wrestling / Video Reviews
From The Shelf – PWX Xpect Everything 2016
PWX Xpect Everything 2016
Hickory, NC
I just subscribed to the Highspots Wrestling Network, so time to check out some of the goodies on this service.
Chip Day vs. Mason Maddox w/Tommy Thomas
We get some chain wresting to start and Day begins to target the arm of Maddox in the early going. Maddox catches Day with a dropkick for a near fall and Day trips him up to regain control. Day gets a PK Kick from the apron and he follows up with a suicide dive to the floor!!! Day’s leg gets trapped in the apron, allowing Maddox to nail him to gain an advantage. Crossbody off the top back in gets 2. Day rolls through a pinfall attempt into a Buzzsaw kick followed by a standing guillotine knee drop for 2. Day counters a Tornado DDT into the Northern Lights Bomb for 2. Day fights Maddox off the top and he goes up. Meteora misses and Maddox hits a snap DDT for 2. Enzuigiri by Maddox and Day comes back with a high kick. Spin kick by Day and he covers but Thomas distracts the ref. Day drills Thomas with a PK Kick and he goes up. Meteora gets 3.
Winner- Chip Day **1/4 (Weird opener. They really didn’t tell any kind of a story, they just threw a bunch of moves at one another and really didn’t do anything to endear themselves to the crowd. They had some slip ups but everything they did in the ring was fine. It was basically your typical indy level opener.)
Jaxson James vs, Kota Sekifuda
They grapple to start and Sekifuda rolls into the ropes to get some separation. Dropkick by James and he chops away on Sekifuda. Chin lock by James but Sekifuda fights out so James hits a fall-a-way slam for 2. Suplex by James gets 2. Sekifuda comes back with a hurricanrana off the second rope and they begin to trade chops. Butterfly suplex by Sekifuda and they trade chops again, with Sekifuda winning the battle. Back suplex by James gets 2. James works the leg of Sekifuda but Sekifuda comes back with a jaw breaker. Rapid chops by Sekifuda and he hits a bulldog for 2. Missile dropkick by Sekifuda gets 2. Sekifuda chops away but James catches him with a flapjack and SEKIFUDA LANDS ON HIS HEAD!!!! James covers for 2 and he grabs the half crab. Sekifuda taps just as time was going to expire in the ten minute time limit.
Winner- Jaxson James **1/4 (First off, glad to see Sekifuda didn’t get hurt on the flapjack bump which looked really scary. Sekifuda is a young boy from Big Japan that still needs some polishing but his striking and intensity looked good in the final moments of the match. He just needs to fine turn his early offense and he’ll turn into a solid worker. James was technically proficient and did a good job making Sekifuda look good, so I’d like to see what he can do against more established workers on future cards. )
Ugly Ducklings (Rob Killjoy, Lance Lude and Colby Corino) w/Coach vs. L.W.O (Cruz, Rios and Lince Dorado) w/Coach Mikey
Corino and Dorado start and Corino puts a Tiger Mask mask on. Neither man can get an early advantage and we eventually have a stalemate. Lude and Cruz come in and they put on masks of their own. Hurricanrana by Cruz and he grabs the arm of Lude but he quickly escapes. Rios comes in and puts a mask on and Killjoy…puts on a paper bag!!! Dropkick by Rios and Killjoy comes back with an inside cradle for 2. Killjoy and Rios trade kisses and Cruz kisses the ref. KISSES FOR EVERYONE!!!! Stereo super kicks by the L.W.O. and Cruz takes Killjoy off the apron with a hurricanrana onto the Ugly Ducklings!!! Stereo dives to the floor by the L.W.O.!!! Coach does a slow dive off the apron onto everyone on the floor!!! Back in, the L.W.O hit a double super kick into a basement dropkick on Killjoy for 2. Hard forearm by Killjoy gets 2. The Ugly Ducklings take turns hitting Hilos onto Rios for 2. Dropkick to the back into a standing moonsault by Lude gets 2. Rapid chops by Corino and Rios comes back with an enzuigiri from the apron. Dorado cleans house and hits a handspring back elbow onto Corino. Dorado and Lude lock submissions in but Dorado decides to save his partner. Everyone drills one another with a series of moves and Dorado hits a springboard reverse hurricanrana on Killjoy for 2 as Lude saves!!! Powerbomb/Meteora combo on Lude gets 2 and a Swanton Bomb by Cruz gets 2 as the Ducklings save!!! Olympic Slam by Corino and Killjoy hits a double stomp off the top for 2 as Cruz saves!!! 3D by Cruz and Rios to Corino. Brainbuster/Swanton Bomb/450 splash combo to Killjoy and Dorado finishes it off with the Shooting Star Press. Lude rolls Dorado up with the tights for 3!!!
Winners- The Ugly Ducklings ***1/2 (Man, this was a blast that was probably an awesome experience for the live crowd. Just pure entertainment from start to finish, with some goofiness and clever comedy in the early portion and then it developed into a crazy, all out insanity lucha match with bodies flying everywhere and everyone got their own moment to shine. This isn’t AAA/Dragon Gate quality but for a small independent promotion in North Carolina this was pretty terrific. )
Darius Lockhart vs. Elijah Evans IV
Evans attacks Lockhart as he was making his entrance and back in, he covers for 2. Dropkick by Lockhart and he throws some chops at Eans. Springboard back elbow by Lockhart gets 2. Missile dropkick by Lockhart and Evans comes back with a back breaker for 2. Evans slams Lockhart into the corner and he hits a suplex. Evans pulls Lockhard off the ropes and Lockhart catches him with an enzuigiri. Series of strikes by Lockhart but Evans cuts him off with a Samoan Drop for 2. Wheelbarrow roll-up by Lockhart gets 2 and he hits a Cradle DDT for 2. Blue Thunder Bomb by Evans gets 2. Small package by Lockhart gets 2 and he hits a knee strike. Evans blocks a sunset flip and he grabs the ropes for 3!!!
Winner- Elijah Evans IV **1/2 (They were in a tough spot after the trios match but this was a solid outing. Lockhart is a good come from behind style worker as he got a tired crowd buying into his comeback a bit and he did a good job selling for the power and strength of Evans. )
Cedric Alexander vs. Zack Sabre Jr.
Sabre controls Alexander with a head scissors early but Alexander is able to escape. Alexander works the leg but now Sabre is able to slip away. Sabre grabs a surfboard but Alexander uses a mule kick to get out of it. They trade counters of the Japanese strangle hold and Alexander backs Sabre into the corner to force a break. Dropkick by Alexander gets 2. Alexander tries a handstand head scissors but Sabre kicks the arm of Alexander to block. Sabre targets that left arm of Alexander, stomping the elbow to add more pain. Sabre continues to crank the arm and Alexander finally bails to get some relief from the pain. Back in, Sabre continues his methodical attack on the arm but Alexander hits an arm drag taking Sabre to the apron. PK kick by Alexander and he follows up with a SWEET summersault plancha to the floor!!!! Springboard clothesline by Alexander gets 2. Sabre blocks a Tornado flat liner and grabs the cross arm breaker but Alexander rolls to the ropes to break. Pele kick to the arm by Sabre and he hits some running uppercuts into the corner. Alexander comes back with the C.O.D. for 2!!! Sabre grabs the Kimura but Alexander counters into a cover for 2. Tornado DDT by Sabre and he goes back to the Kimura. Alexander DEAFLIFTS Sabre into a power bomb and he hits the Michinoku Driver for 2!!! Cradle by Sabre gets 2 and he hits the PK Kick for 2. They trade blows and Alexander catches Saqbre with a backlide for 2. Enzuigiri by Alexander and he hits the Lumbar Check for 3!!!
Winner- Cedric Alexander **** (Awesome match, a hidden gem from this year so far. There were so many layers to the match, starting with Alexander matching Sabre in submission techniques until Alexander made one mistake and Sabre was quick to capitalize. Alexander persevered and withstood Sabre’s torturous arm work and willed himself into a comeback and he was good enough to finish the job and pull off the upset. Tremendous match and it makes you realize how badly ROH misses the boat on Alexande. )
PWX Tag Team Championships- Bravado Brothers (Harlem and Lancelot Bravado) © vs. JML (David Starr and Shane Strickland)
Before the match, The Revolt come out and talk about being forgotten about and maybe not living up to their potential. They want a shot at the tag titles and the Bravados say their open inventation was for anyone, so they’re in.
The Revolt are knocked out of the ring and Harlem hits a summersault plancha to the floor!!! Tilt-a-whirl gord buster/basement superkick combo by JML on Lancelot gets 2 as Harlem saves. Neckbreaker/back breaker combo by the Bravados on Strickland gets 2 as the Revolt save. Piledriver by Riley onto Lancelot while Harlem attacks Konley. Kneedrop by Konley gets 2 and the Revolt double team Harlem. Harlem comes back with a swinging neck breaker on Konley and JML catch Zane with some double super kicks for 2 as Konley saves. Strickland hits a Meteora ono Konley and Starr throws some thrust shots. Lancelot blocks with a low blow and Zane joins in!!! Everyone exchanges strikes and Lanceot drills Strickland with a lariat. Bicycle kick by Harlem to Starr and the Bravados come back with an assisted Ace Crusher for 2!!! Balushi Driver/Lionsault combo by the Revolt to Harlem gets 2 as Strickland saves. Springboard dropkick by Strickland knocks Konley to the floor. Corkscrew plancha to the floor by Strickland and Starr follows up with a Tope Con Hilo!!! Konley with a suicide dive to the floor!!! Cannonball to Starr by Riley and Konley hits the BME. The Bravados catch him with the Gentlemen’s Agreement for 3.
Winners and Still PWX Tag Team Champions- The Bravado Brothers **1/2 (This was kind of a mess. The action was fine but this would have been better had it been the straight up tag match it was originally designed to be. Riley couldn’t keep up with the pace and effort of everyone else in the match and it really made the Revolt the odd team out.)
James Drake vs. Ethan Case
Big boot by Drake gets 2 and he hammers away on Case as he was embracing the streamers thrown in by the crowd. Ace Crusher by Case and he tries a suicide dive to the floor but Drake blocks. Back in, Drake works over Case and hits some running chops in the corner. Case fires back and he presses Drake into a straight right forcing Drake to bail. Ace Crusher on the floor by Case and back in, Drake dropkicks Case in the back. Case counters a second rope hurricanrana attempt into a power bomb for 2. Enzuigiri by Drake gets 2. Lariat by Drake gets 2. Release suplex by Case gets 2. Case springboards but Drake catches him with a release German suplex. Back fist by Drake and he hits the Drillbit. Drake goes up and hits a moonsault for 2!!! Roll-up by Case gets 2 and he hits the springboard Ace Crusher for 2. Springboard forward summersault senton misses and Drake hits a Screwdriver for 3.
Winner- James Drake **3/4 (Fun little hoss battle. Like most of the undercard matches on this show, there was no story in the match but seeing two chunky guys try to work like juniors is always going to be entertaining. They didn’t embarrass themselves trying the stuff they did and in Drake’s case, some of it was actually pretty impressive. )
Elijah Evans comes out and mocks Case for the loss, so Case attacks him and Evans is quick to bail.
Elimination Match for the PWX Championship- Sami Callihan © vs. John Skylar vs. Anthony Henry w/Amber Young vs. Corey Hollis
Callihan cleans house to start and Henry catches him with a power slam. Callihan drives Hollis into some chairs and in the ring, Skylar hits a super kick on Henry. Callihan goes up but Skylar catches him with an inverted atomic drop. DVD by Callihan and he knocks Skylar off the apron with a springboard forearm. Flying forearm by Hollis and he hits a snap suplex for 2. Callihan backdrops Hollis to the floor and follows out with a heat seeking missile!!! Skylar catches Callihan with a super kick on the floor and Henry hits a summersault plancha off the top onto everyone on the floor!!!! Henry runs around the ring throwing sick kicks on the floor onto his opponents. Callihan comes back and returns the favor, running around the ring before taking him out with a cannonball on the floor!!! Callihan catches Hollis with an exploder driving him into their opponents. Back in, Callihan puts Hollis on top and goes for the superplex but Skylan brings them both down with a German suplex out of the tree of woe!!! Henry quickly follows up with the Coast to Coast on Skylar!!! Sick Kick by Henry and he hits a corner enzuigiri on Callihan. Air Raid Crash by Henry gets 2. Henry goes up but Skylar follows with the Finlay Roll off the top. Hollis goes up and hits the diving head butt for 2!!! Hollis and Skylar go for the Doomsday Device but Young crotches him and Henry gets a Victory roll for 2. Callihan hits a big boot on Skylar that causes him to simultaneously hit a DDT on Henry for 2. Callihan and Henry trade blows and Skylar low bridges Callihan sending him crashing to the floor. Slingshot spear to Henry gets 2. Henry sends Skylar and Hollis into each other and throws a series of kicks to the chest. Tornado DDT to Skylar and Henry hits a swinging neck breaker. Exploder suplex by Henry to Hollis and he hits a release German suplex. He throws some knees and hits a Cravat suplex. Cop Killa by Henry gets 2 as Skylar rolls him up or 3!!! Anthony Henry has been eliminated.
Bicycle kick by Callihan to Skylar but Skylar and Hollis come back with the Shatter Machine for 2!!! Powerbomb by Callihan to Hollis gets 2 and he grabs a cross face. Skylar refuses to help and Hollis taps!!! Corey Hollis is eliminated.
Pedigree by Skylar gets 2!!! Callihan rolls through a second attempt and he grabs the Stretch Muffler. He converts it into the STF and Skylar taps but Hollis distracts the ref. Callihan knocks him off the apron and Skylar goes low. Pedigree by Skylar gets 3!!!
Winner and NEW PWX Champion- John Skylar ***1/2 ( Really fun main event. The four way segment was a blast, as the brawl on the floor was total carnage and they did some creative spots without looking contrived or coordinated, using the four way stipulation to their advantage. This told a good story too of Skylar and Hollis working together to control the match and Skylar decided to let his teammate fall so that he could ensure he could get his prized possession back. )
After the match, John Skylar starts to talk about his future and Jake Manning comes into the building, causing Skylar and Hollis to quickly bail. Manning wants a match with Skylar next month and he doesn’t care what he has to do to get it. Skylar says he doesn’t deserve a title shot and he wants to know what Manning will put on the line to get the match. Manning says nothing means more to him than performing in front of the fans, so he’ll put his career on the line. Skylar agrees to the match.
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