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Dark Order Hold A Halloween Party In Latest Being the Elite (Recap)

The latest edition of Being the Elite is now online, which features the Dark Order holding their own Halloween party. You can watch the episode yourself below. Here’s a recap:
* Matt Jackson gets the new iPhone F (which stands for future). He lists the features but their old phones had the same things. He takes photos with it and says there are only two in the world. Matt takes a photo of Christopher Daniels in a clip from earlier in the day. When he looks at the phone to show it off, the photo of Daniels is instead of Nick holding the TNT title. He then sees a photo of Brandon Cutler bloodied up with the Best Friends and Orange Cassidy surrounding him. He doesn’t let Cutler leave. When Daniels shows up, he sees a photo of him as the “Head of Relations for NXT”, complete with Daniels shaking hands with Triple H. He leaves the room and asks Tony Schiavone if he’s had any phone problems. As he starts to take a selfie, Tony moves to stab him with a pen.
* The Bucks can’t decide which tunnel to come out of and Kazarian warns them that one tunnel is for bad guys and the other for good guys. If they don’t come out of the right one, he’ll kick their asses. They decide to come out through the stairs.
* The Dark Order hold a Halloween party. Evil Uno is the Riddler, Grayson is “Sexy Robin”. Wardlow is the bouncer.
* Brandon Cutler asks for predictions about his match with Peter Avalon.
* Broken Matt Hardy joins the Halloween party and explains what “pop” means.
* John Silver, Matt Jackson and Trent all win their Gator Golf matches.
* Eddie Kingston cuts a promo with a pumpkin, then asks Matt Jackson how it was.
* Leva Bates and Nyla Rose enter the party. Sammy Guevara also shows up. Griff Garrison arrives and Wardlow thinks it’s Jungle Boy in a Griff Garrison costume. Private Party and Brian Pillman Jr. are on the “not invited” list. Silver says they can’t join because it’s a public party.
* After clips of FTR attacking the Bucks on Dynamite, Nick and Matt get up and leave down the hallway.
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