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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 1.21.22

Hey there people, time for another scintillating episode of WWE Smackdown. The Royal Rumble looms large on the horizon, this isn’t the go home show but there is only one more episode before that event so expect a lot of advancement to those stories. We’ll get a celebration where the Bloodline acknowledges the record setting title run of Universal champion Roman Reigns, so expect Seth Rollins to do his usual schtick around that. There will also be a rematch between Kofi Kingston and Madcap Moss, so I expect more poop jokes. Sami Zayn will still exist, and there’s a better than average chance that Charlotte Flair takes up a ton of air time. Alright, that’s enough of me bringing down the mood so let’s get into the action.
We get a recap of the story between Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins thus far, then open the show with the Usos already in the ring. We’re in Nashville, Tennessee tonight. Jimmy and Jey both have mics and tell everyone the Bloodline is in their city. Tonight they’re here to celebrate the longest Universal title reign ever at 508 days as of today. There have been some big names to hold the Universal title, but not Kevin Owens, Seth Rollins, or Brock Lesnar could hold the belt that long. There’s just one man that has. The head of the table, the tribal chief, the longest reigning Universal champion in WWE history, Roman Reigns. That brings out Roman with his title. Roman takes his usual time getting into the ring then poses with the Usos. Roman gets a mic from Jimmy then tells Nashville to acknowledge him. Jimmy the sets up a highlight package for Roman, one that focuses on his return in 2020 and shows off his winning streak against Kevin Owens, Daniel Bryan, Edge, Cesaro, Rey Mysterio, Edge again, Fin Balor, John Cena, Brock Lesnar, and Big E. It’s been a pretty serious path of destruction that man has been on. Back to live and Roman seems pleased with that. But before he can speak here comes Seth Rollins to ruin things. Rollins hangs out on the entrance stage and talks, he wants to know what kind of part you can have without him. I’m guessing a better one. Rollins thinks they should celebrate that Roman’s title reign is coming to an end, then wants to acknowledge that Roman made an honest man out of him. Last week Rollins pointed out that Roman has had everything handed to him, Rollins meant it on a meta level but Roman took it literally and sent his cousins to do his dirty work. If Roman had a message for him all he had to do was text. But Rollins wants to celebrate the Usos, the ones who make everything Roman does possible, just like Rollins and Mox did in The Shield. Rollins tries to get an “Usos” chant going but no one bites. Roman asks Rollins if Cena wrote that promo for Rollins. Damn that burn. Roman promises Rollins their match will be one on one at the Rumble. Rollins doesn’t believe him, and wants a match against the Usos tonight with a partner and if Rollins wins the Usos are barred from ringside at the Rumble. Roman thinks about it, but Jey jumps the gun and accepts the challenge. Jey tells Rollins he’s crazy and no one in the back will team with Rollins anyway. Rollins acknowledges that not too many people like him, but he’s brought Kevin Owens with him. Owens comes out and hugs Rollins. Roman demands the music be stopped, and says nothing here is final until he says so. Roman wants to raise the stakes since Rollins likes to gamble, when Rollins loses tonight he loses his title shot at the Rumble. Rollins agrees. Way to just give away the outcome. I still think the issue between Rollins and Roman is too confused, they’re trying to play Rollins as the face here but no ones buying it. People are willing to support Roman here but they keep trying to have him lean heel when it doesn’t make sense, let him be cheered here and once you get a more established face opposite him he’ll be booed again.
After this break we’ll get our first match.
We come back to Madcap Moss and Corbin being in the ring. Both men have mics, it just gets worse. Corbin runs down the run they’ve been on, taking out Drew McIntyre and Kofi Kingston. “If Kofi started a Gath Brooks cover band he’d sing ‘Friends in No Places’.” Wow. Just, wow. That godawful line brings out Kofi. Kofi poses on the ramp and brings out Big E to have his back for this match. Big E went from WWE champion to messing around with Happy Corbin and Madcap Moss. That’s just sad.
Match #1: Kofi Kingston w/ Big E vs. Madcap Moss w/ Happy Corbin
Kofi grabs a side headlock but runs into a shoulder block from Moss. Moss tries to keep momentum but eats a drop kick then a clothesline. Kofi with the Boom Drop then looks to set for the Trouble in Paradise but Corbin distracts him so Moss gets a cheap shot in. Moss with his typical boring offense, then tosses Kofi out of the ring. Kofi avoids being sent into the stairs then dives onto Moss. Big E grabs Corbin and slams him into the ring steps as we head to break.
We come back as Kofi hits a jawbreaker but he runs into an approximation of a spinebuster. Moss lands some stomps in the corner, but misses a corner attack and Kofi takes over laying in chops and drop kicks. Hurricanrana from Kofi then a sort of Thesz press for a 2 count. Moss catches a jumping Kingston and in an absolutely sacrilegious moment hits a variation of the Ore Ga Taue for a near fall. Kofi hits the Trouble in Paradise kick after avoiding a powerbomb and pins to win.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Kofi Kingston won
Rating: 2.5 stars
Perfectly average, Moss is still trying to get a feel for things and he just doesn’t have great chemistry with Kofi. Post match Big E intimidates Corbin out of the ring then drills Moss with the Big Ending.
We get a recap of Aliyah pinning Natalya is a shade over 3 seconds last week to set a new record for fastest WWE win. Aliyah comes out after that and we’ll get a rematch between her and Natalya after this break.
We come back as Natalya is in the ring.
Match #2: Aliyah vs. Natalya
Natalya avoids a roll up and starts laying in strikes then hits a snap suplex for a 1 count. Aliyah grabs a small package for a 2 count but then gets hit with a clothesline. Aliyah heads up top and hits a head scissors take over but runs into a discus lariat for a near fall. Natalya grabs an Argentinean back breaker but Aliyah rolls her up for 2. More stomps from Natalya in the corner but she wont break before the 5 count and the ref disqualifies her.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Aliyah won via disqualification
Rating: DUD
Well that certainly happened, the action wasn’t bad but there was no heat and it was all to set up the post match angle. Post match Natalya keeps abusing Aliyah, and this gross display brings out Xia Li. Li does her whole entrance routine then heads into the ring and kicks Natalya out of the ring.
Cole and McAfee try to hype of this years WrestleMania.
Los Lotharios are out next, they’ll be in action after this break.
The Viking Raiders come to the ring as we return to the broadcast.
Match #3 – Tag Team Match: Viking Raiders (Erik and Ivar) vs. Los Lotharios (Angel and Humberto)
Humberto and Ivar get us going. Quick tag from Erik and he hits a scoop slam then slams Ivar onto Humberto. Humberto slips off of Erik and tags out leading to a blind kick from Angel. The pants are off and Humberto tags back in and Erik takes some double team moves. Erik avoids a standing moonsault and hits a knee to Humberto. Both men tag out and Ivar runs wild for a bit, he drops Humberto with a wheel kick but gets caught by Angel out of the corner with a powerbomb for a near fall. Erik with a blind tag, he hits a powerbomb and Worlds Strongest Slam combo onto both of Los Lotharios. Angel rolls out of the ring, leaving Humberto to take the Viking Experience and Erik pins to win.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Viking Raiders won
Rating: 2.5 stars
I wish it had been longer, these two have some decent chemistry but we definitely need another recap segment.
Naomi heads to the ring, she’s got a rematch with Charlotte Flair after this break.
Post break, here comes Charlotte Flair and her totally authentic crowd noise. Somehow even worse, here comes Sonya Deville to be the special guest ref. Just why.
Match #4: Charlotte Flair vs. Naomi
Charlotte with a rolling elbow then stomps on Naomi for a bit. A headscissors from Charlotte then she flips Naomi over and kips up. Chops from Charlotte, but Naomi fights back with a kick, then Charlotte catches a hurricanrana attempt and grabs a Boston Crab. Naomi fights free, and kicks Charlotte into Deville. Naomi hits the Rear View and gets the visual pin but Deville wont do her job. Charlotte with a chop block, the Figure 4 and Deville immediately rings the bell.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Charlotte Flair won
Rating: DUD
This is beyond tedious, someone stop letting Stephanie McMahon book this angle.
In the back Kayla is here to talk with Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins. Owens says he’d already be champion if not for the Usos, and the thought of them doing the same thing to his best friend tears him up inside. Rollins is proud that Owens is an honest man now, and while the stakes are huge the reward is worth the risk. He knows that he can beat Roman one on one so this is worth it. If they’re seriously trying to have Rollins play face here he’s the least likeable face ever.
Here comes Sami Zayn, he’ll be trying another iteration of InZayn after this break.
Back from break and Sami Zayn has an assortment of instruments of abuse on a table. He welcomes us to self defense, and reminds us that Johnny Knoxville started out letting self defense weapons be tested on himself, so Sami is going to do that here. There’s a collection of self defense weapons to test on himself and prove that he can do anything Johnny Knoxville can. Up first is a cattle prod, which he uses on his calf and we get some awful dubbing of the sound of a taser going off. Apparently that hurt as Sami is now limping while calling that a piece of cake. He moves it up to level 2 of it’s 3 levels and says this level of voltage incapacitated Knoxville for 15 minutes, but now a real man is going to do it. Sami puts it to his chest and zaps himself, then staggers around the ring. The music of Johnny Knoxville hits and here he comes to save this dead air. Knoxville has a mic and brings up the hypocrisy of Sami mocking his profession, more importantly Knoxville has been around this equipment a lot and thinks something is fishy. He takes the cattle prod, and notes it wasn’t on the whole time Sami was using it. Well it’s on now and Knoxville jabs him with the prod, Sami collapses moaning in agony. Knoxville knows how much that hurt and helps Sami up, then tosses him over the top rope yet again. Somehow Knoxville actually saved that, but it was still rather painful.
In the back Adam Pearce talks with Eric Bischoff about the job, he appreciates the advice from Eric. Sonya Deville is here still in her refs shirt. Pearce calls what Deville did earlier tonight over the line, and it’s time for this stuff between Deville and Naomi has to stop. Next week there will be a one on one match between Deville and Naomi. Eric approves of what Pearce just did. If it gets this ridiculous angle over and done with I agree.
To the ring again, and here comes Sheamus with Ridge Holland, he’ll take on Ricochet after the break.
When we come back we get a commercial for the new WWE video game. Alright, time for the match.
Match #5: Sheamus w/ Ridge Holland vs. Ricochet
Sheamus with his usual barrage of strikes to get us going then Ricochet lands a kick to the face and fires up before running into a tilt a whirl backbreaker. Ricochet fights out of a headlock, hits a jawbreaker then an enziguri. Sheamus hits the Irish Curse backbreaker to stop that bit of momentum. Ricochet to the apron, he takes the clubbing blows from Sheamus then Sheamus clotheslines him back into the ring. Ricochet avoids a Brogue Kick then hits a triangle drop kick to send him out of the ring, which lines up a suicide dive but he flies into a knee strike in a sick looking spot. Sheamus wants the Brogue Kick, hits it and we’re done.
Rating: 2.5 stars
Too short to give any more, but these two work well together.
Roman and the Usos talk in their locker room as we head to break.
Rick Boogs and Shinsuke Nakamura walk in the back, they find Jeff Jarrett and pal around with him. Jarrett appreciates Boogs’ guitar playing skills. Seriously, Boogs with short hair and that mustache looks a lot like Rick Rude. Anyway we move on from that random interlude to the introductions for our main event. Apparently the three entrances are enough to send us to another commercial break.
Match #6 – Tag Team Match: The Usos (Jimmy and Jey) vs. Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins
Rollins and Jimmy are the first legal men. Some pin attempts from Rollins right away but he can’t keep Jimmy down before Jimmy takes a powder to recover. Jey tags in as the crowd chants for tables. Alright then. Jey with kicks then a side headlock before he lands a super kick to the body. Jimmy back in as the Usos work to isolate Rollins. Quick tags from the Usos while they stomp Rollins down. Rollins powers into his own corner then tags in Owens. Owens and Rollins stomp down Jimmy with quick tags. Scoop slam from Rollins, then he heads up top but Jey distracts him and that allows Jimmy to crotch him on the top rope. Jimmy tags out and Rollins takes more strikes from the Usos. Jey tags out and Jimmy stomps on Rollins in another corner. Jimmy wants a hip attack but runs into a clothesline. Owens tags in and starts striking away at Jimmy, then hits a senton, cheap shots Jey and hits a cannonball senton on Jimmy. Owens tries to climb, he’s up top but his Swanton Bomb is intercepted by the knees of Jimmy. Jimmy with a super kick to the seated Owens that drives him out of the ring, then Jey tags in and drills him with another super kick on the floor as we head to break.
Both Owens and Jimmy are down as we come back. Jey tags in and knocks Rollins off the apron then drags Owens away from the friendly corner. Owens tries to fight back with chops, until Jey super kicks him in the gut. Jimmy tags in and lays in strikes. Owens avoids a few kicks and hits an enziguri, both men are down. Rollins gets the hot tag, as does Jey but Rollins gets to run wild for a bit. Sling Blade from Rollins then a gut buster and he clotheslines Jey out of the ring, then sends Jimmy out as well. Rollins hits a suicide dive onto both Usos. Back in the ring Rollins with a flying knee to Jey for a 2 count. Jey hits a back suplex into a neckbreaker for his own near fall. Rollins avoids a super kick, wants a buckle bomb but Jimmy makes a blind tag and Rollins takes an assisted Samoan Drop for a 2 count. Jimmy with a cheap shot to Owens then climbs up top but misses the flying nothing. Owens with a tag, Jey takes an enziguri from Rollins as Owens hits a pop up powerbomb onto Jimmy for a near fall. Owens up top again but Jimmy intercepts him with a right hand then a kick to the face. Jimmy up top for a superplex, but Owens counters into his spinning Fisherman’s Buster from the second rope but that still just gets 2 as Jey breaks up the pin. Rollins tags back in and tries to take out Jimmy, Owens hits a Stunner on Jey, we get a parade of super kicks before Rollins hits a rolling elbow to the back of Jimmy’s head. Rollins sets for the Stomp, hits it but Roman is here with a Superman punch to Rollins.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens won via disqualification
Rating: 3 stars
The ending took a full half star off of this, I get wanting to protect the Usos but there had to have been a better way to do it than make Roman look foolish.
Rollins celebrates as the show ends.
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