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Csonka’s WWE Smackdown Review 10.02.18
Annoyed Smackdown Mom Paige Kicks Off The Show: So did Shane die? Paige is upset about Joe’s actions last week, where he skipped the contract signing to threaten a B&E on the Styles home. Paige says Joe didn’t enter the house and the authorities were called, and Joe got nabbed for trespassing. She wanted to fire Joe and called AJ to discuss things, and AJ dropped the charges and begged her not to fire Joe, because good is dumb. AJ asked to hand out the punishment to Joe, and Saturday’s match is still on. We get a video from AJ, apologizing for not being at the show tonight. He felt he needed to be at home and didn’t feel like he could perform. He also didn’t want to do something he regretted, and won’t leave until he knows Joe is on his way to Australia. His family needs him right now, because for the past week, Annie has been having nightmares of uncle Joe. Ajsays this will end it needs to end, and Joe won’t becoming back from Australia, because he’ll bury him alive.
Carmella and R-Truth vs. Andrade “Cien” Almas and Zelina Vega: The ladies begin, they lock up and Vega grounds things and mocks Carmella. Carmella fires back with a dropkick but Vega cuts her off and works a submission in the ropes and then covers for 2. Carmella hits a jawbreaker, Truth & Almas tag in with Truth hitting a RANA. Almas cuts him off and traquilo time. Truth & Carmella do splits and then clear the ring. DANCE BREAK. Truth chases Almas, but back in gets cut off. Almas misses a running knee and crashes to the floor. We go screen and screen as Truth rolls Almas back in and takes control until Almas stuns him off the ropes. The back elbow follows and he grounds the action. Truth fights to his feet, but Almas stops that and starts working the arm. Back to full screen and Truth is to his feet, and hits the leg lariat. Wholesale changes to the ladies, Carmella runs wild and hits a RANA. The broncobuster follows and the flatliner gets 2 as Almas breaks it up. Truth in and oatcakes Almas and dumps him. The plancha follows, and Carmella locks on the code of silence for the win. Carmella and R-Truth defeated Andrade “Cien” Almas and Zelina Vega @ 9:55 via submission
– Tye Dilinger meets with Paige and wants a match with Orton tonight, and Paige agrees.
New Day Talks Pancakes: They have a big table with a griddle, and are making pancakes. Big E will allegedly reveal how he makes his famous pancakes. Big E makes an ICOPRO joke and they then hype Saturday’s Super Show-Down match. They admit that the Bar has had their number recently and introduce Mr. Bootyworth, who cooks all of their pancakes. Bootyworth will now tell us the secret, but The Bar arrives and interrupts. They make fun of New Day for being a bunch of children and playing with food. Woods says they are ruining this, while Cesaro already says it sucks. Cesaro then claims they all call him chef at home. They flip the table and brawl. Sheamus blinds Kofi with flour and then beat down New Day. The double team white noise follows on Big E. They then dump batter into Bootyworth’s hat and make him wear it. They then dump it all on him.
Randy Orton vs. Tye Dillinger: Tye gets the already in the ring treatment. Tye attacks before the bell and takes control with strikes before dumping Orton to the floor. He follows and Orton cuts him off, slamming him to the announce table but Tye counters and suplexes Orton onto the table and lays in ground and pound. Orton quickly cuts that off and hits the draping DDT on the floor. Orton now exposes the buckle screw and puts Tye’s fingers in it and “breaks” his finger. This is apparently not a DQ. Refs are out to end the match, and Orton walks off. Randy Orton vs. Tye Dillinger never officially started
– Miz meets with Shelton and takes credit for getting him his match tonight. He wants Shelton to hurt Bryan and Shelton says Bryan is just an unfortunate victim. Miz will be on commentary for the match.
Aiden English Presents: One Night In Milwaukee: Rusev & Lana arrive. Rusev discusses English turning on him and ending their friendship. He then took it further, accusing Lana of something in Milwaukee. Rusev wants to see the bogus evidence. English arrives and stalls. Lana tells him to drop the act, but English says that Milwaukee has history and culture. Many things were filmed there, including “BaseketBall.” But tonight we see the most anticipated premiere, one night Milwaukee. It starts with English practicing his singing in the bathroom, mocking Milwaukee. Lana arrives in his room and she tells him she has been thinking about something for a long time. She says “I want you,” and the video ends. He wants to show the rest, but he can’t due to legal obligations and is entertaining offers from TMZ and wouldn’t want to cheat on them. Lana and Rusev argue and Rusev then chases English away as Sad Lana is sad in the ring.
– They hype WWE Super Show-Down.
Streaming LIVE this Saturday on @WWENetwork, @TripleH (w/ @ShawnMichaels) vs. The #Undertaker (w/ @KaneWWE) for ONE LAST TIME! #WWESSD #LastTimeEver #SDLive pic.twitter.com/a4a5yvmnMJ
— WWE (@WWE) October 3, 2018
– Rusev searches backstage for “that bastard” Aiden. Lana arrives and Rusev refuses to talk with her.
Shelton Benjamin vs. Daniel Bryan: Miz is out on commentary. Shelton attacks at the bell and runs wild on Bryan with knee strikes and a pop up gut buster. Bryan fights back with kicks, but Shelton cuts him off and grounds the action. Bryan counters into a YES lock, but Shelton makes the ropes. They work to the floor and Shelton repeatedly slams Bryan to the barricade and apron. We go screen in screen, and it’s all Shelton as he follows with rights. They work back into the ring and Bryan dumps Shelton and follows with an apron knee strike. Back to full screen as Bryan misses/grazes Shelton on the top rope head butt. Shelton now works a bear hug as he is back to focusing on the ribs. Bryan escapes, hits uppercuts but Shelton hits a German for 2. Bryan quickly counters back, hits the corner dropkick but Shelton hits a running knee strike and German for 2. They work up top and Bryan lays in elbows, and the RANA follows. Bryan follows with yes kicks, hits an enziguri and Miz distracts Bryan, allowing Shelton to hit pay dirt for the win. Shelton Benjamin defeated Daniel Bryan @ 9:05 via pin
– Post match, Miz attacks and targets the ribs of Bryan that Shelton had worked over. Miz then lays him out with the skull-crushing finale.
– They hype WWE Super Show-Down.
#TheShield is going to have to bring EVERYTHING they have when they unite to take on @BraunStrowman @HEELZiggler & @DMcIntyreWWE this Saturday at #WWESSD, streaming LIVE on @WWENetwork! #SDLive pic.twitter.com/SslidkFTtp
— WWE (@WWE) October 3, 2018
– Naomi is out for tonight’s Susan G. Komen segment.
We couldn't have said it any better, @NaomiWWE:
"Breast cancer is #unacceptable, and it takes a team to beat it!"#SDLive @SusanGKomen pic.twitter.com/cXFoVsjPFC
— WWE (@WWE) October 3, 2018
Asuka vs. Peyton Royce: Naomi & Kay are at ringside. JIP with Royce in control. Asuka cuts her off and cradles her for 2. Royce then hits a variation on the widow’s peak and that gets 2. Royce maintains control, grounding the action. Royce now follows with a clothesline for 1. Royce again grounds things, Asuka fights to her feet and hits a missile dropkick for 2. Asuka now rolls into a knee bar and Royce makes the ropes. The Asuka lock follows and that’s that. Asuka defeated Peyton Royce @ 3:35 via submission
Hmmmmm…. what could the surprise be? #SDLive @BeckyLynchWWE pic.twitter.com/wOg3nXAMw0
— WWE (@WWE) October 3, 2018
Becky Has a Surprise: Becky says she took the title 6-weeks ago an became the best thing about Smackdown. She runs the division and made it the most relevant thing in WWE. Being kind & patient gives you nothing. Now she strikes first and strikes often. We get a video package on her various attacks on Charlotte. The crowd loves her. Becky then says that she has proved she owns Charlotte, but she still gets no respect, while Charlotte still gets special treatment. After Saturday, she’ll be on all of the magazines and she will be the face of the company. She then shows a new Super Show-Down poster, festering just her. It’s not about Taker vs. HHH, it’s about her. Charlotte arrives and they brawl. Charlotte hits a spear to boos. She then tort of tosses Becky into he poster and locks on the figure four and hangs from the apron as the crowd cheers for Becky. Charlotte stands tall.

Csonka’s WWE Mixed Match Challenge Review 10.02.18
Alicia Fox & Jinder Mahal (0-1) vs. Bayley & Finn Balor (0-0): Bayley and Fox to begin. Fox shoves Balor and Bayley gets a series of cradles for 2. Balor and Mahal in now, with Mahal grounding the action. Balor escapes and hits arm drags. Mahal cuts him off but Balor catches him with a basement dropkick. Fox and Bayley back in, and Fox hits a sunset flip for 2. Bayley fights back with corner attacks, but Fox knocks her into Singh and he catches her. Fox to the floor and posts Bayley. Back in and Fox sort of hits a neck breaker for 2. Bayley quickly cuts her off, stunning Fox off the buckles, but Fox cuts off the tag and grounds things. Bayley fights back, hits a backdrop and wholesale changes to Mahal and Balor. Balor runs wild, lays in chops, but Mahal cuts him off. Balor quickly hits an enziguri and sling blade. John Woooooo follows. Balor up top and Fox crotches him. Fox tags in and Bayley attacks with strikes. The corner knee follows and she heads up top and the high cross gets 2. Bayley hits the stunner in the ropes, hits Bayley to belly on Singh, and now Balor hits a big tope. Fox back in and Bayley to belly finishes her. Bayley & Finn Balor defeated Alicia Fox & Jinder Mahal @ 9:35 via pin
Lana & Rusev (0-0) vs. Jimmy Uso & Naomi (0-1): Lana and Rusev aren’t exactly on the same page due to the Aiden English/Milwaukee angle. The ladies begin, with Naomi using splits to avoid and taunt Lana. She dances and Lana claps for her. They shake hands and Lana attacks, and hits a bulldog. She breaks out a spinaroonie and twerks in Naomi’s face. Naomi is pissed and the crowd chants for a dance off. Music hits and we have a dance off. Rusev & Jimmy argue over who won, obviously pick in their wife in the argument. The men tag in and Jimmy wants a dance off. The music hits again and the crowd is behind Rusev. Jimmy then pus on the sunglasses like Rusev is Rikishi, but Rusev kicks him in the head and covers for 2. Oh that wacky Rusev. The ladies tag back in and Naomi lays in kicks, and the disaster kick gets 2. Rusev and Jimmy to the floor, superkick by Jimmy, and back in Lana hits the X-factor and that gets 2. Jimmy distracted Lana with a Milwaukee mention and she slaps him. Naomi rolls her up for the win. Jimmy Uso & Naomi defeated Lana & Rusev @ 8:55 via pin [**½]
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