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Johnny TV Says Jack Perry Should Be on TV, Has ‘It Factor’

March 25, 2024 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Jack Perry AEW Dynamite Image Credit: AEW

Johnny TV is a fan of Jack Perry and says that he has the “it factor” that makes someone a star. Perry has been off of AEW TV since his altercation with CM Punk at All In and has instead been appearing for NJPW. Johnny shared his thoughts on Perry at the For the Love of Wrestling convention, and you can see the highlights below (per Wrestling Inc):

On Perry’s star potential: “I feel like he should be on TV, and the kid could be a big star. If you have that ‘it factor,’ and I believe he does, then it depends on how you’re used. If you don’t have it, you get forced down people’s throats until they get sick of you.”

On what opponents he wants to face: “I’d love to wrestle [Jon] Moxley, Eddie Kingston, have a longer match with Orange Cassidy, Trent Beretta, Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson), I’ve never had a singles [match] with Cesaro (Claudio Castagnoli), a lot of the New Japan guys, some of the CMLL guys. I think they would be surprised, I think I could out-Lucha the CMLL guys which is pretty crazy.”