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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 6.03.22

Hello everyone, it’s Friday and time for another episode of WWE Smackdown. Tonight is the go home show for Hell in a Cell, which has turned into essentially a brand exclusive PPV for RAW with nary a Smackdown or dual champion to be found on the card. So with no major PPV story to advance we’re getting an Undisputed Tag Team Title match when the Usos defend against the pairing of Shinsuke Nakamura and Riddle. Madcap Moss is returning tonight, potentially with a gimmick change, because who hasn’t been just captivated by Moss vs. Happy Corbin? Ronda Rousey is in need of stuff to do, but the Smackdown women’s roster is currently in full on “bitches be crazy” mode because that’s easier(?) to write. Over the last couple of weeks we’ve seen a budding feud between Intercontinental champion Ricochet and Gunther, and there’s a decent chance the Ring General has his sights firmly set on the IC title. Sami Zayn’s chicanery will probably continue in some capacity, and Drew McIntyre returned from a promotional tour last week so we’ll see what’s on the horizon for him as well. Oh, I almost forgot, but hopefully the New Day and Brawling Brutes (by the time they actually find a name for that trio at least 2 of them will have been future endeavored due to budget cuts) is over so they’ll both have to find something else to do. Last week was a pretty poor episode, so let’s hope this week is better. Well that’s the preamble, time for the action.
Up first, here comes New Day. Kofi gets a mic once they hit the ring, and we get a recap of them teaming up with Drew McIntyre to beat Sheamus, Ridge Holland, and Butch last week. Both Kofi and Woods have mics now, and Woods plays with the crowd a bit. Kofi gets the Foley cheap pop, then Woods starts the victory lap. They mock the Brawling Brutes as a name, which seems fair, then Kofi moves on to them getting back into the winners column, and thanks Drew McIntyre for helping them out. That brings out Drew McIntyre to join the festivities. Drew gets a mic as well and again plays with the crowd, then gives a shout out to Big E and knows what it’s like to sit at home thinking everyone’s forgotten about you, then he gets a “Big E” chant from the crowd. Now Drew brings up his promotional tour in the UK and he says he wants a shot at Roman Reigns and his Undisputed WWE Universal title at Clash at the Castle. But until then he’s happy to help out the New Day. Some poor sex jokes follow, with New Day trying to keep this PG. Kofi and Woods have a gift for Drew, he opens the box and it’s a pair of wrestling shorts with “Big D” on them. Sheamus and the other Brutes are here to break this up. Man I was hoping this was done. Sheamus discredits their win from last week and gets a bit more cheap heat. They didn’t know that Drew was going to be involved and they had no time to prepare, but if they get another shot at that team they’ll beat them all over the arena. Butch has had enough and charges the ring, this goes poorly and he’s tossed out of the ring. We cut to commercial, presumably coming back to a six man tag match (playa). Not a terribly strong opening.
Match #1 – Trios Match: New Day (Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods) and Drew McIntyre vs. Brawling Brutes (Sheamus, Ridge Holland, and Butch)
We come back to Sheamus clubbing on Woods then Butch tags in and it’s time for “Butchy power”. Woods hits a jawbreaker then tags in Kofi. Some tandem offense from Woods and Kofi. Woods tags back in, more double team moves to Butch. They hit the ropes, Ridge makes a blind tag and hits his awful low tackle to the legs of Woods. Sheamus comes in and abuses Woods, then Butch is back in. Butch goes for the arm of Woods before Sheamus comes back in. Woods flips out of a back suplex and tags Kofi. Kofi lands a kick then starts firing up with kicks to Sheamus but Sheamus cuts him off with an ax handle before posting himself. Cross body from Kofi gets 2 then he lands a kick and hits the Boom Drop. Kofi wants Trouble in paradise but Butch grabs his legs, which prompts Drew to come over and punch Butch into the ring post. Kofi sends Sheamus out of the ring, Woods does the same to Ridge then Woods and Kofi hit stereo dives onto Sheamus and Ridge to send us to break.
Sheamus is working a chinlock as we come back. Butch tags in and starts laying into Kofi then tags in Ridge. Sheamus tags in quickly, the less Ridge does the better, Ridge hits a powerslam then Sheamus hits a flying knee drop from the top that gets 2. Drew gets a cheap shot from Sheamus, but that just allows Kofi to cut off Sheamus with a Meteora. Drew wants a tag now, Ridge tags in as does Drew and Drew is the proverbial house on fire. Belly to belly to Ridge, then Drew heads out of the ring to clothesline Sheamus down. Back in the ring Drew hits Ridge with a neckbreaker. Now Drew wants the Claymore, but Sheamus is here to interrupt things, because why should Ridge take the pin. Butch tags in, Drew tosses him around then tags Woods. Woods with a Shock Treatment to Butch and Ridge breaks up the pin. Kofi boots Ridge out of the ring then botches trying to catch Kofi because Ridge sucks. Sheamus comes over and Brogue Kicks Drew. Woods rolls up Butch for 2, then Sheamus distracts Woods and Butch hits the Bitter End and pins Woods.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Brawling Brutes won
Rating: 2.5 stars
Who doesn’t love 50/50 booking? Also Ridge still sucks, and this feud desperately needs to end.
We get a recap of how Shinsuke Nakamura and Riddle teamed up in the last week and them earning a title shot on RAW. In the back Riddle and Nakamura find Kayla for an interview. Riddle is excited, and while both men would prefer their other partners they find value in the team. We get a look back at the Usos beating RKBro a couple of weeks ago and the post match beat down. Riddle isn’t pleased, but as much pain as the Bloodline caused Randy he’s going to hurt them twice as bad now. Tonight isn’t just about taking the titles, it’s about vengeance then Riddle dedicates the match to Randy Orton and sends us to break.
In the back Adam Pearce talks on the phone for the benefit of the audience about the women’s number one contender’s match. Max Dupri interrupts this and close talks to Pearce about looking for his first talent signing, and he’s found his first client. A man who will walk away from Instagram and enter WWE. Pearce wants a name, Max calls that invasive, everyone has to wait for next week.
Up next, a hype package for Cody Rhodes vs. Seth Rollins at Hell in a Cell.
Los Lotharios head to the ring, Humberto will be in action. The Kiss Cam segment is back, they again locate plant though production has moved the plant to a different corner of the ringside area. After this break Humberto will take on Jinder Mahal.
Post break, and we get a recap of the tag team match with these teams from last week. We’re seriously that hard up for content tonight guys? Shanky is dancing at gorilla, Jinder comes up and channels his inner John Lithgow telling Shanky not to dance and to take this seriously. Shanky proceeds to dance behind Jinder’s back as they head to the ring.
Match #2: Humberto w/ Angel vs. Jinder Mahal w/ Shanky
Angel distracts Jinder and Humberto takes over with strikes and a drop kick. Humberto with some stomps then chops. The crowd is pretty dead for this. Back body drop from Jinder connects. Some stomps from Jinder, then Humberto snaps him over the top rope and lands a kick to the head. Humberto misses a springboard kick then Jinder lands a super kick. Jinder wants the Khallas, but Shanky starts dancing and distracts Jinder. Humberto then school boy’s Jinder but Shanky distracts the ref so Jinder school boy’s Humberto and gets the win.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Jinder Mahal won
Rating: DUD
That wasn’t good.
Post match Shanky sees the ring announcer and again dances for her. Samantha seems into and winds up dancing with Shanky.
We get a recap of the “bitches be crazy” segment from last week that set up the 6 Pack challenge for tonight.
Back to the ring, Ronda Rousey heads out to be ringside for the next match. Raquel Rodgiguez and Shotzi make their entrances, then Aliyah should be coming out but now it’s her turn to be locked in the locker room. Pat McAfee makes me laugh when he points out that Shotzi locked Aliyah and a camera operator in the women’s locker room, and we head to break.
Post break Shayna Baszler heads to the ring. Xia Li is next, no fancy entrance for her now that she’s leaning heel, and Natalya is the last one out until Aliyah potentially makes a late run in. Shotzi wants the match to start, but here’s Aliyah.
Match #3 – Number 1 Contenders 6 Pack Challenge: Shayna Baszler vs. Natalya vs. Shotzi vs. Raquel Rodriguez vs. Aliyah vs. Xia Li
Aliyah attacks Shotzi right away and they start brawling on the outside. Baszler and Natalya attack Aliyah and toss her into the time keepers area. Baszler, Natalya, and Li all try to gang up on Raquel, but Raquel is able to take them all down, then botches a catch on a flying Shotzi before tossing Shotzi into Li. Baszler blocks a Tejana Bomb and grabs a Kirifuda Clutch on Raquel and they tumble out of the ring. Li avoids a Sharpshooter from Natalya and they trade strikes, then Li lands a tomahawk elbow and snap suplex. Rolling tornado kick from Li but Aliyah breaks up the pin and hits a bulldog onto Li. Baszler then breaks up an Aliyah pin and slightly botches a gutwrench slam on to Aliyah. Shotzi hits a DDT onto Baszler, Li takes out Shotzi with a wheel kick then Natalya wrecks Li with a discus clothesline. Raquel back in now and boots Natalya down. Shotzi attacks Raquel but Raquel drops her with a gordbuster onto Natalya then hits her twisting Vader Bomb. Tejana Bomb to Shotzi but Baszler grabs Raquel with a Kirifuda Clutch which allows Natalya to pin Shotzi.
Rating: 2 stars
They’ve already run Raquel and Ronda a few times so you don’t want another of that pairing, and they seem content to keep teasing Ronda and Baszler, so Natalya makes a degree of sense. The action was sloppy though.
Post match Ronda gets in the ring and stares down Natalya but nothing comes of it.
We get a recap of Happy Corbin Pillmanizing Moss’s neck and Cole reads an Instagram from Moss promising to be here and beat Corbin. Corbin promises that if Moss shows up here tonight for a fight he’ll leave him at the funeral home this time, or Moss can beg for his job back.
In the back Moss, now in just black trunks, exits the back of an ambulance and will address things after this break.
Post break we get a video for Lacey Evans, she’ll be back on Smackdown next week.
Madcap Moss, complete with incredibly generic new music, heads to the ring. Moss gets a mic, and a very half hearted “welcome back” chant. He recaps the Pillmanizing and says that Corbin believed that would be the end of Madcap Moss and he was right, the man Corbin thought he knew is gone and and buried. Maybe that attack knocked something loose in his head, Moss is getting the “What” treatment now. He knows everyone would love to see him beat up Corbin tonight, and calls the human fedora rack out. Corbin does head out with a mic, he says he’s sorry but Moss isn’t here to fight. He knows why Moss is here, it’s because Moss misses Corbin and all the stability associated with that. Moss says the only thing he wants from Corbin is for Corbin to get in the ring. Corbin tells him to calm down, and nothing would make him happier than teaching Moss another lesson in humility, but not tonight. Moss is too emotional and Corbin wont let him throw away his career on a bad idea. Adam Pearce shows up, and he thinks a match between Corbin and Moss is a great idea, and makes the match official. That match will allegedly be up after this break.
Corbin is taking his sweet time getting into the ring as we come back. Eventually he does though.
Match #4: Madcap Moss vs. Happy Corbin
Corbin immediately pulls a Sami Zayn and runs away. Corbin gets back in the ring and kicks Moss in the leg but Moss levels him with a clothesline then sends him out of the ring. Moss follows Corbin out of the ring and slams him into the barricades for a bit then into the ring post. Back into the ring, Corbin runs again and gets a chair, Moss doesn’t care and kicks him then starts attacking him with the chair to end the match.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Happy Corbin won via Disqualification
Rating: 1.5 stars
Barely a match, but it served the purpose of showing off Moss’s new persona and frankly I appreciate Moss going full violence here.
Post match Moss goes nuts with the chair and wails away on Corbin. Moss gets the ring steps into the ring, hits Corbin with the chair again then chokes Corbin with the chair. Eventually Moss wraps the chair around Corbin’s neck, he’s going to use the ring steps to Pillmanize Corbin but various officials halt that and Corbin runs away.
In the back Kayla interviews the Usos. They promise to line up Nakamura and Riddle alongside Corbin in the ICU. Jimmy does a decent impression of Riddle and mocks him. Jey dedicates the match to Roman Reigns, and the Bloodline will still have all the gold after tonight. That match will be up after the break.
Post break Corbin limps around in the back. Pearce finds Corbin, Corbin wants to know that Moss is suspended but Pearce instead says he’ll meet Moss at Hell in a Cell in a No Holds Barred match. So Moss and Corbin are the token Smackdown match for the PPV.
Next week we’ll get an IC title match when Ricochet defends against Gunther. Ricochet is in the back and has thoughts, he says the title proves he’s impeccable between the ropes and he’s earned everything. He’s confident that next week Gunther will respect all that he can do, and that the IC title will come back home with him. Gunther and Ludwig Kaiser get time as well, Kaiser says the IC title represents honor and integrity and no one is more worthy of that than Gunther. Ricochet’s time is up next week. Gunther says he’ll become the new IC champion.
To the ring and here comes Shinsuke Nakamura and Riddle. Commentary runs down the Hell in a Cell card again, they get most of the way through before the Usos head to the ring, and commentary talks about the last couple of matches for Hell in a Cell. Both teams get special intros, all of this takes so much time we need another commercial break before the match starts.
Match #5 – Undisputed WWE Tag Team Title Match: (c) The Usos (Jimmy and Jey) vs. Shinsuke Nakamura and Riddle
Nakamura and Jey start, and Nakamura lays into him right away with knees then tags in Riddle. Both of them kick Jey repeatedly then Riddle hits a Fisherman’s suplex for a 2 count. Some elbows from Riddle, Jimmy makes a blind tag and they catch Riddle with a double team slam. Jimmy starts stomping on the lower back of Riddle and hits a back suplex as well. Riddle fights up to his feet then lands a head kick to drop Jimmy. Both men tag out and Nakamura starts laying in kicks and knees to both Usos. A lot of kicks from Nakamura in the corner to Jey then he sets him up for the elevated knee to the body. Nakamura hits the sliding German suplex and Riddle tags as he does so then lands a knee to the face for a near fall. Jey hits Naakmura off of the apron then gets kicked by Riddle but Jimmy trips up Riddle as he was going up top. Jimmy tags in and they hit a double super kick to Riddle but Nakamura comes in to break up the pin and lay out both Usos with knee strikes. Nakamura and Jey wind up outside and Nakamura slams him into the ring steps then sets for the Kinshasa but Jey avoids it and Nakamura knees the steps. Jimmy comes over and holds Nakamura as Jey kicks Nakamura in the knee. The ref comes over and throws up the “X” to call for trainers to examine Nakamura. Nakamura does a really good sell job on the leg as he’s being helped to the back. Riddle glares at the Usos and decides to continue two on one, he lays out Jey with an elbow then brawls with Jimmy in the ring. Both Usos wind up out of the ring and Riddle stares them down as we head to break.
Riddle is fighting off both men as we come back, but Jimmy hits an enziguri to drop him. Jey tags in and they launch Riddle into a corner with some velocity. Jey mocks the Randy Orton RKO set up, but that takes too long and Riddle lands a Final Flash and both men are down. Now Jey tags out and Jimmy eats a flurry of strikes from Riddle. Riddle is fired up, another Final Flash to Jey then he lays in running strikes to both Usos. Exploder suplex to both Jimmy and Jey, then running sentons to both as well. Riddle grabs Jimmy for the hanging DDT, but Jey pulls him away from it leading to Riddle landing a punt kick to Jey then an asai Floating Bro to both Usos. Back in the ring Riddle hits a snap powerslam then drills Jimmy with the hanging DDT. Riddle sets for the RKO but Jimmy blocks it, Riddle gets a school boy for 2 only for Jimmy to hit a pop up Samoan drop for a near fall. Jimmy heads up top for the Splash, but Riddle is up to intercept as Roman’s music hits. Jey blind tags as Riddle is distracted by the music, Riddle hits the super RKO but Jey follows him down with the Splash and pins to win.
OFFICIAL RESULT: The Usos retained the titles
Rating: 3 stars
That was a darn near star making performance from Riddle, they’re getting behind him in a very palpable way.
We see Sami Zayn in the production truck, he played the music that distracted Riddle. Post match Zayn tries to celebrate with the Usos, Riddle attacks him and we get a brawl on the entrance stage to end the episode.
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