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Jeremy’s WWE NXT Review 3.25.25

Hello everyone, and welcome to our live WWE NXT coverage on 411! It’s Jeremy Thomas, and tonight we are being treated a double dose of Stephanie Vaquer. Vaquer will defend both of her titles on tonight’s show, with her NXT Women’s Title up against Jaida Parker and the Women’s North American Title on the line against Fallon Henley. We’ll also see Lexis King defend his NXT Heritage Cup against Je’Von Evans. Those matches read like the backbone for a potentially fun episode, so I’m excited.
I got a bit busy in my movie-watching again. I watched Bridget Jones’ Diary for, in what was shocking for me to realize, my first time and found it effortlessly charming. I also watched three new films from this year in The Cleaner (a serviceable Die Hard clone), Inheritance (a serviceable spy thriller), and Steven Soderbergh’s ghost story Presence, the latter of which surprised me by how engaged I was considering it’s an anti-crowd pleaser.
I also watched She for my Hammer Watch Project, which is more of an adventure film and benefits from Hammer’s visual flair as well as the performances from Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee. And Monday saw me decide that I should be angry as I rewatched the powerful and infuriating West Memphis Three Paradise Lost documentary trilogy. I was considering chasing with a West of Memphis rewatch but instead finished out the week with a Sin City rewatch.
In other movie updates, the latest episode of my Final Ghouls of Horror podcast with Holly and L is out, and we discuss one of my favorite films of last year in I Saw The TV Glow. You can listen to it below or wherever you listen to podcasts, including YouTube.
On TV, in addition to staying caught up on Daredevil: Born Again I’ve been back on my true bullshit and watched three episodes of Southern Gothic on Hulu (fine but unremarkable) and three out of four episodes of the the excellent Vow of Silence: The Assassination of Annie Mae.
As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s kids is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.
* We kick off with a vignette recapping Stephanie Vaquer’s touble title win and the aftermath before previewing her double duty matches and spotlighting Jaida and Fallon both.
* Earlier today, Stephanie arrived as did Jaida and Fallon. Jaida vs. Stephanie starts the show and Fallon vs. Stephanie is the main event.
* Je’Von Evans also arrived.
NXT Championship Match
Stephanie Vaquer vs. Jaida Parker
Lockup to start, kneelift by Jaida and a wristlock. Jaida works the wrist, Vaquer flips through but Jaida slams her down. Another bodyslam Vaquer turns it around and locks in a leglock, but Jaida gets to the ropes. Vaquer into the ropes, tilt-a-whirl into a roll-up for two and she gets another nearfall.
Jaida with a bodyscissors, Vaquer gets her shoulders on the mat for two. Jadia rolls Vaquer into a two-count, they end up in the ropes and Vaquer takes Jaida down. Strikes to Jaida who goes into the corner, Vaquer charges but Jaida goes up and over, dropping double knees on Stephanie as we to to break.
We’re back and Jaida has Steph in the corner, whipping her across the ring and goes for a sidewalk slam, but Steph escapes. Jadia with a two-count and then a backstabber for two. Jadia charges into a boot in the corner, Vaquer locks in the triangle over the ropes for four. Springboard crossbody frm Vaquer, into the ropes — Fate Kick! And it’s time for the legscissor headsmashes. But Jaida comes back and hits a Falcon Arrow for a nearfall.
Inverted Suplex attempt, Vaquer floats out and goes into the ropes but is hit with a spinebuster. Jaida puts Steph in the corner, Tear Drop! But Jordynne Grace is here to argue with Jaida. Jaida turns around and nails Vaquer, into the ropes — Steph with a roll-up for three!
Winner: Stephanie Vaquer (9:24)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: Very good match to open the show. The ending was a bit of a schmoz obviously but it didn’t hurt things too badly and made narrative sense.
Jordynne and Jaida have to be separated in the entrance post-match. And then Fatal Influence attack Stephanie! Jacy and Jazmyn hold her for Fallon to deck her, then Jacy hits a few sentons.
* Je’Von tells Trick that he doesn’t like being pushed aside. He was trying to focus on Darkstate but Trick was focused on Oba. Je’Von says he’s gonna prove Trick wrong and be a champion tonight. Trick says that not everyone can hold that title in the air. Je’Von says after tonight he will understand what it means to be champion.
* Ava is going to check on Stephanie but Lash wants to know why Gigi and Tatum have a match for the TNA Tag Team Titles on Impact. Gigi says that Ava is tired of giving he Meta Girls opportunities. It turns into a back and forth argument until the Meta Girls left.
* Earlier today, Vic sat down with Ricky Saints. He asks Ricky about some in the locker room saying he doesn’t belong here and he says it’s both white noise and motivation. He ntoes there are people in the locker room with a head start on him but didn’t up their game until he arrives. He says confidence scares people and he’s been dealing with that all his life.
Vic asks where Ricky gets his confidence and he recalls living in his car and not knowing when he would eat, but he had confidence he’d get out of the situation. He’s at WWE NXT because of his self-confidence. He wears scars and battle wounds with pride —
Shawn Spears is here and tells Vic to leave. He tells Ricky they’ve known each other a long time and ask why he thinks he didn’t ask Ricky to be in the Culling. Ricky says he knew he’s say no. Shawn says no, Ricky is still the same guy he left a year ago. Ricky’s arrogance is a plaque and he leaves a long list of enemies.
Ricky says that if you want to get ahead you’re going to make enemies. Spears says he is a champion and has three of his best friends beside him. Ricky says they’re the reason he won the title, and he’s going to take it. Spears says not to add him to his list of enemies and The Culling arrives. Shawn says Ricky could go back — no, he bunred every bridge. Spears says “So I guess I better win, eh?”
– Wes, Tyson and Tyriek talk shit about Ricky in the locker room and walk off. Kale says that Ricky is pulling an Ethan Page and Page tells him to shut up. Andre Chase tells Page to relax and Ethan says that he needs to teach them how to behave — but his school is closed. Andre gets a bit fired up and we have a match set.
* Hank & Tank are getting hyped because they’re of one mind — and they’re with the MCMGs! They head out for their match and the Guns say “Let’s see if they’ve got it.”
Hank & Tank vs. Tyson DuPont & Tyriek Igwe
We’re joined in progress from break with Hank and Tank delivering mounted 10-count punches in the corner. They whip Tyson and Tyriek into each other and pancake them. Tyson into the ropes, drop-toe hold by Hank and elbowdrop to the back by Tank, camel clutch holds him for a dropkick to the chest and Tank gets a nearfall.
Tyson turns it around with a short-arm clothesline, Tyriek tags in and they knock him down off the ropes. Tank dodges a stomp, Tyson tags in and nails Tank with a blow to the back. Tank kicks Tyson off the ropes and throws him into Tyriek who was on the apron — Tank holds the ropes open and Hank DIVES THROUGH onto T&T! Tyson back in, splash and bulldog out of the corner. Wes distracts Hank and Tyson lays him out, Tyriek tags in and pulls on Hank’s arm, stomping it to the mat.
Shots by Tyriek, he measures for a kick and nails it. Hank sent into the hostile corner, Tyriek with a shoulder charge. Tyson tags in, full nelson and a shot to the gut by Tyriek, into a full nelson slam by Tyson for two-plus.
Full nelson again, Hank with a jawbreaker to break it. Tyriek tags in, front facelock to block the tag but Hank pushes toward the corner — Tyriek blocks it with a shot to the back and another. Hank misses a kick and Tank gets the hot tag! He lays into Tyriek and hits a release German suplex! Tyson knocked off the apron, cartwheel into a clothesline by Tank! Spinebuster and a cover by Tyson breaks it up.
Tank off the middle rope with a shoulderblock, Wes distrcts the ref and Tyriek with a big boot. High impact back suplex/splash finishes it.
Winner: Tyson DuPont & Tyriek Iqwe (8:40)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: Very competent work by two teams that need something to get them to that next level. This was good but I still don’t care much about them yet.
* Ava asks Vaquer in medical if she can continue to the main event and Vaquer says she’s La Primera and Fallon gets her title match.
* Sarah asks Fraxiom about their match with The Hardys at Roadblock and Axiom battling Gunther on Smackdown. Axiom says it was a dream come true and a moment he’ll never forget. Frazer says he wasn’t invited and Axiom says Frazer has a big mouth and wanted to keep it a secret. Frazer says if he was there, he could have beat GUnther. Oba appears on the Tron and Axiom says he looks pissed.
NXT Heritage Cup Championship Match
Lexis King vs. Je’Von Evans
Evans ducks a jab and they talk some trash, Evans with a headlock. He’s shot into the ropes but cinches in the headlock. Ling tries to escape but Je’Von literally says “Hell no!” King backs him into the corner, the ref gets the break, Evans with a leaping headlock takeover which King counters into a headscissors. Evans kips up out of it.
Back to the headlock but King tries to elbow out. Evans with a chop to the chest but King with a back suplex. King lays in the stomps and hits a bodyslam, cover gets two. Chinlock by King, who then hits a forearm to the back of the head for two.
Evans ducks a shot and rolls King up for two, then hits a springboard rana and springboard crossbody. King out to the floor, Evans dives ONTO King and sits on the booth as we go to break.
We’re back and Evans battles back but gets his jaw jacked by the champ. Chops in the corner by King, modified Michinoku Driver gets a nearfall. King is frustrated and grabs Evans, but Evans chops King. King is pissed and Evans is up — Evans with strikes out of the corner and a leaping punch! Off the ropes, leaping flipping kick to the head! Evans climbs and takes aim — FROG SPLASH! Cover gets thre-NO!
Evans grabs King and gets a double underhook, but King with a backdrop and superkick! King goes for Coronation, EVans escapes and hits a twisting heel kick off the ropes! Evans off the ropes and DIVES over the ropes onto King! He rolls King in and gets on the apron — OBA with a Fall From Grace onto the apron! The ref counts to 10 and that’s it.
Winner: Lexis King (10:46)
Rating: *** 1/2
Thoughts: Damn fine match here. Oba’s appearance on the Tron earlier made it clear how this was ending, but it still allowed the two to deliver great in-ring action and Evans has a reason for the loss.
Oba stalks Je’Von — and the lights go out! Darkstate is in the audience watching as Je’Von takes it to Oba. Oba with a powerbomb, Trick in the ring and he hits Evans with a Trick Shot! Officials keep Trick and Oba apart as Datkstate applaud.
Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson vs. Gigi Dolin & Tatum Paxley
Lash and Gigi start off, lockup and Gigi tries for a takedown but Lash blocks it. Zaria and Sol have arrived and Lash slams Gigi down. Jakara tags in, Gigi into the corner, Jakara whiped into a splash, Lash splash and Gigi is tossed into a forearm off the ropes by Jakara for two.
Gigi manages to tag in Tatum, who turns it around and Gigi gets a Bronco Buster. Tatum with a dropkick to the knee to prevent a run to get the tag, Tatum grabs Jakara and locks in her elevated submission but Lash in to break it up. My feed went wonky but Lash is in now and hits a pump kick to Tatum. Lash talks trash to Zaria and Sol, Jakara tags in and hits a couple of kneedrops, am arm slam and cover for two.
Lash tags back in, bodyslam to Tatum, cover gets two. My feed went off again but it comes back as Gigi takes the Meta Girls down. Tatum tags in, they come off the ropes and nail Jakara. Cemetery Drive gets three.
Winner: Gigi Dolin & Tatum Paxley (3:59)
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: My feed had issues her as mentioned, but what I saw was perfectly fine to give Gigi and Tatum momentum going into Impact.
* Tony D is at his place and two goons say the streets are talking a lot. He knows and he’ll handle it. The rest of the family come in, Luca asks how he’s doing and he’s good. He wants intel on Darkstate; what’s their purpose, their motive, all of it. Rizzo says they’ll take care of it.
They all start to leave and Tony tells Stacks to hold on a sec. Tony asks if he’s good and he says yeah besides Darkstate. Tony says Stacks is underboss for a reason. They grew up together and Tony reminds Stacks of a time in high school when he had to talk some high rollers out of taking Stacks out. He says he can trust Stacks — right? Stacks says he can always trust him…always. Stacks leaves and Tony looks pensive.
* Hank & Tank say they did everything the MCMGs suggested. Shelley says they did great and Sabin says everyone’s process is different. He says there’s levels to this and you have to trust your partner. And you can’t compare yourselves to them, they’ve been teaming forever. It took them years to get to WWE and quickly became champions. Hank & Tank feel better.
Ethan Page vs. Andre Chase
Ricky Saints is on commentary. Lockup to start, Chase with a headlock, shot into the corner but comes out with a rollup for one. Chase with a single-leg takedown, into the ropes and an armdrag from Chase. Headlock takedown by Chase, Page gets to his feet and elbows free for his own headlock. Page shot into the ropes but runs Chase over.
Chase turns it around with a monkey flip, Page slams Chase right down and hits an elbowdrop. He goes to slam Chase into the turnbuckle, Chase blocks it but is sent into the ropes for a big right hand. Chase into the ropes, he holds on, Page charges and Chase pulls the rope down. Page is distracted by the Chase U duo, Chase with a kick and then he leaps off the apron onto Page as we go to break.
We’re back as Page sends Chase into the ropes but drops the head, Chase with a kick and a neckbreaker. Chase is back up, dodges Page and lays in the strikes. Side Russian legsweep — the Chase U stomps, but Chase can’t do it! Never mind, he does it but he’s too late and Page grabs the boot — Chase with a uranage!
Chase on the top but Page blocks him and pulls him to the floor, leaping jawbreaker via his knee. Page pie-faces Chase and tells him to stay down — Chase is fired up and hits strikes! Off the ropes, Page blasts him. They go onto the apron, Chase hits a neckbreaker on the apron! Tornado DDT gets a nearfall for Chase.
Chase goes up top — Page leaps to nail the ropes and trip Chase up. He goes up — powerslam off the middle turnbuckle! Cover gets two-plus, Page right into Twisted Grin for three.
Winner: Ethan Page (9:59)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: Nice to see Chase slowly getting some of his fire back. He had to chance at getting this win but this does feel like progress, albeit slow progress.
Saints comes away from the booth and jaws with Page at ringside — and SPEARS BLASTS SAINTS WITH THE TTITLE! The Culling pose over Saints.
* Darkstate share a video saying they don’t have to do anything. One of them says when Darkstate strikes, ain’t nobody safe.
* Earlier tonight Vaquer beat Jaida and she’s looking rough but she WALKS backstage. So does Fallon with Fatal Influence at her side.
& Trick says he was trying to hit Oba and Je’Von was collateral damage. No, he says Je’Von was a distraction like Eddy was. He tells Oba to find him here next week. As to Darkstate? None of his business.
Set For Next Week:
– NXT North American Championship Match: Shawn Spears vs. Ricky Saints
NXT North American Championship Match
Stephanie Vaquer vs. Fallon Henley
Jacy distracts Steph right off the bat and Fallon puts the champ in the corner, hits a suplex and covers for one. She mounts but Vaquer pulls her off, punches but Fallon blocks it with a kick. Vaquer off the ropes into a kick to the gut, then Fallon puts her in the corner and kicks away. Vaquer comes back and takes Fallon down for a two-count.
Fallon with another kick to the gut, then stomps to the stomach. Cover gets two. Fallon with a waistlock, Steph to her feet and turns around for a jawbreaker and superkick. Fate Kick but Fallon dodges it and sends Vaquer into the corner, kick around the ringpost as we go to break.
We’re back and Fallon knocks Vaquer down, but Vaquer comes back with a big shot. Fallen puts Vaquer on the mat, shot off the ropes and a kick. The champ os thrown into the middle rope, Fallon goes for another kick around the ropes but Steph dodges and takes over.
Fallon cuts Vaquer off with a rib shot but STeph battles back and puts Fallon on the top — SUPERPLEX! Both women get to their knees and trade strikes — Fallon punches, Steph headbutts. Fallon with a kick but Steph comes back with Eat Defeat! She slams Fallon’s head into the turnbuckles and kicks across the head — CHARGING METEORA! VVaquer grabs Fallon — it’s time but Fallon counters with a rollup for two.
Fallon with a release German suplex and stomp to the torso. Off the ropes, Vaquer grabs Fallon for a rollup for two. Vaquer to the outside — she nails Jacy but Nyx with the Nyx Kick! Vaquer brought in, Blockbuster by Fallon gets thr-NO!
Fallon charges but Vaquer dodges, kick to the jaw, Nyx distracts Vaquer. Fallon sets Vaquer up but Fallon gets shoved into Nyx! SVB! That’s it!
Winner: Stephanie Vaquer (10:05)
Rating: *** 1/4
Thoughts: Very good match here that made Fallon look good, but still put the heat on Vaquer for the double retention. Great match to close out the show.
Fatal Influence attack Vaquer post-match and Jacy is PISSED. They set it up —
JORDYNNE IS HERE! She takes out Jacy and Jazmyn with Fallon, then clears the ring. She grabs the titles and handls them to Stephanie — but the NA Title she holds on a bit too long. Jaida attacks Grace from behind, but Grace drops Jaida and knocks her to the floor. Vaquer spins Grace around and they stare off.
* Ava says that’s impressive when Lola and Kelani and Cora and Izzi and everyone else wants their shot.
And with that, we’re done for the night!
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