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Robbie Eagles On His Best of the Super Jr Matches, Talks Facing DOUKI and SHO

November 13, 2020 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
NJPW World Tag League 2020 Best of the Super Jr.

Robbie Eagles spoke with NJPW for a new interview discussing his upcoming matches during Best of the Super Jr 27. You can check out some highlights below:

On how he thinks the main events for the shows will be decided: “It’s a good question. You could have a fan vote, or the company could just decide on their own. I think maybe the company should decide on one tournament to headline in Aichi and the other to headline in Fukuoka and then the fans can choose the main event in Budokan maybe. That seems fair.”

On facing DOUKI in the tournament: “Well, I knew DOUKI was dangerous last year in BOSJ. I think maybe there were so many matches that happened afterward that people tended to forget about it, but if you can split my head open you have to be pretty tough. He’s a dangerous dude. I think people have been selling him short a little bit, and he has a lot of ability in a big time match.”

On his match against SHO on November 20th: “I’m looking forward to this. SHO and I played a lot of ‘Tekken’ against one another during the pandemic. I sent a message to SHO when the lineup was announced and said it would be just like our Tekken games … I’ll be picturing health bars over our heads the whole time (laughs). But we’ve never faced off one on one before, and only two or three tag matches against one another. So I’m really excited for this. SHO is one of my favourites to watch and he’s such a good guy.”