wrestling / TV Reports
Csonka’s TNA Impact Review 11.10.16

Csonka’s TNA Impact Review 11.10.16
– World Title Qualifier Match: Moose defeated Mike Bennett @ 7:00 via countout [**]
– World Title Qualifier Match: EC3 defeated Abyss @ 6:45 via submission [*½]
– World Title Qualifier Match: Trevor Lee defeated Rockstar Spud and DJ Z @ 4:30 via pin [**¾]
– World Title Qualifier Match: Lashley defeated Robbie E and Grado @ 2:55 via pin [NR]
– World Title Match: Champion Eddie Edwards defeated Eli Drake @ 10:20 via pin [***¼]
– On Monday I discussed 8 Things The New TNA Needs To Do Going Forward.
Eddie Edwards Talks: Edwards talks about the support of his family, friends and fans. He has overcome a lot, and takes negativity as motivation. Eli Drake arrived as Edwards said he was a fighting champion. Drake says he gave Edwards seven days to recover, and plans to run him down tonight and win the title. Tonight he will win the title, and there is nothing Edwards can do about it. Revolving door time as EC3 arrives. EC3 praised Drake for nutting up, noting that there will be a new top contender, and he will do anything to win his title back. He then says Drake isn’t ready to become champion and that he is betting on Edwards tonight. And now Mike Bennett arrives to make his claim. Bennett says the road to the title goes through him. Drake called him a dummy, said he was taking the title tonight and we got a brawl. Moose arrived and cleared the ring. I am begging TNA to move away from these long, multi-person opening show talking segments. It was fine to set up who your title scene will revolver around, but it did nothing for me, lacking any real excitement.
Moose vs. Mike Bennett: This is the first match in tonight’s mini-tournament to crown a new #1 contender. The ref tossed Maria early for getting involved. Bennett attacked the knee of Moose and took him down and grounded him. Moose tried to fire back but Bennett kept attacking the knee. Bennett worked a lackadaisical heat with no real urgency when he had the big man down. Moose battled back with head butts, and then hit a pop up powerbomb. Bennett again attacked the knee, scored with the piledriver and covered for 2. Moose fought off the cutter, worked the jabs, countered the cutter again and then hit the bicycle kick. Bennett then hit the cutter for 2. Bennett sent Moose to the floor, followed and Moose sent him to the steps. Bennett then took out the nee and slid back in to brat the count and win the match. Moose defeated Mike Bennett @ 7:00 via countout [**] This was an ok match, I liked the finish because Bennett doesn’t need to be pinning Moose here, but there was no energy out there and it became boring. These guys are fighting for a chance at the title, the work should reflect that, They should stop booking these two against each other, because they do not have good chemistry at all, unless your goal is to see completely below average wrestling.
– AL Snow is back and says the Tribunal has a surprise for him.
– The nefarious Brother Nero rides his motorized cycle with wheels to meet with Broken Matt. Matt has a NEW Broken conDEESHUUNn after last week’s fall, and is now Wearing a sweaters and dong home improvement chores. He keeps calling Senor Benjamin “Mr. Benjamin” and is speaking like a normal person, and feels wrestling is a dangerous thing and he is a peaceful man.
The Tribunal Tries to Make a Statement: Shield-lite calls out Coach Al Snow. They say that they never needed Snow, they argued, and the Tribunal attacked and beat down Snow. You see, this failed because no one cares about Snow or the Tribunal, so the attack generated no real heat. Mahabali Shera, who has continually been mocked and beaten by Snow, makes the save to no reaction. No one cares about any of these men because they are no good and have constantly been in horrible segments on TV. This was the definition of no fucks given. Also, attacking both Al Snow and Shera are not heel moves. Get rid of them all and sign some guys with buzz and talent.
– Jessie Godderz is in the parking lot, waiting on Aron Rex so that he can kick his ass.
Abyss vs. EC3: Abyss controlled right away, using his power and choking out EC3 in the corner. They brawled to the floor, with Abyss chokeslamming EC3 to the apron. Abyss took the heat from there, continuing to keep EC3 grounded. He’s working house show heat here, neck cranks and little else. All we need is a nerve pinch. EC3 finally fought back, hitting clotheslines and the comer splash. EC3 hit the dropkick off the second rope and then Abyss hit the chokeslam. Abyss brought in a chair, missed with it and EC3 then locked in a sleeper with the body lock, and Abyss had to tap. EC3 defeated Abyss @ 6:45 via submission [*½] This was another ok match, with little heat or anything resembling action to keep you invested in it. It existed, it was not bad, just very boring. Considering that these guys are fighting for a title shot, these matches have no life to them.
– We get a video package for Drake vs. Edwards.
– Back at the Hardy compound, Matt cooked come Lobster bisque. The nefarious Brother Nero looked to take Matt for ride on his motorized cycle with wheels
– They tried to job his memory with an Obsolete sing along.
Gail Kim Talks: Jeremy Borash is out to put over Gil Kim, noting that he is friends with Kim and her husband. Kim thanks Borash for being here and calls out Jade. Kim pits her over as the future of the division, noting that she reminds her of herself 10-years ago. She believes in her, and thinks she has everything she needs to succeed in the business. Kim puts over Jade as the future of women’s wrestling, and then teases a retirement announcement, but Rosemary and Decay interrupt. Rosemary misted Kim and then took out Jade before locking in the dragon sleeper on Kim as Steve held Jade back. Rosemary then beat on Jade even more, Decay set up Jade and Rosemary hit the coast-to-coast dropkick into the trashcan. I dug that, Kim put over Jade and Rosemary served notice as a bad ass. This was the best thing on the show so far. I wish Josh Mathews knew how to emote and sell a moment.
Trevor Lee vs. Rockstar Spud vs. DJ Z: Spud avoided the fight as lee kicked DJ Z in the face. Lee then stropped Spud from getting involved, allowing DJ Z to hit a dive. V hit a cool lucha arm drag, cut off Spud and then Lee slammed Spud onto DJ Z. Lee then tossed Spud around, Spud managed to toss lee to the floor and attacked DJ Z. Spud hit a second rope leg drop, but Lee broke it up. DJ Z worked his lucha game, hitting an arm drag into a dropkick. Spud hit a low blow on DJ Z, Lee cut off Spud and hit God’s last gift for the win. Trevor Lee defeated Rockstar Spud and DJ Z @ 4:30 via pin [**¾] It was fun and had some actual intensity to it, but was too short and felt a bit rushed; it needed more time to allow things to breathe and come off smoother. Lee winning should lead to a title shot against DJZ and allows him some elevation in status.
– Aiden O’Shea reveals that Robbie E and Grado will face Lashley tonight.
– Brandi catches Allie watching a Broxton Sutter match. Brandi says she needs help fighting Maria, Laurel and Sienna. Allie says Maria pays her bills, and has to decline the invite to fight with Brandi.
Robbie E and Grado vs. Lashley: Grado and Robbie argued over who would start. Lashley destroyed the fools, in his usual give no fucks manner. Grado and Robbie started to score some offense off the ropes, trying to use the numbers game and actually suplexed Lashley. Grado used an eye poke, but ate a spinebuster. SPEAR to Robber and that is that. Lashley defeated Robbie E and Grado @ 2:55 via pin [NR] Lashley killing fools is always fun.
– We get footage of Rex cheating to win Godderz last week. Rex joked that Godderz looked upset and had too much creatine. So we got the big brawl, Godderz brat his ass and smashed his face against a window. Rex ran away and got into his car as his driver took him to safety.
.@AronsThoughts looking Adoorable on tonight's #IMPACTonPOP. Wouldn't you say @MrPEC_Tacular? pic.twitter.com/4u8aRiLoJN
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) November 11, 2016
– The nefarious Brother Nero took Matt for ride on his motorized cycle with wheels. Nero took him to visit Skaasgard. Nero took Matt to the lake of reincarnation, Matt resisted and Nero says he will go to Orlando and fight the DCC alone.
TNA Title Match: Champion Eddie Edwards vs. Eli Drake: This is a big match for Drake, he needs to deliver here. Hey worked some standing witches early, with Drake trying to use his power and not allow Edwards to speed up the acting. Drake tried up use the speed and avoid Drake, using some arm drags. Solid back and forth to begin here; Edwards worked chops, sidestepped Drake and sent him to the floor. Edwards followed and hit a RANA on the floor. Drake then tossed Edwards onto the apron, and damn it looked as if it sucked for Edwards. Damn. Back in the ring, Drake immediately went for a pin and showed good aggression once back in as he continued to beat down the champion. Good heat from Drake here, connecting with the superplex. Edwards managed to clothesline Drake to the floor and then hit a suicide dive, where he overshot and went over the barricade. Back in, Edwards fought back with a code breaker for a close 2. Edwards up top and tossed Drake back to the mat, Drake avoided the double stomp and hit blunt force trauma for a near fall. Edwards ought back with a series of kicks, but Drake hit a toss slam and that got a near fall. Drake up top now, missed the clothesline and Edwards hit the knee strike to retain. Champion Eddie Edwards defeated Eli Drake @ 10:20 via pin [***¼]While not the homerun performance I feel he needed Drake did well in his part as they delivered a good main event. While not homerun, the good news is that he did not strike out. This was good, the best match on the show with ease.
– Post match the DCC arrived and laid out Edwards, and stood tall. He DCC unmasked as Bram, Eddie Kingston and James Storm.
The #DCC finally revealed @JamesStormBrand @BramTNA @MadKing_ston81#IMPACTonPOP pic.twitter.com/bXJun1WnOz
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) November 11, 2016
– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.

“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”
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