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Sanders’ AEW Rampage Review 4.20.24

April 20, 2024 | Posted by Lee Sanders
Rob Van Dam AEW Rampage 4-20-24 Image Credit: AEW
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Sanders’ AEW Rampage Review 4.20.24  

Hello friends! Lee Sanders is with you all on a special Saturday night as AEW RAMPAGE is live and following Collision this weekend. This programming change is due to the NBA Playoffs starting this weekend. I hope you have all been well. I’ve enjoyed this weekend; I’m just driving around and grooving to some good tunes. It reminds me that Pearl Jam has a new album that just dropped—hearing many good things so far. Enough talk; let’s get on with AEW RAMPAGE coverage.

Location: Peoria, IL
Venue: Peoria Civic Center
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness & Tony Schiavone

Jon Moxley, the new IWGP Heavyweight Champion, is happy about his upcoming match against Powerhouse Hobbs at next week’s DYNAMITE in Jacksonville, FL. Moxley questions if Calis knows what truly is in Hobbs’s soul. Moxley feels he knows, as he warns Hobbs that if he hasn’t found that inner soul to be his best, then he has a bitter pill for him to swallow. Do not hesitate, Will Hobbs, because Jon Moxley will not!

MATCH 1: A special 420 Elimination Four-Way match-RVD vs Isiah Kassidy vs Lee Johnson vs Komander

Great crowd as they chant for RVD before the match starts. All four men are about to embrace one another in combat when RVD decides to chill in the corner and watch the action. Wait a minute—Van Dam, with a sidekick from the top, connects with Johnson. Kassidy misses a rolling thunder on RVD. Kassidy is sent into the corner as RVD hits a monkey flip and a rolling thunder! And the cover, 1-2- and a kickout! Johnson sends RVD out of the ring, followed by Komander. Johnson hits a flying move over the top rope. Johnson follows up with a spinning single-handed body slam for a near fall. Kassidy hits a rollup from nowhere, and Johnson is eliminated as we head into our first break. We are back as Komander drops RVD and smokes Kassidy with an air assault over the ropes. Komander and RVD are now going at it outside the ring. Komander returns to the ring and hits a senton on Kassidy for a two count. Komander now to the top again and tries walking the ropes before Kassidy pushes him off. Kassidy tries pitching to RVD that they should work together and eliminate Komander. Kassidy pretends he’s looking for maybe weed, I’m assuming but rolls up RVD for a quick kick-out. RVD sends him into the corner head first as Marq Quen causes interference. In the process, Komander heads to the top again and hits an air assault off the ropes to eliminate Kassidy. Quen going for RVD while the ref was distracted was a nice touch, but bad timing. It’s now down to RVD and Komander. Komander has a rollup, but it’s a kickout. Van Damn hits a rollup of his own as it’s a kick-out too. The two men continue exchanging grounded rollups. Van Dam catches Komander on the top rope and hits an avalanche—no! Komander reverses it as the two trade blows. RVD gets the better of it as he manages to hit the 5-star frog splash for the win.

Winner:RVD (18 minutes)
Loved it. now, where’s the weed for the winner?

MATCH 2: Yuka Sakazaki vs Emi Sakura

Sakura kicked the living Hell out of Yuka before hitting a powerbomb for a near fall. There’s some funny screaming here as I’ve got to mute the television. Yuka connects with a spinning kick and a sliding lariat for a kickout. Yuka transitions into an STF as Sakura eventually powers out. Sakura bites Yuka’s arm before Yuka hits the top rope and botches. It’s a lousy botch as she falls on the apron, crashing to the outside. Emi grabs the Ric Flair energy drinks and shakes them like a cheerleader. In the meantime, Yuka seems to be walking off her botched spot from earlier. Now they are chasing after each other like it’s an episode of Tom & Jerry as we take another commercial break.
We return as Sakura hits a suicide dive between the ropes and crashes into Yuka. Emi throws herself into Yuka as Yuka’s head hits the steel steps. A double underhook follows from Sakura, but she settles for a backbreaker. Yuka kicks out as Sakura hits the top rope. Yuka kicks her in the head and plants her with a modified DDT from the ropes for the win. Odd finish.

Winner:Yuka (9 minutes)
Some good parts here and there, but this match was all over the place. I’ve seen better matches from Sakura. This was my first time seeing Yuka in action, and I wasn’t that impressed. Hey, there’s always the next match, but this wasn’t it for me. Sorry folks, but I’m willing to check out the next one,

A RAMPAGE exclusive is shown as Angelo Parker is about to announce his retirement. Ruby Soho interrupts to reveal she’s pregnant. Is Angelo Parker truly the baby daddy, or is it maybe Zak Knight? The only way to find out is to go on Maury!

MATCH 3: Mike Bennett & Roderick Strong & Matt Taven vs Kyle O’Reilly & Rocky Romero & Matt Menard

Reilly and Bennett kick things off as Bennett hits the ropes and clotheslines him to the canvas. Reilly comes back with an arm drag and twists as Menard is tagged. Menard continues to work the arm as Taven is tagged in and is hit with a couple of arm drags. Romero comes in, bumping Bennett off the ropes. Romero hits a clothesline on Taven, and I’ve lost track of who’s legal here. Strong is tagged as he hits a strong chop on Romero. The chopping continues as Bennett is tagged back in and slingshots Romero into the ropes. Taven hits an elbow drop from the rope for a kickout as we head into our final set of ad breaks. We are back as Menard is tagged. He hits a pen elbow on Bennett before hitting him over the head multiple times. Ack elbow stuns Menard, followed by a roll-through as Menard hits a Boston crab. Taven kicks Menard in the back of the head to break it up. It’s followed by a moonsault for a kick-out! Reilly tagged as he’s going to the body with a knee strike, followed by a leg sweep. Reilly is taking on everyone by himself. Reilly gets Taven in an ankle lock and Bennett in a triangle lock as Strong breaks it up. Reilly and Strong trading chops and kicks! Strong hits a backbreaker to end the awesome exchange. Strong with an arm drag as Taven breaks it up. Bennett seems to be the legal man now as Reilly hits a brain buster for a cover. A transition into an armbar makes Bennett tap out!

Winner:Team Reilly (16 minutes)
Great chemistry, energy, and effort of a match from everyone. Makes Reilly vs Strong at AEW DYNASTY that much more fun to check out on Sunday.

End of Show

For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend you all!

The final score: review Good
The 411
I did not watch Collision as I’d have to rely on you all to tell me how it was this week. This episode of Rampage however was a fun episode. I honestly could’ve done without the Emi vs Yuka match. Beyond that folks? Everything else was quite enjoyable. I actually like how Tony Khan has been utilizing RVD these past few appearances. I still remember one of the last couple of runs RVD had in TNA and I felt he was over utilized. Tony Khan and company are finding the right balance of appearances. That man continues defying Father Time and I’m loving it! Im not sure if Ruby is truly pregnant but we’ll see what happens. I say this because I feel as though it’s a story arc. Just remember, you heard it from me first. Ruby, Angelo Parker is not the father! Zak Knight going to mess around in that one. That is cringe I know, as I see most of you all don’t like this angle with them. Here’s hoping the pregnancy is legit and we are done with it altogether. Fantastic main event as it puts more hype on Reilly vs Strong this Sunday. That whole card for AEW DYNASTY looks fantastic! I’ll be watching, will you 411Maniacs! Sound off! For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend you all!

article topics :

AEW Rampage, Lee Sanders