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Join 411’s Live AEW Rampage Coverage

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Happy Fantastic Friday, everybody! Lee Sanders is here, and it’s time for AEW RAMPAGE! Let’s get right into this bad boy!
Location: Montreal, Canada
Venue: Bell Centre
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Ian Riccobani, and Matt Menard
MATCH 1: AEW International Championship-Orange Cassidy(c) vs Angelico
Angelico maneuvers early on, showing off his submission, but Cassidy gets out of every single one. Cassidy is sent into the corner as we get a swing and miss from Angelico—Cassidy with a leg scissors takedown. Cassidy looks for the orange punch, but Angelico leaves the ring. Another leg scissors takedown by Cassidy, followed by a dropkick as Cassidy has his hands in his pockets. Angelico with a chop block. Cassidy heads outside as Angelico continues focusing on the knee. Angelico takes it back in the ring, crushing on that leg even more as we head into our first set of commercials. We’re back as the action continues with an inside cradle by Angelico as Cassidy counters with a stun dog millionaire, followed by a beach break on one leg! Cassidy can’t make the cover he brings himself to while Serpentico grabs his leg from underneath the ropes. This comes as Cassidy is trying to look for the orange punch. This gives Angelico an opening as he delivers a big boot to the face of Cassidy. Danhausen returns the same gesture as he sweeps Angelico’s leg! This forces Seepentico into the ring and charges at Danhausen like a bull! Danhausen moves out of the way as Penta crashes hard into the floor! Danhausen curses Angelico as Cassidy gets a cover roll for a near fall! Angelico goes for the grapevine submission lock, while Serpentico has Danhausen in a Boston crab. Cassidy tries to hulk up as he puts his hands in his pockets, which somehow gives him power! Cassidy uses the orange punch to knock out Angelico for the win.
Winner:Orange Cassidy (12 minutes)
Well…At least Cassidy was defending the title on this Rampage. Shoutout if you remember what I said last week. I think someone is listening, and that’s a plus. Never a doubt who was walking out as champion here.
MATCH 2: Abadon vs Trish Adora
Adora with a couple of hard closed fists and chops as Abadon laughs it off. Adora with an excellent step-thru stretch submission as Abadon bites on her lower leg. Adora gets kicked in the face several times as she receives a one-count. Adore continues kicking Abadon before whipping her into the corner. Adora charges as Abadon catches her with a double-foot ground takedown! Abadon with a knee to the midsection, followed by clubbing the living hell out of Adora. Abadon is choking her out before being disqualified as Adora returns with a pump kick. Abadon with a couple of kicks of her own, followed by a knee to the side of the head! Follow it up with some black magic as Abadon picks up her twentieth win!
Winner:Abadon (4 minutes)
The Living Dead Girl continues to be on a roll, and I’m here for it.
Lights go out and come back on as Julia Hart stands in the ring and lays down her women’s title. Abadon grabs it and is happy. Lights go out and come back on as Abadon is now without the title, as she’s livid!
MATCH 3: Takeshita & Powerhouse Hobbs vs Matt Sydal & Christopher Daniels
Daniels and Hobbs start things off as Daniels tries a couple of chops on Hobbs’s chest. Hobbs isn’t budging as Daniels welcomes him to chop him back. Hobbs takes the bait and misses as Daniels gets in a couple of strikes to the head before Hobbs rebounds. Hobbs with a nice strong toss, followed by a tag to Takeshita. Takeshita’s with a nice splash and a senton from the top rope! Throw it down, big man, throw it down! Sydal with the tag as he goes right to kicking the lower knees. It’s followed by a leg scissors takedown attempt as Sydal counters with a wristlock takedown as we head into another set of commercials. We are back as Hobbs pulls off one mother-load of a power slam as Sydal kicks out at two. A tag was made to Takeshita as Sydal surprises him with a knee to the face before Hobbs is tagged. Sydal pulls a tag to Daniels as Daniels pulls off a hurricarana from the second ropes. Hobbs clotheslines him, giving him a spinebuster as he takes his stripes down. It’s followed by a devastating world’s strongest slam for the victory.
Winner:Takeshita & Powerhouse Hobbs (6 minutes)
Decent match.
Rene Paquette is with Dante & Darius Martin alongside Action Andretti as they decide to face Penta in a trios match. They accept as we head into our next set of commercials.
MATCH 4: AEW Continental Classic-Blue League- Bryan Danielson vs Daniel Garcia
Daniels had some wrist control action early on before it was reversed. Garcia was taken to the ground by a back suplex or some type. Daniels goes for Garcia’s legs as Garcia reaches for the ropes for a break. Garcia seems laser-focused tonight as Daniels tries for a rollup and is denied. Daniels is sent into the ropes, where he tries for a spinning kick and misses. Garcia with a rollup as Daniels kicks out. Excellent series of counters as Garcia tries for a leg submission hold as Danielson grabs the ropes for the break. Danielson with a series of kicks that connect as he’s grounded. Danielson continues kicking the legs as Garcia comes back furious with strikes and a running knee to the left eye. Danielson is set in a tree of woe position as Garcia pulls off a dropkick! The cover attempt is made as Danielson kicks out. We are back from our last set of commercials as Danielson kicks Garcia hard in the chest. Oh, Danielson is begging Garcia to dance for him as Garcia goes toe-to-toe with Danielson on strikes! Danielson rocked with a side exploder for a near fall. What a match! Garcia tried for a powerbomb as Danielson countered with a triangle choke! Danielson with an elbow being driven to the head of Garcia. Danielson manages to get on top to pound on the head as the referee breaks it up. Somehow, Garcia managed to get to the ropes for a break. Danielson tries for the running knee as Garcia falls to the canvas. Bait and switch by Garcia as he goes for an inside cradle for a near fall. Garcia follows up with the dragon tamer as he’s got it in tight. Garcia turns it into a pretty piledriver for another near fall! Garcia is beyond pissed as he promises he’s going to get his head kicked in and delivers! Garcia is relentless. He continues stomping on Garcia as the crowd doesn’t like what they see. Garcia finally dances as Danielson catches him with the running knee! Danielson starts stomping Garcia’s head in as he slaps on the LaBelle lock. Garcia tries his best to fight it off, but Danielson makes him pass out. This one is over.
Winner:Bryan Danielson (16/minutes)
Good GAAAAAAWD and Gawd DAAAAAAAAAMN THAT WAS GOOD! Ever a reason to watch this episode, folks. It’s going to be for this match, honestly. Man, this was good. Garcia keeps coming so close. I love his current arc. I’m enjoying the ride but keep wondering what the endgame will be.
End of Show
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