wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWE NXT Report 4.27.16
Hello again and welcome to the weekly NXT Report!
They start by talking about Samoa Joe besting Finn Balor for the NXT Title earlier this week and we will see clips tonight.
Non-Title Match: NXT Women’s Champion Asuka vs. Eva Marie
Our first time seeing Asuka with the belt if memory serves me right. I really hope Asuka kicks Eva’s head off. Corey Graves asks if this is a title match and Tom Phillips hilariously laughs it off, saying Eva hasn’t done anything to earn a shot. Eva correctly works an arm wringer and gets some dueling “lets go Eva/Eva sucks” chants. The “lets go Eva” was quieter. Asuka works out with a snapmare and kicks Eva hard in the back. Eva comes back and takes her down before blowing a kiss. Asuka misses a kick but shoulder blocks her down. She ducks Eva and does a mocking sexy little dance before hitting the hip attack. Asuka takes her down with an armbar but Eva reaches the ropes. Asuka knocks Eva off the apron. Eva sells…her boob. She just holds it outside. Nia Jax shows up to assist her friend as we go to commercial. Returning, Eva is in control and boots Asuka down. Senton scores for two. Rest hold time for Eva. Asuka misses a hip attack and gets stick in the ropes, so Eva levels her. Shots to the guy from Asuka but Eva hits the one move she does well, the suplex. She goes back to driving her knee into Asuka’s back while pulling back on her arms. Backslide from Asuka before she scores on a second rope kick. They’re down for a bit and trade shots as they get up. Dropkick from Asuka wins out. She starts laying the kicks in. Eva ducks one, awkwardly gets stuck and then slams Asuka by the hair. Running knee from Asuka for two. Asuka gets boot up on a charging Asuka but takes a spin kick that finishes her off.
Winner: Asuka in 10:07
The longest and best match of Eva Marie, though that’s not really saying anything at all. This was decent though a far cry from Asuka’s best. **1/4
Nia Jax and Asuka get into a staredown and Asuka attempts a spin kick but Nia steps back. They get into each other’s faces before Nia helps Eva up and they exit.
Footage now airs of Finn Balor vs. Samoa Joe III from Lowell, Massachusetts. The highlights aren’t anything groundbreaking but the reaction to Joe’s win was nuts. This should make a future NXT DVD. Joe is interviewed after the title win
The Revival vs. Jeff Parker and Matt Lee
Dawson starts against Parker. Corey calls Parker “Jamoke #1”. Dawson and Wilder are clearly upset and just beat the shit out of Parker in the corner. Quick tags from the former champs and the drop toe hold/elbow drop combo. They even make sure to get a shot in on the guy on the apron. Wilder tags Dawson and they bust out a powerbomb/top rope clothesline double team move. They could win but decide to keep the beating going. They force Lee to become the legal man so he could take a beatdown as well. Shatter Machine on Jamoke #2’s chest end it.
Winners: The Revival in 3:10
Exactly what it needed to be. Show us that the Tag Team Titles matter because the Revival sure are pissed about losing them.
They cut a promo after the match and call themselves the best tag team on the planet. The fans chant “Alpha” in response. They put every tag team on notice and won’t stop until they get back the belts.
Blake and Murphy vs. The Hype Bros
Blake has decided to sport trunks instead of pants now. Also, the lack of Alexa Bliss makes them much less enjoyable. There’s even a “where’s Alexa” chant. Mojo starts with Blake and Mojo tosses him off. He then gets into three point stance, shifts away from Blake and clotheslines him. HE AINT HYPE! Tag to Ryder who nails a neckbreaker for one. Murphy tag and they double leap frog over Ryder but he face plants both of them. They avoid the Broski Boot and BAMF take control. Tag to Blake who targets Ryder’s leg. After some leg work for a bit, the tag comes to Mojo who delivers a bunch of shoulder blocks. Corner splash from the Hype Man but Blake is tagged to become legal. It doesn’t matter as he gets taken out and the Hype Ryder ends him.
Winners: The Hype Bros in 4:47
Very basic match. I appreciated the effort to work the leg but nothing came of it. What the hell happened to BAMF? *
The angry Revival rush out and assault the Hype Bros while they exit. They hit a backbreaker/elbow combo (Wilder came off the apron) on Mojo.
Carmella vs. Aaliyah
Carmella takes down Aaliyah and moonwalks away. Atomic drop and dropkick follows while the crowd sits in silence. Aaliyah was featured on Breaking Ground for those that haven’t seen the show yet. She manages to apply a modified full nelson to wear down Carmella. It lasts about ten seconds until Carmella starts to power out but Aaliyah sweeps her and keeps hold on the mat. Carmella spins out into a lateral press for two. Into the corner goes Carmella and Aaliyah follows with a cross body. She slams Carmella by the hair and talks some smack before hitting a second rope leg drop. Carmella takes her over and lays in left hands. Thez Press follows and Carmella sends Aaliyah into her boot in the corner.Head scissors and a kick follows before a single bronco buster. Carmella does a Flatliner into her submission and Aaliyah taps.
Winner: Carmella in 3:20
That wasn’t very good. Aaliyah did one impressive thing while Carmella was kind of just there.
Dasha interview Elias Samson about his match with Shinsuke Nakamura tonight. Elias thinks that William Regal misinterpreted his song and words. Tonight, he will show Nakamura that he’s the drifter and that Nakamura should have never drifted into NXT.
Elias Samson vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
Nakamura seems to be enjoying himself as he gives a clean break and gets into Samson’s head. He counters a hip toss with a backflip before hitting a knee for two. Into teh corner goes Samson as Nakamura does his trademark stuff here. Samson pops out with a big clothesline and stomps away. Knee from Nakamura but Samson is back with a forearm and chop. He wears down Nakamura until Shinsuke retaliates with a huge knee. He places Samson across the top and knees him in the ribs and follows with an inverted exploder. Kinshasa puts the Drifter away.
Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura in 4:10ish (stopwatch issues)
Nothing much here. Just a showcase for Nakamura.