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Sanders’ AEW Rampage Review 11.25.23

November 25, 2023 | Posted by Lee Sanders
AEW Rampage Image Credit: AEW
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Sanders’ AEW Rampage Review 11.25.23  

Hello, you beautiful people! Lee Sanders is with you all this Saturday night as we’re getting three live hours of AEW programming. That’s right, three hours of AEW programming as it’s going head-to-head with WWE Survivor Series tonight. That will not fare well in the ratings, but let’s see what happens. Either way, it’s a great night for wrestling fans who like a little variety. AEW live coverage begins with RAMPAGE as tonight sees Katsuyori Shibata vs. Wheeler Yuta for the ROH Pure Championship. Meanwhile, Kris Statlander vs. Diamante with more to be announced.

I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving for those who celebrated it and were able to get out there and support local businesses. Let’s jump right into the action!

Location: Pittsburgh
Venue: Petersen Events Center
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Kevin Kelly, Nigel McGuinness

MATCH 1: HOOK vs Rocky Romero

We begin with a lockup as both men continue reversing one another. HOOK with a nice takedown followed by a judo toss from over his shoulders. Rocky reverses with a series of chops before HOOK counters with chops of his own. HOOK with a nice pickup as he plants Rocky on his hips. HOOK is looking for a suplex, but it’s reversed as HOOK and Rocky go into the ropes and clothesline each other simultaneously! HOOK comes to his feet first as he connects with a big-time German suplex. HOOK tries picking him up as the action moves to the side apron, but there is no mas as Rocky hits him with a vertical suplex after a knee to the face. Rocky follows up with a big double stomp from the apron as we head into our first set of commercials. We are back as it’s been a very high-impact match as HOOK connects with a judo throw, followed by body blows like a boxer. HOOK has the arms hooked as he gets in a northern lights for a near fall. Romero with a kick to HOOK to set him up between ropes for a John Whoo dropkick to the head. It’s a quick out by HOOK as Rocky thought he had the match won. Rocky connects with the big strike for another kickout. HOOK is still into this one, as Rocky is still trying to figure out what to do. HOOK with a leg trio from out of nowhere! Rocky tried to slice bread, but HOOK reversed it into REDRUM for the finish!

Winner:HOOK (11 minutes)
Solid opener. I love that HOOK, as he’s been missing from television regularly. Let’s hope this is the start of returning to basics and more TV time for the young man. I wouldn’t mind seeing HOOK and Rocky run this back.

Video package shown Wheeler Yuta vs Shibata shown as it’s our main event match for tonight’s RAMPAGE.

MATCH 2: Kris Statlander vs HOOK vs Diamanté

Nice wristlock control early on by Diamanté as Statlander reverses it briefly. Diamanté is in control again before Statlander reverses it and tosses her; Diamanté wants to test strength as she trips Statlander’s leg to take her down. There are a lot of grounded moves here, as it’s a great showing from both women in this opening contest. Statlander with a shoulder tackle as Diamanté misses a back elbow but connects with a hurricana. Statlander with a powerslam as she gets a near fall. What’s this? Mercedes Martinez walks down the ramp, talking trash to Statlander as we head into our next set of commercials. We are back as Statlander is sent over the shoulders of Diamanté! Diamanté with the cover attempt, and it’s a quick kick out. Statlander gets face-planted as somehow Statlander comes in with a rollup but no mas. There are a series of reversals of roll-ups and kickouts now. Statlander catches Diamanté with a powerslam as it’s a no-go. Statlander tries for a delayed brain buster that gets reversed. Another kick out follows in this awesome matchup as Diamanté slaps Statlander silly repeatedly. Diamanté with a short clothesline as she tries for another and is caught off guard by Statlander’s disqus clothesline for the win!

Winner:Kris Statlander (10 minutes)
Damn good match, as I’ve followed the work of Diamanté for many years. It was great seeing her back on TV. She really brought out something in Statlander tonight, and I’m happy to see this program will continue.

Post-match, Mercedes, and Diamanté try to gang up on Statlander and are successful until Willow comes in for the save as our heels retreat.

Daniel Garcia’s video package shown as he’s looking to make a statement that he’s not a loser in the Continental Classic tournament.

MATCH 3: Mike Bennett & Matt Taven vs Two Black Guys

Annnnnnnnnnd it’s over before it even began.

Winner:The Kingdom (70 seconds)
SQUASH…SQUASH…SQUASH! This match is about The Kingdom coming after MJF for the ROH Tag titles, and I’m okay with that.

MATCH 4: ROH PURE CHAMPIONSHIP-Wheeler Yuta vs Shibata(c)


Lockup and a series of reversals open this match-up. Yuta trying for a grounded headlock submission before letting it go. Why he allowed Shibata to return to a vertical base is beyond me. Shibata with a nice wristlock as soon after he goes for a bow & arrow submission hold. Shibata breaks it as he goes for a crossed v5 hold, followed by another bow and arrow. Yuta breaks out as both men lock up in a hold before Shibat unleashes knee strikes, followed by a modified figure four lock. Yuta goes for the rope break. He’s down to two more rope breaks. Yuta with a punch to the face that gets him a warning. Yuta, with a forearm, strikes Shibata’s face as he tries for a pin attempt. It’s another kick-out as we head into our final set of ad breaks. We are back as Shibata takes strikes and chops before unloading big shots that stagger Yuta. Knife-edge chops by Shibata as he follows up with a dropkick to the head. A vertical snap suplex follows as Shibata gets a near fall. Shibata transitions into the ankle lock as Yuta desperately tries to go for the ropes. Shibata transitions into the stf, which is dead set in the ring. Somehow, Yuta gets to the ropes for the break as he’s used a second rope break attempt. Yuta has one more rope break to his advantage. The action spills to the outside as Yuta follows up with a tope suicida. Shibata sends Yuta into the barricades but it was a weird sequence as Shibata’s leg seemed to give out on him. Action is back in the ring as Yuta tries for a rollup, but Shibata kicks out. The referee gets bumped as Yuta low blows Shibata, followed up with a ddt, and a pin to become the new ROH Pure Champion…As three judges looked on….WTF!

Winner:New ROH Champion…Wheeler Yuta (13 minutes)
I Love this gritty and rugged mean streak by Yuta that’s developed over the past several weeks. The presentation of his character has been executed far better than when he first arrived at AEW. This physical encounter didn’t disappoint and was the second highlight of the night, in my opinion.

Yuta asked for a handshake, but instead, low blows Shibata before dropping him on his head again! HOOK comes out, backpack and all as Yuta makes his exit. Let’s see this match already!

End of Show

For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
Another solid edition of RAMPAGE as if you’re keeping track at home, I enjoyed last weeks edition as well. I said it I believe last week or the week before but the live Rampages is really what’s needed going forward. Not only does it negate leaked spoilers but it creates buzz and curiosity. Long as Tony Khan and crew continue working on solid cards like what they’ve done the past two weeks, Rampage will be just fine. Another edition without Skye Blue though? Not a fan of that but also the three judges that saw Yuta cheat clear as day was bad. For those who don’t follow ROH on a regular basis, there should have been another mention from the commentators on the role of the judges. They could’ve done this just for clarification but still a solid main event and good show overall. What say you 411MANIACS? Sound off! For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!

article topics :

AEW Rampage, Lee Sanders