wrestling / TV Reports
Hall’s AEW Dynamite Review 6.14.23

Date: June 14, 2023
Location: Capitol One Arena, Washington DC
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz
We’re back at the location of the first ever Dynamite and that means we should be in for a big match. In this case, we are about a week and a half away from Forbidden Door and some more matches need to be announced. The top matches have been confirmed, but that still leaves a good bit of work to do. Let’s get to it.
Opening sequence.
Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs. Adam Cole
Non-title but if Cole wins, he gets a future title shot. They go toe to toe to start and then lock up with MJF getting in the first knockdown. That means some strutting but MJF has to bail away from the threat of a superkick. Hold on though as MJF goes into the crowd to knock a fan’s hat off. Back in and MJF knocks him into the corner but gets sent into the corner to even things out.
Cole’s baseball slid is countered as MJF ties him up in the ring skirt. Cole’s hand is crushed against the steps and it’s time for the armbar back inside. The arm gets twisted down again and a pumphandle driver gives MJF two. MJF does the Shawn Michaels pose and tunes up the band but Cole beats him to the superkick. Cole drops him again but the Panama Sunrise is countered.
The Heatseeker is countered as well and Cole hits a shoulder breaker for two. The fireman’s carry backbreaker hits MJF but Cole bangs up his own knee in the process. With both of them down, they roll over to the apron, where MJF hits a Tombstone to put them both down. We take a break and come back with MJF hitting a hard clothesline but getting pulled into the Crossface. MJF reverses into a Fujiwara armbar, which is reversed into an ankle lock.
That’s escaped as well and now the Heatseeker gives MJF two. A top rope elbow sends Cole through the timekeeper’s table and they’re both down. Cole dives back in to beat the count and MJF is looking terrified. A German suplex drops MJF on the apron but MJF falls down before the Panama Sunrise. MJF gets in a quick stomp on the arm but Cole’s rollup is kicked into the referee to knock him down.
Back up and MJF grabs the title and falls down….only to have the referee fall down as well. A belt shot and the Boom give Cole two for a shocked near fall look. MJF grabs the referee to kick Cole low, meaning it’s time for the diamond ring. The referee catches the big swing though and it’s a superkick into the Panama Sunrise into the Boom for….two as the time limit expires at 29:54 (close enough).
Rating: B. That certainly was an Adam Cole match, as it had a bunch of totally ridiculous kickouts and near falls but there was enough good action to go with it. They were kind of telegraphing the time limit by the end but it does set up a rematch at some point down the road. For a free TV match, this was rather good, though cut out the nonsense with the near falls and dropping them on their heads on the apron.
Post match Cole says “five more minutes” but MJF walks out.
Video on CM Punk, who is back at Collision and says he has scores to settle and things to get off his chest.
Here is Sammy Guevara for the first time since Double Or Nothing. He talks about being excited to be a father and how he’s looking forward to holding his daughter in one arm and the World Title in the other. Cue Darby Allin to interrupt and he immediately congratulates him on the daughter. That brings him to the important question though: is Sammy always going to walk in Chris Jericho’s shadow?
Allin and Sting are equals, so why aren’t Sammy and Jericho? Cue Jericho (in what appear to be sparkly high heels), who wants to know why Sammy didn’t ask for help to win the World Title. Sammy says if Jericho had called for help, he wouldn’t have lost to Adam Cole twice. Jericho isn’t happy but suggests a tag match, so here is Sting to even things up. They compare bats and Jericho backs off.
IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Sanada issues an open challenge for Forbidden Door.
Keith Lee/Sting/Darby Allin/Orange Cassidy vs. Mogul Embassy
Dustin Rhodes is here with Sting and company. Allin and Cassidy’s dives are cut off but Allin is fine enough to come back in for running charges to Swerve in the corner. Sting adds his own but Cage (in Sting cosplay) pulls Sting outside. We take a break and come back with Swerve working on Allin’s arm.
Cassidy tries to make a save but gets sent outside, leaving Allin to get caught in a chinlock. Allin fights up and brings in Lee to clean house. A huge Tower of Doom plants Lee out of the corner for two as everything breaks down. Sting gets knocked hard into the corner but Lee makes the save. A clothesline drops Cage but he gets Sting up into a fireman’s carry. The Orange Punch into the Scorpion Death Drop finishes Cage at 8:46.
Rating: C+. There was a lot going on here but it was nice to have Sting back in the ring for another one off match. AEW has done a good job with making that feel special, though having him pin cage when the Gates of Agony are right there is a bit of a weird choice. Otherwise, fun enough match, even with the break cutting out a lot of it.
The Gunns want to face the Hardys next week.
TNT Title: Wardlow vs. Jake Hager
Wardlow is defending and gets jumped from behind during their entrances as we start fast. The beating doesn’t last long as Wardlow powers up and knocks him outside, with a clothesline dropping Hager as we take a break. Back with Wardlow escaping an ankle lock but here is the Jericho Appreciation Society. Arn teases pulling out his gun but Brock Anderson comes out for the save instead. With the gun tease done, Hager powerslams Wardlow for two but the Vader Bomb hits raised boots. The Swanton connects and the Powerbomb Symphony retains the title at 7:14.
Rating: C. It was another short match with Wardlow getting to wreck someone else before he gets to his next big title defense. The Anderson stuff still doesn’t feel like the most logical pairing for Wardlow, but at least he’s back to powerbombing people. Not much to this one, but Hager is fine enough for a one off challenger.
Post match Christian Cage and Luchasaurus pop up to challenge Wardlow for Collision. They’ve attacked Arn Anderson and busted him open, with Wardlow running to the back.
Hiroshi Tanahashi challenges MJF for Forbidden Door.
MJF says he’s not down for giving some random guy from a rinky dink promotion in Japan a title shot so nah.
Orange Cassidy is ready for Forbidden Door when Zack Sabre Jr. comes in. A title match is teased when Daniel Garcia comes in to ask about Katsuyori Shibata. Cassidy says Shibata will be here next week, so the tag match is on.
Women’s Title: Skye Blue vs. Toni Storm
Storm, with Ruby Soho, is defending. Blue starts fast and hits a high crossbody for an early two. With Storm outside, she and Soho spray paint in the face of Blue’s mom, setting up the double suicide dive as we take a break. Back with Blue in trouble but she cuts off the spray paint with a spray can of her own. A superkick drops Storm and Code Blue connects but Soho has the referee. There’s a superkick to Soho but Blue charges into Storm Zero for two (in a nice false finish). The Texas Cloverleaf retains the title a few moments later at 6:58.
Rating: C. They packed a lot into this and while it was only so good, Blue didn’t feel like a total pushover. The Outcasts don’t really have a big story at the moment so having Storm beat someone in a TV title defense is a smart way to go. It’s going to take some combination to take the Outcasts down, and Blue being part of it would be an acceptable idea.
Post match the beatdown is on but Willow Nightingale makes the save.
Jungle Boy accepts Sanada’s title for the IWGP Title shot at Forbidden Door. He also wants Hook, his best friend, to be in his corner. A fist bump makes it official.
Forbidden Door video.
Forbidden Door rundown.
Bullet Club Gold is ready for CM Punk and FTR.
Collision rundown, including Miro and Andrade El Idolo’s returns to the ring.
Hangman Page/Young Bucks vs. Blackpool Combat Club
Bryan Danielson is on commentary. It’s a slugout to start (with Matt Jackson hanging in a fist fight with Claudio Castagnoli) before the Elite takes over with the power of flips and dives. Nick high crossbodies Moxley but Claudio pulls a moonsault out of the air for the pop up uppercut. Back in and Moxley’s piledriver gets two and we take a break.
We come back with Nick dropkicking his way out of trouble and bringing Page in to clean house. A suicide dive connects on the floor and a high crossbody gets two on Yuta. Everything breaks down and Yuta’s German suplex gets two on Matt. It’s back to Moxley for a Doomsday Device and a near fall, followed by the choke to Matt. Nick Swantons in for the save and the Club’s Rocket Launcher only hits raised knees. The BTE Trigger hits Yuta and the Buckshot Lariat connects for the pin at 11:53.
Rating: B. At some point the Club had to show some vulnerability and that’s what we got here. The Elite taking them down isn’t a stretch and it was a former World Champion pinning the weakest member of the Club. Everything went well here and it was a fast paced match, which made for a pretty awesome main event.
Post match the beatdown stays on but Eddie Kingston runs in for the save. Kingston goes after Claudio but pulls the Bucks off of Moxley. Kingston and Moxley go face to face but here is Konosuke Takeshita to jump Kingston and the Elite. Kenny Omega runs to the ring for the brawl with Takeshita and house is cleaned. Omega loads up the dive but Will Ospreay comes in to take Omega down. A pair of Hidden Blades drops Omega to end the show.
Adam Cole vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman went to a time limit draw
Keith Lee/Sting/Darby Allin/Orange Cassidy b. Mogul Embassy – Scorpion Death Drop to Cage
Wardlow b. Jake Hager – Powerbomb Symphony
Toni Storm b. Skye Blue – Texas Cloverleaf
Hangman Page/Young Bucks b. Blackpool Combat Club – Buckshot Lariat to Yuta