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TNT & TBS General Manager on Moving AEW Dynamite to TBS, Rhodes to the Top’s Status

November 3, 2021 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
AEW Dynamite logo Image Credit: AEW

TNT, TBS, and Tru TV General Manager Brett Weiitz recently discussed moving AEW Dynamite to TNT as well as the status of Rhodes to the Top following its season finale. Weitz spoke with TNT for a new interview and you can check out the AEW-related highlights below:

On AEW Dynamite’s move to TBS: “We obviously make these decisions with a lot of data and gut behind them. The brand of TBS is we’re always here for a good time. That is exactly what AEW is and AEW Dynamite, and so, when we look at the concentric circles of TBS and TNT, our TBS viewer is a heavy drama viewer, believe it or not. So, we know that those fans will migrate over, and we also believe that wrestling fans find the content wherever it is, and we also think, more wrestling’s better for everybody, honestly.”

On whether they’ve made a decision on Rhodes to the Top’s potential second season:
“No. Not yet. It just ran and finished, and we’re settling in with numbers. You know this, Nellie, to just go Live+Same Day is so antiquated. You want to see how things are consumed on VOD and see how things continue to play out.”