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Live Pro Wrestling Guerrilla “It’s It (What is it?)” Results 6.08.08
Pro Wrestling Guerrilla “It’s It (What is it?)”
Sunday June 8th, Reseda, CA. Start Time: 5:40
Approximate Attendance: 150 – 175
“The Dynasty” opens the show and Joey fools the fans into thinking he wasn’t in wrestling gear because he just signed a WWE contract after an amazingly competitive match with Super Crazy on a RAW House Show. “It took him 6 minutes to beat me…it only took Mark Henry 4”. After the shenanigans they announce a number of changes to the card *insert surprise emoticon here*. Roderick Strong apparently lost a tooth and broke a rib in RoH the previous night and did not make the trip out West. Los Luchas also will not be wrestling as there was a “miscommunication” between the two parties for which PWG took most of the blame for. They announced that since they have no match that night they will issue an open challenge for anyone in the back who “wants to make a name for themselves” to come out and wrestle Lost. The Australian born Mikey Nichols, of NWA fame, answers the call leading to…
1. Scott Lost defeats Mikey Nichols – Pinfall via Superplex
Fairly competitive match-up considering this was Mikey’s first PWG match. He has previous worked some NWA/AWS shows in the area and worked out of the Inoki Dojo while it was still in Santa Monica. He is a fairly big guy with a decent amount of offense, but a little generic other than the Aussie tights. Several close pinfalls, but the match was hardly in doubt. Lost hits a jumping Diamond Cutter on the apron to Nichols and then rolls him in and finishes him off with a Superplex and float over for the pin. Yes…a Superplex led to the pin. **
2. Scorpio Sky defeats Hook Bomberry – Pinfall via TKO
Decent enough match with Hook controlling for a good portion of it while going to work on Sky’s shoulder after a missed corner spear posted him. Finishing sequence was kind of quick and Sky was able to miraculously shake off the injured shoulder to hoist up Hook for a spinning TKO and the pin. *3/4
3. Joey Ryan defeat Candice Larae– Pinfall via Folding Powerbomb
Joey announces that he’s out there to wrestle and needs an opponent. Out comes Candice to challenge him after eating the pinfall during the 8-man tag at DDT4. Joey then runs her down and says that she’s took weak to even bodyslam him and that if she does, she wins. On top of all the other conventional means of course. Candice actually gets a good amount of offense in and some close roll-ups. She counters the “Boobplex” with the “Ballplex”. Ouch. Then after a ref bump she manages to score a low blow and a bodyslam. Unfortunately the ref didn’t see the bodyslam and Joey takes her out with a quick sequence including the Boobplex, a Spear, and the Folding Powerbomb with his package nestled on top of her for the pin. *3/4
Scott Lost then comes to the ring and says he will be wrestling again and will wrestle every other match on the card. He will wrestle, a match will happen, he will wrestle again, and so forth and so on. Just kidding. He then announces that it is in fact his Birthday today and he would like to re-enact a call he got from a friend wishing him a Happy Birthday. That brings out…CHRIS BOSH, to a loud ovation. Bosh and Lost then banter about a bit about how Bosh’s name was chanted several times during his absence to the point where he realized he just had to come back and will in fact return to PWG at the Anniversary show. This of course brings out Scorpio Sky to both congratulate Bosh as well as challenge him at the Anniversary show for his comeback match. Bosh accepts and Lost attacks Sky, who fends him off only to fall to a Stunner by Bosh as Arrogance leaves triumphant.
4. Davey Richards draws Brandon Bonham – 20 minute Time Limit Draw
This match is apparently about “respect”. Hard hitting match that saw Davey brutalize the youngster for the most part of the match and absolutely tear into him like he owed him money. Bonham got some sporadic offense in during the match but wasn’t able to keep Davey down long as he was constantly fighting to stay out of the Texas Cloverleaf. Suddenly out of no where the ring announced said, “two minutes left” and everyone seemed sure where the match was going. Davey managed to lock in the Cloverleaf one last time with 15 seconds to go and Bonham outlasted the bell. Davey then put over Bonham and the fans of PWG big time before he left on his tour of Japan. **3/4
Dino Winwood calls out Human Tornado and demands the belt back. Tornado comes out without his crutches and announces that since no #1 contender exists, then he doesn’t have to give up the belt. Dino then announces the main event has been changed to crown a #1 contender for the title and that if Tornado doesn’t face that man at the next show he will be arrested and sent to Oz. Tornado gives in and threatens to kick the a** of whoever wins the match.
5. El Generico defeats Austin Aries – Pinfall via Brainbustaaaah
Good match which started slowly as Aries was working heel in the match. Aries controlled the first part of the match with methodical offense and seemed to be going for the Horns of Aries at every single chance, brutalizing Generico with knees to the head constantly throughout the match. Both men traded corner kicks (Aries got his Drop kick/Generico got the Ole kick) and both men were attempting to hit brainbusters on the other but seemingly could not connect. Generico finally hit a flurry of offense and got the Brainbustaaah for the pin. Afterwards Generico was selling his ribs big time, not sure if it was legit or not. ***
6. Chris Hero defeats Necro Butcher and Jack Evans – Pinfall via Roaring Elbow on Necro
This began under some odd rules as Necro was forced to wait in the corner to be tagged in instead of a normal 3-way dance. After a sequence of chain wrestling and a dance off between Jack and Hero ensues, Necro comes in and all of a sudden it’s a street fight. All three men fight all over the venue and utilize chairs, tables, the stage, garbage cans, and some big Mexican dude in a really tight black polo shirt. Too tight. It was so tight that when Hero whipped Jack Evans into the chairs and the dude didn’t move, that Jack bounced off him and rebounded into Hero. Pretty brutal match up as all three men were going for blood. Human Tornado actually broke up a pin attempt by Chris Hero after running down from the announce table and began attacking Hero. Hero took out Tornado and the end came when Hero hit a Roaring Elbow on Necro for the pin. ***
After the match Tornado went on the attack and tried to take out Hero with a chair shot and brawled into the crowd for about 5 minutes before it was broken up. Unfortunately it wasn’t broken up in time for one fan to take a full on “Pouuuuunce” from Hero after unwittingly stepping out of the way of a streaking Tornado running by and having Hero catch him full on and knocking him clear on his back. As Tornado was being escorted to the back he chucked a chair towards Hero in a high arching fashion and caught one of the ring crew guys/local wrestler Biggie Biggz clear on top of the head with the flying chair as Biggie was trying to hold back Hero. Brutality at it’s finest as the wrestlers had no regard for anything or anyone. Hero then took the mic and announced that he would settle things at the Anniversary show in a “Steel Cage Guerrilla Warfare Match” with Tornado, which was confirmed by the Commissioner of Food and Beverage, Excalibur. The next show was announced as taking place on Sunday, July 6th, and being one night only instead of the previously announced 2 night show.
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