wrestling / TV Reports
Jeremy’s WWE NXT Review 2.7.23

Hello, everyone and welcome to our live WWE NXT coverage on 411! I’m Jeremy Thomas, here as I ever am, and we’re just three days removed from NXT Vengeance Day! We’re sure to have plenty of fallout from Saturday’s PPV where Bron Breakker and Roxanne Perez retained their titles, while Carmelo Hayes positioned himself as Bron’s next challenger. Tonight’s show will feature Bayley coming to NXT for an episode of Ding Dong, Hello! with Gigi Dolan and Jacy Jayne, while Lyra Valkyria faces Valentina Feroz and Sol Ruca takes on Zoey Stark. We’re sure to have plenty more on tap for the show, so it should be a fun one.
Here at Thomas HQ, I’ve been keeping up on my movie-watching pretty well for 2023 thus far. This past week I caught Knock at the Cabin, which was a great movie for 80 minutes and then falls apart at the end, as well as Missing which was solid but really stretches the bounds of its ScreenLife format. I didn’t have high hopes for 80 For Brady but it was actually pretty fun for what it was and the cast carries it through. Meanwhile, Neil Marshall’s latest film is the schlocky and not-very-good but kinda fun The Lair, which is on Shudder.
In better movie news, my #1 of the year so far is the psychological drama Alice, Darling starring Anna Kendrick in the best performance of her career to date. I also finally saw Possession, the iconic and strange 1981 psych-horror film from Andrzej Żuławski, which has unforgettable performances from Isabelle Adjani and Sam Neill as a couple in Cold War Berlin whose relationship falls apart. And the documentary short The Martha Mitchell Effect on Netflix shines a light on a less-remembered but essential figure of the Watergate scandal.
Anyway, we’re gonna have a lot to cover tonight so let’s hop right in.
As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.
* We start off with a recap montage of NXT Vengeance Day with Wes Lee retaining the North American Title against Dijak, Gallus winning the NXT Tag Team Championships, Kiana James and Fallon Henley becoming NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions, Roxy retaining the NXT Women’s Championship, and Bron Breakker defeating Grayson Waller in the cage.
* Bayley has arrived in NXT for Ding Dong, Hello! later tonight. Her arm is in a sling.
* But first, her comes Melo and Trick to the ring. Trick says that Vengeance Day will go down as the day that Melo turned Crews from vision seer to Stevie Wonder. Melo gets on the mic and calls for one of his catchphrases and starts off with Melo Is — but Trick says not that one. Instead it’s “Melo In Two.” Melo says he shot his shot and it was nothing but net. He says Crews had the right vision but with the wrong one, and the NXT Universe is shook because he’s everything he said he is; he’s the one and he is Him. He did everything he said he was gonna do but there’s one more man who needs to be put on a T-Shirt, and only one event that can hold them both. It’s his destiny, and the man he’s talking about is —
Here comes JD McDonagh. JD says his ears must be deceiving him because he thought Melo was going to challenge for the NXT Title. He says Melo is just like this generation, he thinks he’s the coolest and he is, but in the ring he’s not fit to hold JD’s jockstrap. JD says Melo is not ready for the big title or to be the face of this brand.
Melo says he thought he beat everyone there is to, but it looks like he left a survivor. He says JD is jealous and JD says Melo is all about the VIP treatment, but he sends everyone to the emergency room so Trick needs to dial 911 because that’s where Melo is going. Hayes challenges JD for tonight and JD says “Game On.”
* Kiana walks up to Fallon, who says she watched the match back and saw Kiana cheated. Kiana says so what, are they giving the titles back? Fallon says that they’re giving a rematch and asks about who Kiana was on the phone with last week. She says it was no one, and Fallon goes to tell Brooks only to walk into a surprise party for them as new champions.
* Booker and Vic talk about Grayson Waller showing up at the media call and we get a recap of the moment where he ranted at HBK about “fans” in the locker room nefore being thrown out. Waller has been suspended for a week because of it.
Sol Ruca vs. Zoey Stark
Lockup to start, Zoey with a wristlock and she works Sol’s arm. Ruca into the corner but goes up and over Zoey and armdrag’s her down into an elbowlock. Ruca off the ropes and runs Zoey over, she flips out of an armdrag and takes Zoey down, then clotheslines her over the ropes.
Sol outside and she splits on the apron to avoid some kicks, they go back in and Zoey blocks an Irish whip before nailing a shot and then snapmaring her, off the ropes for a diving clothesline for two.
Zoey with forearms to Sol’s face, she traps Sol’s head and nails a big shot. Snapmare but Sol flips through and hits a sunset flip for two — but Zoey immediately clotheslines Sol for two. Zoey with rights to the head, Sol fires back but gets sent into the corner. Sol dodges the splash and runs over Zoey, a dropkick follows. Handspring splash in the corner and she picks Zoey up, but Zoey fights out and superkicks Sol through the ropes to the apron.
Sol knocks Zoey down and goes for a springboard splash but Zoey gets the knees up. She sets Zoey up and hits the flip GTS for three.
Winner: Zoey Stark (3:47)
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: For a three and a half minute match, it was pretty damned good. Zoey winning was obvious but Sol got a chance to spotlight what she was capable of.
Zoey attacks Sol after the match. But Sol manages to hit a Sol Snatcher to end the brawl.
* We get a recap of the Crews vs. Hayes match with Dabba-Kato getting involved and then attacking Crews. Dabba-Kato is coming to the ring next.
* Back to the party, and Kiana says Brooks is the sweetest guy ever. Fallon says there’s something Kiana wants to tell her and she says she already thanked him. Pretty Deadly walk in looking disheveled and say they haven’t slept since Vengeance Day. They’re depressed and then say “YOU!” It’s Chase U who say “YOU!” They blame each other for losing the titles, and Chase says he’s pissed off. Duke asks what’s in the drinks, and she says just water. Chase says PD are getting the shit kicked out of them tonight.
Dabba-Kato vs. Dante Chen
Dante goes to lockup but Dabba-Kato grabs him by the throat and knocks him down. He puts Dante in the corner and chops him hard, then puts him in another corner and drives his shoulder in repeatedly. Dabba-Kato gets in the ref’s face and Chen gets a shot, but Dabba just grabs Chen and tosses him in the air. He grabs Chen by the hair, Chen is dighting back but gets headbutted down.
Dabba grabs Chen on the apron, throws him back in the ring and lies in wait — charging in for an avalanche, but Chen gets the foot up. Strikes by Chen, but he gets shoved back and Chen goes back in with a clothesline and another. Chen off the ropes and a pump kick puts Dabba on a knee. Double-hand chop, Chen off the ropes and gets slapped down. Dabba grabs Chen and picks him up for the choke bomb for three.
Winner: Dabba-Kato (2:40)
Rating: N/A
Thoughts: RIP Dante Chen.
Dabba is asked why he returned and attacked Crews after the match, and Dabba says Apollo knows what he did.
* We get a recap of Indus Sher vs. The Creeds from last week with the heels winning. Yesterday, Julius was apologizing to Ivy and Brutus says that they gotta get Indus Sher back. Ivy is told that she’ll be good to go by the weekend when Isla Dawn comes in with Alba Fyre and suggests Tatum Paxley was involved in Nikkita Lyons’ attack. Tatum explains what she was up to and Isla says an innocent person would have just said no.
* McKenzie asks Roxy about her first title defense and she says she’s happy for it. Katana & Kayden walk in angry and say they got screwed; Roxy says they’ll get another chance. They say how do they know and will Roxy make sure that they get their rematch? It ends with Roxy proposing a tag match once she makes a call. So Kayden and Katana are heels now?
Isla Dawn vs. Tatum Paxley
Lockup to start, they jockey for position and break. Isla with a wristlock, Paxley flips and reverses and takes Isla down. Big shot and a cover for one. Alba talks trash on the outside and Isla takes over, but Tatum with some counterwrestling until Isla drops a leg on Tatum. Snake eyes from Isla, and she puts Tatum on the mat before hitting a double knee jump and covers for two.
Isla controls Tatum against the ropes, but Tatum fights back and hits a jawbreaker and back elbow. Rollup for one and Isla goes in, but Tatum is fighting hard. Isla off the ropes into a back elbow and then a clothesline, step-up enzuigiri. Tatum charges at Isla but gets kicked, she battles back and hits a gutwrench suplex for two.
Tatum goes up to the second rope and dives but Isla dodges the crossbody. Isla with the iverted DDT drop for three.
Winner: Isla Dawn (3:07)
Rating: ** 1/4
Thoughts: Fine for the time limit given, not much more to say.
Alba comes into the ring after and they surround Tatum until Ivy comes into the ring with a chain and the heels bail.
* We get a vignette for Melo vs. JD, which is later tonight.
* Somone in snazzy shoes has arrived at the arena.
Carmelo Hayes vs. JD McDonagh
They circle to start and lock up, pushing against each other. JD with a wristlock, right into the counterwrestling. Lock back up, Hayes into the ropes and flips out of an armdrag into more counterwrestling. Melo mocks JD with a basketball motion and JD disrespects him, so they go into the ropes and Hayes flips over JD but gets chopped and sent into the corner. Another chop and a whip across the ring, JD chases in and is set up and over and snapped against the top rope to go to the floor — and Melo dives onto him! Back in the ring and a cover for two.
Melo with a shot to JD and fists in the corner. JD kicks Melo and fights out of the corner, then whips Melo off the ropes, picking him up and dropping him down. Double axekhandle to Hayes’ neck and then mounted shots, followed by a stop to the gut. Back suplex by JD, then a front suplex into the ropes. Cover for two as we go to PIP break.
We’re back with JD locked in on a kneeling abdominal stretch on Melo. Melo fights out but gets sent hard into the corner. JD pulls Melo out to whip him back in, but Melo reverses and then hits a backdrop. JD with a kick to back Melo up and picks him up, but Melo with a small package! They roll and trade two-counts, then JD with a Spanish Fly and cover for two and a half.
JD grabs Melo for the Devil’s Inside, Melo counters but gets knocked down and double stomped on. JD up top but Melo with a leaping kick to the head. He hangs JD up in the corner and hits the Fade Away! Both men are down in the ring but get up and trade shots. Hayes into the ropes but hits a sprinboard elbow and a cutter for two.
Melo gets JD up, but JD goes for a uranage. Melo escapes and hits the spinning single-arm DDT into the crossface! JD gets his foot on the ropes to break it. They trade shots, JD goes for the sit-out powerbomb and hits it for a nearfall. JD goes to pull Melo into the ring but Melo kicks him back — JD tries to yank Melo into the center of the ring but Melo lands on his feet and takes JD down for two.
Melo now trying to go up but JD grabs his foot. Melo picks JD up but eats a kick — ILJA! ILJA IS BACK! He takes out Trick and the distraction lets Hayes get the pinfall!
Winner: Carmelo Hayes (13:19)
Rating: *** 1/2
Thoughts: Great match between these two. Melo was obviously going to win but they matches up very well and the return of Ilja is big news.
Afterward, Ilja dives and Melo moves — Ilja nails JD, who quickly bails and Ilja gives chase.
* Thea Hail is there with Tiffany Stratton and says she saw Tiff’s TikTok about Chase U. She asks why Tiff hates Chase U and suddenly remembers she forgot her essay. Tiffany says Chase U is tacky and no one wants to go there ever. Thea is angry and tries to breathe three times as she was taught, but Stratton interrupts and Thea goes off on how everything is about Tiffany and she says Chase U is great, but she has two words for Tiff: SUCK IT! Then Ava Raine abducts Thea. Okay.
* We’re back to the party and Fallon walks up to Brooks & Josh. Fallon says that she has something she needs to tell Brooks and he’s excited about his first Valentine’s Day. Kiana walks up and Brooks asks what Fallon wanted to say, and she demurs.
Valentine Feroz vs. Lyra Valkyria
Wendy Choo is out here with Feroz. They lockup to start, Feroz with a takedown of Lyra. Back up and Lyra with a hiptoss and cover for one. Feroz into the cornerand a rollup for one, Lyra with kicks and a shove, kick to the head. Feroz off the ropes into a crossbody, Lyra catches her and Feroz turns it into a submission, but Lyra with a suplex and bridge for two.
Lyra with elbow strikes as Elektra Lopez comes out to watch. Ferez escapes a hold and goes into the ropes, rana by Feroz! Feroz with a whip to the corner, reversed by Lyra and they collide heads in the corner. Lopez tosses Feroz the knucks and Wendy yells at Feroz not to — enzuigiri by Lyra and a spin kick. Cover for three.
Winner: Lyra Valkyria (2:52)
Rating: N/A
Thoughts: This was all about the angle and a win for Lyra. On that criteria, it was fine.
* We get a video from Wes covering his full weekend of Vengeance Day including his trip to Charlotte. He talks about how he was doing what he meant to do, then arrives in the city and meets with his wife Erika. Erika talks about how the title has given him a boost, saying he deserves to be champion forever. We then go to the day of the show and Erika talks emotionally about the impact Wes has on people and how much he cares. We then see him backstage before the show and then walking out into the arena, with highlights of him during the match. And then finally him after the match. Fantastic video package.
* Wes is backstage with McKenzie and says it was dope, but did they see Dijak’s finger? Tony and Stacks walk in and say they weren’t in the package but they expect to be duly compensated. Wes says that he didn’t ask for their help and he has an open challenge for his title next week. Tony says they have business to take care of but will see Wes next week.
* Tyler Bate says that Grayson Waller lost and it happens, but we have to take it on the chin. He disrespected HBK and that’s not cool. Waller is suspended, but next week Bate suggests they he try disrespecting him.
Odyssey Jones vs. Stacks
Stacks goes for a leg takedown but gets tossed aside. Stacks gets backed into the corner but kicks Jones, Jones with a headlock. Stacks fights free and gets shoved into the ropes, he runs into Jones who doesn’t budge. Repeated bodyblocks until Jones just runs Stacks over. He gets Stacks in the corner and hits bodyblows and an overhead shot, then tosses Stacks across the ring.
Jones drives the shoulder into Stacks’ gut in the corner and then grabs him, Stacks slides down the back and kicks Jones but gets thrown chest-first into the corner. Stacks set on the top rope and Jones batters him.
Jones is looking hyped, Tony yells at Stacks who nails Jones and then snaps his neck back against the ropes. Stacks attacks Jones from behind and then beats him against the ropes for four, then talks shit. Springboard legdrop to the back of Jones’ neck! He wrenches on Jones’ neck in the center of the ring, but Jones powers out and hits an elbow to the gut. Jones runs Stacks over and then nails him in the head. Whip into the ropes and a BIG one-armed sidewalk slam. Of the ropes for a rolling senton and a leaping shoulder in the corner.
Stacks out of the ring and Jones out to run him over. He rolls Stacks in and follows but Stacks with a DDT. Stacks off the ropes for a knockout punch. He psyches hjimself up and hit a stomp, he rolls Jones over for three.
Winner: Stacks (5:15)
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: Perfectly solid match, nice to see Stacks get a win.
* Jinder Mahal is with Indus Sher and says they finally got the respect they desire. Indus say no one believed them until they beat the Creeds, and Sanga says the Creeds lost before the bell even rang. Jinder says they expect to be treated the same here as at home: larger than life superstars. Veer says they’ve moved on to accomplish bigger goals and their NXT Takeover has begun. Phase one is complete and phase two is when the three of them are drinking gold.
* Duke asks where Thea is and Chase says she’s a grown adult and okay as they walk to the ring.
Roxy is walking in the parking lot and asks who her tag partner will be. Roxy says it will be Meiko Satomura. Well, DAMN.
Chase U vs. Pretty Deadly
Duke and Elton start and lock up, Duke sent into the ropes and runs Elton over. Elton with a chop and Duke no-sells it, then puts Elton in the corner for a chest slap. He bounces Elton head-first into the corner and nails Elton, who oversells it to the outside. Elton back in and sadly tags in Kip, who gets sent into the ropes and Chase tags in for a drop-toe kick combo for two.
Kip manages to roll Chase around and we get a couple near-falls before Kip says “What’s the bloody point?” Chase catches Chase in the ropes and beats on him, Elton comes in and gets thrown into Kip’s feet. That’s a teachable moment. Kip tags in Elton who misses a big kick and nearly hits Kip, but they take down Chase and get their confidence back! Yes Boi legdrop for two.
Chase manages to tag in Duke, who hits a bodyslam on Kip and kicks him in the gut, then stomps his hand. Sidewalk slam and he goes into the ropes, but Prince pulls down the ropes and Duke goes outside. Duke takes out Elton but Kip hits a diving elbowdrop as we go to PIP break.
We’re back and Elton is getting hit by Duke, but he comes off the ropes and runs Duke over. Elton pulls Duke away from the potential tag but Duke pulls him off and makes the tag. Chase in hot and hits inverted atomic drops and continues to run wild. He takes out Prince with a backdrop and then locks in a figure four. Prince goes to break it up with an elbowdrop, Chase moves and hits a double DDT, cover for two.
Kip manages to stagger Chase and tags in Elton, who snake eyes-es Chase. Elton with a cover, Duke breaks it up and goes wild on PD. Kip gets tossed out, Elton dumps Chase and Chase knocks down Elton for the Chase U stomps. Here comes Thea covered in…smily face pins. She’s screaming and Chase rolls Kip up, but PD hit the Spilled Milk for three.
Winner: Pretty Deadly (9:31)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: Very solid match with these two teams. The angle to close it gives PD the win and sets them up for a title match while protecting Chase U a bit. The execution was a bit wonky but I didn’t hate it.
Gallus are watching from the podium, and PD seem ready for it.
* Halk asks Drew about his thoughts about his ring gear sketch and Drew liked it. Hank suggests the open challenge for Wes and Charlie Dempsey walks in and says it doesn’t matter what you wear; it’s what you do. A match between Dempsey and Walker is set up for next week.
Set For Next Week:
– North American Championship Open Challenge
– Bron Breakker Returns
– Roxy & Meiko Satomura vs. Kayden and Katana
– Tyler Bate vs. Grayson Waller
* It’s time for Ding Dong, Hello! Bayley is out here and welcomes us. She says we’re wondering how she made it here after what Becky and Lita did to her and her girls last week, but it’s because she’s a role model and she loves NXT. She also loves Gigi and Jacy and welcomes them out here.
The girls come out and things seem copacetic at the moment in their entrance — for about two seconds before they give each other a sneer and side-eye. They argue on their way into the ring. Bayley praises them for using the door but she feels the tension and asks what happened on Saturday?
Jacy says Gigi screwed her out of the title, and Gigi says Roxy beat her, not Gigi so Jacy cost Gigi the title. Jacy says Gigi was not being a team player. They were holding hands and Gigi magically slipped away. Gigi says if she won the title, Jacy would have sunk to obscurity. Jacy says she was a star all her own, while Gigi’s gear looked like a hobo made out with a Chucky doll. Gigi says Jacy was staring up at the lights which is the Jacy position.
Bayley asks what they would do as individuals if they split up and Gigi says she hasn’t thought about it but the sky is the limit. Jacy says she’s going straight to the top. Bayley says wouldn’t it be easier to do that with a ride or die? Gigi says TA has been her life for almost three years now and everyone hates her. Jacy says everyone hates her too and that Bayley would know about strength in numbers. Gigi says NXT is a shark tank and she needs someone at her back. Jacy says when she gets pissed she cuts real deep, and she could sit here and say she’ll change but that’s never gonna happen. But no matter what happens, Gigi will always be her sister. Gigi says she’s her sister too. Jacy says they can go their separate ways or have one more run. Gigi says at the NXT Women’s Tag Titles? Jacy says OOOR! They say they can go after the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles, but Bayley says let’s focus on the now and hug it out. They hug it out! They raise hands and then Jacy superkicks Gigi — obviously. Jacy says it’s never been about us; it’s always been about them! Jacy throws Gigi into the door and kicks her in the head. Gigi cries on the ground and Jacy poses over her with a smile.
And with that, we’re done for the night!