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Winfree’s MLW Reload Review 1.20.24

Greetings from MLW land, with Fusion having finished a season we’re now onto Reload. I think we’re drawing from the recent Kings of Colosseum event but will try and update you as time goes on.
Mister Saint Laurent opens up, he brings out Alex Kane for an interview. Kane is here and they trade some barbs then MSL tries to sell Kane on joining the World Titan Federation, he wants to merge the WTF with the Bomaye Fight Club. Kane engages in hucksterism and insults MSL, but MSL shows him the contract anyway. After some consideration Kane predictably declines then says this was built for the people, then yells bomaye because he can’t do anything else. In general Kane’s comfortability in front of the camera has grown but he still sounds so juvenile half the time.
Commentary runs down the card and then we head to our first match.
Match #1: Notorious Mimi vs. Zayda w/ MSL
Quick roll up from Zayda, Mimi returns it. Mimi sends Zayda through the ropes then lands knees from the apron before following up with a chop. They lose their place for a moment then Zayda slams Mimi down by the hair. Slap from Zayda then she tries a suplex but Mimi blocks and slams her down by the hair then follows up with mounted punches. We get a double down off of a modified hair mare spot. They start trading strikes with Zayda getting the better of things then a roll up with feet on the ropes but the ref sees it and wont count. Cross chop from Mimi then a back kick to the face but when she tries to cover she grabs the tights and again the ref sees and wont count. Zayda tries a sleeper hold but Mimi fights free and hits a running boot in the corner. Mimi up top but Zayda hits ropes to drop her down then follows with I’m Prettier, it’s Christian’s Killswitch/Luchasaurus, and that’ll get the pin.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Zayda won in 4:07
Rating: 2 stars
Thoughts: A little short and lacking intensity, the heel vs. heel dynamic is always a rough one to figure out as well which played into things. A few moments of either losing their place or just mistiming drop it a bit down from average.
Zayda gets a post match interview, MSL takes over to insult everyone and demand a proper introduction for Zayda. She dismisses the interviewer then calls out Court Bauer for not giving her a title shot. MSL interrupts and says he does business with Salina de la Renta and wants to talk more with Zayda in private, not in front of the horrible fans.
Mistico will be in the upcoming Sueprfight event against Averno.
In the back we see a couple of Azteca goons following Janai Kai and Salina.
Minoru Suzuki will be at the upcoming Intimidation Games event.
Match #2 – Intergender Match: Steph De Lander vs. Masked Good Brother #3
Some circling then Steph offers a handshake, Brother accepts and they share a little kiss then Steph with a roll up for 2. Brother chases Steph around the ringside area before she hits him with a beer can and launches him into the barricade. Steph runs into a ring post after Brother avoids her charging at him. Brother gets a couple of chairs and puts them in the ring. Steph gets one of the chairs while Brother finds a wooden board under the ring and puts it into the ring then sets it up in the corner only for Steph to launch a chair into his head. Brother blocks a kick while in a chair, he sets her in a chair and offers Steph a lap dance, Steph seems into it. He warns about the divorce rate going up when he takes off his shirt, then does so. Steph hits a cross chop then wraps the chair around Brother’s head and kicks him a few times. Steph gets another chair and brains Brother with it but only a 2 count on the cover. Next Steph Spears Brother through the board in the corner but again only a 2 count. Steph puts a chair against Brother’s head in the corner but Brother smacks her in the face with it when she charges at him and that leads to a 2 count. Brother tunes up the band for a chair shot, he does the “I’m sorry, I love you” but Steph avoids the chair and hits a low blow. Steph gets a mic and says they shouldn’t be doing this. Brother gets the mic and says he knew one day he’d find a woman, and he thinks he’s found the one. He hurts all over, but drops to a knee and asks if she’ll marry him. Steph accepts, Brother doesn’t have a ring on him but he’ll get one and until the he offers her a light beer. She happily cracks open the beer and drinks. Now to wrap this up they need to kiss, Brother asks her to close her eyes, then hits her with an eye poke and a school boy for the 3 count.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Masked Good Brother #3 won in 8:52
Rating: 1.5 stars
Thoughts: This just didn’t quite click for me, I get the intent behind the humor and if this tickled your fancy then fair play but if it doesn’t then this is a long nearly 9 minutes.
Tom Lawlor and Josh Bishop have a promo in the back, they call themselves the real dream team of wrestling. They go back and forth trying to get each other to be the one talking, mildly amusing.
Akira talks in the back, he’s a bloody mess and says his scars are a reminder that he survived wars. He wants Sami Callihan at Superfight.
To the ring for our next match.
Match #3: Jimmy Lloyd vs. Ichiban
Some quick arm drags from Ichiban then a triangle kick to send Jimmy out of the ring, which sets up a nice looking dive. Back in the ring Ichiban up top for a flying chop and a 2 count. Corner splash from Ichiban then a 10 punch but Salina and Jesus Rodriguez waddle themselves out to ringside. Ichiban with a boot to Jimmy, then Rodriguez trips him up as Salina joins commentary for some reason. Jimmy with a reverse exploder suplex to take over. Neckbreaker from Jimmy gets a 2 count. Ichiban avoids a corner cannonball senton, then Rodriguez lays in a cheap shot. Slingshot Falcon Arrow by Jimmy gets another 2 count. Ichiban with a roll up for 2 then a Stunner to follow up. Dropkick from Ichiban but Jimmy gets tied up in the ropes and Ichiban with a Code Red that he calls Code 1 out of the corner, that gets 2 again. Jimmy rolls out of the ring and Ichiban dives but is caught on his shoulders and Jimmy spikes him on the floor with a Death Valley Driver. Now Jimmy pulls a couple of ladders out from under the ring, one he puts in the ring the other he bridges between the barricade and the apron. Jimmy sets Ichiban on the ladder, then heads into the ring to set up the other ladder. This seems like a bit much, but Jimmy climbs the ladder, Ichiban recovers and climbs up with him and they fight there. Rodriguez gets involved so Ichiban kicks him onto the bridged ladder which falls, then Ichiban walks to the corner while Jimmy is still on the upright ladder and dives to then hit Ichi Bankai and get the pin.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Ichiban won in 6:02
Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: The hardware at the end felt unnecessary, and Jimmy really felt like just a guy out there. Ichiban continues to look solid enough though, and please don’t put Salina on commentary again because that wasn’t very good.
Post match Salina announces that we’ll get Ichiban vs. Rocky Romero for the middleweight title at Superfight.
Match #4: Nao Kakuta vs Moka Miyamoto
We get a handshake to start. They tie up, Nao works an arm wringer but Moka escapes and they trade escapes to that hold for a bit before we get a standoff. Side headlock from Moka, Nao counters into one of her own but then runs into a punch to the body and a top wristlock takedown from Moka but Nao avoids a follow up chop to the body. Nao with some hair pulling and tosses Moka across the ring. Some nice heelish tactics from Nao then she slams Moka down and stands on her hair then lands a little back kick to the head. Moka lands a body shot but gets tripped up and Nao retains control with stomps but then runs into a scoop slam. More strikes from Moka now and another body blow then a scoop slam. Moka wants a karate chop to the body and hits it but only a 2 count on the cover.
Kneeling abdominal stretch from Moka but Nao counters into a crucifix pin but only a near fall. Nao grabs a head scissors over the ropes but she breaks before the 5 count, then snaps Moka over the top rope and gets a 2 count. Moka kicks Nao off and they seem to mess up a judo toss then Moka grabs the kneeling abdominal stretch again. Nao scoots to the ropes and forces the break. Moka with a calf kick then tries a suplex but Nao counters into a hammerlock Flatliner. Nao wants to end things, and a TKO connects to get the 3 count.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Nao Kakuta won in 6:51
Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: Solid match, these two clearly have worked together in the past and the story of the wily veteran taking on the talented but inexperienced up and coming wrestler is a go to for a reason.
Post match, for some reason, here’s Love Doug. Nao has left the ring but Mako is still there. Doug has a mic and gets into the ring then helps Mako stand. Some awkward Japanese from Doug as he introduces himself then back to English, he plays with the crowd a bit then says he’s been a secret admirer of Moka for a while now and asks her out for a date. Moka says yes and they leave together.
Zayda is in the back packing her stuff but she’s missing stuff and finds Brett Ryan Gosselin taking her stuff because he likes it. Gosselin and Zayda bond instantly for some reason and head off to go shopping. Well, that was certainly abrupt.
Back to the ring for our next match.
Match #5: Tiara James vs. Delmi Exo
They tie up, Delmi with an arm drag but James quickly counters. They trade arm wringers then Delmi with an arm breaker and James has to use the ropes to break the hold. Now James with the arm breaker and then James backs Delmi into a corner and lands an elbow but Delmi hits an arm drag then a dropkick. Back elbow from James as we can see the masked Azteca goons loitering in the background. Kick from Delmi then James blocks a Delmi Driver and lands a clothesline, then another that drops Delmi. Delmi tries a Sunset Flip, winds grabbing a School Boy and getting the pin. Odd finish.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Delmi Exo won in 2:34
Rating: 1.5 stars
Thoughts: This was odd, I know that we’re partially in the process of repackaging Delmi but I’m just not sure about that finish. It wasn’t even dirty, no rope or tights assist on the pin, just a weird ending to a short match.
Post match Delmi gets a mic and thinks she’s back on the right track. She’s not celebrating just yet though, she wants a rematch with Janai Kai since Kai is holding her title. That does bring out Kai along with Salina. Salina gets the mic from Delmi and thinks Delmi has CTE if she thinks she’s getting a rematch. Kai takes the mic and says her left leg will shorten her career while the right will end it. Look, I lived through the golden age of Mirko Cro Cop when “Right leg hospital, left leg cemetery” was a thing so I know why you’d try and riff on it but that didn’t quite come across as good as the original. Zayda and MSL show up as well, Zayda takes the mic and runs down Delmi as the queen of cringe and Kai as an ugly witch. Then she calls Salina a blue haired bitch, so you know she’s serious. MSL tries to play peacemaker but naturally this turns into a brawl featuring everyone. Officials run down to restore some order. When Delmi goes to leave the Azteca goons offer her a key and a cellphone, both of which she accepts then heads to the back.
Video from The Calling, Rickey Shane Page says all Akira had to do was follow his calling. Well if Akira wont, then the Death Machine Sami Callihan will. Sami talks, he remembers all the bad blood between himself and the promotion. He still takes issue with Satoshi Kojima and Kojima has a date with the Death Machine later tonight. Sami is a decent addition to The Calling if they’re sticking around, he’s at least got some presence about him as opposed to RSP.
Match #6 – Tag Team Match: Matt Riddle and Alex Kane w/ Mr. Thomas vs. Tom Lawlor and Josh Bishop w/ MSL and Zayda
Riddle and Lawlor start us off, both men with some mat work right away playing off of their legitimate fighting credentials. Lawlor tries a d’arce but Riddle rolls to the ropes and forces a reset. Riddle gives up a front headlock but then grabs a kimura and Lawlor breaks free with a shot to the body. Kicks to the leg from Lawlor then a Russian leg sweep into a modified Octopus Stretch. Riddle rolls free then misses a kick as they reset again. Riddle catches a kick and hits a mat return then tags in Kane. Belly to belly suplex from Kane then he helps Riddle hit a twisting senton for a 2 count. Some strikes from Kane then an exploder suplex. Bishop tags in now and headbutts Kane. Another headbutt from Bishop then he and Lawlor with a double back elbow to Kane.
Bishop retains control with more headbutts then a scoop slam. Another scoop slam from Bishop gets 2. Kane fights back with another exploder suplex but Lawlor attacks Riddle on the floor to prevent the possible tag so Kane hits a suicide dive onto him. Back in the ring Bishop with a Black Hole Slam and Kane rolls out of the ring into a DDT from Lawlor. The ref starts counting and it seems like Lawlor and Bishop will take a count out win if they can get it but Kane gets in before the 10 count. Bishop cheap shots Riddle and that prompts Riddle trying to get involved which allows Lawlor and Bishop to get some cheap shots on Kane behind the refs back. Lawlor tags in and stomps on Kane in the corner then tags in Bishop. Some more quick tags from the heels while they stomp on Kane in the corner. Bishop tags in Lawlor who hits a Bronco Buster then tags in Bishop. Kane avoids a follow up Bronco Buster from Lawlor but he’s still got to deal with Bishop. Bishop wants a Razor’s Edge but Kane slips free and tags in Riddle. Riddle gets to run wild for a bit then he and Kane hit stereo German suplexes. Riddle up top, Floating Bro as Kane handles an interfering Richard Holliday with a rolling release suplex and Riddle pins Bishop.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Matt Riddle and Alex Kane won in 10:41
Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: Decent enough match, but I don’t know what they’re doing with the WTF at this point. I get that you want a heel faction, but they’ve got actually accomplish something at some point don’t they? Right now they’re just kind of occupying space and clearly pose no threat to the people who matter while running over the lower card guys. It just makes it really hard to care about what they do.
Main event time, sadly Kojima is not bringing out a bag of bagels. Sami Callihan jumps Kojima on the entrance ramp then starts tossing weapons into the ring. Sami then goes for the papercut between the fingers, because he’s sick. Next Sami tries a papercut/fish hook and that’s just mean. Sami then demands the bell sound for the match.
Match #7: Satoshi Kojima vs. Sami Callihan
Kojima comes out of the corner with a lariat and sends Sami out of the ring. Kojima is fired up and they head to the floor where Kojima chops the heck out of Sami. More chops from Kojima to Sami then he sends Sami into the barricade. Sami then avoids a charge and lays in chops of his own to Kojima then hits a Russian leg sweep into the barricade. Sami heads into the ring and looks for a count out but Kojima beats the count. Some finger work from Sami then he taunts the crowd. Another chop from Sami then a headbutt and a back rake. More scratching from Sami and he goes to the eyes of Kojima then spits at the ref when the ref tries to break him up. Another chop from Sami, then another one. There’s been a lot of mucus and spit from Sami and Striker with a darn good line: “Who know the ‘C’ in Hepatitis C stood for Callihan?” This earns Sami a “You’re disgusting” chant which doesn’t seem to bother him at all.
Modified abdominal stretch from Sami, Kojima fights back and unloads with chops. Kobashi style chops in the corner from Kojima then he heads up top but Sami grabs him by the eyes then hits a Death Valley Driver for a 2 count. Sami wants the Cactus Piledriver but Kojima blocks him and they trade strikes then trade spit. Kojima with a DDT to drop Sami then he tries a Koji Cutter but Sami counters with a Saito suplex. Some clotheslines from Sami but that just fires up Kojima who then hits a Koji Cutter. That’s usually the precursor to a Lariat, Sami fights his way up and flips off Kojima just before Kojima hits the Lariat for a near fall. Kojima wants another one and hits the ropes then decapitates Sami with a Lariat to win.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Satoshi Kojima won in 9:09 and tack on about 1:15 for the pre-bell brawl if you’d like
Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: Solid enough match, and frankly Kojima still being this consistent a worker after this many years in the business is remarkable. I don’t dislike Sami Callihan but you also know what you’re getting with him and he and Kojima were OK but didn’t quite click well enough to really elevate the match.
Post match Kojima with a mic and talks in broken English but closes with “I love bread, thank you very much.”
In the back Alex Kane and Mr. Thomas talk, Kane talks in circles for a bit then says he’s not down with Kojima. He doesn’t like bread, too many carbs, and he hears the narrative about the first champion coming back. But Kojima is just the 6th challenger to fall before Kane. More yelling of bomaye follows. At this point my stance on Kane’s promos is pretty well established and this didn’t rise above his usual quality.
The show ends with a little sizzle reel for SuperFight.