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Goldberg Clarifies Comments About Being ‘Miserable’

– During his appearance on the E&C’s Pod Of Awesomeness, Goldberg spoke about the daily grind of his workouts and that he’s miserable. Here is what h had to say…
“I’ll be honest, I’m miserable. I’m absolutely miserable. But my family’s having fun, man. And so, every single thing, every training session, every ART massage that makes me cry, every muay thai session, it’s all worth it, man. It’s just worth it. And, hey, at the end of the day, if I want to smile, I’ll buy a car. That’s how I’m happy. I did, I bought one on the way back from [Survivor Series in] Toronto because I worked my ass off. Nobody get me wrong when I say I’ve been miserable throughout this, but I am. I’m miserable. I’m bloated 24 hours a day. I’m stressed 24 hours a day. I don’t sleep, but it’s a small price to pay.”
Goldberg posted the following today on social media to clarify his comments…
*NEWS FLASH* Since this is chapping my ass let’s get the record straight…..this @wwe run, experience is frikin’ awesome…. honored, humbled, truly appreciative and then some. I’M MISERABLE PHYSICALLY BECAUSE IT TAKES A MONUMENTAL EFFORT, BOTH TRAINING AND EATING, TO TRY AND BE CLOSE TO WHAT PEOPLE REMEMBER…. I STRIVE TO BE THE BEST….. RESULTS ARE GREAT BUT IT DOESN’T MEAN THERE ARE NO BUMPS ALONG THE WAY.