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Lars Sullivan Close To Ready To Return, But Future Uncertain

February 28, 2020 | Posted by Joseph Lee
Lars Sullivan Smackdown

The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that Lars Sullivan should be ready to return to action after having knee reconstruction surgery in June, but his future is said to be “uncertain.”

Sullivan was set for a huge push before his injury but no one has talked to him in months. This follows the news that Sullivan took part in adult films prior to joining the WWE. While he’s still under contract, it’s unknown if Vince McMahon wants to bring him back or how far he wants to push him. The WWE never reacted to the story after it went viral.

Sullivan was set to beat John Cena at last year’s Wrestlemania, but his anxiety issues prevented him from properly debuting. On top of that, troll posts he made from years ago, which were racist and homophobic, resurfaced. He apologized for them (and was fined $100,000) but that happened just before he was injury. The porn discovery happened later.

article topics :

Lars Sullivan, Joseph Lee