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Rickey Shane Page vs. Jimmy Lloyd Title Bout Set for MLW One-Shot

November 30, 2023 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
MLW WTF Rickey Shane Page One-Shot Image Credit: MLW

– Major League Wrestling (MLW) has announced a new title bout for MLW One-Shot next month in New York City. Rickey Shane Page (RSP) will defend his National Openweight Title against Jimmy Lloyd. Here’s the full announcement:

RSP vs. Jimmy Lloyd for National Openweight Title Dec 7 in NYC!

Featuring a FITE+ live premium event and bonus FUSION taping

MLW today announced a National Openweight Title Fight: Rickey Shane Page (champion) vs. Jimmy Lloyd at MLW: ONE-SHOT live and exclusively on FITE+ Thursday, December 7 at the Melrose Ballroom in New York City.

Grab tickets at http://www.MLWNYC.com and at Eventbrite.

The “Human Slaughterhouse” Rickey Shane Page will defend his National Openweight title against Jimmy Lloyd live and exclusively on FITE+! Sign up for your FITE+ subscription now and enjoy a FREE 7-day trial!

He’s… a different boy but Lloyd is one of the scrappiest underdogs in the sport. With a high threshold for pain and having no fear in any fight, Jimmy Lloyd hopes to have his childhood dreams of winning a major title in the Big Apple come true.

Rickey Shane Page has decimated all in singles competition since winning the National Openweight belt from Jacob Fatu in September.
Lloyd joined the Second Gear Crew’s fight against The Calling earlier this fall. Now, Lloyd gets a crack at RSP and it’s for the championship.

Is Jimmy Lloyd’s head going to be on a platter at the altar of Carcosa? Find out LIVE! Thursday December 7th on FITE+!

Lock in your tickets now at http://www.MLWNYC.com and see it go down Thursday, December 7 in New York City.

World Heavyweight Championship
Alex Kane (champion) vs. Matt Cardona (with Saint Laurent)

Satoshi Kojima vs. “Filthy” Tom Lawlor (with Saint Laurent)

CMLL World Historic Welterweight & MLW World Middleweight Title Fight
Rocky Romero (champion, presented by Salina de la Renta) vs. Máscara Dorada

World Featherweight Title Fight:
Janai Kai (champion, presented by Salina de la Renta) vs. Maki Itoh

National Openweight Title Fight
Rickey Shane Page (champion) vs. Jimmy Lloyd

TJPW Princess of Princess Championship
Miyu Yamashita (champion) vs. “God Queen” Delmi Exo

article topics :

MLW, MLW: One-Shot, Jeffrey Harris