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Hey there, IMPACT fans! It’s Thursday and that means it’s time for another episode of IMPACT Wrestling. I’m Himanshu (you can follow me on @Himanshu_Doi) and you know how this works. Tonight, Mickie James will make a formal announcement on her status for the Knockouts Championship match, Kenny King goes one-on-one with Frankie Kazarian with the winner’s team getting the advantage for the Hardcore War at REBELLION, The Design’s Callihan & Angels battle the team of Digital Media Champion Joe Hendry & Dirty Dango, Gisele Shaw takes on the returning Tasha Steelz in Knockouts action, one half of the Knockouts Tag Team Champions, Taylor Wilde, faces off with Jessicka of The Death Dollz and an extensive preview of the vacant IMPACT World Championship clash at REBELLION pitting Steve Maclin against Kushida. So let’s jump right in!
As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.
IMPACT Wrestling
Location: St. Clair’s College, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Date: 13th April, 2023
Match 1: Kenny King vs Kazarian
Lockup to start, Kazarian gets King in a headlock. Kazarian hits a hiptoss and gets King in an armlock. King runs into the ropes and throws Kazarian out of the ring. Kazarian tries to hit a slingshot DDT but King gets out of it. King hits a spinning backbreaker for two. King gets Kazarian in a chinlock. Kazarian fights out of it but gets hit with a leg lariat. King pulls Kazarian up from the corner and Kazarian pops up. King hits a Tiger Driver for two. Kazarian tries to hit a leg drop on the apron but King gets out of the way. Kazarian hits a slingshot cutter on King for two. King rolls up Kazarian but Kazarian converts it into a chicken wing. Brian Myers shows up and distracts the referee as King taps. Moose appears and spears Kazarian. King covers Kazarian for the win.
Result: Kenny King def. Kazarian by pinfall
Rating: **¾
Team Bully beat down Team Dreamer to end the segment.
We see footage from earlier in the day when they played the Canadian national anthem but Maclin’s music interrupted the anthem. Maclin says there is nobody that can beat him. Kushida shows up behind him and they brawl. Security tries to pull them apart. Maclin gets a steel chair and tries to enter the ring. Kushida bounces off the ropes and Maclin falls out of the ring.
Crazzy Steve introduces Black Taurus for the next match.
Match 2: Black Taurus vs Lince Dorado vs Laredo Kid vs Rich Swann
Black Taurus slaps Dorado to start with. Black Taurus throws Swann out of the ring. Taurus wipes out everyone on the outside with a suicide dive. Lince Dorado hits a spinning crossbody to the outside as we go to commercial.
Back from commercial and Dorado and Laredo tries to hit a superplex but Taurus powerbombs them both. They try to triple team on Taurus but Taurus throw Laredo and Lince Dorado onto each other. Laredo Kid hits a Spanish Fly on Taurus from the top rope for the win.
Result: Laredo Kid def. Black Taurus, Lince Dorado and Rich Swann by pinfall
Rating: ***¾
We get an interview package for MCMG vs Ace and Bey. MCMG say Ace and Bey learnt some new tricks but they’re still not on MCMG’s level.
A vignette with Jessicka and Rosemary. Jessicka asks Rosrmary why they couldn’t just follow Taya. Rosemary tells her not to be hasty and it was a trap. Rosemary opens a coffin but it doesn’t transport her. Rosemary says someone is blocking their way to the undead universe. Jessicka says it was The Coven and that she will take care of them tonight.
Match 3: Taylor Wilde vs Jessicka
Taylor Wilde offers Jessicka a card to start. Jessicka is excited to get a Magic card but Taylor attacks her from behind. Taylor hits a backstabber on Jessicka. Wilde chokes Jessicka on the ropes and punches Jessicka. Jessicka hits the Bionic Elbow on Wilde followed by a scoop slam and a running splash for two. Jessicka is about to hit the Sick Driver but Kilynn King distracts her. Wilde hits a spinning fisherman’s neckbreaker for the win.
Result: Taylor Wilde def. Jessicka by pinfall
Rating: **¼
Backstage interview with Jordynne Grace who says she is going to challenge for the Knockouts World Championship. She says there are things she can’t control but she will be the Knockouts World Champion.
Backstage promo with Eddie Edwards and Alisha. Alisha says she always loved Eddie Edwards and she says a monster was holding him back and she did what any wife would’ve done and intervened. Eddie Edwards said for them it’s ride or die but for PCO it’s just die.
Match 4: Dirty Dango and Joe Hendry vs Callihan and Angels
Joe Hendry cuts a promo before the match and says Windsor is in for a treat because for the second time ever Dirty Dango and Joe Hendry are teaming together. Hendry says Dango got the two words wrong the last time and asks him what those words are. Dango says “We believe”.
Callihan and Angels attack to start. Angels hit a Sliced Bread and frog splash but Dango breaks up the pin. Angels grabs Hendry for Callihan but Hendry gets out of the way and Callihan hits Angels. Deaner scolds Callihan outside the ring. Hendry hits a chokeslam for the win.
Result: Dirty Dango and Joe Hendry def. Callihan and Angels by pinfall
Rating: **¼
After the match, The Design attack Hendry and Dango but Santino Marella’s music hits and he comes out and clears Deaner out of the ring. Santino pulls out the Cobra and hits it on Angels.
We get a promo package for Josh Alexander and the match at Rebellion between Kushida and Maclin at Rebellion with comments from all.
We get a promo from PCO in the woods who says he will not die and he is not human and at Rebellion he will bury Eddie Edwards.
We get a backstage promo from Bully Ray. He says his team has no leader. They all have one goal and that is to destroy Tommy Dreamer. He says there is no one he would rather have on his team. Bully asks Tommy why he keeps burying himself. He says screwing with Bully does not get him anywhere. He says Tommy wishes his team was this united.
Match 5: Gisele Shaw vs Tasha Steelz
Tasha and Gisele exchange slaps to start. Gisele whips Tasha full force into the corner. Gisele hits a snap suplex on Tasha for two. Gisele gets Tasha in a chinlock. Tasha fights out of it but Gisele hits a double stomp on a hanging Tasha as we go to commercial.
Back from commercial and Shaw hits a spinning vertical suplex for two. Gisele gets a chinlock on Tasha. Tasha fights out of it and unloads forearms on Gisele. Tasha hits an uppercut in the corner on Gisele followed by a basement dropkick for two. Tasha goes for a bulldog but Gisele drops her and hits a running forearm. Tasha hits a forearm to Gisele on the apron and gets out of the ring with a baseball slide. Gisele throws Tasha into the steel steps. Gisele goes for the knee strike but hits her leg on the steel steps. Tasha threw Gisele into the ring and hits a dropkick on Gisele’s knee for the win.
Result: Tasha Steelz def. Gisele Shaw by pinfall
Rating: **¾
Mickie James is backstage. Santino Marella comes up to her and asks if she is ready. She says yes and that the doctors have given her the results.
We see footage of the fans leaving the arena out of respect to Mickie James and her announced.
We get a promo package on Mickie James. She said she wanted to prove herself against all the Knockouts.
We get an in-ring promo with Mickie James. She said this journey was to show if she could still be Knockouts World Champion. She says that there is a time when every champion knows that there is someone coming for them. But what she can’t handle is time. When she fights, she feels like she is 20 years old. But when she goes to the back, she realizes that she is not 20 years old. She says she has to do what is right for the business and what is right for the locker room. She says thank you. She says she talked to the doctors and unfortunately she is not cleared to compete at Rebellion. She says she is a woman of her word and that it is Deonna and Jordynne’s time now. She lays her hat and the Knockouts World Championship in the ring and leaves.
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