wrestling / Video Reviews
TCW Show 13-43 Recap and Review
Match#1 – The Empire (Greg Anthony and Tim Storm) vs. Magic Men
Anthony starts off with Dallas. Anthony gets a wristlock, but Dallas uses his agility to reverse it. Anthony uses a knee to the gut to get the advantage. Dallas is sent corner to corner, and he pushes himself up and over Anthony. Dallas taunts and the match is at a standstill. Anthony gets a headlock. Dallas pushes him off and both avoid strikes. Dallas nails a monkey flip and follows it with a unique headscissors. Nico is tagged in, and Magic Men hit a double elbow drop. Anthony tags in Storm. Storm gets a wristlock on Nico, who rolls through and gets a headlock. Storm fights out and hits a snap mare.
Commercial break
Nico fights to his feet, but Storm sends Nico to the ropes. Storm attempts an hiptoss, but Nico rolls through and hits a pair of armdrags before keeping Storm grounded. Nico tags in Dallas, who hits a dropkick. Nico is tagged again who also hits a dropkick. Storm attempts to hit both members of Magic Men, but they dodge and hit a double dropkick. Nico sent to the corner, but he counters Storm’s two attempts to charge in. Nico leaps to the top rope and hits a high crossbody. Storm kicks out of a pin attempt. Nico tries another cross body, but Storm catches and hits a fallaway slam. Anthony is tagged in, who attacks Nico with strikes. Anthony pushes Nico to the corner and stomps him down. Anthony distracts the ref and Matt Riviera attacks from the outside. Storm is tagged in. Anthony assists Storm with a running splash in the corner. Storm picks up Nico and hits a backbreaker. Storm goes for a pin. 1…2…Nico kicks out. Anthony is tagged in, who grounds Nico with a chinlock. Nico fights out with a jawbreaker. Nico hits the ropes, but Anthony counters with a powerslam. Storm is tagged, who picks up Nico and slams him down. Another quick tag, and Anthony goes to the second rope and attempts a fist drop. Nico gets the boots up right in Anthony’s face. Nico gets the tag, and Dallas clears house with a series of strikes to both members of the Empire. Anthony gets an irish whip, and lowers his head for a back body drop. Dallas leaps up and stomps Anthony right in the back! Storm goes for a belly to back, but Dallas avoids the fall and hits a head scissors. Dallas picks up Anthony for an attack, but Riviera comes in the ring to help the Empire. Storm has the ref distracted at Anthony and Riviera hit Dallas with a spike piledriver! 1…2…3!
Winner via pinfall: The Empire
Basic tag team match. I was expecting to see a bit more from Magic Men, who were making their debut. Although I believe Dallas is Brett Barnes, who has wrestled for TCW in the past. Most the match was Nico fighting out of the Empire’s offense. I find it odd that Magic Men would make their debut against the TCW World Heavyweight Champion. Maybe this match would have been better if they had different opponents. Still, not a bad match, just nothing too special
Boyd Bradford is shown in an unknown location. He claims Genetic Perfection must give the TCW Tag Team Championships back to the Hounds of Hell or else Rich Rude will be assaulted. Rude is defiant to the end, and Bradford and the Hounds continues to assault the tied up Rude.
Genetic Perfection want Parker to bring justice to Bradford. Parker says he will get Rude back next week, since Bradford wasn’t there this week.
Match #2 – “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan vs. Prince Al Farat
Duggan offers Farat a free shot to the jaw. Duggan blocks the punch and nails some jabs himself. Farat stays on the outside and attempts to walk out of the match. Farat runs back in and gets Duggan in a headlock. Farat pulls a spike out of his boot and attacks Duggan’s throat. Farat chokes Duggan on the ground. Farat gets a nerve hold, keeping Duggan on the ground. Duggan gets back to his feet and tries to fight back, but Farat goes for the eye. Farat gets his spike out again, but the ref catches him. Duggan goes into a three point stance and hits a clothesline. Duggan goes for a pin. 1…2…3!
Winner via pinfall: “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan
Short and uneventful, but the crowd was behind Duggan the entire time. I believe stuff like this should be reserved for live crowds only, as it does get them hot for more, but on television it kind of just slows things down
John Saxon is interviewed backstage. He is asked about his thoughts of Steve Anthony using physical and mental attacks against Saxon. Saxon does not speak.
Main Event: Kincaid vs. Scott Phoenix
Kincaid starts off with a wristlock, but Phoenix counters with a body slam. Kincaid gets a hammerlock this time, but Phoenix counters with a headlock takeover. Kincaid back to his feet, and he pushes Phoenix off. Phoenix mows down Kincaid with a shoulder tackle. Kincaid sweeps the leg and locks in another wristlock. Phoenix takes Kincaid over, and hits an armdrag. Kincaid hits a knee to the gut, along with an elbow to the back. Phoenix is sent to the corner, but he goes over and hits a pair of deep armdrags. He finishes it with a belly to belly suplex. Phoenix applies a chin lock, but Kincaid fights out and gets the advantage with a back elbow. Kincaid sends Phoenix to the ropes, who avoids an attack and nails a belly to back suplex. Phoenix hits a high legdrop. Phoenix attempts to whip Kincaid to the ropes, but he reverses. Attempt at Phoenix Rises, but Kincaid ducks and uses a drop toe hold. Phoenix rolls the apron. Kincaid leaps off the second rope and attacks Phoenix. Kincaid goes up to the top and hits a double axe handle. Kincaid with a pin cover. 1…2…Phoenix kicks out. Kincaid slows things with a chinlock. Phoenix refuses to give in and fights back to his feet, rolling through with an armdrag. Both wrestlers hit clotheslines. Back to their feet, they trade strikes till Kincaid uses a boot to the gut. He attacks with strikes, ending with a European uppercut. Kincaid tries to pick up Phoenix, but he counters with a jawbreaker. Phoenix builds momentum with a pair of clothesline and a dropkick. Phoenix lifts Kincaid and hits a Michinoku Driver! Pin cover. 1…2…no! Phoenix gets a waistlock, but Kincaid goes behind. Phoenix fights out and runs the ropes, but Kincaid follows and slams him down! Kincaid goes to the top, going for Death From Above, but Phoenix avoids it. Phoenix avoids a clothesline and nails Phoenix Rises! 1…2…3!
Winner via pinfall: Scott Phoenix
I have not been shy about making it clear that Kincaid is my favorite wrestler on the TCW roster. He is very talent and rarely has a match that I do not praise. This is probably the match he has had that I like the least. I may have expected more, considering his opponent was Scott Phoenix, who has have some great matches as well. Everything was done well, just feels like a basic match for both of them. I would love to see them battle again, maybe for the TCW Jr. Heavyweight Championship.
The Empire come down to the ring to speak to the audience. He does the usually rich heel promo before calling out Lance Hoyt, the number one contender to Tim Storm’s TCW Heavyweight Title. Riviera calls Hoyt a legend in Japan and a star in the wrestling world. Riviera wants Hoyt to join the Empire. Greg Anthony gets in Hoyt’s face, calling him an ape. Hoyt claims he is in TCW to win the Heavyweight title. Greg slaps Hoyt, which triggers a brawl. The four easily overpower Hoyt. Storm attacks Hoyt with the title belt. Empire stands tall to end the show.
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The 411: This felt like a very uneventful show. The main event seemed like the only match I really enjoyed, and they may be because I'm such a fan of Kincaid. I have to say, I'm not a fan of the Empire becoming the NWO of TCW. It seems like any segment with them becomes long and tedious. Alright show this week, but a huge step down from last week. |
Final Score: 6.0 [ Average ] legend |
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