wrestling / TV Reports
Jeremy’s MLW Underground Review 3.7.23

Hello, MLW fans! We’re back for another week of MLW Underground on Reelz. I’m Jeremy Thomas, and tonight’s episode will see Alex Hammerstone defend the MLW World Heavyweight Championship against Lance Anoa’i of the Samoan SWAT Team, while Lio Rush will take on Jacob Fatu. In addition, the Billington Bulldogs will battle the Bomaye Fight Club, and if the Bulldogs win then Davey Boy Smith Jr. gets his shot against Alex Kane. Plus I’m sure AO will lay out someone new, so that’ll be a thing. We have some potentially good matches there, so let’s dive right in!
As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.
* We’re starting off with Hammerstone coming out to the ring for commentary as Fatu takes on Lio Rush.
This Is Our Violent Solution! (AKA Title Sequence!)
Lio Rush vs. Jacob Fatu
Rush dives through the ropes onto Fatu before the bell, then back up on the apron to springboard moonsault on him! Rush rolls back in and Fatu slides in for the bell to ring. Fatu goes at Rush, who gets him in a waistlock that gets reversed. They end up in the corner and Fatu pushes Rush to the floor. Rush circles and comes off the ropes, dodging Fatu again and again. Crossbody off the second rope but Fatu catches him and gets him on his shoulders — Rush slides off and SLAPS Fatu.
Fatu takes a moment and stares a whole in Rush before sending him into the ropes. He dodges a crossbody, Rush goes for a rana but Fatu stays on his feet and tosses him up to catch him in a uranage slam! Fatu charges in to splash Rush in the corner, then knocks him down in the corner with an uppercut. Charging hip attack by Fatu.
Fatu plays to the crowd and then headbutts Rush. He gets Rush up, catches a kick and flips him around; Rush lands on his feet and hits a double thrust to the gut. Rush with shots to the head and goes for a cutter but Fatu throws him off. Rush into the ropes and gets lifted up to drop onto the mat — Fatu with a senton off the ropes. Back to his feet and he circles Rush, then lays in a couple shots to the head. Fatu picks Rush up for a bodyslam and points to the sky. He goes up but Rush slips out of reach, so Fatu down and charges — but Rush with a kick to the knee, somersaults over him and starts to kick at the knee repeatedly.
Another kick but Fatu catches it and knocks Rush down, then grabs him and whips him into the corner! Rush slides out of the ring as we go to break.
Back from break and Rush is slapping away at Fatu. He ducks a clothesline and hits an enzuigiri, then whips Fatu who reverses — Rush slides to a stop and gets the boot up on a charging Fatu. Rush up top, he leaps off for a crossbody and a cover for two. Rush now signals that it’s time and goes run into the ropes, but Fatu catches him. Rush goes up and over Fatu, dodges a back elbow and hits a springboard low-angle Stunner, cover for two.
Rush now climbs up top and takes aim — he leaps but Fatu dodges the frog splash and thrust kicks him. Handspring moonsault by Fatu for a nearfall. Fatu up now and walks around Rush, grabbing him to send him into the ropes — Rush holds on and dodges when Fatu rushes, sending him to the outside. Handspring kick to the head, Fatu rolls back into the ring, and Rush dodges a clothesline. Fatu catches him off the ropes, but Rush turns it into a Poison Rana! Rush off the ropes — Alley Uce! Fatu up for the Double Spring Moonsault and that’s it.
Winner: Jacob Fatu (9:31)
Rating: *** 1/4
Thoughts: Strong match to open the show. Rush and Fatu are obviously talented guys and they worked really well against each other here, with Rush getting more offense than I expected.
After the match, Fatu gets on the mic and tells Hammerstone the belt’s coming back to him. Hammerstone enters the ring and they talk trash to each other. Fatu shoves Hammerstone, and Hammer shoves back. And here comes the brawl! Officials come out to separate them and have trouble doing so as they keep breaking free to brawl.
* Back from break with Hammerstone and Fatu still fighting, as we go to a video package recapping last week’s MLW National Openweight Championship match that John Hennigan won.
* Here we are backstage with Sam Adonis, who is announcing Cesar Duran. Duran walks into frame and says “Didn’t I tell you?” He said just you wait and we waited. Now they are dripping in gold. Hennigan and Taya walk in. Taya says things have been heating up since he was there so it was natural to bring in her husband. Johnny starts to speak and says he doesn’t feel so good. They better call the doctor because his pythons are pretty sick.
Bomaye Fight Club vs. Billington Bulldogs
The BFC attack the Billington as they’re posing on the turnbuckles and beat them down. Thomas is sent to the outside and they double-team Mark. Myron sets Mark on Mt. Thomas’ shoulders, but he slides down and Thomas Billington takes out Myron. Double dropkick to Mr. Thomas and it’s now Thomas vs. Myron as the bell FINALLY rings.
Thomas into the ropes and Myron leapfrogs but Thomas catches him on the floor with a jackknife pin for two. Thomas back into the ropes, he runs over Myron and then hits a snap suplex, cover for one. Mark tags in, double whip into the ropes and a doublt shoulderblock to Reed. Myron to the outside and Mr. Thomas checks on him — Mark moonsaults off the top onto them as we go to break.
Back from break and mr. Thomas trips Thomas Billington, then grabs Mark but he elbows out. He goes up the corner but Myron kicks him and Mr. Thomas grabs him for a release German suplex. Reed covers for two. Reed grabs Mark and hits him with an elbow. Mr. Thomas tags in and whips Reed into a splash on Mark; Reed sends Mark into a big back bodydrop by Mr. Thomas. Lazy cover for two.
Reed tags back in and knocks Mark over. Another elbow and a cover for two. He keeps battering Mark and Mr.; THomas holds him for a shot, then tags in for a big chop. Mark fights back and leaps but gets caught; he shoves him but Mark rocks him with strikes. He dives, Mr. THomas catches him and Thomas gets the tag but the ref didn’t see it. Red backs Thomas to his corner as Mr. Thomas slams Mark. Reed in now and Mr. THomas sets picks Mark up, but Mark hits a kick and then takes them both down with a Tower of London. Thomas tags in, double whip into the ropes and clotheslines to BFC. A pair of dropkicks, followed by a meeting of the minds to Mr. Thomas and Reed.
Mark sets Reed against the ropes, Thomas picks up Mr. Thomas for a bodyslam and they double clothesline him out of the ring. Thomas dives onto Reed, Mark onto Mr. Thomas on opposite sides of the ring. Thomas rolls Reed in, Mark grabs him and picks him up as Alex Kane comes from the commentary booth to distract the ref. Here comes Davey Boy Jr.! Myron tries for a cheap shot to Mark but he blocks it. Myron Matrix dodges a clothesline, roundhouse to Mark but Thomas with a crossbody off the top. Mr. Thomas tags in, Mark dodges a clothesline and flips over him.
Dropkick to Mr. THomas, Thomas tags in, Mark picks Mr. Thomas up for a missile dropkick and that’s it.
Winner: Billington Bulldogs (6:44)
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: Solid match, if not great. These four all work pretty well here. Other than some Reed highlight reel moments it was pretty basic, but it didn’t need to be more than that.
* We get a recap of the Mance vs. Real1 feud, including Mance running Real1 over and going to hail before getting bailed out by the Second Gear Crew.
* We then go to Real1 in a wheelchair. He says he’s suing everyone and they’re lucky it’s not in New York because he has a G in every borough. In Filthadelphia, the only judge he likes wears pinstripes and hits homers. Real1 says Court is going to court and tells him to kiss his ass. He’ll garnish Mance’s wages as well. Real1 is in the house next week.
Set For Next Week
– Real1 is in the house
– World Tag Team Championship Match: Gustle & Power vs. Samoan SWAT Team
* EJ Nduka and Calvin Tankman are backstage, and Nduka talks about hitting Lance Anoa’i with the brick a couple of weeks ago. He says he’s talking to Fatu, who disrespected him during his match and started talking about Hammerstone before he even got in the picture. He says Fatu needs to start putting respect in his name and titles, what they’ve done.
EJ gets a bit whiny and Tankman tells him to chill because he has too much dip on his chip. He says that EJ is talking about a lot of “I,” but what about their tag titles and moving as a team. He says EJ knows what it means to be in a team and you don’t just go out and serve himself. They’re family and built this over the last yea,r but they can’t do that if he’s thinking about himself. No more “I” stuff, no more “me” stuff. EJ says he’s right, it’s “we” and they’re here to talk over MLW.
* We get a vignette about Hammerstone and his highs of 2023, but he feels like he still has a long way to go and wants to be the guy synonymous with MLW. He says it can sometimes get overwhelming and it gets to him. He says it’s taking him to a new level and he’s hitting his stride. He used to wonder if he can get to the top, and getting there and being there a year later is a lot. Starting 2023 at the top of the mountain was expected. He has to put his best foot forward and continue to bring up the whole company as well as himself. He still has dream matches, whether Japan, England, Mexico, he says to bring it on. And taking the title around the world to represent MLW? 2023 is the year he proves he’s here for a reason.
* We get a recap of the attack on Microman by AO last week. Mance Warner is with Microman and says he ain’t gonna yell or scream. You can do what you want in wrestling — hit a man with a chair, light him on fire, use thumbtacks, light tubes, stab them if you want to. But you don’t ever, ever, ever mess with Microman. He’s Mancer’s boy and buddy, and Mance always has him back. He says AO made their wost mistake because they have to deal with him. He challenges any of them to meet him in the ring and he’ll lay them out cold. That’s next week.
* A new AO vignette features Raven, who says he’s the martyr for those left behind. It’s a creepy-ass segment in an old house with lots of plastic sheeting up and the guys in gas masks. Raven says trust in him. We get a look at the other guys, who are Ricky Shane Page and AKIRA.
MLW WOrld Heavyweight Championship Match
Alex Hammerstone vs. Lance Anoa’i
Fatu on commentary as Lance and Hammerstone circle. Lockup, Hammerstone with a wristlock. Lance with a shot to the gut and he reverses the lock, Hammerstone goes into a headlock. He comes off the ropes into a Lance dropkick. Lance charges in the corner for a splash but Hammerstone moves. Whip by the champ into the corner, Lance out into a belly-to-belly. Lance gets clotheslined over the top. Fatu talks trash and Hammerstone comes out to confont him — and they’re fighting again. The bell rings.
Winner: No Contest (1:50)
Rating: N/A
Thoughts: Just an excuse to continue the brawl between the champ and challenger.
They keep fighting until they get separated, and here comes Tankman EJ over the guardrail! They confront the Samoan SWAT Team. Hammerstone is in the ring watching it all as the brawl gets broken up — EJ dives in again but gets pulled off and escorted away.
We get a quick hype video for the Tag Team Title match next week. And with that, we’re done for the night!