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MLW News: James Storm Already Done With MLW, Wargames Airs Tomorrow Night, BeIN Sports to Expand MLW’s Presence on the Network

September 13, 2018 | Posted by Larry Csonka
James Storm Image Credit: WWE

– James Storm, who debuted at last week’s MLW taping to kick off a feud with Tom Lawlor is already done. The site says the two sides decided to part ways.

– Friday’s episode of MLW TV will feature the Wargames, with Shane Strickland’s team vs. Sami Callihan’s team. The original creative was for MVP to lead a team, but left the company.

– Several executives from BeIN Sports and MLW sponsors at the Wargames event last week in Florida. BeIN Sports will be expanding the MLW’s presence on their networks going forward.

Credit: PWinsider.com

article topics :

James Storm, MLW, Larry Csonka