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Csonka’s TNA Impact Review 8.19.15

TNA Impact Review 8.17.15
– Open Mic Challenge: Mr. Anderson defeated Bram @ 9:13 via pin [**½]
– Six Sides of Steel Handicap Match: Gail Kim defeated Jade and Marti @ 12:43 via pin [**]
– No DQ Match: Drew Galloway defeated Eli Drake @ 9:45 via pin [**½]
– Matt Hardy defeated Tyrus @ 2:13 via pin [NR]
– TNA World Title match: Champion Ethan Carter III defeated PJ Black @ 8:25 via pin [***]
* We get the opening video package.
Jeff Jarrett Talks: Due to Bully Ray being out indefinitely from a mystery attack (he’s done with the company) Jeff Jarrett is in charge again this week. Jeff and Karen are out to kick things off, with Jeff praising last week’s show. He hypes tonight’s TNA World Title match (Champion Ethan Carter III vs. PJ Black) and that brings out EC3 and Tyrus. EC3 is not impressed with Jarrett, and says he’s going to boycott the title match tonight. Karen then laid down the law to EC3, and accused Carter of taking out Bully and Galloway. EC3 blew hem off and looked to leave and then Jeff dropped a 1957 Eddie Haskell on EC3, and said he would talk to Dixie, and basically EC3 would be defending the title. This was fine; they addressed the attacks, tried to deflect it onto Carter (which works) and hyped the title match.
* Galloway spoke about being attacked, and says he knows who attacked him, Eli Drake. Tonight he gets revenge.
Open Mic Challenge: Bram vs. Mr. Anderson: I liked that they went to the commercial before the match and started it after the break instead of working through the commercial. So the microphone is hanging above the ring, this is anything goes and the man that gets the mic down can use it. They brawled right away, and about 90-seconds in Anderson hit the Finlay roll off of the apron through a table. From there, it broke down to them fighting over the ladder to climb and get the microphone. Bram introduced like, 10-13 chairs into the match and made a big pile. This eventually led to Bram powerbombing Anderson off the ladder onto the chairs. Bram then got the mic, and then Anderson hit the mic check into the pile of chairs. He hit Bram numerous times, hooked the mic back up and told Bram what his name was. He then hit Bram a final time and picked up the win. The good news is, that unlike other matches with a similar stipulation, they tried to make the gimmick (the mic) mean something. They had some solid heat and overall worked a fine match for the stipulation, but it never felt like it got out of second gear. There was a lot of the right idea here, but Anderson was a guy that completely doubted himself and felt as if he may have to walk away, and I didn’t feel like he was on this big babyface journey of reception. It was a rock solid gimmick match, with the wrong guy winning. Also, Josh saying that “Mr. Anderson’s win could be a launching point for his career”. He’s been with TNA since 2010 and has held the TNA World Title two times. Do some homework Josh.
* Roode met with Jarrett and demanded respect. Jarrett then blew him off to talk with Dixie.
* EC3 walked, and said that he hoped Aunt Dixie would do the right thing tonight and allow him out of his title match.
The Revolution Talks: Storm came out and said that the Revolution was a family, and said that Manik and Abyss have given him their devotion and in turn, he gave them everything they wanted. He then called out Mahabali Shera, who he still calls Khoya. Storm promises that nothing will happen to him, and said he just wanted to talk to him man to man. Storm gave a big speech about testing Shera’s loyalty, and that he took Shera under his wing and into his home. Shera said that he did everything for the Revolution, and that Storm did nothing for him. Storm is a man and likes fun, and even loves to dance. They then played some Indian music and Shera danced with the crowd. He even got Manik to dance with him, and this did not please Storm. Storm and Shera brawled, and then Manik and Abyss took over and beat Shera down. James Storm has tried really hard with the gimmick and succeeded on several levels due to the fact that he can talk, but this is not working for me at all. Shera’s face turn was far from organic or even hinted at by the crowds. He can barely talk well enough to get his point across as far as promo skills, and is piss poor in the ring. Also, the Revolution has been a joke and aren’t over as a big heel group. It just doesn’t work for me. This would have been a great spot to break Manik away and give him a real shot, but they continue to have no real clue how to use him. This wasn’t good.
* Borash interviews PJ Black. He won the KOTM title last week and this week he plans to win the TNA Title. Eric Young broke up the interview, and said that he can take whatever he wants and no one can stop him.
Six-Sides of Steel Handicap Match: Gail Kim vs. Jade and Marti: This is pin, submission or escape the cage. Kim did approximately 43 front rolls to stay away from her opponents, and then used a hit and run strategy to gain a shirt lived advantage. Jade and Marti used their numbers advantage to work over Kim, and then they went through a commercial. After a four-minute commercial break, we came back to Jade and Marti still in control. Gail made some small comebacks, and would then get cut off. Rise and repeat. She then refused to escape at one point and tossed Jade and Marti around and into the cage repeatedly. Marti would accidentally wipe out Jade with a high cross, allowing Kim to hit eat defeat for the win. It had slow parts, but overall was a fine match. To me this felt like a waste, using the cage match for a handicap match. The end game is Kim getting back at Taryn. She should have had to beat both Marti and Jade to earn a cage match with them banned or something of that nature. This felt like booking a cage match to book a cage match.
* Dixie met with Jeff about EC3 wanting out of the title match. He says that they are trying to make history here tonight, and EC3 arrived. Dixie agreed with Jeff, EC3 will defend the title or be stripped of the title.
* Gail searched for Taryn backstage.
* EC3 ranted to Jarrett about tonight’s title match. Matt Hardy showed up and said he would keep coming for the title. Matt promised to fight Tyrus and then to come for the title.
* Eli Drake cut a promo, and said you never know what your going to get with Eli Drake, and did not deny or confirm that he attacked Galloway last week.
No DQ Match: Drew Galloway vs. Eli Drake: They brawled right at the bell, with Drake attacking Galloway as he entered the ring. They brawled on the floor for a bit, and then seemingly settled into a regular wrestling match before brawling again. Galloway tried to use a chair, but Drake low blowed him and hit a DDT onto the chair. Galloway would make a comeback and get a table, but Drake would dropkick it into his face and then bring the table into the ring. He also brought in a crutch in a throw back to his fake injury. He would then kick Galloway in the balls and hit him with the crutch and set up another table. They would battle onto the ropes and Galloway would then hit a kryptonite crunch off the ropes and through the table to pick up the win. This was another fine match, but it felt too similar to the opener, and also felt as if it was missing something. The matches have been largely fine, but I keep waiting for them to kick into a higher gear or give me something to get into and then they just end. Like a lot of the show, this was solid.
* Taryn was backstage trying to avoid Kim and she ran into Velvet Sky. Sky said she couldn’t run.
* Back from the break and Sky helped Kim capture Taryn. Kim said it would be an eye for an eye so to speak, and started to chain her up to I would guess break her hand. Sky then chased the cameraman away.
Eric Young Talks: Young ran down Jarrett, and said he should be in the main event tonight because the world title goes through him. He took out Angle, which makes him the best in the world and the most dangerous man in TNA. Chris Melendez then came to the ring. Melendez says that Young has defeated him, but that he doesn’t accept defeat and wants a rematch. He said he’d do whatever it takes to get the match. Young said that he has nothing to prove and that Melendez is not on his level. After Melendez kept demanding the match, Young said that he would accept a match if Melendez put his fake leg on the line so that he could put it on his mantle. Melendez accepted the stipulation, so Young attacked him. Melendez was able to fight him off. On one hand, the leg stipulation is completely silly. On the other hand, it’s a pretty dickhead move from the heel. The thing is that it felt like no one cared, no one gasped or felt offended that Young wanted to take the leg from this war hero. And that’s because no one cares about Melendez and because Young has already beaten him like a drum several times.
* Dixie and Jeff discuss if EC3 will defend his title tonight. Dixie hopes he makes the right decision, but if she has to she will strip him of the title.
Matt Hardy vs. Tyrus: Tyrus took control almost right away, hit the Vader splash out of the corner and then they went to the floor. Back in the ring, Tyrus missed a corner splash and Matt hit two twists of fate and scored the win. It was short, and thankfully painless. The win over EC3’s heavy will allow the Hardy program to continue. Carter then attacked hardy and challenged Jarrett to send his best, because he would sacrifice them on his alter.
TNA World Title Match: Champion Ethan Carter III vs. PJ Black: No Tyrus at ringside, which I like. Black used his speed to take control, and hit a dive to the floor. Back in the ring, he tried a springboard high cross, but ate a dropkick from Carter, which turned the tide. Carter does some basic, but nice heel things. Working the camel clutch while trying to rip off Black’s nose and such instead of just working the hold since he’s a heel. Anyway, Black made his comeback and went to the highflying game with success. Carter again was able to cut him off, and hit a superplex for a near fall. They generally worked well together, Carter almost lost Black on a single arm powerbomb spot, but they recovered well from it. Black got a near fall off of the springboard 450. Black went to the top one last time, but Carter crotched him and then hit the one percenter and scored the win. That was a fun little match, the best thing on the show. The only real issue with the match was that the crowd never believed that Black would win, which hurt on the near falls, but the work was good. I actually wished that they had a bit more time, because it felt a little rushed, but I enjoyed this. The best part of this was the fact that Carter again defended the title, by himself, and won with his skills instead of bullshit, giving me more hope for his title reign. We know he’s a great character, but I was really worried about his booking, but things have been good so far.
* Dixie and Jeff spoke backstage, and put over EC3’s win. Jeff wants to keep the momentum going, and says he’s done a good job this week. He says when they worked as a team they did well together, and he’s like to run the show on a weekly basis. She says she has to think about it and wants a week to consider it. She does agree that it was a great night, and Jarrett promised that it will get better.
* Next week…
– Tag Team Title Match: Champions The Wolves vs. The Revolution
– Knockouts Title Match: Champion Brooke vs. Velvet Sky
– X-Division Title Match: Champion Tigre Uno vs. DJZ and Sonjay Dutt
* End scene.
* Thanks for reading.

“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”
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