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Hey there people, time for some WWE Smackdown on this Friday evening. Tonight the big match will be the Street Profits trying to capture the tag team titles from the Motor City Machine Guns, there’s a decent chance DIY get involved as Tommaso Ciampa has been getting closer and closer to snapping over the last few weeks and this doesn’t quite seem like the time to take the belts off the Guns. The Profits are stuck in limbo though, frankly if there’s a time to turn them heel or at least give them a significant paradigm shift now seems like a good time. The Bloodline stuff continues to take air time, last week Sami Zayn seemed to align himself with Roman Reigns and the Usos but Roman is still kind of a jerk and that whole alliance feels super tenuous. Both the old and new Bloodline factions might need to find a fifth member for War Games, Sami failed to convince Seth Rollins to get involved on RAW and the new Bloodline might still have Hikuleo, likely to be known as Talla Tonga, lurking in the wings. Nia Jax defends her women’s title against Naomi tonight, and frankly Jax’s title reign has been lackluster with the revolving door of Bayley and Naomi only broken up by the Saudi show and Liv Morgan. There’s almost no chance Tiffany cashes in her briefcase on TV instead of a PPV so I doubt they actually pull that trigger yet. Last week Randy Orton got a stretcher job after taking a piledriver from Kevin Owens, this week one imagines Cody Rhodes will try to confront Owens and solidify their match at Survivor Series. LA Knight is still looking for his next challenger, AJ Styles in on the shelf, Shinsuke Nakamura is presumably somewhere but not on TV, and the tied score between Andrade and Carmelo Hayes is still looming over both men. Lots of directions things can go tonight, so let’s get to the action.
We’re in Milwaukee, Wisconsin tonight and commentary hypes up the two title matches.
Cody Rhodes heads to the ring to get us going proper. As Cody heads to the ring we get a recap of Owens piledriving Randy Orton last week. Cody’s got a mic and says Owens crossed a heck of a line last week, then calls him out to the ring. Owens does not oblige instead Nick Aldis shows up with his own mic. He knows Cody’s angry and so is everyone, he’s definitely not happy as the GM to have Randy on the shelf. Nick puts over how dangerous the piledriver is, then brings up how Owens crossed one of those lines you don’t cross and until things are figured out Owens will not be on Smackdown. Cody warns Nick that he’s making Owens a martyr and says trying to hit his wallet wont work, and asks to be allowed to handle Owens. Nick says this isn’t about money for any of them, this is about the roster knowing he’s in charge. Owens can’t be here until this situation is resolved internally. Cody asks about the internally part of that, and asks Nick to be real with him for a bit. He gets the job of Nick as GM but he knows Nick was a wrestler, and he knows Nick had to call Randy’s family and tell them what happened and Owens is blaming this on Cody. Cody reminisces about his time with Randy and what Randy means to him, and again that’s supposed to be his fault. If he can’t handle his business in the ring then what? Do you want him to assault Owens in his home? He knows that isn’t what Nick wants, but that is what might happen. He closes by saying the ball is now in Nick’s hands but Cody wont wait very long for a resolution. Strong stuff from both men.
Jimmy Uso walks in the back, he finds Jey and Sami Zayn. They talk, Roman will be here shortly and wants everyone in the same room to talk War Games. Jey reminds everyone they need a fifth, Sami has one more guy he might try and heads out.
Bayley heads to the ring, she’ll be part of a triple threat match in the women’s US title tournament after this break.
Post break Candice LeRae heads to the ring. They give B-Fab an entrance too.
Match #1 – Triple Threat Match: Bayley vs. Candice LeRae vs. B-Fab
Candice drop kicks the leg of Bayley then slaps B-Fab. B-Fab starts in with some strikes then a slightly awkward scoop slam then a sliding clothesline. Mounted punches from B-Fab but Candice rolls her away then starts landing strikes. Super kick from B-Fab then Bayley returns to the frame on the apron, B-Fab is able to fight both Bayley and Candice off and stand tall as we go picture in picture.
B-Fab with punches, marginally better than Tonga Loa’s but not by much, then corner work to Candice. Candice sort of rakes the eyes to take over, then knocks Bayley off the apron again. A few of the usual Candice spots later Bayley finally gets back in the ring to start attacking her as B-Fab powders. Everyone winds up on the floor with Bayley still laying in strikes to Candice then they head back into the ring. Bayley works Candice for a bit but Candice snaps her into the second rope then follows up with a dropkick. Candice hits a baseball slid to Bayley on the floor but B-Fab then disposes of her and starts working Bayley in the ring. Awkward spin kick in the corner from B-Fab but Bayley fights back with Snake Eyes as we come back to broadcast. Elbow drop from Bayley and Candice breaks up the pin and everyone’s down. They all start trading strikes from their knees, Bayley and B-Fab team up to beat up Candice but then there’s a big clothesline spot and everyone’s down. Candice hits a Codebreaker to Bayley along with a senton on B-Fab but can’t find a pin on either woman. B-Fab climbs up top with Candice but Candice shoves her down then Bayley attacks Candice on the top rope. Bayley wants a superplex but B-Fab is over for the Tower of Doom but Candice switches in mid air to land a cross body and B-Fab breaks up the pin. Candice gets caught by B-Fab who hits a release slam but can only find a 2 count. B-Fab then hits an inverted neckbreaker on Bayley for a 2 count. Bayley with a belly to belly suplex but Candice tosses Bayley only to get caught with a Small Package by B-Fab for a 2 count. Kick from Candice then the Lionsault but B-Fab avoids it. Kind of a clown fiesta breaks up, B-Fab boots Candice out of the ring ultimately but Bayley with a prawn hold roll up to get the 3 count.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Bayley won in 9:52
Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: B-Fab was clearly designed to shine here, which I wouldn’t call a smashing success but also she looked a lot better than previous outings. Bayley was the obvious winner here but that’s not a bad thing.
In the back Sami talks with LA Knight but Knight turns down whatever he was offering then heads to the ring for his open challenge match after this break.
In the back the Profits talk with B-Fab then Chelsea Green and Piper Niven show up to be mean girls to B-Fab. B-Fab reminds them that only one of them can be champion so they might have friction in the finals. Michin walks over with her kendo stick to level the numbers and end the segment. Well that was certainly a use of air time.
LA Knight heads to the ring for the open challenge. The title does not seem to be on the line and Knight gets a mic. Knight enjoys the crowd reaction then wants to talk to us. He’s been around the world with the US title and everyone wants it. Crown Jewel came and went and he’s still US champion. Now Sami Zayn is asking him to join the Bloodline civil war, but that isn’t his fight and he doesn’t need or want it, he’s just fine with the Bloodline tearing itself apart. He’s focused on the US title and defending it more than twice a year like Logan Paul. Well now it’s time for the open challenge. No sooner are those words out of his mouth than Santos Escobar comes down with the job squad in tow. Escobar, Berto, and Angel are all in wrestling gear but it’s Escobar who gets a mic. He asks Knight to say something cool or interesting, then he insults the crowd for a bit. He asks if Knight isn’t tired of hearing himself talk yet, and if he isn’t then Escobar is and he wants to shut Knight up. Elektra Lopez will be in the women’s US title tournament and he’d like to bring the US title along with that one. Knight interrupts, he appreciates Escobar’s ambition, but he can feel Berto staring at him and he’s willing to give Berto the US title shot right now. Berto jumps LA Knight and we head to break.
Match #2 – US Title Match: (c) LA Knight vs. Berto w/ Santos Escobar, Angel, and Elektra Lopez
Match joined in progress as we come back. Berto whacks Knight then climbs the ropes but Knight jumps up there with him only to get shoved down then Berto with a missile dropkick for a 2 count. Rest hold from Berto but Knight fights free and bounces him off the announce table. Back in the ring Knight hits a DDT for a 2 count. O’Connor Roll form Berto then a springboard kick off the kick out for another 2 count. Berto heads up top but Knight gets a foot up to block the moonsault then hits a pop up slam but misses a jumping elbow. Corner dropkick from Berto then he puts Knight up top and climbs up there with him but Knight fights him off with a headbutt then hits an elbow drop and follows with Blunt Force Trauma to win.
OFFICIAL RESULT: LA Knight retained the title in 4:00 or so shown
Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: We only got to see a little bit of this one but they let Berto show off a bit of his singles ability and that’s a nice change of pace for him.
After the match Shinsuke Nakamura appears and knocks out LA Knight with a Kinshasa, he’s also got a red stripe painted on his face along with his all black attire so you know he’s a bad guy. I’m just glad to see Nakamura back, he and Knight could do some solid business.
In the back Jimmy and Jey complain about not finding a fifth guy. Sami shows up and says he couldn’t find someone, then they all head into Roman’s dressing room and we head to break.
Post break commentary remind us there’s still two title matches to come in the second hour.
Roman walks into frame in his dressing room as everyone wonders about the fifth man. Sami says they can’t find anyone to work with them, they don’t have a fifth guy. Jey tells Roman to make the call as the TV they’re watching Smackdown on plays Solo Sikoa’s theme.
Solo, two goons, and Jacob Fatu head to the ring. We see Roman stand and his group follows him, presumably towards the ring. In the ring Solo gets a mic and asks Milwaukee to acknowledge him. Right after that Roman’s music hits the original Bloodline head to the ring, looks like everyone’s aching for a fight and here comes the brawl. Things break down quickly, the Usos and the Tongans take each other out. Fatu with headbutts to Roman then super kicks for Jimmy and Jey, because Fatu is the man. Solo goes to Spike Sami but Roman Spears Solo to save Sami. Sami then dives onto the pile of bodies, Sami might have landed awkwardly. Fatu and Roman square off to a pretty good pop, but here’s Bronson Reed to attack Roman before Fatu and Roman can fight. Fatu and Reed stare then Reed with a corner splash to Roman and Fatu follows with a hip attack. Jey, Sami, and Jimmy rejoin the fight but Reed and Fatu are too much together. Jey eats a Death Valley Driver from Reed. Superkick to Roman from Fatu then Reed with a clothesline to Sami. Fatu with the double jump moonsault to Sami then Reed hits Jimmy with a Tsunami. Roman fights off Tonga Loa because he’s a joke but Tama attacks Roman and sends him into the ring. Roman is still on fire though with superman punches to everyone but Solo shows up with a Samoan Spike to Roman to stop the run of Roman. Solo tells Fatu finish things and he hits a double jump moonsault to Roman then Reed follows with a Tsunami to Roman as well. Roman’s sell job is tremendous on that move. Reed as the fifth for the new Bloodline is a heck of a choice and not in a bad way. In the ring Jey implores Roman to “make the call” and I’m not sure who they’ve got in reserve for this. That sends us to break.
Post break we get a recap of what just happened. After that we get a video from Kevin Owens where he talks about not being allowed to Smackdown. He just did his job last week, he showed up and now he’s in trouble for putting Randy on the shelf. It’s just not fair. Well Nick Aldis asked him to be in Salt Lake City next week because Cody asked for it, and Owens shouldn’t show up but he will. He’s showing up for himself, he loves Utah but everyone needs to remember he’s just doing what we want him to do.
To the ring here come the Street Profits for their title match. The Guns follow and after a few weeks I can now say with some certainty their entrance song is a bit of a miss.
Match #3 – WWE Tag Team Titles Match: (c) Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin) vs. Street Profits (Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins)
29 minutes between matches. Ford and Sabin start us off, they tie up and Ford backs Sabin into a corner then starts laying in strikes. Sabin and Ford trade pinning positions then Ford with a back flip and we get a stand off. Sabin offers a handshake, Ford just charges into arm drags then Sabin works the arm of Ford. Shelley tags in and Ford takes some rapid fire tandem moves. Shelley with covers but he can’t keep Ford down. Ford off the ropes with a powerful clothesline and Shelley takes a powder but Dawkins tags in then on the floor hits a Pounce to send Shelley over the announce table and send us to break.
Dawkins keeps Shelley isolated in their corner as we come back. Ford tags in but Shelley kicks him off and tags in Sabin. Sabin runs wild for a bit including a nice hurricanrana then baseball slide to Dawkins. Shelley with a diving knee to Dawkins and Sabin dives onto Ford on the floor. Ford takes a corner attack then Shelley tags in and they hit the dropkick and Flatliner combination for a near fall. Shelley goes for the arm of Ford then tags in Sabin who lands a back kick but Ford slips away from him and tags in Dawkins. Pounce into a back suplex connects but only 2. Ford tags in, they set for the Doomsday Blockbuster but Ciampa runs in to break that up and cause the DQ.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Street Profits won via DQ in 7:56
Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: About what you’d expect of these two, shame it was cut short and about the ending which soured this a little bit. The Profits leaning heel is a needed change for them.
Ciampa attacks everyone until Johnny Gargano runs down to try and calm things down. Ciampa shoves Johnny down and storms out ranting about wanting the titles. Johnny follows him. The Guns help up the Profits and try to play nice but Dawkins punches down Shelley because he’s a jerk. Ford and Dawkins are pissed but just leave instead of escalating things further and we head to break.
Upon coming back we’re reminded that last month Naomi got a win over Nia Jax in a non-title match.
In the back Naomi prepares for her title shot, Bayley walks over and wishes her good luck and they share some mutual admiration. Bayley does warn Naomi about Iyo Sky, but here’s Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair as well. Belair puts over Naomi as does Jade, they promise they’ve got Naomi’s back. There’s still a lot of tension between Bayley and Belair.
Next week we’ll get Belair vs. Chelsea Green vs. Blair Davenport who I’m shocked is still here. We’ll also get Cody and Owens face to face.
Naomi heads to the ring with Jade and Belair flanking her. Nia Jax will get her entrance after this break.
Post break here comes Nia Jax with Tiffany Stratton, but Tiffany just wishes her good luck and heads to the back instead of following Jax to the ring. I don’t see Belair or Jade ringside now that we’re back from break.
Match #4 – WWE Women’s Title Match: (c) Nia Jax vs. Naomi
Naomi with a quick dropkick then punches but Jax runs her into a corner and lays in shoulder strikes. Jax tosses Naomi to the mat then hits a corner avalanche but misses an elbow drop. Crucifix from Naomi for 1 then a head kick and a jumping split leg drop for 2. We see Jade and Belair in the back watching TV, Tiffany is on a different monitor but also watching at an odd angle. Jax tosses Naomi out of the ring but Naomi comes back in with a Sunset Flip for 2. Clothesline from Jax but only 2. Naomi avoids a clothesline and hits a mule kick, but then runs into a back elbow. Some control from Jax then a pop up headbutt, nice move, but Naomi fights back and hits a Heatseeker to stagger Jax then follows with a suicide dive and she unloads with punches on the floor as we go picture in picture.
Back in the ring Jax tosses Naomi down but Naomi hits a jawbreaker then a modified Stunner because Jax doesn’t bump normally. Jax easily fights off a suplex then hits one of her own. Cobra Clutch rest hold from Jax then after a bit she tosses Naomi down. We come back to broadcast as Jax hits a standing avalanche for a 2 count. Jax with a falling headbutt then a half Boston Crab. That’s badly applied and Naomi rolls free then kicks Jax. Naomi with a modified Manami Roll for a 2 count then a few kicks to the head and a second rope cross body. Springboard kick from Naomi lands, then a Rear View for a 2 count because Jax’s near falls are not exactly her strong suit. Jax fights off the Bubba Bomb into Gedo Clutch then hits a pop up Samoan Drop. Now Jax drags Naomi into position for an Annihilator but Naomi shoves her to the floor then climbs up top and hits a diving crossbody to the floor. In the back we see Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez have laid out Belair and Jade. Belair and Jax head back into the ring, here come’s Tiffany to hit Naomi behind the refs back then Jax hits a leg drop. Jax climbs the ropes but Naomi fights back with a jumping kick then climbs the ropes with Jax but Jax picks her up for a slam but Naomi rolls through on a slam and slams Jax but only a near fall. Lovely move there. Bayley shows up to attack Tiffany then Naomi with a School Boy to Jax for 2. Jax posts herself, Naomi with the split legged moonsault and another near fall.
Naomi goes for it again but Candice shoves Bayley into the ring post and Jax picks up Naomi for an avalanche Samoan Drop then an Annihilator to retain.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Nia Jax retained the title in 12:09
Rating: 3 stars
Thoughts: Naomi busted her butt in that one and got the crowd with her by the end of it. Jax’s control stuff is still not good and the overbooking isn’t anything I like in general, but all in all this got up to Good territory.
Jax, Tiffany, and Candice LeRae all celebrate.
In the back Roman gets his phone and calls Paul Heyman, big pop for that but his phone number has been disconnected. That, more than anything else, seems to get to Roman as the phone beeps and we fade to black.