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Csonka’s TNA One Night Only Knockouts Knockdown 3 Review

TNA One Night Only Knockouts Knockdown 3
– Madison Rayne defeated Alisha @ 6:30 via pin [*]
– Thea Trinidad defeated Angelina Love @ 7:50 via countout [*½]
– Gail Kim defeated Laura Dennis @ 7:20 via pin [**]
– Havok defeated Solo Darling @ 5:40 via pin [**]
– Time Fill Knockouts Title Match From 2014: Taryn Terrell defeated Champion Havok and Gail Kim @ 14:00 via pin to win the title [***]
– Taryn Terrell defeated Su Yung @ 6:05 via pin [*½]
– Brooke defeated Mia Yim @ 4:43 via pin [**]
– Awesome Kong defeated Mary Kate @ 4:05 via pin [**]
– Elimination Match: The Menagerie (Knux, Crazzy Steve and Rebel) defeated The BroMans (Jessie Godderz, Robbie E) and Angelina Love (with DJ Z) @ 9:50 via pin [**¼]
– Queen of the Knockouts Gauntlet Match: Awesome Kong defeated Rosita, Gail Kim, Taryn Terrell, Havok, Madison Rayne and Brooke @ via [**]
* Hemme and Borash were in the ring, and were interrupted by DJ Z, who wanted to introduce the ladies. He then brought out Robbie and Jessie, who were going to “judge” the ladies. This was taped back on February 14th, before the break up of the BroMans. Robbie’s promo adds to the fact that this is very out of date as he discusses getting Velvet fired and that she’s gone and not coming back. They continue to waste time as they bring in the “aspiring” knockouts, where they announce who they are and then the BroMans hit on them. This was one of the worst segments I have watched this year. Poorly scripted, poorly performed and a complete waste of time so that they do not have to actually fill the PPV with you know, wrestling. This is supposed to be a PPV featuring women’s wrestling, and once they got done with all of the bullshit and announced the matches, they filled the first 25-minutes with stupidity and basically made the women that we didn’t know look stupid. It’s bad enough that we have to sit through bullshit like this on TV, but this is a PPV, which makes it even worse.
* Jeremy Borash and Rockstar Spud are the commentary team.
* Highlights from the 2013 tournament (Gail Kim won).
* We then get highlights from the 2014 tournament (Madison Rayne won).
* Madison Rayne cut a promo, ran down the ladies looking for a chance and noting that she will win again.
Madison Rayne defeated Alisha: Rayne then cut another promo in the ring, running down her opponent. Rayne spent the early portion of the match trying to out wrestle and embarrass Alisha. Alisha fought back with some roll ups and backed her off. Alisha is very awkward in the ring, very rough. Rayne was very obviously calling spots several times and walking her through the match. Alisha made a comeback, and got a near fall off of a flatliner. Rayne rolled her up and grabbed the tights to win. This had no flow, no real structure and was not good.
* We got promos from Angelina Love and Thea Trinidad.
Thea Trinidad (formerly Rosita) defeated Angelina Love w/Jessie: Basic back and forth to begin, but odd stuff as Love was overpowering Trinidad several times, which didn’t look right. There isn’t a big size advantage, so it came off as odd. If anything, they should have had the veteran (Love) out smarting the “less experienced” performer. Love took control with a fine, but uninspired heat segment. Although calling it the heat would be generous, as there really wasn’t any. Trinidad made a comeback and then they completely blew a bulldog spot as Love just collapsed to the mat as Trinidad was running. They then did the spot over again. Trinidad sort of hit a moonsault, and Jessie distracted the ref. Crazzy Steve made the save and took him out. This led to Love being distracted and Trinidad knocked her to the floor. Trinidad then won via countout. Some of the basics were better here, but the blown spots and shit finish really hurt the match.
* Post match the BroMans beat down Crazzy Steve. Knux and Rebel made the save and that will set up a match for later tonight. Joy.
* Gail Kim cut a promo for her match.
Gail Kim defeated Laura Dennis (aka Cherry Bomb): Dennis took a cheap shot and took control early. It didn’t last too long as Kim made the comeback and took control of the match. Kim worked the post-assisted figure four, and then they brawled on the floor a bit. Dennis, after selling the leg on the floor, dropped it and ran around and took control over Kim. She worked a cattle mutilation at one point, and Kim would escape and work a version of the CHIKARA special. They again went to the floor, Kim hit a Russian Leg Sweep into the apron and they did a double down spot. They got back into the ring, Kim ran wild, but Dennis fought back and got a near fall off a cradle and the feet on the ropes. Kim hit eat defeat and that was all. It was solid but disappointing, I expected much more considering that Kim is really good and I have seen much better from Dennis.
* Borash and Spud are no better on commentary than Taz or Mathews were. Completely unfocused and bitching about stupid shit.
* The crowd has been dead so far. Maybe if they didn’t waste the opening segment with bullshit and actually tried to give them a reason to care about the new ladies they would have had a chance.
* Havok cut a promo; she promised to dominate the competition.
Havok defeated Solo Darling: Darling is a cute little thing, so this should be the basic monster vs. resilient face formula. Darling tried to use her speed and use a hit and run strategy, but it did not work well as Havok overpowered her. Havok just tossed her around like a rag doll, and controlled with ease. Darling eventually made a comeback and the crowd woke up for a bit, but she was caught in a chokeslam and that was it. This was pretty much what it should have been, and it didn’t overstay its welcome. It wasn’t or anything, but it was fine.
* Kong’s music hit, or parts of it did, and Havok promised to fight Kong later tonight.
TIME FILLER MATCH From November of 2014: Champion Havok vs. Taryn Terrell vs. Gail Kim: Yes, they wasted the first half an hour on a bullshit sketch, and now they are replaying a match that is almost a year old to fill time. Who ever formats these shows should be absolutely ashamed. Kim gave Havok eat defeat, and then Terrell gave Havok the Ace crusher, and then Terrell pinned Kim with a counter to the jackknife cradle to win the title and protect Havok in loss. It went a few minutes too long, and was a little sloppy and unfocused in the middle, but was the best thing on this show. That’s depressing.
* Taryn cut a short promo, and she says she wants to win the crown.
Taryn Terrell defeated Su Yung: Yung is playing a very hyper and overly excited fangirl here, making a big deal out of facing Terrell. Shades of the Chris Farley show here. Terrell out wrestled her early, leading to Yung getting pissed off and taking a cheap shot to get into the match. I appreciated the character work Yung, which came off well but the wrestling was really clunky at times. Taryn hit the cutter for the win. This really lacked a structure, or any kind of build to allow people to get into the match. Add on the fact that it was not very smooth and it was another not so good match.
* We get a knockouts history video package.
* Brooke cut a promo, she also promises to win. These have been the most generic promos in the world.
Brooke defeated Mia Yim: So we have Mia Yim here, and on commentary Borash is calling her Jade. Even though she introduced herself as Mia Yim in the opening segment. Borash and Spud spent most of the match discussing Brooke’s ass. Guys, I get that she has a lovely backside, but pay attention to the fucking match. Yim played heel here, and did some nice little things to make you dislike her. He match control was also good as this had a simple layout, but a very nice flow. Brooke isn’t the best wrestler, but she’s athletic and made the best of her abilities here. They kept it short, it had a nice pace and Brooke won clean with what ever she calls her sloppy faceplant finisher. The finish felt way too rushed and was sloppy, it didn’t need to be a lot longer, just another 20-seconds or so to allow them to play out that closing stretch and it’s a better match. They did some fun stuff, was ended on a sour note.
Awesome Kong defeated Mary Kate (Andrea on the independents, formerly Rosie Lotta Love): Mary Kate works as Andrea on the independents, and was formerly Rosie Lotta Love. She’s dropped around 120 pounds or so, and has reinvented herself. Andrea is pretty tall and still has some size, so they worked a back and forth power match here. It wasn’t pretty in that it was a hoss battle, but Andrea did some good things and moved around a lot to cover for Kong’s lack of mobility. They also had more crowd reaction that almost anything on the card. Kong then hit a chokeslam and that was all. It was solid, and perfectly acceptable for what it needed to be.
* Post match Havok came out and the two met on the ramp. Agents and refs separated them.
Elimination Match: The Menagerie (Knux, Crazzy Steve and Rebel) defeated The BroMans (Jessie Godderz, Robbie E) and Angelina Love: It was pretty horrible when Rebel and Love were in, as Rebel is juts not a good professional wrestler. She bumps very awkwardly and has issues with positioning. She’s athletic, but lacks the basic knowledge and skills. She eliminated Love at about 4-minutes, and then Robbie pinned her right away. Commentary was again very bad here, as when they weren’t talking about how good the ladies looked, Borash and Spud were debating whether referee Stiffler was the guy from American Pie. Once it got down to the guys, it wasn’t bad. Once they got past the boring heat segment, the action picked up and then Steve was eliminated. Knux eliminated Jessie with the cross body into a roll up, which was actually really slick. DJZ got involved and was quickly tossed. Knux then pinned Robbie with the flatliner. This was complete filler, it wasn’t bad overall, but I wouldn’t call it good because the section with the ladies was rather bad.
* We got a video package, showing how all of the winners won their matches.
Queen of the Knockouts Gauntlet Match: Awesome Kong defeated Thea Trinidad, Gail Kim, Taryn Terrell, Havok, Madison Rayne and Brooke : The opening stretch between Trinidad and Kim was really nice, and some of the best one on one wrestling on the show. Rayne was in at #3 and worked over both since she was fresh. Havok was #4 and used her power to take control of the match. The others smartly decided to try and work together, but it didn’t last long and they then paired off, with Havok working over Rayne. Thea Trinidad was eliminated as Terrell was in at #5, the camera completely missed her elimination. How this happens on a show with so much postproduction is amazing. You’ve had six months to make this presentable, come on. Thankfully they caught Rayne’s elimination. Kong was in last and worked over Kim, Terrell and then tossed Brooke. Havok then tossed Terrell and that led to a standoff with Kong. Kim tried to get into it with them, and was then eliminated. It’s down to Kong and Havok, pin or submission to win. They did the big back and forth with the power moves, Havok scored with a chokeslam, but Kong kicked out. Kong then hit two chokeslams and won. It was just ok, the early portion was just a killing time deal to get to Kong and Havok, which they completely telegraphed.
Order of Entry: Thea Trinidad, Gail Kim, Madison Rayne, Havok, Taryn Terrell, Brooke, and Awesome Kong.
Order of Elimination: Thea Trinidad, Madison Rayne, Brooke, Taryn Terrell, Gail Kim, and Havok.
* Kong refused the crown and then chokeslammed the ref and out the crown on him.
* The show ended with 15-minutes of PPV time left.
* End scene.
* Thanks for reading.

“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”
* The Wrestling: The wrestling was no good here, not even consistently average; and at times some of it was really bad and even embarrassing. The ladies you expected to deliver didn’t, none of the “aspiring knockouts” made a big impact or impressed at all. This was a big chance for the TNA regulars to show that they could deliver, and they didn’t. This was a big chance for some of these lesser-known talents to show that they deserve attention, and they failed to deliver. Not all of it was their fault, but most of the show felt “passable’ as in it didn’t offend me in terms of it being atrocious, but considering I paid for this, I did not feel good about myself when this was over.
* The Show’s Production and Layout: Whoever was in charge of the laying out and formatting of this show, whoever acted as the agents for the match, whoever did the final cut of the show; all of these people should be ashamed of themselves. Many of the matches felt as if they did not get enough time, many of them felt rushed or just poorly laid out. They telegraphed the end of the PPV with the poorly planned stuff between Kong and Havok, which while many could have guessed that was the end game, let it happen organically. The layout of the show was pathetic, as they wasted almost the first 30-minutes on a big grab ass session featuring the BroMans, who hit on the women and failed to introduce them or give us a real reason to care about them. And then later on, when no one gave a shit about the new women involved, people acted shocked. They wasted 30-minutes, 30-minutes that should have been given to matches, and did a poorly planned and executed high school drama class production. And then, if that wasn’t bad enough, they replayed a 14-minute match from 2014 to fill additional time (which I guess thankfully was the best thing on the show), and then ended the show 15-minutes early. The layout was pathetic, it didn’t help the women and made the show feel completely bush-league. We couldn’t have something with all of the eliminated ladies, maybe a tag with them? And then, I don’t know, the winners of the tag face off in an impromptu match for a spot in the gauntlet, like a last chance thing but they have to be #1. Something that would have kept the focus on the ladies. But hey, someone thinks the BROMANS are fucking hilarious and need over 40-minutes of PPV time.
* The treatment of the Women: And that brings me to the treatment of the women. This show is called “Knockouts Knockdown,” it is supposed to feature the women on Impact Wrestling as well as possible future Knockouts. Instead, THE BROMANS were featured on 25% of this show (between the promo and the match they had). This is no way got the women over, this in no way helped the women, in fact it made them look like shit because they were props in their comedy act. And then, then there is the commentary. Between Borash and Spud either talking about things that had nothing to do with the match, adding some bad jokes to their comedy reel, Borash making gay jokes at Spud’s expense (she’d be your type if you liked women, eh Spud?) and spending several minutes discussing Brooke’s ass, they were a complete embarrassment and did nothing to elevate the show, or to get the women over. They completely failed at their job. TNA likes to talk about how they feature their women (and they have) and in theory this PPV is an awesome idea, but not when it is executed this way; this did more harm for women’s wrestling than good.
I get that they have to do these shows for international TV obligations, but TNA should be completely ashamed that this made air and that they charged money for this show.

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