wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWF Raw Is War Report 6.26.00
411’s WWF Raw is War Report
June 26, 2000
Live from Worcester, Mass
Your announcers are JR and The King
Report by “Big Beefy” Stu Stauber
No intros this week. Actually, forget that…watch out for a huge up and coming tag team to take the wrestling world by storm. More news for you guys as I hear it. Big ups to Jason Biggs.
Finally the Rock has come back to Worcester and finally he is the WWF Champion. McMahon-Helmsley Faction is over and the Rock’s era has just begun. No Chance is out w/ Vince. Vince congratulates the Rock. Linda put the stipulations in the match because she loves Vince. He loves her too. What’s going on here? Vince is going to give Linda whatever love she wants, including tenderly touching and rough and ready. He thinks Linda wants another baby and he is her “genetic jackhammer.” Vince offers Rock a hand in apology. Rock shakes, but after calling Vince an asshole, gives him a Rock Bottom.
Vince is off TV? For good????
Shawn Michaels gets out of a limo!
Commercial Break
Steph O’Mac tries to prevent her dad from leaving.
‘Kishi v. Chris Benoit for the IC Belt
Please let Benoit bring dignity back to the IC Belt here. Back and forth brawling to start. Nice drop toehold by Benoit. Butt splash by Kishi onto Benoit’s chest for a 2 count. Kishi goes for the Banzai Drop, but THE MOOD HAS CHANGED!!! Tazz out w/ music and a chair. Takes out Kishi with the chair. Benoit hits the Swandive headbutt and I guess was disqualified?
Winner: No Contest
Does that make sense?
The Game has arrived and he already misses Vince.
Commercial Break
Chris Jobber Jericho v. X-Pac w/ Steph
Tori hurt her arm last night for all those interested. Jericho with some horrible comparison of Steph McMahon and roadkill on the mic. He blows in WWF. Huge spinning heel kick by X-Pac, killing the jobber. He misses the Bronco Buster. Jericho hits a bulldog and goes after Stephanie. Road Dogg tries for the save, but has nothing. Back in the ring, Jericho hits the double powerbomb, but Dogg interferes with a double axehandle while the ref’s back is turned. X-Pac rolls on top for the pin. Steph slaps Y2J after the mic.
Winner: X-Pac
Commercial Break
Kurt is shining up the crown.
Trish and Val walk.
Eddie and Mamacita flirt backstage.
Commercial Break
Eddie Guerrero w/ Chyna v. Val Venis w/ Trish
Cool, there is going to be a strip show tonight. Val with a nice Belly 2 Back. Announcers pushing Val as a ruthless guy looking to get to the top. Trish wearing hot pink pants. Back in the ring and Val hits a big modified Powerbomb. Crowd chanting “we want puppies?” Nice ‘rana by Eddie. Trish interferes at the end and rolls Venis on top. Chyna with the save ends the match as a DQ. Mamacita and Eddie double DDT Venis. Huge ChynaBomb on Trish! She is a monster.
Winner: Val by DQ
Commercial Break
Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the Spokesperson for the WWF, Shawn Michaels. HBK has some business to take care of. He’s going to make a major announcement here TONIGHT! It’s about the #1 Contendership for the belt. Our Time plays. THE GAME is here and ready to kick some ass. HHH is pissed about getting screwed and being called a “loser.” Being called a loser is like a cancer to him. He deserves the shot. Shawn says he’s right, but he is no longer the Commissioner and can’t make the decisions anymore. Here is the new Commissioner, who can decide #1 Contendership and it is…HOLY SHIT! It’s Bull Buchanan! No, sorry I can only dream, instead it’s Mick Foley, the man who now makes the decisions. Mick’s new hair looks dumb. He had a successful meeting and Linda is letting him make decisions now. Foley says now that he’s in charge, we’ll never have to listen to a boring uhhh…Triple H….uhhh….promo again. HHH says he’s going to beat the living hell out of Mick if he doesn’t make him the #1 Contender right here. Mick says the decision will be fair, the best man will be one chosen. And here is King Kurt. He says he deserves the shot. He was Eurocontinental champ and now royalty. Even the commoners of Wor-chester know he deserves the shot. Tonight, in a #1 Contender Triple Threat match, Angle, The Game and the Rock? will square off. That is Foley’s wish because he’s the commish!
Triple H cheap shots Angle.
Dean Malenko playing pool backstage. Terri needs him in the ring. “Ladies, watch my stick.”
Commercial Break
Dean Malenko representing Terri v. Jerry Lawler representing the Cat in a Strip Match
Various action results in Terri being stripped. Stevie Richards blocks Terri with a Censored sign.
Winner: The King
Hilarious backstage stuff with Edge and Christian and Mick Foley. They are now two time Champs and want their own locker room. They mention the Fac-gime.
Commercial Break
Too Cool v. The Hardy Boyz w/ Lita v. T&A v. The APA!
The APA way over with the crowd tonight. This is apparently a Battle Royal. There are more teams to come? This seems cool. This decides #1 Contendership. Backstage, E and C are in their dressing room. Foley tells them they will face Kane and Undertaker TONIGHT!
Commercial Break??? In the middle of the match?
We’re back and Kaientai is here with the Dudleyz, Saturn and D-Lo, plus all the guys from before. Lots of crazy stuff. A bunch of teams are eliminated. Saturn, D-Lo, T&A and the Acolytes are left. Albert is the ring general, bossing a bunch of guys around. Bradshaw touches the ground, but apparently it was only one foot. Test eliminated by his own big boot to the outside. D-Lo leaves the ring and Saturn is powerslammed out by Bradshaw. Fat Bradshaw definitely needs a belt for his gut.
Winners: The APA
Commercial Break
Godfather entertained everyone with some song and dance at WWF NY.
More Edge and Christian w/ Foley in their dressing room. They won’t fight Undertaker and Kane. If they don’t do it, he’ll strip them of the titles.
Undertaker offers Kane some chew in the back.
Commercial Break
Edge and Christian v. Kane and Undertaker
Christian says this is totally unfair and Edge repeats it, but for the benefit of those with flash photography, they say put it away. There will be no pose tonight. Domination by the Taker and Kane result in a double chokeslam by the bros and Undertaker getting the pin on Edge.
Winners: Kane and Undertaker
Commercial Break
King Kurt w/ fireworks v. Triple H v. The Rock for the #1 Contendership
Kurt is going to do guest commentary and let the other 2 fight to settle the crowd down. Lots of triple action to start off. Nice fallaway belly to back by Angle on the Rock. High knee by HHH on the Rock and Angle breaks up the count. Some handicapped action against Rocky in the ring. Angle with a Belly 2 Back and a 2 count. HHH tosses Angle to the outside. Now, Angle in with HHH. Nice neckbreaker by HHH for a 2 count. Angle with the Olympic Slam on the Rock, HHH breaks up the pin. Pedigree on Angle, but here is Jericho to break up the pin! Triple H turns around. Rock Bottom. Pin!
Winner: The Rock
Decent show.