2. Sakai looks to fire up but runs into a spinebuster for 2. Chardonnay follows with the delayed butterfly suplex for 2. She now looks for the tower of London, but Sakai cuts that off and the moonsault from the top misses. Chardonnay hits the busaiku for a good near fall. Sakai counters the butterfly suplex into smash mouse for the win. Champion Sumie Sakai defeated Chardonnay @ 8:20 via pin [***] This was a good back and forth match, with a good sense of urgency, and better pacing and execution than most women of honor matches. I don’t love Sakai as champion, but she’s a good babyface, and Chardonnay did well here. I’d like to see her back.

Cody vs. Scorpio Sky: Brandi is out with Cody. They lock up and work into some standing switches, and Cody slams Sky down and he retreats to the ropes. Sky to the floor, Brandi mists him with water, and Cody takes control back in the ring with the delayed dump suplex. They work back to the floor and Sky hits Cody with a beer and follows with a neck breaker on the floor. Back in and Sky lays the boots to Cody. The corner spear and kick follow for 2. Sky grounds things, working a body scissors. Sky heads up top now, Cody crotches him, and follows him up and hits the superplex. Cody hits clotheslines and a dragon screw leg whip; the snap slam gets 2. The disaster kick follows and Sky powders to the floor. Cody rolls him back in and as he looks to springboard in Sky cuts him off with a knee strike and follows with a tope. Back in and the slingshot cutter gets 2 for Sky. They tease a ref bump, Sky hits the RANA off the ropes and covers for 2. Cody cuts off Sky, and looks for din’s fire, but Sky escapes but Cody traps him in the American death lock. Sky makes the ropes. Brandi look to hair spray Sky, but Kaz arrives and rakes her eyes and takes it away; Sky hits a brainbuster on Cody for 2. Cody then hits cross Rhodes, and that’s that. Cody defeated Scorpio Sky @ 13:07 via pin [***] This was an overall good match between two friends, Cody gave Sky a lot as expected, and it was a fine addition to the card.

Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Adam Page: They lock up, work into some standing switches, and Tanahashi looks to work the arm. Page escapes, and hits shoulder tackles. They talk some shit, Tanahashi follows with strikes and the high cross. We get some air guitar, and Tanahashi follows with rights. Page takes him to the apron, joins him and hits an apron neck breaker. Back in and Page maintains control, grounding Tanahashi. Tanahashi starts to fight back and hits a neck breaker. Tanahashi now lays in strikes, hits a slam and the senton connects for 2. Page lays in strikes and hits a DDT for 2. They trade strikes, Page fires up and hits a superkick but Tanahashi fights off right of passage and hits twist and shout. He dumps Page to the floor and back in Tanahashi hits sling blade for 2. Tanahashi up top and page ends up shoving the ref into the ropes to crotch Tanahashi. The buckshot lariat follows for 2. Page heads up top, but misses the moonsault. Tanahashi now looks for high fly flow and his the high fly cross, but Page rolls into rite of passage, but Tanahashi counters into a roll up or 2. Tanahashi then gets roll up and bridge for the win. Hiroshi Tanahashi defeated Adam Page @ 11:30 via pin [***] Tanahashi was largely in night off/play the hits mode, but was still good. Page worked hard and had a good showing before losing, and overall, they had a good match.

– At Best in The World, The Briscoes face The Young Bucks for the tag titles.

The Briscoes vs. The Kingdom (Vinny & O’Ryan) vs. The Young Bucks vs. EVIL & SANADA: Nick & EVIL begin in a tease for their upcoming Dominion match. They work into some back and forth, Nick picks up the pace and hits a dropkick. SANADA and Matt get involved and all four are in. The Briscoes arrive and then the Kingdom is in and they all brawl. The Bucks cut off the kingdom and lock on sharpshooters until the rest return and break that up. The Bucks then follow with dives to the floor. They then isolate EVIL, working double teams and then take out O’Ryan & Mark. The Bucks continue to work over EVIL, but he cuts off Matt and hits the low superkick. SANADA tags in and hits dropkicks. The Briscoes cut him off but SANADA dumps them and gets the paradise lock on O’Ryan. He then gets it on Vinny. Matt tries it and of course fails. SANADA locks it in on Matt as well. The dropkicks follow and Nick accidentally hits Matt. O’Ryan tags in and Vinny in as well, they double team Matt and cover for 2. Mark tags himself in, and the Briscoes take over, working over Matt. They work quick tags and double teams, Matt fires up and superkicks Jay. Superkick to Vinny, but Mark cuts off the tag. Matt now hits the desperation spear, and Nick tags in. HOT TAG NICK runs wild, best hot tag in the business as he works over the Briscoes. Nick then heads up top, but the swanton misses and the pop up cutter follows for 2 by the Briscoes. O’Ryan tags in and cuts off the doomsday device. Matt takes out Jay but Mark hits the XPLODER. O’Ryan takes him out with an enziguri ad DDT; Vinny hits red rum for 2. O’Ryan now fights off the magic killer, but EVIL hits the lariat for 2. The magic killer follows and Vinny makes the save. It breaks down, the Bucks start to run wild and matt then follows with a tope. The buckle bomb combo connects on O’Ryan, and Nick hits the assisted swanton for 2. It ends up down to the Bucks and Briscoes, and they go crazy fists and brawl. Superkicks by the Bucks, and then superkicks by the Briscoes. LIJ back in and takes them all down with clotheslines. O’Ryan tosses in a title belt, the Bucks cut them off, but Vinny makes the save. SANADA back and gets skull end on Nick. Jay makes the save and EVIL cuts him off with darkness falls and Mark cuts him off but eats a superkick. belt shot by O’Ryan and that gets 2. Nick runs the Kingdom together, hits a dive to the floor and the Meltzer driver finishes O’Ryan. The Young Bucks defeated The Briscoes, The Kingdom, and EVIL & SANADA @ 19:55 via pin [***½] This was a fun, action filled, and very good main event. Everyone got some time to shine, the Bucks got the big win ahead of challenging for the tag titles, and was easily the best thing on the show.

– End Scene.

– Thanks for reading.

 photo fe36ffd0-0da4-4e3b-a2d3-b026b341dd87_zps41ef5d61.jpg
“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”

The final score: review Good
The 411
While far from a blow away show, and while nothing was must-see, the ROH Honor United: Doncaster 2018 event was a good and consistent show and easily the best of the three UK shows.