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Join 411’s Live AEW Dynamite Coverage

February 7, 2024 | Posted by Tony Acero
AEW Dynamite Image Credit: AEW

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Tonight’s AEW Dynamite Report is brought to you by the hilarious ”Fine Dining Podcast!” Long time readers will recognize the name, and although I am SO sorry you finally have to see what he actually looks like, Michael Ornelas and I have been friends for quite some time, all thanks to this website. SO in true friendly fashion, I gotta support him like he supports me.

Give him a listen/look and tell him Tony sent you!

It’s Wednesday, you know what that means…

Swerve Strickland vs Hangman Adam Page

LOCKUP!!! To the corner. Ref breaks them apart. Hard slap from Page. Swerve with a double leg takedown. Page rolls over, they spill out to ringside. Swerve with. Whip sends Page over the barricade! Swerve runs and flies over the barricade with a splash onto Page. Swerve sends Page back into the ring. Page kicks the entering Swerve. TO the corner again and page hits some right hands. Huge chop from Page. Elbow to the back of the head. Whip to the ropes, Swerve grabs Page on the rebound, sends him into the ropes, and hits a high boot. Swerve corners Page again and gets some stomps. Swerve is getting some major love from the crowd. Swerve meets Page in the middle, Page with a Fallaway Slam. Kip up. Swerve with a freaking headbutt to the jaw. Swerve corners Page, snapmare out of it, Swerve to the 2nd rope, Page is up quickly! He puls the legs out! Right hands to Swerve! Swerve bites te fingers and gains wrist control. He climbs on the back for an octopus, but Page is able to break out. Elbows from Swerve. He flattens Page on the mat. Swerve hops on the back, switches, pulls the wrist back but Page locks his arm. Swerve drives his fist into the kidneys. He pulls back on the arm, arm drag from Page. Swerve hops over, Page to the corner, hops off with a lariat, misses, and rebounds with a right to the back of the head!

Both men end up outside. Page with an elbow to the head. He sends ZSwerve into the barricade hard. Page lifts Swerve and hits another FALLAWAY SLAM ON THE OUTSIDE!!!!

Back in the ring, and Page hits a hard chop to the chest. Swerve reverses! Chop after chop. Page escapes, hits the ropes, low kick! Cover! 1…..2…NO!!! Page lifts up Swerve, Swerve with some rights. He locks the head, lifts Page, Page floats over, locks the waist, rolls up for a 1..2.NO!!! Sserve shoots Page to the apron, Page looks for the Buckshot, Swerve runs into it, he gets sent over the top. Page tries for a moonsault, but Swerve steps aside. FLATLINER! He runs into the ring. Swerve hits the ropes. And dives over onto Page!!!

Swerve to the top rop again, this time Page is in the ring. He flies with an uppercut to the back! Swerve Whip to the ropes, hangs onto the hand and hits a chop then a titl a whirl slam into a suplex. Swerve to the corner, he is hyped, he turns, runs, HOUSE CALL! COVER! 1…2….NO!!! Swerve sits Page on the top rope. He chops once, climbs, Page bites the face!!! H slams Swerve into th buckle. Page tries for a sunset flip, but Swerve head scissors him down, stands up, high kick, half and half but Page escapes, powerbomb and a pin! 1…2…NO!!!! Page tries to end it, flips foreward, Swerve rolls to the apron. SWERVE WITH A BUCKSHOT!!! CROWD IS HOT!!! SWERVE STOMP! COVER! 1…2…..NO!!!!! Swerve is pissed. He pulls himself to the apron. Page is hanging his head on it. Swerve stands, runs for a kick, hits Page in the chest. Swerve stands on the barricade, brings Page up onto it, sets up for a piledriver, but Page escapes and hits a DDT ONTO THE BARRICADE!!!

WE ARE BACK from BREAK AND both men are exchanging kicks like they’re phone numbers. Both men down. We are informed that Nana has set up a table outside? I think? Anyway, Page hits Swerve with a bunch of rights, but Swerve laughs them off. PAeg shoves, hits a big boot, gets caught, Swerve ducks under and hits a back breaker! Cover! 1..2..NO!!! Swerve shoves Page OFF THE TOP ROPE! He’s stuck! Hanging towards the outside. Swerve to the top. STOMP TO PAGE’S CHEST!!!! He rolls off the apron…ONTO the table, and the table collapses! Swerve heads under the ring for another one! Nana helps him, lol.

Swerve sets up the table. He rolls Page into the ring. Heads to the top rope! Swerve with a 450 Splash, BUT PAGE HAS THE KNEES UP!!! HE GOADED HIM IN!!! Nana tries to distract. Page sets up for Dead Eye. Swerve drops off and sends Page over the top, Page skins the cat, HUGE LARIAT! To the other side! Hangman flies for a Buckshot! HE HITS IT! SWERVE IS FLIPPED INSIDE OUT! PAGE COVERS! 1..2…….BOOT ON THE ROPE!!!! Page to the apron to join Swerve. He grabs the chin, sets up for Dead Eye again, HITS IT!!!! Nana does the Swerve dance to help hype up Swerve! The ref is counting! He hits 8! Nana keeps dancing! It’s working! Ref hits 9!!!! Swerve dives into the ring!!!!! Crowd rejoices! Page with a sliding dropkick sending him right back out!!!!

Page leaves the ring. HE GRABS A CHAIR! CHAIR SHOT TO NANA!!!! Swerve with a kick! He rolls Page into the ring. Swerve to the top! He dives with a stomp! Lands hard on the ankle! Swerve grabs Page, lifts up, roll through from Page, and HE SNAPS THE ANKLE!!!!! Page rolls Swerve to the apron. He grabs Swerve, Swerve with an enziguri! Swerve shoves him into the post! He lifts up Page,

DEAD EYE ONTO THE TABLE!!!! SWERVE HOPPED INTO THAT SHIT!!! Swerve rolls Page into the ring. Swerve Stomp! Page moves! Swerve hurts the ankle!!! Page tries for a Buckshot! NO! Swerve ducks under, hooks the leg, DRIVER!!! COVER! 1`…2……….

Winner: DRAW!!!!!!!
BRISCOEEEEE!!! Good GOD that did NOT feel like thirty minutes. This was so engrossing that I forgot about the table twice. The single commercial break (and kudos for that) didn’t deter from the quality, nor did this being their third outing. What a banger Briscoe.
Total Rating: ****1/2
Match Time: 30:00

Swerve Strickland has a mic. He says no, no, no, he didn’t go through all this to end like that. He tells Page he ain’t getting away with this. He knows how this goes. Five. More. Minutes.

Hangman Page is laughing in the corner. He tells Swerve that tonight he had to beat Page to become the #1 Contender, and he didn’t do it. He will not be the World Champion. For him, it is over.

Schiavone has a mic. He holds his hand up, tells Page to hang on one minute. Tony Khan says this is not done, according to Tony S. We now have two #1 Contenders, meaning at Revolution, there will be a Triple Threat for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Swerve is smiling while Page screams that Swerve didn’t beat him over and over.

We are BACK and Samoa Joe is backstage with Renee. She wants his thoughts on the triple threat. Joe says he is excited and elated…*end sarcasm*. This was a draw, yet here we are, celebrating mediocrity. YOU do not want him as the champion, but it is not our choice. He is the champ, and no matter what they do, come Revolution, he walks out champion. It’s only a shame that the both of them will suffer because of it.

Toni Storm vs Red Velvet

We get some chain wrestling until Toni knocks Red down hard. Red with a leg lariat sends Toni into the corner. Right to the stomach, kicks over and over. THESZ PRESS FROM TONI! She lifts up by the head and slams Red down hard! Cover! 1..2..NO!!!

WE ARE BACK and Toni is hitting some fisticuffs to red. She spins for a big one but Red dodges it and hits her own flurry in the corner. She hits the ropes, ducks under, big kick to the face. Red with the wheelbarrow into a bulldog. Red hits the ropes, Toni hangs on the apron, running knees ot the back of the head. Standing moonsault to Toni. Cover for 1…2…NO!!! Toni trips Red, HIP ATTACK!!! DDT! COVER! 1..2…NO!!!

RED kicks out! Rollup from Red. 1..2NO!!! Kick to the knee of Red, spins for another kick, but Toni ducks and gets an ankle lock! RED TAPS!

Winner: Toni Storm
Red getting her laps in, being a good enough foil for both Toni and Deonna.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 7:46

Toni will not let the hold go! Deonna Purrazzo runs into the ring and Toni lets go. She gets in the face of Toni. Toni gives her a peck on each cheek. In comes Luther to prevent any attack.

Backstage, Orange Cassidy is with Trent Barreta and Rocky Romero. OC will be facing Ishii on Saturday, then part of a six man after. Will OC be ok?

OC says yes.

Renee brings up Chuck and they will be going to check on him right now.

Blackpool Combat Club vs Hechicero, Volador Jr, and Mascara Dorada

Bryan and Hechi to start. Cero takes Bryan down, Bryan picks the ankle, twists it. Cero turns into it and grabs the ankle, Bryan turns into it, Cero turns him to the stomach, roll through into a bow and arrow. Bryan bridges out and rolls away. He is pissed. Bryan shoves, Cero hits th ropes and comes bck with a tackle. Roll up for 1..2.NO!!! Cravat from behind, he locks the arms up and rolls Bryan around the ring a few times into a pin for 1..2..NO!!! Bryan is SUPER PISSED now. Lol.

Tag to Cesaro. Tag to Dorada. HUGE chop to Claudio. He wipes it off like nothing. Foot stomp, Dorada hits the ropes, dives over Claudio, does some work around the body, tries for an arm drag, but Claudio with a clothesline. He pulls Dorada up, lands on the ropes, flips back, hits the ropes, rana to Claudio! Claudio to the outside. Dorada in, tags Volador Jr. Tag to Moxley. Jr works the ropes, flips a few times, then hits a rana to Jon, sending him outside. Jr hits the ropes, dives outside and hits Jon swuare in the chest, but here comes BCC to stomp him out! Cero and Dorada come to make the save. Kick from Jr. Jon sends him over the top rope ot the outside! He hits a suicide dive then AWAITS THE BEAT DOWN! Nice. Lol. He welcomes it. Her come Bryan and Claudio.

WE ARE BACK just in time to see Claudio hit the Big Swing! Tag to Jr. Tag to Jon, and he hits some crossfaces. Whip to the ropes, JR kicks, ducks under, hits another kick, falls, and so does Jon. They reach for tags. Tag to Danielson. Tag to Dorada. He arm drags Jon and Bryan, then runs up Jon and hits a rana to Bryan. Kick to Jon. In comes Claudio, and Dorado spins nad lands on his feet then spins with a head scissors, sending Claudio to the outside. Stereo topes! Dorada hits the top rope, flies with a shooting star press!!!

Bryan in the ring with Cero. Cero locks up the waist and spins with a hammer lock. Back breaker. Dorada to the top rope. 450 splash onto Bryan! Cover! 1..2……NO!!! Claudio and Jon run in and break it up. They get Dorada by himself. Hip to the corner, Kick from Dorada, runs up Claudio and hits a Code Red! Cover! 1.2…NO!!! Jr with a kick to Jon, backstabber to Jo. RUNNING KNEE FROM BRYAN! Cero off the top onto Bryan! He exchanges chops with Claudio. Wheelbarrow, Claudio locks the waist, drop toe hodl by Cero, rolls Claudio up for 1..2.NO!!! He locks the leg, Cero rolls up again into a leg wrap then a drop. He locks up the anlle. Bryan with some stomps. Cero rolls the leg up and pulls a stretch muffler out while pulling on the right arm. Moxley runs in and kicks then gets shoved by Brya. Dorada sends Bryan out fo the ring with a clothesline. Lariat form Jon to both! Runinng knee from Cero into the corner!!!!! CLAUDIO WITH AN UPPERCUT!!! HE misses a right, HUGE GUILLOTINE LEG DROP FORM CERO! Cover! 1..2…NO!!!!!

Ref almost takes a hit. Claudio with a low blow! Ref turns and Claudio covers! 1..2..3!!!

Winners: Blackpool Combat Club
A nice enough showing for the CMLL guys that allowed them to show who they are while losing via shady ways.
Total Rating: **1/2
Match Time: 14:40

Some CMLL dudes in the crowd hop over the barricade to get in the face ob BCC, but here come some jobbers to even the odds.

BACKSTAGE, Chuck Taylor is being jumped by The Undisputed Kingdom. Adam Cole tells Chuck to get well soon.

TONY F’N KHAN is here for a big one!

He says AEW is returning to Boston, and says it’ll be very important because….it’ll be “BIG BUSINESS” calling it one of the most important nights in AEW.


Konosuke Takeshita vs Chris Jericho

Shoulder tackles get nothing, but Jericho hits a clothesline and sends Takeshita over the top rope! Takeshita sends Jericho back into the ring. Jericho rolls right back out. Takeshita locks the head. BRAINBUSTAAAAA on the outside!

Both back in the ring and Jericho hits a few tackles. Takeshita sends Jericho over th rope, he flies to the top, drops an axe handle. Jericho waits, Takeshita is on his knees. He stands, dodges a bulldog, Takeshita pulls the ref into the way, and Jericho yells at Hobbs.

Sammy Guevara is here. HE SMACKS HOBBS ACROSS HTHE BACK WITH A CHAIR!! Cutter off the steps! He smacks Hobbs face first!!

Jericho grabs a demon mask and flies out of the ring onto Takeshita on the outside!

We are BACK and Jericho is on the shoulders of Takeshita. He drops Jericho face first, hits the ropes, then kicks Jerichos headinto the ropes. Takeshita flies over the top rope and nearly misses! Back in the ring, Takeshita flies off the top rope. Jericho with the knees!! LIONSAULT BUT TAKESHITAA HAS THE KNEES TOO!!! Elbow, Takeshita catches Jericho, roll up fro Jericho, sloppy bridge, cover for 1..2.NO!!! Takeshita gets Jericho up on his shoulders. Takeshita and Jericho fall, Deadlift German from Takeshita saves that spot. Takeshita hits the ropes and walks….right into a Codebreaker!! Cover! 1..2..NO!!! Bulldog from Jericho. Jericho tries for Lionsault, but Takeshita catches him on the ropes and spins Jericho into a Blue Thunder Bomb! Pin for 1..2….NO!!! Takeshita is up, he runs, big knee is blocked. JUDAS EFF-BLOCKED Knee from Takeshita! Jericho with a hard slap out of the corner. He sends Takeshiat into the corner, hits some rights, sits Takeshita up top, Takeshita drops Jericho face first into the buckle. Takeshita with ANOTHER BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover! 1..2…NO!!!

Takeshita drops the kneepad. He runs for it, Jericho grabs the legs, WALLS OF JERICHO! Don has a screwdriver! He hits Jericho with it! Takeshita locks in THE WALLS OF JERICHO! JERICHO IS OUT! Ref holds the arm. One! Two! Jericho taps!!!

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita
Well that slowed the show down a bit. Not a bad match by any means, and Takeshita getting the win could potentially mean a lot if they follow up correctly. A match that haad to happen, but perhaps not for thirteen minutes.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 13:48

AEW World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship Match
Sting and Darby Allin vs Big Bill and Ricky Starks

Darby and Sting attack before the bell, with Sting taking Ricky into the crownd and Darby doin his best against Big Bill. Sting drags Ricky into the crowd and tosses some trash on him. Bill and Darby are not far away from them. Sting and Ricky fight up some steps while Big Bill chops the nipples off of Darby. Sting is up high like Bubba Ray Dudley, watching Big Bill and Ricky beat up Darby. He sizes them up then dives off onto both of them!!!

We are BACK and Darby and Ricky are in the ring. Darby dives outside and lands right into th arms of Big Bill, who spins him looking for a slam, and good God Damn does he hit it! Bill rolls Darby back into the ring then drops Sting onto the edge of the barricade. Bill enters the ring, grabs Darby, tries for a Baldo Bomb, but grabs Darby and just bounces his head off the mat over and over. He grabs Darby by the head and launches him over the top of his head!! Big Bill grabs a table and sets it up ringside. Ricky hops down to help. Bill looks to launch Darby out of the ring to the table but here comes Sting to attack! He hits rights over and over to both men, clothesline to Starks. GOOZLE FRO MBILL!! He beats down on the chest. Bill turns to tease the crowd. He hits a boot but Sting moves and Bill sits on the top rope. Sting pulls the ropes into the balls and looks to end it till Starks grabs Sting by the head and hit a Scorpion Death Drop! Darby breaks the pni at 2! Darby and Ricky go back and fort.h Big boot out the corner from Ricky. Ricky with a moonsault, lands on his feet, hurts his ankle, Darby shoots him outside. STING splash in the corner! Darby! Sting again! Kick to Bill! Darby with a CODE REDD TO BIG BILL!!!! Darby to the top rope! COFFIN DROP ONTO BIG BILL OUTSIDE!!

Ricky in the ring. Misses a dropkick! Scorpion Death Lock! Bill climbs the apron, with Darby on his back!!!! Darby rakes the face and dives onto Bill THROUGH THE TABLE!! RICKY REACHES THE ROPES but thre is no break!!! Starks tries to climb out of the ring, is able to break the hold. STING DIVES FOR. A SPLASH but Ricky moves! He tore the buckle pad off! Sting hits it chest first! Starks seems a bit worried.

BUT STING POUNDS HIS CHEST! SPEAR!!!!!!! RICKY COVERS!!! 1…2……NO!!!! Ricky tries for another spear, but Sting catches his head! SCORPION DEATH DROP! COVER! 1..2…..3!!!

Winners: Sting and Darby Allin
Well I figured this was going down. A solid match and a good main event with a feel good end that’ll get us to the final match of Sting. Does kind of telegraph the end of that match, though.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 13:17

The new tag champs celebrate with confetti and their hands held high.

Here come The Young Bucks to attack with white bats!!! Sting’s sons are in the ring, and Matt and Nick attack them, too! They go back to Sting and Darby, attacking them with right hands over and over. Darby does the blade job and Matt’s all white jacket is covered. BTE TRITGGER to Darby that is now called The EVP Trigger. Lol.

They attack Sting with the bat,

End Show

article topics :

AEW Dynamite, Tony Acero