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The Rascalz On Working WrestleMania Weekend Events & Bringing Fun Back To Wrestling

December 6, 2018 | Posted by Larry Csonka
The Rascalz

Trey Miguel, Dezmond Xavier and Zachary Wentz of The Rascalz recently spoke with Wrestlezone about working wrestleMania weekend, and bringing fun to wrestling…

On what they learned from participating and showing face during WrestleMania weekend in New Orleans:

DX: I think that’s something that a lot people don’t realize is that you really have to start taking chances in wrestling. Actually go out of your comfort zone. There are a lot of people that lost a lot of money WrestleMania weekend, but they gained so much in networking and just being able to make face with promoters and other wrestlers that are on a different platform than they are and gave them that opportunity to possibly blossom into something that’s bigger than what they currently are.

ZW: WrestleMania weekend that’s like the first time I actually got to talk to people from IMPACT during the show. I made it a point to be there so I can do that and luckily I got to go backstage and got to really converse with people. Being able to show face right there definitely I feel like helped.

TM: Showing face is like so important and so many people just overlook it like ‘oh if I’m not booked why am I going? I’m not going to make money’, but just showing face, maybe helping out a little bit, shaking hands and having a smile and just showing that you genuinely care about where you are and the people that are surrounding you, so much can happen from that.

ZW: Dave & Sami always hammered it in, like that’s something you need to do, is be a good person, show face and don’t expect anything because this business doesn’t owe you anything so if you want it you have to go out and get it. I’m so thankful for that they really hammered that idealogy in our heads.

DX: There’s a lot of people that will get put into those positions where they have the opportunity to make a name for themselves but they don’t know proper locker room etiquette, or they don’t know how to address people with tact without offending anybody and causing heat, and luckily we were able to be underneath the wings of people that have been to the levels that we wanted to get to. They passed along that knowledge to us and now we’re in a position that we can be able to helping out that next generation.

On what they want to contribute to the wrestling business

TM: Bringing fun back to it. I don’t feel there’s not enough people that have as much fun as we do and it’s not a knock on anyone. It’s a business you should definitely take yourself seriously when you need to be, but you were always a fan first. I feel like people lose that aspect sometimes of being a fan of the product and they look for what’s wrong in the business all the time instead of what’s right about the business.

On repackaging different movesets and making it your own:

TM: I feel like we have an energy and a perspective that can kind of dumb that down [the negativity and anger] a little bit and make people more appreciative of the fact that we’re able to repackage gifts and give it to people in new ways and stuff like that but it’s just wrestling, it’s what we do. John Cena’s “Five Moves of Doom.” He doesn’t switch that up. He gets his reactions from people. He makes that connections with kids in the crowd.

DX: Many times we have wanted to quit, but we had people that have talked us off of ledges, we’ve had people that kept us on the straight and narrow and taught us the proper ways of doing things. We want to leave behind a legacy of motivating others to continue to do this because never, ever want to see this beautiful beast of professional wrestling die. It’s something that has given us an amazing life. We can pay our bills, we can take trips, we can pay for things for our girlfriends because of professional wrestling and that’s something that a lot of are not able to do.

TM: We can buy kimonos.